Awakened Conscious Conversations

The Healing Loving Power Of Your Soul

Season 8 Episode 8

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 I’m your host, The Gentle Yoga Warrior and today is going to be life-changing! We have two special guests on the show today.

Please welcome today Pioneer and innovator in spiritual growth and healing: Dr. Phillip  Mountrose!

I would like to add I am currently reading Philip’s wonderful book, The Loving Of Your Soul, and feel there is so much depth and learning on each page that I want to relish it and read it within the moment.  So far, I have loved the first 100 pages, which is where I am on this journey today and can’t wait to read the rest.

Philip is married to his partner Jane Mountrose and they are both pioneers and innovators in the realms of spiritual growth and healing. They are the founding directors of Awakenings Institute, dedicated to creating a more loving world! Both are holistic coaches, energy healers and authors of many books, including Getting Thru to Your Emotions with EFT, Getting Thru to Your Soul and The Ultimate Paradigm Shift. The mission of Awakenings Institute, their non-profit organization, is to facilitate “the unique gifts that each individual brings receive honour and respect, where all are nurtured in allowing their gifts to blossom.” 

I can’t wait to do this interview as I am also an energy healer.

So, without further ado, joining us from Santa Maria California, USA, please welcome Phillip Mountrose!

What the Gentle Yoga Warrior said, '
Philip Mountrose is an expert in his field and I super enjoyed speaking with him.  I loved the practical example he shared as well.  Looking forward to publishing the episode and I would love to have Phillip on the show again as he has so much practical knowledge.  He was friendly and easy to speak with."

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Unknown Speaker  0:00  
Hello, everybody, I'm your host, the gentle yoga warrior. And today is going to be life changing. We have a special guest on the show today. Please welcome today pioneer and innovator in spiritual growth and healing, Dr. Phillip Mountrose. I would like to add that I'm currently reading Philips wonderful book, The loving power of your soul, and there's so much depth within the pages. I just learned so much from it. And I want to relish every part of this wonderful book. And currently about 125 pages through I did aim to be further through but I was on a course this weekend. And but I can't wait to read the rest. I'll just tell you a little bit about Philip. Philip his marriage whose partner Jane and they are both pioneers, as I said and innovators in the realm of spiritual growth and healing. They are the founding directors of awakenings institute dedicated to creating a more loving world. We could do more of that for sure. So what a wonderful cause both our holistic coach energy healers and offers of many books including getting through to your motions with EFT, getting through to your soul and the ultimate paradigm shift. This mission of awakening Institute their nonprofit organisation is to facilitate the unique gifts that each individual brings. receives honour and respect, with all are nurtured and allowing their gift to blossom. really interested to hear what Phillip has to say. So without further ado, joining us today from St. Marie, St. Maria,

Unknown Speaker  1:45  
Santa Maria, California, Mary Jane.

Unknown Speaker  1:50  
Hi, Philip, welcome to the show.

Unknown Speaker  1:52  
Great being with you. Thanks for having me on.

Unknown Speaker  1:55  
Oh, no, thank you for taking the time again, early on. I appreciate that. And so today we're going to talk about the loving power of soul and enjoying life, which I think can sometimes be lacking a lot in this day and age if we see life through a certain lens, which hopefully will readjust that lens by the end of this conversation. Thinking back to what I've read so far of your book, one of the quotes really stood out to me was clearing a single emotional block can open the door to a more expansive frame of mind of walking. And that Voxer like aha moment within myself. It reminded me really to be more vibrational live. And sometimes you will think energy work as we've all got it sorted out we're not perfect. So it's very good to have these pointers that remind us again to kind of Yes, actually, yes, that can be more vibration, your life and same blocks, not necessarily as bad, but sometimes part of the course of life some way to learn, etc. So Philip, what is loving power of his soul and what inspired you to talk about it today,

Unknown Speaker  3:02  
the loving power of your soul, our book, your new book with my wife and partner, Jane, Mount rose, really encapsulates Jane, what we've been studying, researching a pioneering for the last really 30 years on soul development, living your life from that soulful, purposeful, loving place, what it is, how it affects our everyday life, it's very practical, down to earth approach, how to do it. And we may go into, you know, some how tos and experiential today, which I would recommend on a daily basis. And today in this interview, and then how to do some clearing and healing with the soul. Not only does blocks sometimes block your soul, doubts, fears, and they may manifest as physical things as well. But the soul can also be enlisted to clear it to heal it.

