Limbic Light Podcast

Sound, Light, and Self-Healing: A Conversation with Gail Lynn, Creator of the Harmonic Egg.

November 09, 2023 Maniisha Bluntschli Season 3 Episode 39
Limbic Light Podcast
Sound, Light, and Self-Healing: A Conversation with Gail Lynn, Creator of the Harmonic Egg.
Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

 Our guest today, Gail Lynn, is both an engineer and an inventor of a very special form of light, sound and sacred geometry, called the Harmonic Egg.

Gail experienced her own health challenges earlier in life which she healed through the use of light medicine.   In this episode, we hear of Gail's inspiring journey, which led her to transform her debilitating health conditions through the power of light, which led her to the creation of the Harmonic Egg.

Drawing upon her own engineering expertise, Gail has developed this distinctive self-healing tool, designed with precision and great pre-thought for purity of effect. The Harmonic Egg is an immersive experience, designed to stimulate cellular healing.

The experience of the Harmonic Egg  involves stepping into a wooden chamber equipped with a zero-gravity chair and surrendering to the soothing rhythms of music followed by profound silence. This ingenious creation  employs some of Tesla's mathematics and the principles of sacred geometry. The Harmonic Egg isn't just a technological marvel; it's a testament to the human potential for its self-healing abilities, including using  the  power of our intention that fuels the process.

Gail's Harmonic Egg has made its mark worldwide, proving its potency as a healing tool in various countries. Don't miss her insightful tips to enhance your well-being and her heartfelt message about listening to our bodies.

As Gail emphasizes, our cells can be reprogrammed to remember a time when wellness was a reality, a concept that is entirely possible, especially with the developing light medicine of our future. If sound and light healing modalities interest you or if you're seeking new avenues to wellness, make sure you listen to this enlightening conversation with Gail Lynn.

2:38     Gail's story how she became to use light for healing
4:37     Gail's encounter with a healer, similar to Edgar Cayce
6:32     Gail creates new ideas for an improved new light, sound invention
7:33     Karma from Atlantis
8:56     What is the Harmonic Egg?
10:30   Sacred Geometry in the Harmonic Egg
11:20   The role of silence
12:20   Wise gems from Zach Bush
13:00   WAV audio versus MP3 audio
13:28   Accoustics within a curved structure
14:37  Colours and sounds - how they relate to chakras
17:02  Role of intention in healing
19:03  Reactions and effects from  the Harmonic Egg
21:50  Ancient Egypt and other civilisations used  sound and colour for healing
24:27  Gail Lynn's book
24:55  Harmonic Egg being manufactured in New Zealand
26:25  Harmonic Eggs around the world
27:50  Gail's three simple recommendations to help our listeners

Harmonic Egg website (worldwide)
Harmonic Egg  website (New Zealand)
Gail Lynn's book - Unlocking the Ancient Secrets to Healing: Why Science is Looking to the past for the Future of Medicine 

To Gail Lynn for sharing her time, wisdom and expertise with us all.

Many thanks to -  Creative Commons CC BY-SA 3.0
'Where The Waves Take Us'  by Purrple Cat | promoted by


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Maniisha Bluntschli:

Welcome to Limbic Light Podcast Season 3. In this season, we'll be diving deep into the marvels of our subconscious mind light, sound, brainwave, entrainment and so many other natural ways to help you become clearer, calmer and more potent in being. I've titled this season Deep Brain Retrain. I'm Manisha Bluntschli, your host, with more than 40 years experience in the natural health field, ready to share with you my very best tips. Let's get on with the show. So welcome everyone.

Maniisha Bluntschli:

Back to another episode of the Limbic Light Podcast, and today we have a special surprise for you. We have a wonderful woman all the way from Colorado in USA. So it's Gail Lynn, and she's going to be talking to us on the topic of using light with intention to heal. So let me please introduce Gail Lin to you. Gail has worked in the automotive and telecommunications and film industries. She's the proprietor of a light and sound healing centre in Colorado and the creator of the harmonic egg. It's an invention which is dedicated to the harnessing of power of sound, light and sacred geometry for self-healing. Her groundbreaking technology resets the body's balance using these elements. As a passionate teacher and intuitive channel, she shares her transformative knowledge to bring healing and love to the world. So that's a wonderful introduction to you, gail, and I'm so pleased to have you here today and welcome.

