Credit Eco To Go

The Dollars and Sense of Cannabis Banking

August 03, 2020 Clark Hill Season 1 Episode 13

Will the pandemic present opportunities for banks to provide financial services to cannabis related businesses (CRB)?  Michael Flores, CEO of Bretton-Woods, joins the next episode of Clark Hill’s Credit Eco to Go to discuss his current cannabis banking research. Michael is gathering data not only from banks who are servicing CRBs but learning from those institutions who are not providing those services. With the loss of state tax revenue and the heighten risk to commercial estate portfolios, banks will be looking for new sources of revenue and small business in states where cannabis is legal will be looking for new business opportunities. Michael hopes this data will enlighten our leaders at the federal level to develop a workable regulatory infrastructure. A link to the cannabis banking survey can be found here.  

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Funk Game Loop by Kevin MacLeod

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