me&my health up

Men's Sexual Health & Performance

February 07, 2023 me&my wellness / Brian Ayers Season 1 Episode 144
Men's Sexual Health & Performance
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me&my health up
Men's Sexual Health & Performance
Feb 07, 2023 Season 1 Episode 144
me&my wellness / Brian Ayers

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Men, are you looking for some ways to improve your Sexual Health and Performance?

Women, is your man getting his sleep and nutrition that he needs to perform better in bed? Does he need to alter his daily routine to get it up and enhance his sexual performance?

Do you want to up your sex life?

In this episode of me&my health up, we discuss men's sexual health and how to improve their performance in bed. Our special guest Brian “Uncle B” Ayers is a men’s sexual performance coach with over 22 years of experience. Brian shares his knowledge on how to improve men's sexual performance and be a better sexual partner. He also provides further insights and tips on our sexual health and talks about "aphrodisiacs" and their benefits.

About Brian "Uncle B" Ayers

Brian is a men’s sexual performance coach with over 22 years of experience. His research into men’s sexual health leads him to create the Men’s Sexual Performance Scale and the revolutionary ESEIS 25 sexual health program.

Brian is the owner of Ayers Naturals   and Good wood performance fuel

Connection with Brain " Uncle B " Ayers
Brian Ayers youtube: @BrianAyers23

Links Mentioned:
Good wood website:
The actual aphrodisiac is mentioned in this podcast.

Offers mentioned in my podcast:
Subscribe to Give Good Word to get a monthly subscription, we will give the easiest 25 to you for free. It's a seven-course video that breaks down all aspects of the easiest 25 so you can get all the information that you need to make changes.

About me&my Health Up & Host

me&my Health Up
seeks to enhance and enlighten the wellbeing of others. Host Anthony Hartcher is the CEO of me&my wellness which provides holistic health solutions using food is medicine, combined with a holistic, balanced, lifestyle approach. Anthony holds three bachelor's degrees in Complementary Medicine; Nutrition and Dietetic Medicine; and Chemical Engineering.

Podcast Disclaimer
Any information, advice, opinions or statements within it do not constitute medical, health care or other professional advice, and are provided for general information purposes only. All care is taken in the preparation of the information in this Podcast. [Connected Wellness Pty Ltd] operating under the brand of “me&my health up” here for more

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Show Notes Transcript

Send us a Text Message.

Men, are you looking for some ways to improve your Sexual Health and Performance?

Women, is your man getting his sleep and nutrition that he needs to perform better in bed? Does he need to alter his daily routine to get it up and enhance his sexual performance?

Do you want to up your sex life?

In this episode of me&my health up, we discuss men's sexual health and how to improve their performance in bed. Our special guest Brian “Uncle B” Ayers is a men’s sexual performance coach with over 22 years of experience. Brian shares his knowledge on how to improve men's sexual performance and be a better sexual partner. He also provides further insights and tips on our sexual health and talks about "aphrodisiacs" and their benefits.

About Brian "Uncle B" Ayers

Brian is a men’s sexual performance coach with over 22 years of experience. His research into men’s sexual health leads him to create the Men’s Sexual Performance Scale and the revolutionary ESEIS 25 sexual health program.

Brian is the owner of Ayers Naturals   and Good wood performance fuel

Connection with Brain " Uncle B " Ayers
Brian Ayers youtube: @BrianAyers23

Links Mentioned:
Good wood website:
The actual aphrodisiac is mentioned in this podcast.

Offers mentioned in my podcast:
Subscribe to Give Good Word to get a monthly subscription, we will give the easiest 25 to you for free. It's a seven-course video that breaks down all aspects of the easiest 25 so you can get all the information that you need to make changes.

About me&my Health Up & Host

me&my Health Up
seeks to enhance and enlighten the wellbeing of others. Host Anthony Hartcher is the CEO of me&my wellness which provides holistic health solutions using food is medicine, combined with a holistic, balanced, lifestyle approach. Anthony holds three bachelor's degrees in Complementary Medicine; Nutrition and Dietetic Medicine; and Chemical Engineering.