Gail Lynn:

Thank you for having me. I was so excited to do this, so thank you so much for having me.

Maniisha Bluntschli:

It's my pleasure. I thought we'd start the interview by you telling our audience how you came to use light and sound as a healing modality.

Gail Lynn:

Great question. It's the first question everybody asks, especially when they hear I was an automotive and telecom and then Hollywood. Like how did you get here? And it's the same story every healer. Not that I identify as a healer, but the same story that people tell is I was really sick and I helped myself.

Gail Lynn:

So between 23 years of migraine, headaches and cystic acne and my hair falling out and thyroid problems, liver problems, reproductive problems, insomnia, I was falling apart and I realized there had to be something else. I tried the medical community, to no avail because they said you know, we don't know why people get migraines. And that was the biggest thing that plagued me. When the migraine hit and you had the throwing up and the diarrhea at the same time and you couldn't function and you never knew. You know, for me I never knew when it was going to come on.

Gail Lynn:

I could be at a grocery store or in the middle of a meeting and all of a sudden that's like exit stage left to get home, because I knew I had 45 minutes and I would be driving home losing my vision, the up, the you know, migraine. And I thought I need to find something. I can't live my life like this. So I started reading books on you know Edgar Cayce books and so many other healing modalities and psychics. I was looking everywhere for answers and when Edgar Cayce said if someone would bring together the spiritual forces of sound and the spiritual forces of light and I'm paraphrasing it would be a great modality for the future, and that light bulb just went off and I started searching for sound and light together.

Maniisha Bluntschli:

And you actually did find some therapeutic method that helped to. Is that right?

Gail Lynn:

Absolutely so. I had a mentor who had a light box. There was a rectangular shape, so he had all the components and when I asked him I said, did you have you ever heard of Edgar Cayce? He said Edgar, who? And so I feel like, on a lot of levels, he spoke the same language that Edgar spoke. And what I found interesting was that Edgar Cayce passed away in 1943. And this gentleman was born in 45. So shortly after and he would say the same words, I'd be reading the Edgar Cayce book and he was saying the same words. So there's some kind of a consciousness that came through and I remember Edgar saying I wish I could be awake for my readings. And this gentleman had the same gifts as the sleeping prophet. As they referred to Edgar Casey, I would. I would be in a room with him and someone walked in and said oh well, I went to the doctor and I have cancer, and he would look them up and down and he would say no, you don't, you have fibroids.

Maniisha Bluntschli:

Oh, goodness an.

Gail Lynn:

I would say, well, what do you mean? He goes, I can see him. And then I would ask him in a restaurant, okay, so what's, what's that lady have, what's that guy have? And he said, well, the blood flow is going the opposite direction. He could see transparent through the body. So he created a sound and light chamber, but then there was a lot of ego involved with this gentleman and so I felt like he didn't really understand the bigger picture. He had a rectangular light box. He had a four inch foam pad that was blocking some of the. It was blocking some of the music. He was using MP3 files and not the right cubic airspace underneath for the speakers.

Gail Lynn:

And so my engineering mind kicked in and I thought what if it could be an egg shape? And what if we could have the immersive experience? So you wouldn't have the rectangular 90 degree angles where you know you might not be able to clear that energy out of there because it's storing in those corners. So I wanted it energetically self cleaning and then using more sacred geometry. I remember asking him do you know what the metatron cube is? And he said what. I said you know sacred geometry and he said what. But he created sacred geometry, without really knowing what it was in his, you know, channeling download ability. So it was a fascinating relationship with him being my mentor and he didn't quite have the divine feminine model. I felt like it was more the masculine model, and so I could go real airy fairy. I don't know how your audience is, but I could go real airy fairy.

Maniisha Bluntschli:

You can go as far as you like. Please do so.

Gail Lynn:

we had some, I think karma in Atlantis, and I think he was part of the fall of Atlantis and was supposed to come now to turn this technology over to the divine feminine.

Gail Lynn:

So I really that's interesting and some readings with Norm Shealy had some past life regressions. I was spoken with Regina Meredith from Gaia TV and she's kind of confirmed that that was probably accurate and so at some level I knew that this was how our paths crossed, and even though he wasn't willing to work in partnership with me, it was almost like I had to take it because that was what the karmic contract was, if that makes sense.

