The Endow Podcast

106. The Endow High School Studies: A Conversation with the author Teresa Hodgins

Welcome to The Endow Podcast! This podcast is a forum for women to foster conversations about the intellectual life and intentional community for the cultivation of the feminine genius.

On this episode, Simone Rizkallah, Director of Program Growth, interviews Teresa Hodgins on the content, method and evangelical value of facilitating Endow's newly released high school study guides! 

To download sample chapter 1s, please visit: 

Teresa Hodgins calls Indianapolis, Indiana home base for many adventures with her husband and four children. In her spare time, she serves as a host, writer, and grant manager for Endow. Teresa attended Thomas Aquinas College for her B.A. and the University of Notre Dame for a Masters of Theological Studies in Moral Theology. She has served as both a youth minister and High School teacher before joining Endow. She loves that Endow helps women to take on the rich intellectual tradition of the Church in a way that aids them to form authentic friendships.

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