Limbic Light Podcast

EP 018 Using 'Allergic' Colours to Balance & Heal, with Jacob Liberman

Maniisha Bluntschli Season 1 Episode 18

Today's Guest

Dr. Jacob Liberman
is a pioneer in the fields of light, vision and consciousness, He’s the author of four highly acclaimed books on these topics.

He originally trained as an optometrist and vision scientist. His life changed in 1976 after a miraculous healing of his own eyesight, which led him to a deeper understanding of light and life. 

Dr. Liberman earned a doctorate of Optometry, a Ph.D. in Vision Science and was awarded an Honorary Doctrate of Science for the Open International University for Complimentary Medicines. 

He’s the Past President of the College of Syntonic Optometry and the International Society For The Study Of Subtle Energies And Energy Medicine (ISSSEEM), and a Fellow Emeritus of the American Academy of Optometry, College of Syntonic Optometry, College of Optometrists in Vision Development, and International Academy of Color Sciences.  

Dr. Liberman is the recipient of the Spitler Award and also the Frances McManemin Award for his groundbreaking contributions to the field of phototherapy. He invented  the Vis-Flex, Color Receptivity Trainer, Spectral Receptivity System I, II and III, and EYEPORT Vision Training System, the first FDA-cleared medical device that significantly improves overall visual performance. He’s on the Board of Directors of the International Light Association and is a faculty member of the Institute for Scientific Exploration.

Dr. Liberman is an internationally respected public speaker. He shares his scientific and spiritual discoveries about light as the divine spark that guides our life’s journey. He’s addressed more than 2,000 live audiences worldwide. His work has been featured in countless journals, television, radio and print media. He illuminates the seamless connection between light, vision and consciousness, offering a whole new way of seeing and being.

Key Notes

  • 4:53  Jacob explains his personal story of healing his eyesight
  • 10:20 What ‘sees’ is not the eye or the brain – but something beyond both.
  • 12:52  Jacob explains his realization that ‘life takes no effort’
  • 15:58 ‘Creative force’ (God)  is light. Light is life. All matter is frozen light.
  • 19:15  We respond to colours how we respond to certain experiences of our life. 
  • 21:45  Resonance to colours is explained.
  • 22:35 Using ‘difficult’ colours is like colour homeopathy. Very small amounts can release stuck trauma.
  • 24:15 Colours nourish chakras.
  • 27:18  Its best to use both comfortable and difficult colours – using easy ones to make the person feel safe first & then introducing small amounts of difficult colours to help growth & change.
  • 31:40 Life gives us what we need.
  • 36:05  The monocrom dome can be used as a psychotherapeutic tool  to explore the subconscious.
  • 40:25 Jacob explains Spectral Receptivity system.
  • 48:40  Our brain knows before making a choice what the answer is. There is an illusion of free will. 
  • 53:58  ‘Love is the answer, regardless the question.’ Jacob explains his mentoring process.
  • 1:01:50  Jacob explains his new inventions and developments.

Links & Resources

Books by Jacob Liberman -

  • Take Off Your Glasses and See – A Mind/Body Approach to Expanding Your Eyesight and Insight
  • Light - Medicine of The Future
  • Wisdom From An Empty Mind
  • Luminous Life -  How The Science of Light Unlocks the Art of Living

Website -


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