Maniisha Bluntschli:

How interesting. So that was your original inspiration which pushed you, or inspired you, to go further and actually create the harmonic egg, which. I just agree with you, the shape of the egg is a universal form and it is feminine, of course. And of course, if you think about the energy and water flow that you often have through an egg, it's beautiful, it's really beautiful. So tell us a little bit about the harmonic egg, because that is your baby, that is your creation. What is it for our audience, who know very little or nothing about it? Can you describe what it is?

Gail Lynn:

Yes, yes, so it's a wooden chamber because I knew that we needed to have it to be wood. Wood does not hold information and energy like water and crystals, and so I knew that it needed to be wood, almost like forest bathing. So you're immersed in this wooden egg. It has a zero gravity chair because I wanted to make sure people were comfortable in there and they could really go deep into a meditative state, release the trauma that causes disease and release it at a cellular level. So they needed to be able to relax. So if they had pain and you recline them to zero gravity, it takes a lot of the pressure off the spine so they can relax. And then I knew that we couldn't do too much. So you don't want to turn the sound up to over 90 decibels, because at that point you're starting to damage the cells of the body, throwing them into fight or flight. We have enough fight or flight in our world right now. We don't need more. And we're lacking silence. So, after testing it with doctors and acupuncturists and reiki practitioners and channelers and healers, we came up with 39 minutes of music and 10 minutes of silence.

Gail Lynn:

Now I love the Tesla mathematics. So three, sixes and nines, that's kind of my thing. Even when I played softball as a little girl, I always had to have number three, so it was my number, and so I said okay, now let's look at incorporating three, six and nine. So when you have the panels on the outside, it's a 12 paneled outside and it's smooth on the inside. But with the 12, you have two plus one, which is three. You have a hexagon platform that the chair rests on inside, and so what that is, it's the hexagon shape. We all know about the beautiful bumblebees and the hexagon shape and the hives and all the sacred geometry around the hexagon shape. I've also learned that the middle of a hexagon can be somewhat of a portal, so people have amazing experiences with the chair in the center of a hexagon and then the inside is 360 degrees.

Gail Lynn:

So six plus three is the nine, and I wanted to incorporate that. I wanted to make sure that people spent some time in silence at the end, because we lack the silence in our world. So I studied some protocols for silence after listening to relaxing music and one of the one of my mentors said okay, it's eight minutes. You know, he said when I do live music, I will be in the room when I'm done and I will ask the client raise your hand or let me know when you feel like you've kind of integrated. And he said it's seven minutes 59 seconds, eight minutes, one second. It's right around that eight minute mark. So I incorporated 10 minutes of silence for people to sit in there and just be with them no phones, no computers, no ringing, no dinging, no clinging, no, nothing, no kids, no boss. Just spend that time listening to your body, because I think one of the most important things that we need to learn is to listen to our bodies. And I'm taking a class right now with Dr Zach Bush. He's worldwide.

Gail Lynn:

Hopefully, you know, some of your audience knows him, he's just a beautiful soul and he stepped away from being a medical doctor and closed his practice because he said I don't want people coming to me saying what do I do, what do I take you help me. He wants to teach people to help themselves.

Maniisha Bluntschli:

We should be asking ourselves t a undefined.

Gail Lynn:

I agree. We should be asking ourselves that.

Maniisha Bluntschli:

Become your own healer. Absolutely. I'm totally with him on that and you. That's fantastic. So with this there's a sound element and I imagine it's surround sound, and it's great that you actually said that you don't use MP3 formats you actually use. Is it WAVE format?

Gail Lynn:

Or is it a different Wave? Files, right? Some people say wave, some people say wow, yeah, it's. Wav, Because you lose when you compress the music, you lose the integrity of the music and the intentions of these musicians with this high heart, energy and these beautiful souls.

Maniisha Bluntschli:

And also the shape. I imagine because I've actually built myself a small three meter diameter dome with surround music inside there, so the acoustics do really strange things in a curved space. So I imagine it would be similar in your egg, where the, the sound actually rotates around and does some interesting things to the perception.