Podcast Disclaimer
Any information, advice, opinions or statements within it do not constitute medical, health care or other professional advice, and are provided for general information purposes only. All care is taken in the preparation of the information in this Podcast. [Connected Wellness Pty Ltd] operating under the brand of “me&my health up” here for more

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Anthony Hartcher:

Are you a man who is lacking sexual performance just not performing in bed? Were you a woman that is unhappy with the man that he's just not performing to your standards or where you'd like the relationship to be? Well, this episode is on men's sexual health and performance. So it's for men and women out there because the women benefit and the men benefit from this episode. So this is another insightful episode of me&my health up. I'm your host Anthony Hartcher. I'm a clinical nutritionist and lifestyle medicine specialist. The purpose of this podcast is to enhance and enlighten your well being. And today we have a men's sexual health and performance coach Brian Ayers. Brian, also known as Uncle B is is a men's sexual health and performance coach for over 22 years of experience. Welcome back on the Me&my health up podcast Brian Ayers, how're you doing today?

Brian Ayers:

I'm wonderful, sir. How you doing?

Anthony Hartcher:

Fantastic. So great to have you on the me&my health up podcast really looking forward to you enhancing and lightening the well being of the listeners in terms of men's sexual health and performance.

Brian Ayers:

That's what I'm here for.

Anthony Hartcher:

Absolutely. And the listeners will be absolutely intrigued as to how you have arrived at what you're doing today.

Brian Ayers:

Basically, it started years ago, about twenty-five years ago, my ex and I at the times her she was from is from Liberia in Africa. And I went over to her family's place for Christmas gathering and there was a root in a bottle. And then of course, we said what is that? And they said it's an aphrodisiac. So okay, well we're poor. And so we had to aphrodisiac went home and the next morning we're giving each other high fives and bit was like, hey, this really works. And so she's into her biology into business entrepreneurism. And so it was like, Okay, we got some here we go and start selling this. And so we hopped on an internet started making some sales, our first deal was actually in Poland, and early days of the internet. And, you know, from there, it was like, Okay, we have a lot of good responses, people are really enjoying the product. But what's going on with the people who aren't so you know, we have a vast majority guys who's working no problem for other guys. It was like, just wasn't taking hold. And so it was a question, why is this happening? And so I interviewed them just, you know, doing surveys talking to folks trying to figure out what was going on. And low and behold, we're selling a supplement. And that means it's supposed to supplement the other things you're doing. And most of us don't know what the other things you're supposed to be doing. And so, with that, you know, I started just talk with guys one on one, just give them advices you know, as I was going along, and I was learning and doing the research, and then about a good three, four years now, I hopped on to YouTube and started doing, you know, giving out information for free on on the internet. You know, we got up to one hundred sixty thousand subscribers and you know, over ten million views. People want the information, just give it to him because a lot of times, you know, for me, when I first started out it was like, okay, you know, my family's into the church. This isn't something that I was like running around like, hey, you know what I do I tell guys how to get the Johnson together. That's something I had planned on doing with my life talking to guys and then them opening up, you start hearing about how relationships are affected by you know, guys who wouldn't get married, because, you know, they weren't functioning correctly. I have guys who were getting divorced because of that guys who were the family was breaking up because they couldn't perform and sometimes they wouldn't want to leaving because which was sort of shocking to me. But if you have a reminder around that you can't perform and things like that or you're afraid she's got to step out on you once it took that turn where it got into the more personal side, the relationship side this is a human, and that just you know, we're just talking about a penis. It's what goes along with it, that's when it got a lot more serious for me. And, you know, I really empathize with guys who have issues in want to make sure that they don't have those issues. So that's how I get the coach.

Anthony Hartcher:

Fantastic story, what a background in terms of how you come across the aphrodisiac. And, and the effect is really had on men and hence your huge following and whatnot. So I was gonna ask my next question was going to be so what's up, then I'm thinking that's not what's up. It's why isn't it up.

