Shout!Podcast offers a unique insight into the health and wellbeing challenges facing those who live and work in the UK's fire services community. Through the stories of the men and women supported by Fire Fighters Charity, discover how the charity could help you to live healthier and happier. You can find out more and take part in the show at www.firefighterscharity.org.uk/shoutpodcast
Menopause with AJ and Sally - part 2
Our Wellness and Behaviour Change Coaches, AJ Whitaker and Sally Walker, continue their discussion around peri-menopause and menopause and share their personal experiences, as well as common symptoms to expect.
You can see more information on key symptoms, impacts and tips here, and key coping strategies here. You can also join a dedicated menopause group in My Fire Fighters Charity, to chat to like-minded others and share experiences. Register and join here.