The Endow Podcast

27. Meet Janeth Chavez! Endow's National Coordinator for the Hispanic Community

Simone Rizkallah

Welcome to The Endow Podcast! This podcast is a forum for women to foster conversations about the intellectual life and intentional community for the cultivation of the feminine genius. On this episode, Simone interviews our very own Janeth Chavez! A bit about Janeth: she was born in Mexico and raised in Denver, Colorado. She has a degree in marketing, and has received Catholic Spiritual Formation through InIpso Ministry, as well as Theology Formation from the McGrath Institute for Church Life of the University of Notre Dame. Recently she received an International Diploma in Social Doctrine of the Church: Women in Public Life, by La Academia Latinoamericana de Líderes Católicos. Prior to us, she worked for the bishops of the Archdiocese of Denver. For the past six years she’s worked with the Hispanic community in various apostolates. Her passion to help other women grow in relationship with the Lord and help them live out their true identity as daughters of God, rooted in faith and love.  We hope you enjoyed learning more about all that Endow and Magnifica have to offer! Thanks for listening!

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