Brian Ayers:

There's actually a lot of reasons in it's really simple. At the same time, the reason why it's a lot of reasons, because, you know, that's what we're here for men give life, women give birth men give life, in order to give life you have to give energy does the whole process for making a baby. And so you need to be absorbing, you know, it's all about energy inside of your body, we live in a man made environment, which prevents us from getting the inner the level of energy that we need, in almost all manners nowadays, so we're talking about in terms of energy, in terms of not only from what you're eating, we live in a world now where it's one aisle in the grocery store that has energy, that's the produce out there, everything else in there is dead can sit there for years. And then when you're talking about sleep, electricity is relatively new and the human experience I mean, very new, actually, in the human experience. So going to sleep used to be like, well, it's dark outside, there's literally nothing else to do, you can't see it can be dangerous. So go to sleep. Now, Netflix thing and chilling and going out hanging out later reading books, whatever you're doing. So our sleep cycle is disrupted. So you got to energy, you got to sleep bars exercise, we're nowhere near as mobile, we're actually we're more mobile, but we do less walking. So for a lot of people, you know, their walk for the day is from the house to the car, drive to work, get out of the car walk across the parking lot, is sit down for eight hours, and too tired to do anything after that. So we're talking about, you know, most people are told, hey, get three hours exercise, I was like, well, three hours a week, you know, one hour a week, three times a week. And that's less than 2% of your time. So our activity is extremely low, we eat all the time, that's a problem you're we're supposed to give our bodies were designed to fast, that's where we go to sleep to make sure we fast. And also, the last thing is just our level of stress is just out of this world. Before you're just worried about something that you're in danger, actual true physical danger, there's a lion, there's a bear, there's something going on. Nowadays, that lion could be your Netflix deal. It could be your internet bill, it could be the traffic, it could be a huge number of things. In fact, we have these devices called phones that have us yelling at people that aren't even in a room, all of those factors. They're all man made factors. And really, all I teach is just just go back in time, just go to sleep on time, focus on getting the energy from the sun, from water from, from food, get more exercise in a specific types of exercise and give your body a break in terms of fasting and also take care of those stress levels. Once you start doing those things going back in time, you're good.

Anthony Hartcher:

And where do you suggest the listeners start out because like, I totally get it in terms of what you're mentioning, a lot of those are sort of going against the flow of society. And so becomes challenging in the sense that they get invited out, you know, for an outing or whatever. And so they're heading out there, get their body clock out of rhythm because of the late nights and they wake up tired that you know when they're out there drinking, all those sort of things. So how do you suggest men start out on this journey to get back, you know, get back in time and do more traditional practices.

Brian Ayers:

So we actually have a program called easiest 25 or e 25. We call it the exponential energy formula. And basically it covers those five points is energy sleep, exercise, intermittent fasting and soul. And we do it in a way that you can measure your measure yourself in each category with a zero or five for every day. So you're actually able to track how you're doing in these five areas. And what you actually want to do is what we call 1% improvement a day, you can go in and you can set your goal. For example, nowadays we eat copious amounts of meat, most people are eating meat at every meal, I used to eat 200 animals a month or more. Now I'm down for it, you know, and I'm not here preaching against meat. But if you have a problem with your erections, then consumption of meat is correlated to that, you know, sort of like, Hey, if you're you have lung cancer, stuff like that, that'd be a good idea. If you have erection issues, and you're eating a lot of meat, that's the problem. So if if that's your goal, you said, you know, it's like okay, so one meal, I won't have meat in that meal. That's my goal. So in for sleep, and instead of sleeping for five hours, I'm gonna get a great good six, seven hours. That's my goal for exercise and to do this type of exercise or just my rest day, most of that rest Today. So for each one of those categories for your energy, what you're eating your sleep, your exercise your immune fasting, you know how long you're taking that break and soul, if you're just doing meditating, or you're trying to get stress out your life, you can score yourself in those five areas. And that way you keep in track, the issue with most people is that they forget stuff is very easy to do, it'll slip your mind, it's like, the cool thing about this entire system. Reason why we call it the exponential energy formula is because if you're doing these five things, your actual health will improve over a period of time, exponentially. The higher the highest scoring, if you're scoring five points in each area, you get a 25 you're doing that like several days in a row, you can actually see and feel the difference in your body. You know, sometimes you have to sort of remind yourself because your body's like, Hey, this is what we're supposed to do anyway. So you have to go back and look like, oh, last week, I felt a little bit depressed. You know, I wasn't, you know, my normal self. And you're like, oh, because I got a zero and my energy score, because I was drinking last night, the night before that. So now I understand what's going on. So once you get an idea of what's going on, and you're doing that 1%, the reason why we say 1% is because we tell people don't run away from crazy, because crazy will chase you, if you have to walk away from crazy. So the things we're doing with our life is sort of crazy. So we have people who will do that whole New Year's thing of like, okay, all of a sudden, I'm gonna slam, I'm gonna change my entire life in one day. And it usually lasts about that long one day. So who we want to get it to the point where it's like, Hey, this is something that becomes habitual for you. And it works over the long run.