Gail Lynn:

Some people will say there's two speakers on the side in the parabola, at the ends of the egg, and then there's a subwoofer underneath and, weirdly enough, we don't get any EMF coming off or from the inside. So it's kind of crazy how the sacred geometry works and how that shape seems to dissipate the EMF. And so people will say I heard the music coming from the top, you know, through the top. I said well, it's not there, it's on the sides. Oh no, no, it was from the top, or they'll say it was, it was inside the chair. I could hear it right, you know, in my ear, from the speakers on the chair. I said no, there's no speakers on the chair and it's just so conical to hear their explanations on what happened to them when they come out.

Maniisha Bluntschli:

That's great, and tell me a little bit about the, the colour aspect or the light aspect of the creation.

Gail Lynn:

So what I've learned is, you know, the chakra has come into balance with different colours, and I'm really studying how, when we eat the rainbow of foods, how we can maybe replenish our minerals, letting food be our medicine and not taking supplements or pills that have fillers in them and the capsules have heavy metals in them and you know we don't want to keep adding more toxins to our body. So what I did is I studied the instruments and the waveforms of instruments. So the waveform of a drum has a different waveform than the flute and a different waveform than the piano. So I started working with clients and saying, okay, what does the piano actually do and what systems and organs does it work on and what chakras will it bring back into balance? So we use the color and the light and or the color of the light and the instruments to help the chakras come back into balance. And you know from your profession, when a chakra is out of balance for example, third eye chakra you can have a brain tumor, you can have headaches, migraines. So bringing those back into balance and a lot of us healers we spend our life in the upper chakras, ignoring the lower chakras. So it needs to be an overall balance.

Gail Lynn:

So after I started I studied that. I realized that you know, flute and guitar can help with sugar cravings and drumming can help build the immune system and different instruments will work on different organs of the body and some of the stronger instruments, like the o didgeridoo, will help to detox heavy metals and you'll actually smell heavy metals in the room. So it's been really beautiful. And then I start. Then I learned from Ani Williams that when you're missing a tone from your voice you can have an ailment. So, missing the tone of E, you can have respiratory issues, emphysema, allergies, and very often she puts that together with the zodiac sign and the very often it's a Leo in the zodiac sign that's missing the E and has those issues that need to be replenished. So all of our music is created around the tones, the waveforms of the instruments and then color intentions for the client.

Maniisha Bluntschli:

Excellent, and I did want to ask you also about the role of intention in your creation. I'm coming to discover how important where we place our mind, our intention it's not always just sound and light, but the use of the mind or the thought or the intention or the consciousness is such a big integral part of the healing that that's in my perception anyway. I'm coming to realize that. So how do you integrate or how do you see that whole aspect with your creation for the Harmonic Egg?

Gail Lynn:

Well, I think Jonathan Goldman says something like frequency plus intention equals healing. So I took that into consideration in our protocols. So when you come into a center, the practitioner will ask you what is your intention today, what do you want to work on? And so then, when two or more are gathered and holding that space for you and your intention, it amplifies it. So, say, you have an intention of insomnia, let's just go insomnia.

Gail Lynn:

And these so I tell the clients feel what it would feel like to drop your head onto the pillow and fall asleep and wake up eight hours later. No alarm, no tossing turning, and sometimes they can't, ever. They can't even imagine it. I said, just try. But most of the time they can remember a time when they could sleep. I said, go back to that. Let's reprogram this all memory. Let's go back to the time when you were sleeping like a baby. You'd hit the pillow, fall asleep, and so I had them hold that space so that the cells can go back and remember. Oh yeah, I remember that. And so it's been very powerful for clients to set an intention for their session.

Maniisha Bluntschli:

I'm so glad you say that. I think it's the the missing piece of the puzzle to really make the healing complete. So, yeah, I really like that. So maybe, maybe you can tell us what it's like for people once they come out, or you know what's their experience. Do they come out dazed, or do they come out all energized, their eyes bright, open, or what's, what's the typical reaction?

Gail Lynn:

Well, as you know, there is no one-size-fits-all and we're all different galactic beings, if you will. And so some people will come out completely energized and feeling light, and you can see sometimes their face changes. And there are women who say I feel my skin is tighter, there was an anti-aging effect to it. And you'll have some people come out and say, oh, nothing happened. I don't know, I just laid it in there. But you know, nine times out of ten you'll talk to their spouse or partner or sibling or child and they're like oh, my dad was so different, he was so calm and he didn't road range anymore. And I said well, he said nothing happened. And so the family will say oh, something definitely happened.

