Rosacea Freedom is Real - Jo Ozden

#24 Rosacea - The excuse of being to Busy. I have NO time = Low priority & deflection

• Jo Özden

Time and time again I hear people saying they have no time. Or use the excuse that when they get the time they will write to me, contact me, start the journey with me as they are so desperate to Heal and fade there face. YET sadly that TIME never comes.

 They are so busy to include themselves in their schedules to take time out for themselves to make them-self a priority, putting others before themselves which only fuels Rosacea can cause resentment, bitterness, frustration even anger. Finding, learning, offering yourself TIME is paramount to become conscious, heal, be you and live your best life.

For more information about me, my story? To get my free ebook OR to book a free call with me to find why Rosacea has chosen your face? Please visit my website

If you are ready to discover your reason Rosacea has chosen your face? I invite you to a Free call (no obligation) via Zoom or Skype to see how you can progress and heal from right where you are. Click here to make a date

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Jo 💚

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