Theater of the Imagination

Seres 1, Episode 8 Part 2: A Matter of Life and Death

Peter Link Season 1 Episode 8

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A Matter Of Life and Death -- And The Probability of Life Eternal was written and assembled for all who, in one way or another, have been touched by the Pandemic of 2020.  That’s an audience of billions.  

Through the grace of music, moving on is looked at through a myriad of lenses as an eventual door that we all will pass through at one time or another.  It is my hope that for those questioning life, in mourning, fearing for their own life or even wondering why we have all come to this, will find some solace from the enlightenment of these songs and the gentle nature of the content of this episode. 

Episode 8 is presented in two parts.  Listeners should always start with Part 1, knowing that Part two brings us to a greater clarity on the subject of Life Eternal.

Scattershot Symphony is presented by Watchfire Music. Learn more about this episode at their website

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Scattershot Symphony #8

A Matter Of Life And Death

and The Probability Of Life Eternal

Part 2

Beethoven Music

Welcome to Part 2 of a matter Of Life And Death and The Probability Of Life Eternal.

Mindy Jostyn knew it was coming.  She prepared for it, the way she would have prepared for a recording session. She got her life in order, got clear on her priorities and moved through it with grace and a determination to make the best of it.  She prepared the event in song.  When it came time, she simply stepped down off the stage and went home. Her album, entitled “Coming Home” that I produced, was a testament to that. It is her prayer to her guardian angel to show her Heaven’s door.  She made ready.  She accepted her fate and somehow left a record of her transition.

So this next song was not just happenstance. No, she wrote this song for this final moment in her life with us. Then she asked Carly Simon to join her on the song.  Mindy’s last tour as Carly’s musical director ended the day before she passed away.  She had it all planned.

Angel of the Darkest Night

Music and Lyrics by Mindy Jostyn

Angel of the darkest night

How did you find me here?

Just when I had lost the fight

And cried my final tear

I only prayed for peace of mind

You gave me so much more

Angel of the darkest night

You showed me heaven's door

Like a ship tossed on the sea

Far from any land

Her sails torn by fearful storms

And waves to dwarf a man

No chart to plan the journey home

No compass point, no guide

Why must we be so far gone

Before we see the light?

Angel of the darkest night

How did you lead me through despair?

To let me see the sky again

To let me breathe the air

Angel of the darkest night

I never could have known

You were just the answer

I was seeking all along

And though I prayed for peace of mind

You gave me so much more

Angel of the darkest night

You showed me heaven's door

Heaven's door (4x)

On Grieving ...

For some people, grief is a very important part of getting through a loved one’s transition.  It’s a process of letting go and coming to terms with the future ahead with the deceased no longer present, physically.  I, personally, am not a griever. I’m not sure I understand why.  I just know that in facing the losses of my loved ones, I am one who just moves on.  Grieving is a personal choice that I completely respect.  In the AIDS epidemic several decades ago, I lost over a hundred friends. Perhaps that may have dulled my senses to a certain degree.  That added up to about a friend a week over a two year period.  I made up my mind that I just couldn’t be grieving all the time.

Julia and I have two great Italian friends, both now in their eighties, Franco and Silvana Rossi.  They’re like family to us.  Their son, Maurizio, died in the Swiss Air plane crash off the coast of Newfoundland many years ago.  His parents were visiting in the United States at the time it happened, and spent some time with us soon afterwards. They were both still in shock and in deep mourning.  Franco, his father, could hardly get through a paragraph without some word or moment triggering a memory and causing him to break down and weep.  It happened so often, we were getting used to it and would just wait it out until he recovered.  

Once as we sat at dinner, he came upon a trigger and began to tear up.  But then he did the strangest thing. He pushed his chair back, stood up still wearing his dinner napkin tucked into his shirt, walked over to the nearest bare wall in the room and stood facing the wall just 3 inches away from it and commenced to shake and sob into the wall. We all, at the table, just sat, dumbfounded and silent, watching him and waiting for him to return to the dinner table.  No one said a word.  Everyone simply understood the depth of the tragedy and his titanic remorse. 

I wrote this song for Franco and Silvana and my wife, Julia, who loved them so, completed the experience for me.

In Silence

Music and Lyrics by Peter Link

When one you love disappears

Like smoke they blow away

The heartbeat rings in your ears

In silence

In silence

You lose your place with it all

And life goes hollow

You turn your face to the wall

In silence

In silence

But I am here for you

I will see you through

And if you weep then I will weep with you

And if you mourn then I will mourn with you

And if you die then I will live for you

In silence

In silence


The bells they toll on the wind

They sing of sadness

The mending soul must begin

In silence

Begin in silence

And as you bear your pain

Your loss will be your gain

But if you brood then I will brood with you

And if you grieve then I will grieve with you

And if you break then I'll be there for you

In silence

In silence

We will weep

In silence

We will mourn

In silence

We'll remember in silence

We will heal

In silence

We will mend

In silence

We'll go on in silence

We will love

In silence

We endure

In silence

And we carry on...