Anthony Hartcher:

Really love it. It's that essentially that incremental improvement those, as you mentioned, the one presenters looking at all those facets in terms of what creates energy and helps overall holistic health. And then what I really liked about it is that self rating, because they're comparing themselves to themselves, as opposed to comparing themselves to others. So I think that's fantastic.

Brian Ayers:

Yeah. Oh, yeah, it makes a big difference. I mean, actually, the interesting thing is, I came up with the program, it took me a while to even get to where I want to be, in fact, I just did a challenge, a personal challenge, where I challenged myself to lose 25 pounds, easiest, 25 pounds in 30 days, and I lost 23 pounds. And I'll take that. Wow. Because, you know, for me, it wasn't just the fact of the weight loss, that was just a goal. For me, it was the whole process of building those habits. So I always had a problem with just going to sleep, go lay down and go to sleep, you know, stresses of business, sometimes I'll wake up in the middle of night, it was hard to go to sleep. So I just did a number of things to improve, you know, the quality of my sleep. And once I started hitting, you know, in bed at 10 o'clock, out of bed at 601. And I did that for the full 30 days. And it was just amazing how it was easier to do things when you get to high quality. We're like, actually, like children, when it comes to sleep. This is the funny thing. You know, when a child doesn't get sleep, what did they do to act on it? They're out of control, we do the same thing except no one's there to point it out. Maybe the wife, but no one's there to really point out that, hey, you're not functioning correctly. And so we're not able to, you know, see easily where we're messing up. So having, you know, systems in place to make sure that in a challenge in place actually is you against you, really. And the way you can tell whether or not you win is if you have strong erections. And just one last thing, I actually came up with the sexual performance scale for men, and a scale of one to 10 Timmies. Everything works, what means you need to go to the hospital five means five to seven means that you're unreliable. Most of the guys that I work with are in that five to seven range, we have some guys of course, we wouldn't get 345 range. Actually, I have one client who was at zero, because he was taking some medications and it messed with them. But yeah, in order to go up that scale, this is the system to get there. The top of the scale the eight nine to 10. Eight is erections on demand. You just think of something flex, you can get an erection. A nine is spontaneous erections, like you were a high school kid, and attend this morning erections as the epitome. So you want to get to keep going up to scale to get to the point where you're having morning erections, which just shows that your testosterone levels are are good and your plumbing works correctly.

Anthony Hartcher:

Awesome. Love the writing system. It's very clear. And I think the men and the women listening on this good certainly know where their partners that or they were themselves or at in terms of that scale. So thanks for sharing that Brian, and really love your approach in terms of how to make those improvements and as you said, like it can just be focusing on really that area that's really deficient and building on that incrementally and being consistent with that. So that's really good system. terms of I can see how it works in terms of the psychological side. So there's that psychological Well in terms of in the bedroom, and then that history or those memories of lack of performance or lack of pleasing the woman, or partner, a man, just in terms of that psychological aspect that would obviously play into the whole spectrum of men's health and performance. Can you share in terms of that psychological side of things?