Unknown Speaker  3:56  
Brilliant, what I've read so far, I think it's a fantastic book. Because I can really see the value of I'm reading through it. And then I'm also doing some exercise and I want to go back over it because I think it's got so much depth to it. It feels like it almost honours the work. But in a way I feel like you've made it so accessible for most people, an amazing amount of energy and beauty, but I'll let you explain a bit more about it. I'm intrigued to know out and what is soulful life. This is a mindful life we're

Unknown Speaker  4:32  
in in the in the in the new book, The loving power of your soul, we divided into three parts Jane, the beginning we call preparation, and then activation and integration and when you're preparing. It's actually connecting with how the soul is affecting our life in this moment, day to day. And some of that may be with being more mindful. And sometimes that could be meditation too and that One part of it that we explore. And mindfulness is watching your mind in a neutral place. And meditation can be a specific practice. And as we know, there are many ways to meditate, and it can be very wonderful and profound. However, studies have shown that unless you're a very long term Yogi like meditator, there may be limitations, in some cases to how much you're deriving from it. In fact, that may be an escape as I'm talking about meditation even, or it may create imbalances. That's partly because it's not clearing the shadow work the blockages or you're getting messages from your soul. And you're and you're not focused, you're one pointed, you know, don't bother me. Don't bother me with those thoughts. Just ignore them, you know. And, and that's why sometimes people have tremendous results with meditation, and mindfulness. And being soulful is really being present and mindful and neutrally aware. But sometimes it they sort of missed the mark and we weren't run into and sometimes he'll people have been longtime meditators. And it doesn't seem to change their external world. There other than maybe enjoying meditation, doesn't seem to transfer. And so part of it is, is that idea that, you know, Physician, heal Thyself, that old adage that actually Jesus it was all day think of Jesus's time when he said it to people like to heal yourself. And some things you know, are just there genetically, or we're have to deal with some maybe physical limitations and so forth. So I don't mean to say that everything is resolvable and healable yet, you still can find your purpose and your meaning and a lot of that stuff is sort of a, a signal from to you, from your world from the universe that's things are off base. So things aren't quote, not working. You're not in love and light and more ease in and and attracting more what you want. And being in the place that is meaningful and helping yourself and others. If you're not there, then there's something that needs to be addressed. And you can use your soul and your awareness to do that. And that's where that second part of the book is activating different ways to do that. And then you can use that energy for healing and clearing. Through we use holistic EFT and spiritual Kinesiology.

Unknown Speaker  7:24  
Oh, wow, I have not never done holistic EFT. I'm intrigued to know a bit more about that. Because I know EFT is the tapping, isn't it where you tap, tapping kind of work around and I've done that before. But what what is spiritual EFT?

Unknown Speaker  7:38  
Well, there's holistic EFT, which is our sort of brand of the energy healing Emotional Freedom Techniques. We were early adopters of these energy, energy healing approach of saying affirmations to target a specific issue. And it can be physical, emotional, mental, and then tapping key acupressure points with your fingers that with needles like acupuncture to balance the energy. And we add add to that chain, what we call the reset process, which is tapping across the top of your head to balance your left and right brain. And then tapping and breathing and tapping across your heart. And if you do that, now, you may feel some wonderful energy in integrating love into your heart. And you can say, one of the affirmations we like to use is anything is possible and miracles are happening now.

