Rosacea Freedom is Real - Jo Ozden

#10 Rosacea & why you need Patience

β€’ Jo Ozden

In this podcast I talk about how patience is the biggest frustration and hardest to master. Yet such an important part of our healing and rising from this condition.

So many, me included want results fast when it comes to fading your face and who can Balme you when this disease is so visible. Healing from Rosacea is a marathon not a sprint yet the tiniest or changes can bring enormous feeling of freedom.

If you would like to join my Private Facebook group Rosacea freedom for free Rosacea holistic support? I would love to meet you there

For more information about me, my story? To get my free ebook OR to book a free call with me to find why Rosacea has chosen your face? Please visit my website

For more information about me, my story? To get my free ebook OR to book a free call with me to find why Rosacea has chosen your face? Please visit my website

If you are ready to discover your reason Rosacea has chosen your face? I invite you to a Free call (no obligation) via Zoom or Skype to see how you can progress and heal from right where you are. Click here to make a date

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