Brian Ayers:

Absolutely. So for just about every man out there, there'll be a time where, you know, you're thinking everything's supposed to work, and nope, not today. And the issue can be that, like I said, we have these five things that are going on. And if you're off on one of these, you know, it could affect you at different times, especially the older you get. So, you know, what happened is a guy will experience that he will like, like, I used to be able to go drink and have sex the same night, and none of them older. If I drink two to three nights before, there's a problem. And so what you need to do, just understand one that that happens, and two, you don't want it to literally get to your head, because it's called spectator, spectator ring is basically you're just constantly thinking that you're supposed to be having an erection. So she, you know, she comes over, as soon as she comes over, you're like, oh, I should have erection and she gives you a hug real close, I should have an erection, go to the bedroom, and I should have an erection. She's taking the clothes off, I should have been rushing, you're you're basically creating more cortisol, you're stressing yourself. So cortisol and testosterone, the bursting of burning of testosterone with fuels and reduction in cortisol, the stress hormone goes against that the way to think of it, you've never seen a man in a fight with an erection. And if you did, he was on some drug. And not a good drug, either. So yeah, if you have us thinking that this is an issue and as causing more stress, and of course, that's going to stress you out. And then you're not going to have a problem. If you think about when you were, this wasn't a problem. You didn't think about it, she came over. For whatever, whatever, whatever. You felt something down there, you didn't. And then when it was time, you felt something and you kept going. So yeah, typically, when guys just hear about this part of it, it actually helps, because then you just get away from it. Oh, don't worry about oh, don't worry about it. The other thing to think about is, well, two things I have is setting a sex date. This is actually something that came across recently from another gentleman who said that's what he does with his wife every Monday and Thursday, they know that, you know, the kids are to the side, and they have their time to connect. That takes a lot of stress out of the relationship in terms of like, you know, well, is it tonight? Is it tomorrow? Well, she doesn't feel this way I don't feel this way, is hurt, is it terminal enough? I forget all these different things that can come into play. It takes all of that stuff out. And of course, you know, it's still within reason, if you feel tired, it's not that you're just out of it, then you know you have next time, it's not a guessing game. That's a great way of getting relieving yourself of stress and for giving you time to prepare. So if you're a guy like me, you start realizing like, Yeah, I can't have a drink that night or the night before the you can, you know, go okay, well, Friday night, maybe I'll have a drink. And then you know, I realized that I'd rather have sex, or Monday. And the other thing to remember is that foreplay is for men, especially the older you get the foreplay is for men. So a lot of times, especially in the way the world is set up. Now you have people who just like well out, don't have a lot of time. So we know, we just got to get in and we're gonna make it happen. And that's it. And it's like, if you think about it, I went through this experience of going to ripe Street at University of Maryland College Park. So while I'm on campus, I'm seeing all the young women and just people are talking about sex and you know, you see in sexy women all over the place. And then I went into at&t went to the corporate world. And yeah, it was soccer moms, they, you know, we discussions about 401, k's and things like that there was nothing that turns you on. So if you think about it, you go through your day, as an adult male, you're not really allowed to touch other people. I mean, you know, you see a guy, you get that little handshake thing where we, you know, hug him is like a half her want arm in between us. You know, if you have a woman, you can't really touch too many other women. Maybe you can hug your mother hug your sister, and that's about it. You're not picking up anybody else's babies. So for men, we're not being turned on in any way, at the workplace, typically. And, you know, we don't have contact with the BIOS. So when we do have contact, if the only contact is like, okay, we're doing a couple of kisses and we're in. You didn't have time to let your body naturally build up the testosterone it needs to function correctly. And also, you know, when you say foreplay doesn't necessarily mean just touching it also mean, you know, sending messages saying, Hey, I can't wait to see you tonight. You know where that sexy thing I've been thinking about you Why don't we try this, you have to do levels of stimulation, because otherwise you just go on throughout the day and just like, hey, when we get together, then it was just gonna happen. That's not a plan. That's not a plan at all. So once you have those three things down, you get you understand spectator and you understand, you know, setting Sex Up. So you know, the timing of business stressful, and also you just handling that foreplay, things will be a lot better for you.

