dermaviduals | The Business of Skin

“Corneotherapy, is a science not a trend!”: Simone Vescio and Reika Roberts | Education and the science of Inside Out therapy!

dermaviduals Season 1 Episode 2

Meet Simone Vescio | Business Partner, Co-Founder and Educator….Simone embraces her work to mentor our clinic owners and dermal therapists and has been instrumental in helping develop some of Australia’s most successful skin clinics. Simone recently founded the Australasian Academy of Corenotherapy after identifying a lack of non-product aligned advanced skin education, based on the philosophy of Corneotherapy. Simone holds a Diploma in Beauty Therapy, along with a certificate in IPL and Laser safety. She is an integral member of the Education Board of the International Association for Applied Corneotherapy.

As a Skincare Expert Simone speaks today with Reika to educate those outside our dermaviduals business, ultimately proving the importance of correct Corneotherapy understanding and education. And what dermaviduals stands for, by educating those in the industry or clients on skin health and how by using ‘Outside In Therapy’: Corneotherapy, you can overcome ongoing skin problems and prevent anti-aging, where other conventional beauty products cant.