TaylorFit Wellness

011 Deb Wertz - Math Geek and Yoga Teacher - On Meditation


00:00 Introduction

00:55 deb Wertz - Yoga Found Me

02:47 The Gold Watch Equivalent

04:40 The Personal Training Connection

05:35 Dharma Mitra

07:25 Hatha Raja Yoga Practice

10:00 Meditation … A Fork in the Road

11:00 There Are Always Guide Posts

12:48 breaking In To Your Friend’s House

13:16 Tools We Have When We Quiet The Mind

13:47 Thich Nhat Hahn’s Apple Juice Story

15:02 The Snow Globe Analogy for Settling The Mind In Meditation

15:58 Owning A Yoga Studio

16:18 Yoga and Meditation to Heal Panic Attacks

17:02 Pilates Moves For Yoga Grooves

18:45 The Down Side to “The Teacher Making Machine”

22:00 Important Meditation Set Up

24:45 Consistency in Meditation Practice

28:07 pratipaksha bhavana

35:40 The Artist’s Way

36:10 Panic Disorder and Managing Fear

39:10 The Two People Walking Story

40:35 The Car and The Fence Story

42:30 The Problem With Streak Based Practices

43:40 Mathematical and Yogic Significance Of The Number 108

46:12 The Koshas Mukunda Stiles and Structural Yoga Therapy

50:08 Eknath Easwaran and Passage Meditation

52:10 Inspiration Inspired be Sharon Salzberg’s Loving Kindness Meditation

54:00 Numbers Meditation Inspired be the Mountains and Rivers Order Zen Mountain Monastery

55:30 Find What You Connect With To Stay Motivated

56:00 Tip #1 Set Your Meditation Space

56:14 Tip #2 Find What Sings To You

57:17 The Insight Timer App as a Helpful Tool

55:58 Find Deb at DebWertz.com and on IG and Twitter @choose_urwords

59:50 Your Meditation Tool Box


•Find Deb at www.debwertz.com on Instagram and twitter at choose_urwords

•Here is more information about Deb’s Yoga to Heal Panic course https://debwertz.com/workshops-classes/ythp-info/

And also a course on skillfully selecting your words to help in many situations http://bit.ly/debwertz-cyw

•FREE meditation toolbox download  https://tremendous-speaker-5255.ck.page/640ecaf7c7

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