Gail Lynn:

So I and I asked people sometimes, when they say nothing happened, I said what does it feel like when your liver enzymes are normalizing? Was it feel like when the arteries are getting unclogged? And they said oh, I don't, it doesn't feel like anything. So maybe some metabolic things are happening that you don't really know about yet, and I will always have people tell me oh my gosh, I didn't think they did anything. But then I went to my chiropractor and they said I was easier to adjust or I didn't think it did anything, but when I left, everybody seems so friendly to me and people wanted to talk to me. Or I didn't think it did anything, but I slept 11 hours and I haven't done that in 10 years. So it's really interesting because it's subtle.

Gail Lynn:

It definitely don't want people to go into fight or flight. I don't want to create a healing crisis. We err on the side of caution with lower sound, so that you know people can have an experience that they don't feel like they have to be throwing up and having diarrhea and having a healing crisis for them to think something happened.

Maniisha Bluntschli:

I like that. I think often healing, particularly with the frequencies, can be very subtle or is subtle, and people often don't even realize that they're in a therapeutic situation. It's often very enjoyable, very relaxing. This is what I've noticed with some of my systems and they come out relaxed and so it's great to hear that. It's wonderful. So I have a question If we are all vibrational beings of light from source, then why aren't we all healing with sound and light? It's one of your questions you put forward to me and I'd love to hear your response on that.

Gail Lynn:

Well, I think it's a great question that we should all be asking ourselves what happened. There was sound and light healing in ancient Egypt, the Sumerians, the Aborigines, the Native Americans. They've used drumming and didgeridoo and flute, and sometimes I go to museums and they'll show like a flute or a rattle and they just they display it as a children's toy and I don't think that's what it is. I think it was a healing instrument. And so I say well, we're vibrational beings of sound and light from source, so we should be healing with sound and light, as they did 40, 50, maybe even 100,000 years ago, we don't know.

Gail Lynn:

And so when we put these processed pills into our body, I don't think we're healing the root cause of these beautiful bodies that we have, and I think there's no money in sound and light as far as the big pharma and medicine. We need to find ways that we can heal non-invasively and allow our bodies innate ability to heal to kind of kick in when we can be hydrated and use sound and light and our cells are all communicating with each other and our bodies are functioning properly. The sky's the limit there are. There's nothing that we can't do as a human being. We can create our own reality. We can manifest what we want. We can do anything we want if we're functioning properly, and some of these subliminal pills will stop the autonomic nervous system from functioning properly and it's really just handicapping us as a human being.

Maniisha Bluntschli:

Yes, I love that. I really think it's our future and I think some of the pioneers in Casey although he did actually use, I think, the violet ray quite a lot and Dinsha, they were way ahead of their time and I think we're heading more into medicine where light and sound and frequency becomes the norm and I'm looking forward to that day because at the moment people just don't really understand or acknowledge or realize the potent power of that type of medicine or healing. So it's great You've written a book. I wanted you to just quickly tell us what the title of that book is and I will put a link in the show notes to your book, in case, and also to your website. If you could mention the names of both of those for us, that would be great.

Gail Lynn:

Well, the book is called Unlocking the Ancient Secrets to Healing and kind of how science is looking at the past for the future of medicine. Just like you said, this is the future of medicine. So harmonicegg egg. com is our main website, but we have the location in New Zealand and we're now starting to do manufacturing in New Zealand. So the Australians is that, or do I say Australasians?

Maniisha Bluntschli:

Australians rAustralasians Australasians either. That's fantastic to hear that, by the way.

Gail Lynn:

Yeah, and so I wanted to make it available to as many people as I could. So we have the Lovewood company in New Zealand making the harmonic eggs and the home units. So there's t harmonic egg com NZ. as a siteZealand New Zealandcom and you can also, if people are interested, we can do remote sessions. a hello at NZ. com egg NZcom. You can reach a New Zealand center, because it would be really hard for a lot of people there to have access to the United States, absolutely.

Maniisha Bluntschli:

I just wanted to ask you how large is the harmonic egg and can it be shipped? Is it dismantled and then reconstructed, or how does that go?

