Balance Minder
“The simple art of connection is the key to community wellness”In this podcast we look at the positive affects connection has on our overall heath and wellbeing.We chat with community leaders about – Why is for themselves and the different organisations they represent to connect. we ask them to provide a takeaway item for us to use and share with our own tribes.We ponder our own Self Talk. Is about being your own best friend, laughing with, encouraging, praising and sometimes even giving yourself a little swift kick in the butt when required, but remembering by helping yourself, you also help others?Leanne is joined by Beyond the Classroom Australia’s Peta Jeppesen as we take on a mindset to Wake Up WellLet's do it together...
19 episodes
Welcoming Jing 1 Quiet-time
Let's have some quiet-time by Welcoming Jing. In this episode our story teller Leanne Simpson will read from the Time Out Tai Chi - Welcoming Jing book and finish with some relaxing mindful breathing and body scanning. You m...
Season 5
Episode 1

Time Out Tai Chi Form Music
Enjoy this music written by Jamiesen Simpson as you explore your Time Out Tai Chi Form.For information. www.timeouttaichi.comSeason 4 - exploring mindfulness through movement.
Season 4
Episode 1

Wake Up Well with Balance
The word "balance" is out there everywhere. What does it mean to you? Why to you need to connect to your actions? Leanne and Peta asks us all to Wake Up Well with new and innovative ways to reset your mindset. Wake up well i...

Wake Up Well with Health
We all know OUR health is important, so why do be put looking after it down the "to do" list? It is time to take ACTION. A healthy you makes everything you do BETTER. Leanne and Peta asks us all to Wake Up Well with new and ...
Season 3
Episode 9

Wake Up Well with Responsibility
What is your Responsibility level? How mush do you need to take on? When is it OK to step back? Leanne and Peta asks us all to Wake Up Well with new and innovative ways to reset your mindset.Wake up well is a Faceboo...
Season 3
Episode 8

Wake up well with Boundaries
Boundaries? What does that mean to you? Do you feel you are able to set boundaries? Does it feel others have the power to pull you through the fence? Leanne and Peta asks us all to Wake Up Well with new and innovative ways to reset...
Season 3
Episode 7

Wake Up Well with Joy
Can you find JOY in where you are right? Do you have jackals or loud, grumpy monkeys screaming in your head?Leanne and Peta will talk about how they tame themWake up well is a Facebook live weekly event with Peta, Beyond The Class...
Season 3
Episode 6

Wake Up Well with Diversity
Diversity - How do you like to learn? What do you think is the best way for someone to teach you something? Why should we keep learning? Leanne and Peta asks us all to Wake Up Well with new and innovative ways to reset your mindset and start to...
Season 3
Episode 5

Wake Up Well with Persistence
Persistence (continuing a course of action in spite of difficulty or opposition) - What is it for us and why is it important for our wellbeing? Leanne and Peta asks us all to Wake Up Well with new and innovative ways to reset your mindset.<...
Season 3
Episode 4

Wake Up Well with Compassion
Compassion - What do it mean for you? How does it effect our wellness? How does it effect our energy? Leanne and Peta asks us all to Wake Up Well with new and innovative ways to reset your mindset. Wake up well is a Facebook ...

Wake Up Well to loving Productivity.
How often do we reflect on our productivity and become filled with dread. Do we need a change or a pineapple?Wake up well is a Facebook live weekly event with Peta, Beyond The Classroom Australia and Balance Minder by Leanne Simps...
Season 2
Episode 2

Wake Up Well as the Wellness Leader in your tribe
Lets talk Leadership. What makes a good leader? Who is responsible to be a Leader? Does being a Leader mean you are in charge?Wake up well is a Facebook live weekly event with Peta, Beyond The Classroom Australia and Balance Minder by L...
Season 2
Episode 1

Let's connect with the animals
Tribe Talk: The Simple Art of Connection is the key to community wellness. Balance Minder's Leanne Simpson tribe talks with AJ Single from Concise Equestrian Centre.Leanne Simpson is the CEO/Principal Trainer for Balance Minder.&n...
Season 1
Episode 6
Let's share "me time!" Am I an Oxymoron?
How we talk to ourselves is often mirrored by how we find success in our goals. How often do we say to ourselves, "I can't" or "I don't deserve to be happy." or "I have to just settle, this is as good as it can be!" ?Talk a moment...
Season 2
Episode 1

Just record and listen sometimes is the best thing you can do!
Tribe Talk: The Simple Art of Connection is the key to community wellness. Balance Minder's Leanne Simpson tribe talks Miki Issac-Boyd - Savvy Scripts Publishing.Leanne Simpson is the CEO/Principal Trainer for Balance Minder. ...
Season 1
Episode 5
Put the human into HR
The Simple Art of Connection is the key to community wellness. Balance Minder's Leanne Simpson tribe talks Debbie Dreaver – Values & Career Confidence Coach (Debbie Dreaver HR)The Value in good connection between Workers an...
Season 1
Episode 5
Bow out with dignity so they can bow back in with dignity
The Simple Art of Connection is the key to community wellness. Balance Minder's Leanne Simpson tribe talks Peta Jeppesen from Beyond the Classroom Australia.In this episode we talk about using the email effectively to connect...
Season 1
Episode 2
A hand on the shoulder and a smile
The Simple Art of Connection is the key to community wellness. Balance Minder's Leanne Simpson tribe talks with Deb Rae from Suicide Prevention Community Action Planning Group – SPCAPLeanne Simpson is the CEO/Principal Train...
Season 1
Episode 2
What was it like growing up where you grew up?
The Simple Art of Connection is the key to community wellness. Balance Minder's Leanne Simpson tribe talks with Frank Cowell (SHED Happens Mackay)Leanne Simpson is the CEO/Principal Trainer for Balance Minder. She works with...
Season 1
Episode 3