When grieving, we expect tears; we expect the deepest of sadness, but what I try to turn to as fast as possible is, to in any way I can, mentally support the consciousness of whomever it is who is going forward.  To wish them grace, to joy in their life ...  Not always easy, I know.  The sudden ones are the toughest.  Here yesterday; gone today.  And oh, how can this be?  And so begins the missing …

When I first heard Julie Gold’s heart-breakingly beautiful song, I just had to add it as the closer to my Goin’ Home album.  I especially love her lyric,

Come to me as a bird

I will know it’s you

As you hover above the life we once knew

Though I can’t hold you now

I remain undeterred

And I’ll know you if you

Come to me as a bird


It’s a gorgeous and truly original melody, that I was unable to get out of my consciousness for months.  And now, hearing it again, it’s back again.

And … How grand it is to have a wife who can sing so hauntingly such a farewell…

Come to Me as a Bird

Music and Lyrics by Julie Gold

Come to me as a bird.

I will know it's you

As you hover above the life we once knew.

Though I can't hold you now

I remain undeterred,

And I'll know you if you

Come to me as a bird.

Come to me as a bird,

Dancing in the trees.

When the last leaves of summer cast themselves to the breeze.

Now the season has changed.

Now the memory's blurred

But I'll know you if you

Come to me as a bird.

Come to me as a bird.

Come to me as a bird.

I will know you if you

Come to me as a bird.

Singing in my garden.

Winging through the rain.

I can tell you're out there,

Staring through my pane.

Come to me as a bird,

Keeper of the sky.

How I long to go with you when I see you fly.

Once I gave you my heart,

Now I give you my word

I will know you if you

Come to me as a bird.

Come to me as a bird.

Come to me as a bird.

I will know you if you

Come to me as a bird.

Come to me as a bird.

Come to me as a bird.

I will know you if you

Come to me as a bird.

Come to me as a bird.

Lately I’ve been reading and studying two life-changing books – Robert Lanza’s Biocentrism and his Beyond Biocentrism.  In it, the author turns the tables on Physics, Mind and Matter and along the way opens up the doors of perception to the fact that everything that we have experienced in life begins, not with the Big Bang … but rather, in our Consciousness. It parallels another book I’ve been reading all my life, Mary Baker Eddy’s Science and Health.  Where Eddy takes a spiritual approach to Mind and matter, Lanza takes a scientific stand.

Most importantly to today’s podcast is that both of them agree on the fact that Life Is Eternal.

I’m gonna hang my hat on this.  Like I said, “I like being me.”  I love being alive.  When I’m done with this body, I’ll be done with it. It’s served me well, but I do know this: I am not my body.  I know this to be a fact.  

Thousands of moments that I’ve had in life have convinced me that the essence of me has nothing to do with matter … and everything to do with consciousness.  I’m comfortable leaving matter behind, because I understand that the sum total of my being IS consciousness. I’m cool with that.


Text by Mary Baker Eddy

Music by Peter Link

The enslavement of man is not legitimate.

It will cease when man enters

Into his heritage of freedom,

His God-given dominion

Over the material senses.

The enslavement of man is not legitimate.

Mortals will some day assert their freedom

In the name of Almighty God.

Dropping their present beliefs,

They will recognize harmony as the spiritual reality…

Entirely separate

From the belief and dream

Of material living,

Is the Life divine,

Revealing spiritual understanding

And the consciousness of man's dominion

Over the whole earth.

The Psalmist said:

"Thou madest him to have dominion

Over the works of Thy hands.

Thou hast put all things under his feet."

The enslavement of man is not legitimate.

It will cease when man enters

Into his heritage of freedom,

His God-given dominion

Over the material senses.

Life is,

Always has been,

And ever will be

Independent of matter;

For Life is God,

And man

Man is the idea of God,

Mind is the grand creator,

And there can be no power

Except that which is derived from Mind.

If Mind was first chronologically,

Is first potentially,

And must be first eternally,


Then give to Mind

Give to Mind the glory,


Dominion, and power

Everlastingly due its holy name.

The Psalmist said:

"Thou madest him to have dominion

Over the works of Thy hands.

Thou hast put all things under his feet."

"Thou madest him to have dominion

Over the works of Thy hands.

Thou hast put all things under his feet."


[Words used courtesy of The Mary Baker Eddy Collection]

In terms of life on Planet Earth, well ...

No, I’m not goin’ anywhere.  Like I said, “ I like it here.” My tour of duty is not finished.  I will never retire.  I will work as hard as I can until it’s time.  The great thing for me is that my work is primarily deeply involved in music.  That takes the work out of work.  And what’s left it simply the joy of creativity.