Gail Lynn:

t. s s s s. I don't know the meters, but it's 11 foot by like 10 foot by seven foot, so a large person can fit in there and the doors close. Don't worry if you have claustrophobia. It's very large and it feels very universal. It feels like you have a lot of room in there, and so it's very large. It ships in two crates, but that's why the shipping obviously would be so expensive. So that's why we decided to go ahead and manufacture in New Zealand for the area there.

Maniisha Bluntschli:

That's fantastic to hear that. So are there harmonic eggs around the world? Where have you got them at the moment?

Gail Lynn:

Oh my gosh, I've got many countries for continents Ecuador, Peru, all over the United States, England, Netherlands, Belgium, Denmark, New Zealand oh my gosh, they're just in Switzerland. We have so many inquiries from Australia, but when they learn the price and the way the dollar is, it's just the shipping just doesn't work to to for them to pay. And I totally understand that and I I feel like I created something that's not for just rich people, it's not for the classes, it's for the masses. So when I found Lovewood Loughwood company, I thought we need to make there theirs so that they're more easily accessible, because everybody deserves to have this type of healing. The stuff that you -acupuncture a you Vedic vedic medicine, sound therapy, light therapy everybody needs access to it and it should be affordable.

Maniisha Bluntschli:

That's great. Well, we just need one to start off in Australia and then get the ball rolling, as they say.

Gail Lynn:

That would be great.

Maniisha Bluntschli:

So I think we'll wrap up here, except I wanted to ask you just one last little question, and that was can you share three tips that you'd like to recommend to our audience which would have some significant beneficial effect on their well being, a simple protocol or something that they could put into place? I'd love you to share that, please.

Gail Lynn:

Absolutely so. One is eat the rainbow, you know, eat red foods, orange foods, yellow foods, green foods, and then wear those colors. So if you don't have the means to go to a harmonic egg or even do a remote session, you can do this at home. You can buy colored light bulbs. You can purchase music, meditative music just don't do MP3 files. We only have some on our website that you can download, and they come with music notes. It'll tell you the colors that are intended. It'll tell you which tone it's recorded in, so you know what organs it will help, what systems in your body it can help.

Gail Lynn:

The second thing I would say is listen to your body. So, and the third thing would be to sit in silence. So those are together Sit in silence, listen to your body. You're your best. You are your best doctor. You know better than any doctor what you need.

Gail Lynn:

You have food cravings. Do some research. You know what does it mean when you have salt cravings. What does it mean when you have sour cravings? What does it mean?

Gail Lynn:

You know if you have an ache or a pain, look it up. What is the emotion behind that. What is your body trying to tell you? You have, you know left. Everything's going wrong on your left side your shoulder, your ankle, your knee, your elbow, your wrist. What's going on? That's the feminine side. What is happening? If it's the right side, the masculine side, I believe that most everything is emotional and we can find the key to unlock that healing for ourselves. Every time I have a pain and as soon as I acknowledge it, my body's like you got it Okay and it can go away. It's so beautiful, it's so powerful Supplements.

Gail Lynn:

We don't need the same supplements every day. We don't need zinc every day. We don't need magnesium every day. We should let food be our medicine, but I can take a zinc and then that might be good for a couple of weeks before I need another one. So just listening to my body and learning what your body needs, because we're all different just because your best friend does one thing, it doesn't mean it's going to help you, so definitely don't do that.

Maniisha Bluntschli:

Thanks, and I would say that's profound and very wise and thank you for that, and we all need to be reminded that, because our body really is our teacher and our . it's. messenger,. it's, it's relating and communicating to us all the time. Gail, thank you so much for coming on today. You've been a joy to speak to and I really hope that some people get excited and check out your work and maybe we might end up with a harmonic egg in Australia before too long. again. you again and thank you yes. All the best to you. Bye for Gail now, gail. You've been Maniisha Bluntschlil l to Mini Shablonchly on Limbic Light podcasts. If you liked this show, subscribe in the link below in the show notes so that you can be informed every time a new episode is released and also know about my upcoming courses and more. Thanks so much for listening and being here. Bye for now.

Using Light and Sound for Healing
The Harmonic Egg
Sound and Light Healing for Wellness
Harmonic Egg Shipping and Global Availability
Body Appreciation and Harmonic Egg Potential