Limbic Light Podcast

EP006 How To Save Your Sleep & Calm Anxiety by Reducing EMFs

Maniisha Bluntschli Season 1 Episode 6

You’ll Learn

  • The two major offending types of EMF
  • The five main methods to reduce EMF in your environment.
  • An array of practical how to tips to protect yourself and your family to improve sleep and moods.

Key Notes

  • (2:04)  Major factors for anxiety most often overlooked are -  digital overload, improper use of lights, and exposure to large amounts of EMF.
  • (3:36)  What is EMF (Electro-Magnetic Radiation) 
  • (4:11)  Why EMFs matters for our health.
  • (5:00)  Two major types of EMF, microwave (smart devices) and low frequency magnetic fields (from electrical appliances and wires).  
  • (9:25)  How to work out how much radiation you are being exposed to by using meters. 
  • (10:43) Reasons why its so difficult to educate people about the dangers of EMFs. 
  • (11:44) Safety levels of EMFs are best observed by European countries’ levels.
  • (14:35)  EMFs impacts anxiety levels and neuro-psychiatry by two major ways – adversely affecting mitochondria and impacting quality of sleep. 
  • (16;40) Five top tips to improve mood health and reduce EMFs – turn off devices when not needed, create distance, make a shield between self & device, wire it instead of wifi it, limit exposure times. 
  •  (18:08)  Sleep is critical to mental health. So night-time turning off of devices is crucial.
  • (19:21)  A special hack to improve sleep is to turn electrical power off to bedroom at night.
  • (21:10) Turn mobile phone off when travelling in car, especially if you are far out of mobile range. 
  •  (23:22)  Turn modem off when not needed.
  • (24:07)  Turn data off your mobile phone instead of leaving on as default. Only turn on data or wifi when checking emails or internet. 
  • (25:42)  Place your child’s device on flight mode when they are playing computer games. The same goes for when listening to the mobile phone as an MP3 player.
  • (27:34)  Create at least 30cm distance between mobile phone and body. 
  • (31:00) If using ear phones for your mobile phone, always use airtube earplugs Metal wires conduct the radiation up to head. 
  • (32:02)  Smart meters put out large irregular pulses of microwave pulses. So create at least 3 m distance between a smart meter and your bed
  • (33:30) Magnetic fields are emitted by electrical devices. Remove your bed away from a fridge on the other side of the wall. 
  • (35:15)  Avoid use of baby monitors as they put out large levels of microwave.
  • (35:50)  Cordless phones are a great hazard. Best avoid them. Or use an Eco phone (low radiation), turn off at night and not by the bed. 
  • (37:00)  Shields or barriers are useful if you can’t turn something off (or won’t) or for smart meters (shields on walls), Amount of flicker of lights can be measured by a light meter. Computer screens and fluorescent lights put out a lot of flicker.
  • (41:15) Treat fabric clothing shielding cautiously as they may conduct radiation on to skin, if its touching your body. Shielding fabric can be useful for curtains.  
  • (43:40)  Use ethernet cables in preference than using a wire free option. This can be used in a house to connect a modem to multiple computers in a household. Check computer’s wifi is turned off and check modem wifi is also turned off. 
  • (46:06) Always use wired (or non-blue-tooth) options (or flight mode) in preference to wifi devices
  • (47:30)  Limit time of use – text instead of calling, make calls short, modem off when not needed, smart devices off when not needed.
  • (48:10) Top tip is look after your sleeping area.


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