Anthony Hartcher:

Fantastic tips really love him really insightful, just in terms of you mentioned cortisol, testosterone, they don't like one another. If one's up the other one's nice. And what's and vice versa. Cortisol is very much associated with the stress. And early on, you mentioned, you know, today's stresses are like opening a Netflix bill and, and we're constantly being hit with the stresses throughout the day, and that cortisol is forever rising. And then it's really around that management of that the man wants to perform in the evening, then the cortisol needs to be at a certain level before the testosterone. Yeah, so I'm just thinking, if you've got some sort of strategies in terms of managing that daily stress, you know, those incoming, as you said, phone calls today, you know, can be stressful with demands and whatnot. So you've got some strategies to share in terms of how they can regularly sort of progressively manage their stress so that when they need to perform they can.

Brian Ayers:

Absolutely, so by far, one of the most powerful ways of alleviating stress is by meditating. And that happens on two different levels. One is from breathing, most people don't breathe correctly, when you're doing deep breathing, you actually get 20% more blood flow. And also, when you're doing meditating, your mind is being caught, especially in today's environment, we have like phones and all these different things going on at the same time. Your mind is currently overpowered, it doesn't use is doing, I'm gonna say overpower. Because your brain can do incredible, incredible amount of things. However, you need to be calm in order for your brain to process everything for it to come through clearly. And so what I would recommend doing is doing five minute meditations, I do this during the workday, whenever I finish a project I used to, you know, what they call multitask, you do this, you can do this, and you have to do this, while still have to do all those things. But I take like five minutes in between those things, and just close my mind, close my eyes, set the alarm for five minutes. And I just meditate. And the cool thing about it is, you know, for those people who production nuts like myself, like I got to do this, this, this, this, this, this, you actually think better, you actually want to get more done just by using those five minutes. So your day becomes less stressful, because you're doing more things correctly, you're making fewer mistakes is a reason why a lot of fortune 500 companies they actually have before meetings, they have people meditate. I mean, you just come out smarter is just you know, scientifically proven, and you'll be able to tell throughout the day. So meditation is a huge piece of it, you know, I would even say meditate before having sex, just so you're calm, and you're more into the moment. And that's one of the things that meditation does, it teaches you how to be in the moment, you're no longer thinking about the 5000 things, you're only thinking about what you're breathing in, and you're breathing, and just letting your body just relax as much as possible. You know, have your eyes closed, and you know, any sounds that come their sounds. So you just keep staying focused on when you're breathing. And in that piece of it is huge. The other piece that's huge, is getting the proper amount of sleep. So that plays in a number of ways. But one your testosterone forms while your sleep your human growth hormone. You know your immune system is at his highest peak while you're asleep. If you get just four hours asleep, your immune system is compromised and your cancer cells actually go up. Other few things that also happens, you end up with a calmer mind. Like I said before, if you don't get asleep, you're like a little child, you're cranky, and also your ghrelin levels go up, the hunger hormone goes up. So if you're trying to stay healthy, eat the right things. It doesn't help to have this hormone out of control, you know, it's like, Ah, well, I really shouldn't be eating this doughnut, but whatever. You know, that's part of that's because you got, you know, a good four or five hours asleep, if you had to, for eight hours of sleep becomes a lot easier to be able to deal with that. So, you know, getting good sleep you're talking about you're able to control your mind and control your body. So you have you're actually giving yourself less stress. You know, man, I messed up when I ate that doughnut. My dad is not messed up or I forgot to give this call today. Why did I forget to do that call is Yeah, you didn't get enough sleep. So those things will add up as far as stress is concerned. And, and just one quick thing about testosterone is that, you know, it goes down during the day by 20%. So you know, Just keep that in mind if you're sexist in the evening, it was like, Well, yeah, try to be stress free, and also say, you know, create a stress list, find the things that actually stress you in life, and aggressively get rid of them. It may mean people, it may mean that, you know, that one friend is like, hey, every time he calls, he's drunk. He's like, Well, okay, that was cool. When you were in, you were in college, now you're an adult, etc. You know, it could be something as small as like this pile of whatever is sitting over in the corner that just just haven't had time to get. But every time you walk past, if you select virtue, it was like, Yeah, list that out and start getting rid of those things.

