KOmbat show

Episode #34 - Intelligence & Olympic Distance Triathlon

February 05, 2021 Daragh Season 1 Episode 34
Episode #34 - Intelligence & Olympic Distance Triathlon
KOmbat show
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KOmbat show
Episode #34 - Intelligence & Olympic Distance Triathlon
Feb 05, 2021 Season 1 Episode 34

In this episode, I detail a topic that came to me cycling home after a swim one day and that is intelligence. In the past I thought that I was not intelligent because I wasn't great at school was being refused jobs in various places because I could not pass an aptitude test.  I now realise that intelligence comes in all shapes and sizes like us we are all unique and our intelligence is no different. Someone who is not very academically intelligent but can be extremely creative build things etc they are also intelligent just in a different way. I think that our education system and culture focuses too much on this singular academic and soft skill approach to intelligence, which I discuss further in the podcast. 

I also outline a challenge that I attempted over the weekend and that was trying to complete an Olympic distance Triathlon. The weather did not work out in my favour at all and it turned into a torturous duathlon in the wind and rain. I outline how we all have days where everything seems to go against us but these matter the most. The key lesson which I try to take from each challenge I do here is that discomfort enables us to enjoy comforts. 

Show Notes

In this episode, I detail a topic that came to me cycling home after a swim one day and that is intelligence. In the past I thought that I was not intelligent because I wasn't great at school was being refused jobs in various places because I could not pass an aptitude test.  I now realise that intelligence comes in all shapes and sizes like us we are all unique and our intelligence is no different. Someone who is not very academically intelligent but can be extremely creative build things etc they are also intelligent just in a different way. I think that our education system and culture focuses too much on this singular academic and soft skill approach to intelligence, which I discuss further in the podcast. 

I also outline a challenge that I attempted over the weekend and that was trying to complete an Olympic distance Triathlon. The weather did not work out in my favour at all and it turned into a torturous duathlon in the wind and rain. I outline how we all have days where everything seems to go against us but these matter the most. The key lesson which I try to take from each challenge I do here is that discomfort enables us to enjoy comforts.