What God is Not
A Byzantine Catholic Podcast about Divine Mystery WhatGodIsNotPodcast@gmail.com
Podcasting since 2020 • 246 episodes
What God is Not
Latest Episodes
Word from a Poustinik: Stillness
This week Mother Natalia reflects on her recent poustinia, where the Lord placed the idea of rest on her heart. She talks about the ways she can rest in her monastic life allowing God to take charge in her life. She talks about how we are all c...

Surrender Like St. Stephen
This week Mother Natalia talks about ruptured relationships and the hurt that comes in that rupture. She talks about offering up relationships to the Lord, recognizing that healing in the relationship may not come in this life, and the desire t...

The Good and Evil of Remembering
This week Fr. Michael talks about anamnesis and relates it to our day-to-day life. He talks about the origins of anamnesis in Liturgy and how we can remember the good God has done in our individual prayers. He also talks about epiclesis and the...