Anthony Hartcher:

Excellent tips really, very helpful. Actually, I think the way you've framed it, so I've shot listeners got a lot of value out of that stress management techniques and how to integrate them throughout your day and such as pre meeting and whatnot, and some really good insight in terms of where testosterone is going to be higher. And during the day, obviously, there's more stress and more cortisol that keeps us active and able to be productive. However, it's, we're reproductive more in the evenings or mornings, right? Yeah. Just on the fasting side of things. You mentioned that before, we're consuming too much too often, too frequently. We weren't designed to fast. Is there any studies or any, anything you've come across in terms of sort of optimal fasting in relationship to testosterone and sexual performance? Oh, yeah, intermittent

Brian Ayers:

fasting, basically, you have a 16 hours of not eating, and an eight hours of eating and some different, you know, configurations of that some people eat one time a day. You know, when I first started these concepts, I was like, why would you do that? But yes, there are studies that show that your testosterone levels will continue to go up. And you think of it this way, when you're fasting, as you should, your body is actually adapting to the fact that you don't have any food inside of it and is actually going to get better. That's the problem with people who are consistently constantly eating without thinking about it, is that your testosterone levels, of course, are going to keep going up because it's like, hey, well, now I have to go hunt something that's where we're designed to do not designed to walk across the street to the grocery store. We're designed to go hunt, go in even less hunting. It was, you know, we think about our ancestors is the keepsake thing, they were a hunter gatherers, who actually gatherers who sometimes hunted when there was nothing left to gather, because it takes too much energy to run around and chase an animal with a spear or whatever. But when it comes to fasting is like your body's like, okay, and your fingernails will actually start growing faster. So you could take a guess, not the greatest of uses for fingernails. But you know, in terms of your testosterone levels will go up, your human growth hormone will grow up, you're actually start growing, here more is there, your body will start going through a tough EEG and which is basically you'll start eating all the dead cells that are in your body. And if you're, you know, you have weight issues, of course, if you're doing it properly, then your body's going to turn to the fat and start getting rid of the fat and fat is fat is where toxins are stored. So when people talk about you know, fat is energy is like, well think of it like gasoline, gasoline is energy, but you don't want to have it around you all the time. That's not a good idea. So yeah, so you want to use fasting to increase your testosterone, I think it's the last number of it was like 2,000% increase in testosterone over a period of time of a fasting. So in so many ways, men, I mean, we're designed to increase our testosterone in many, many different ways. But fasting definitely helps with that process. Because your body's like, hey, we have to go do something to get food and actually, your memory gets better. And a lot of people go through fasting and come out the other side. Like yeah, I actually think better. Um, you know, I feel more clear headed dorma my personal challenge when I dropped that 23 pounds in 30 days, I was fasting. And yeah, things just come to you, it becomes you actually become calmer during that period. Because what ends up happening is that people will, because you're constantly sticking food inside of yourself. Your body's looking at all food, like it's a poison. That's the reason why as soon as you eat your testosterone production stops, because it's like, everything now has to turn pivot and turn into like, Hey, what's going on? What did you just stick in here? And we have to break this down. So it doesn't matter if it's as healthy as possible or not as healthy as possible. I mean, that's the reason why we have waste, we defecate, urinate is because our body has to process them in some way. It's not supposed to stay in us. So what I basically tell people, you know, as far as intermittent fasting is concerned, it's like, well, yeah, you're just skipping breakfast. So I didn't eat today. It's now 540. I didn't eat until like two o'clock today, but 132 o'clock today. And there's a couple of things that people will you know, they think about intermittent fasting or fasting period. It's like, oh, man, it's so hard. It's so painful. Well, actually, it's not. I mean, there's a couple of techniques I'm let you know right now. One is you have to prepare for it. And the way you prepare for it is by eating correctly, eating, eating energy, fruits, vegetables, beans, legumes, things like that, you want to do that, because your body's going to go back to the last thing you ate, because that's the most, you know, readily available energy source right there that hasn't already been stored and turned into your muscle or care for left toenail. And so if it's going back to something that was bad, it'll let you know. So typically, what we'll do, we'll eat something bad. And we don't get a signal from our body that's like, hey, you know what, that is really not a good idea. And that's because we sticking something else in there. And then we stick something else, sticking something else in it in our body never gets a chance to like, hey, you know what, that's really not good for you stop doing it. And so one crazy example of this, this lady was a producer for TV show, a guy came on here talking about fasting. And so she decided to fast. And the last thing she drank was a Diet Dr. Pepper, and I just looked at, like, Oh, this is going to be so bad. And yes. She was like, Oh, the pain is like, yeah, you're not supposed to drink that that's the reason why their pain is there. And also, once again, you know, we're like children, when it comes to intermittent fasting. And, you know, I used to get up every morning at about a good seven o'clock and the first thing I did was eat every day. So from getting going from eating at seven o'clock to 132 o'clock, sometimes I'll just, you know, do one meal a day, it took time to do that. It's like a baby's feeding schedule. You know, a baby wants to eat when they want to eat but that's not you know, helpful for the parents in our situation is like, Okay, we're going to set a schedule for this baby. So at some point, we're able to function and so the same thing applies to us. So I went from the into eight o'clock and didn't eat till nine o'clock, they need to 10 o'clock didn't eat to 11 o'clock, maybe instead of just kept going to the point where it's like, when I get up in the morning, two things happen one my body isn't we're not doing a whole process of being predetermined like this is this time of the day and your body is saying sending signals like hey, this is what we do. It's timely. Let's go as you're setting yourself up for you know, eating correct things and you're setting yourself up by taking more and more time between meals. You know, it makes the whole fasting experience much easier. Because a lot of times we're dealing with like I had to deal with stories from my mother who would say certain things she would say things like like if you don't eat for like two hours you could get lightheaded and drive off the road what how do you how do you sleep but you know we hear it constantly you know, we got commercials out there saying you you got to eat like now you don't have to eat obviously this depends upon the way you are in terms of your weight I used to weigh 285 pounds. So and this was pre COVID During COVID Like okay COVID likes that guys go ahead and dropped us whoo that was good 70 pounds ago so you want to just just understand it's a process is going to take some time but it's necessary in order for you to have as healthy a life as possible.

