dermaviduals | The Business of Skin

Michele Chevalley Hedge: Thank You Gut, For My Skin!

dermaviduals Season 1 Episode 3

Meet Michele Chevalley Hedge: I met Michele through talks she hosted over the years on nutrition, health and wellness, and from that moment I thought wow- this woman has lived and breathed corporate stress and gets my life - so we stayed in touch and Michele has presented at symposiums and been on panels with us because our nutrition and gut health is so closely linked to what we see presenting in the skin

Michele, I  am in awe of your amazing journey from Marketing Manager at Microsoft to impacting the world educating on all things health and well being especially for the busy person and your understanding of the modern day demands when it comes to families and corporate life.. 

Michele herself speaks from experience coming from this corporate back ground in a demanding executive role for a multinational organisation for many years and can share her own story of how life can take over and nutrition and well being can be overlooked….