Rosacea Freedom is Real - Jo Ozden

#35 Rosacea & Mother Relationship (parents)

Jo Özden

Join me as I talk about mother relationship & parents and how it ‘could’ fuel Rosacea or be a result or your Rosacea and how and how to progress into your own power.

Yesterday being mothers day inspired this talk from a post I posted in my Rosacea freedom members group and the comments I received from my members.

I also share some about how healing my mothers wounds and how Rosacea can be a result of this relathionship as it was for me, and for many of my clients.

Enjoy 💚

For more information about me, my story? To get my free ebook OR to book a free call with me to find why Rosacea has chosen your face? Please visit my website

If you are ready to discover your reason Rosacea has chosen your face? I invite you to a Free call (no obligation) via Zoom or Skype to see how you can progress and heal from right where you are. Click here to make a date

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Jo 💚

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