TaylorFit Wellness

007 Dr Joella-Ergonomics Expert-On Working From Home

  • 00:00 Intro
  • 1:10 Dr Joella is a Sports Chiropractor injury and prevention specialist and ergonomist
  • 6:27 The best thing for scoliosis is swimming for balanced movement and then working on the tissue
  • 7:14 the bike accident story “The Great Teacher”
  • 9:28 Chronic pain and tissue work
  • 10:00 Ergonomics to hold your biological, mental and emotional health
  • 11:11 The Suzanna Weiss Story In home personal training for “in Between stage” clients
  • 11:50 When chronic pain becomes an old friend
  • 25:30 Core 360degrees versus looking at muscle imbalance AND balance work
  • 27:48 Sacroiliac joint and low back pain
  • 30:33 the reaction of muscles up the chain
  • 31:33 Flat feet structural versus functional and how fashion shoes fit into the mix including “one hour shoes”
  • 35:47 Ergonomic solutions for working from home
  • 37:05 Cumulative trauma disorder 30 to 40% increase in musculoskeletal problems during Covid. 
  • 40:15 Load increase on joints from 13 to 35 and up to 50 pounds with forward head posture
  • 43:11 It is not “Stand Up Straight” …
  • 43:28 It Is “Assume Your Natural Curves” .. Lose a curve and increase your risk of injury
  • 45:48 Stronger bodies recover better from injury
  • 49:43 Ergonomics is a lifestyle
  • 52:15 Changing the world one shoulder roll at a time.
  • 54:57 Finding the normal eye gaze


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  • 00:00 Intro
  • 1:10 Dr Joella is a Sports Chiropractor injury and prevention specialist and ergonomist
  • 6:27 The best thing for scoliosis is swimming for balanced movement and then working on the tissue
  • 7:14 the bike accident story “The Great Teacher”
  • 9:28 Chronic pain and tissue work
  • 10:00 Ergonomics to hold your biological, mental and emotional health
  • 11:11 The Suzanna Weiss Story In home personal training for “in Between stage” clients
  • 11:50 When chronic pain becomes an old friend
  • 25:30 Core 360degrees versus looking at muscle imbalance AND balance work
  • 27:48 Sacroiliac joint and low back pain
  • 30:33 the reaction of muscles up the chain
  • 31:33 Flat feet structural versus functional and how fashion shoes fit into the mix including “one hour shoes”
  • 35:47 Ergonomic solutions for working from home
  • 37:05 Cumulative trauma disorder 30 to 40% increase in musculoskeletal problems during Covid. 
  • 40:15 Load increase on joints from 13 to 35 and up to 50 pounds with forward head posture
  • 43:11 It is not “Stand Up Straight” …
  • 43:28 It Is “Assume Your Natural Curves” .. Lose a curve and increase your risk of injury
  • 45:48 Stronger bodies recover better from injury
  • 49:43 Ergonomics is a lifestyle
  • 52:15 Changing the world one shoulder roll at a time.
  • 54:57 Finding the normal eye gaze