Rosacea Freedom is Real - Jo Ozden

#16 Rosacea - Being told its Incurable

January 14, 2021 Jo

Doctors, dermatologist can kill your self-belief, HOPE, Self-confidence, your power, in and instant. 

In that one appointment when you show up feeling crushed with your red face. In hope. They take a look at you and tell you “You have Rosacea and it’s not curable” Hearing this is what stops so many people from healing. That sentence “You have to learn to live with it” takes that persons power instantly. That’s your diagnosis deal with it.

For more information about me, my story? To get my free ebook OR to book a free call with me to find why Rosacea has chosen your face? Please visit my website

If you are ready to discover your reason Rosacea has chosen your face? I invite you to a Free call (no obligation) via Zoom or Skype to see how you can progress and heal from right where you are. Click here to make a date

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Jo 💚

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