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Ellie Naderi explains what private equity looks for in a DSO

Austin Hair - Real Estate Developer

Ellie Naderi has been a DSO executive for the last 15 years and currently is an advisor to multiple Private equity partners, vendor partners, and DSOs. 

Being born in Iran, the human rights violations that are occurring over there are weighing heavy on her heart. 

She explains we can “be their voice” by posting, using hashtags like #mainhsaamini #freeiran #iranrevolution, and tagging UN, UN human rights and Biden Administration. We also need to demand that Biden stop his seven billion dollar nuclear deal with the Islamic Republic of Iran which will only fuel their murderous, barbaric actions against their own people as well as fund Russia and terrorism in the region.  

Ellie started her career as a dental hygienist and brings a unique “bottom up” approach to the private equity world..

In addition, Ellie explains how to setup a DSO for the highest valuation from a private equity perspective. 

Her book recommendation is The Infinite Game by Simon Sinek 

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