Soul Loveth w/ Shan

Art of the Apothecary: "Reset. Again" 21 Day Cleanse

January 25, 2021 Shan. Phillips

Happy New Year!  By a show of hands, how many has started a  fast/cleanse but have fell off the wagon? No worries, I understand! With so much going on in the world - sometimes comfort food seems to be the only thing that meets us with open arms.  Not always the best for use, because too much of it can have us feeling sluggish and weighed down, which can lead to health issues, weight gain and even depression.

Again, no need to fret -- that's the amazing thing about a new day, we get the opportunity to start again. Listen in and consider joining Alabasta Wellness Boutique and our sister company Art of the Apothecary on a 21 day cleanse to reset and recharge those sluggish immune systems.  Make sure to follow the Alabasta Beauty and Art of the Apothecary IG. FB and TicTok pages for recipes and tips along this 21 day journey.