Anthony Hartcher:

Fantastic. I love the insight. Brian, thanks for sharing that and how can the listeners best connect with you and please share some more details about your program?

Brian Ayers:

Sure. Okay. So you can go to I can be found at give Goodwood everywhere so Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, the YouTube channel is also give good wood. You can also find it under Brian Ayers twenty three Jordan or James. So Brian SPRI nay ers twenty three when YouTube also give good wood on YouTube. And there is give good That's where you can find the actual aphrodisiac that I mentioned before. It is all natural liquid formula gets into your system quickly called good wood because it's the herbs of trees, basically like cinnamon is in there. And that's the bark of a tree. And what we're doing now is that you know, if you we have a program easiest twenty five is typically $599 and we're actually offering that for free if you subscribe to give good wood. Gotta you subscribe to good wood, get a monthly subscription, we will give easiest 25 to you for free. It's a seven course video, I guess you'd say seven lessons video that breaks down all aspects of easiest 25 And so you can get all the information that you need to make changes to your lifestyle. And you know you have not only do you have a great supplement, but you have what the supplement is supposed to supplement.

Anthony Hartcher:

Fantastic. Really appreciate you sharing all your insight today, Brian, it's been such a pleasure to have you on the show and really appreciate your time. Sure the listeners do such great insight really do appreciate your time. coming on the show.

Brian Ayers:

Thanks. Appreciate you

Anthony Hartcher:

and to the listeners. Thanks for tuning in to another insightful episode of me&my health up. Stay tuned in for more insightful episodes please like and share this for anyone that you know is not giving Goodwood please like get get it out there, get it amongst the community. Everyone can benefit relationships can benefit as Brian mentioned earlier, so please get out there and share the good word on give good wood by brian and a much more harmonious society as a result of giving good woods, absolutely, Brian, thanks so much. Again, I'd really appreciate it.

Brian Ayers:

Thank you.

Anthony Hartcher:

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