I Can't Go Home

Music and Lyrics by Peter Link

And now I can't go home

No I can't go home

Got too much to do

So I can't go home

There's a song in sight

And there's all this light

Beckoning me still

No I can't go home

There's a reason

I am standing here today

In my skin

I've not honored

Nearly all I could have been

Still I am tryin' to find

Tryin' to find peace of mind

So I just can't go home

No I can't go home

Close that open door

I just can't go home

Let the watch fires burn

Leave no stone unturned

Till I find my stillness

I just can't go home

On this passage

Through this strange uncharted land

I have come

To the mountain

Back to where I started from

Living from year to year

Wondering why I'm here

And still I can't go home

No I can't go home

There's far to much untold

In this world unknown

Till I'm satisfied

It's a wondrous ride

Far too far to go

Till I go back home

Till the seed is sown

Till the truth be known

I just can't go home

However, in the end, if it must be, then here’s the way I want to go out.  Give me a parade!  Make it a celebration!  Wish me well … and get on with your own wondrous life!

It seemed only right to set this last song high in the clouds on Heaven’s Highway as the saints from all religions march by, arm in arm in oneness.  

Maybe I could march behind them, waving goodbye with a grin on my face. 

Yeah, why not an apocalyptic New Orleans style parade,  as our Channel 7 

girl on the spot reports this mind-blowing event.  Stand there with her, wave your flags, pick out your favorite Saints and blow them a kiss or two.  If you’re lucky, you might even get an autograph.  Look!  Here comes Louis Armstrong leadin’ the parade …

And oh … oh look, there’s Pete!

When the Saints Go Marchin' In

Music by James Milton Black

Words by Katharine Purvis

Additional Words and Music by Peter Link


Saints are a'comin'


Saints are a'comin'

I can see

All the saints from Philippi

All the saints from Ephesus

Saint John the Baptist

Saint John the Divine

All the saints of Buddha

Milarepa the saint of Tibet

Confucian saints and Jewish saints

Arm in arm in line

Mahatma Ghandi

Zhang Zhongjing

Paramahansa Yogananda

Saint Tukaram and the Muslim saints

All the saints of all mankind

Walkin' in step with Hindu saints

And Taoist saints

And Sufi saints

With Mr. Louis Armstrong on trumpet

Leadin' the way

Walkin' in step with the Hindu saints

And Taoist saints

And Sufi saints

With Mr. Louis Armstrong before them

Blowin' his horn

And none get left behind

They are traveling in the footsteps

Of those who've gone before

They will all be reunited

On a new and sunlit shore

There is hope that goes before them

And its banners fill the sky

With a thousand million footsteps

Echoing on high

And oh Lord I want to be in that number

I got to be there

When the

When the

When the

When the

Oh when the saints go marching in

When the saints go marching in

Oh Lord I want to be in that number

When the saints go marching in

And when the sun begins to shine

When the sun begins to shine

Oh Lord I want to be in that number

When the saints go marching in

Oh on that hallelujah day

Yes on that hallelujah day

Oh Lord I want to be in that number

When the saints go marching in

And when the revelation comes

Yeah when that revelation comes

Oh Lord I want to be in that number

When the revelation comes

Oh when the trumpet sounds the call

Oh when Louis Armstrong sounds that call

Oh Lord I want to be in that number

When the saints go marching in

Oh, when the saints go marching in

Oh, when the saints go marching in

Lord, how I want to be in that number

When the saints go marching in

Oh, when the saints go marching in

Oh, when the saints go marching in

Lord, how I want to be in that number

When the saints go marching in


Saints are a'comin'


Saints are a'comin'


Saints are a'comin'


Saints are a'comin'

Saints! (saints!)

Saints are a'comin'

Saints! (saints!)

Saints are a'comin'


Saints are a'comin'

So there ya’ have it. Scattershot Symphony - Episode #8

Part 1 & 2

Next, Episode 9

Sacred Sunday Morning – Volume 2

In Volume 1 we looked at many of the various approaches people take to their Sunday Mornings. In Volume 2 we’ll take a look at and listen to  

Moments From The Bible – An Exploration in Song

With Guest Artist Julia Wade

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A grateful nod goes to Mary Baker Eddy for her prose lyrics on the song, Dominion.

And thanks to all who sung on the Goin’ Home album – Margaret Dorn who also did vocal arrangements, 

Angela Clemmons, Keith Fluitt, John James, Kevin Osborne, Catherine Russell, Vaneese Thomas and Darryl Tookes, 

and of course, Jenny Burton and Julia Wade.

And also the ladies of the cast of Is Anybody Listening? 

who joined Julia on How Are We Raising Our Sons.

And thanks to Watchfire Music, Nathan Burgdorff and the entire staff for all your work in producing and promoting this podcast.  

A very special thanks also to Stuart Barefoot, our Associate Producer for all your invaluable knowledge and good vibes.

And a posthumous thanks to Ludwig Van Beethoven for your opening 4 bars.


(over playout music)

This podcast is presented with loving care by the staff at Watchfire Music. If you liked what you heard, we got lots more where that came from. In the meantime, you can find the songs you just heard on There you can purchase the singles or albums and have access to all the lyrics. Also, there you will find all previous podcasts and future scheduling.

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