Unknown Speaker  8:32  
Oh, yes, I like that anything is possible miracles happen now. Do you think sometimes we forget that there are miracles that can happen and anything is possible. And we kind of get kind of, like stuck in this kind of like fear or I'd like to just give you an example. Like, I think I've possibly inherited some fear from my ancestors. And, and I remember I was in the room and I was having discussion with with my partner. And I could feel like this fear kind of rising. And the way I use mindfulness and again, inspired from you, your book as well, is that I kind of told myself, this isn't real in the sense that it was just it didn't feel real to the moment it was more kind of like something that was coming up, which didn't feel in tune with what was actually in the moment. And I kind of stepped back from myself to see that that's what was happening. And the reason why I share it share that now is that I do agree a lot with the meditation that sometimes people can use yoga meditation as a way to and maybe not knowingly to kind of like bypass life and they can reach great moments of bliss on the yoga mat, but then as soon as they open the front door and and they get splashed by a vehicle on the side like that and they kind of like so I'm tapping into the soul I guess As an anti doc to remind ourselves to be more mindful, how can we understand difficult events in our life and turn them into a learning experience,

Unknown Speaker  10:09  
right. So if you do some of the healing, for example, then it becomes something that's very meaningful makes you grow and become a person that's kind of greater than you are. Now, it could be your next step. So something that's happening to you. There was a lady I was helping we do individual sessions, and she had a swelling in her right leg, and it had been going on for four years. And it was uncomfortable, and doing some of the energy healing work with her and connecting or with her soul, she was able to understand her feelings, because a lot of these things are repressed feelings, even things that are physical are connected with repressed feelings as you and probably a lot of your audience knows. And you can breathe into your body where sometimes you're stuck and understand the feelings and a lightness came over her soulful lightness, and some more of the strengthening the connection with her soul. And by the end of the process, her swelling head disappeared, which shocked me, I don't you know, I don't I can't promise that there's no guarantees. Sometimes these things happen like this. Not always, sometimes it's more to a moderate degree. But generally, the psychology is revealed like the blockage, the mental blocks, and the emotional blocks can be definitely usually usually found out pretty easily. So anyway, she was clear. And she afterwards she started to change her diet, more water, less salt. She just and and four months later, when I talked with her again, Mary said, hey, yeah, you know, it's still fine. So these things can really change. If you use energy, we are energy, right? The gentle yoga Warrior uses energy, right? Yes. Like that title, yin and yang. Masculine and Feminine. Um, so if we're energy and we tap into energy, we can reconfigure it and use it more to in a favourable way, rather than a way that we don't like and that challenge those things that are difficult in our life. So it's something to look at. And either meditate, to connect with your soul is what we recommend and teach and explain and learn and grow and become a better wiser person from it.

Unknown Speaker  12:28  
That's always a good, that's always a good road to take, isn't it, to learn from things and to expand our beam, because the more we can expand it, the more than we show other people how they can expand. And then if everyone's expanding, it's a beautiful thing, you know, it's just all over the world and, and beyond really, actual bypassing, I think we just touched on it in just now where we talked about how I can meditate but kind of without the mindfulness element, then we can kind of miss that is anything else you would like to add?

Unknown Speaker  13:00  
We just as I said, had many people, a lady, we knew it was very tragic. She met a person who was a charismatic person, and he was a meditator. And they meditate. And she was in a group meditating. And basically, he was a con person who took all her money and everything, even though she was, quote, meditating all the time. And he was meditating with her, and they doing this and that, and that's an extreme example. But, but I think that the lesson is giving your power away to even meditation or an external authority. Jane and I, my wife, Jane, Mount rose, and I met in a spiritual group years ago. And like a lot of spiritual groups, you were following a leader, a guru, and he seemed to have all the knowledge and wisdom, although like a lot of them, it was there was some some problems beneath the surface. But one of the main problems is just giving your authority away, which is normal as part of the spiritual growth process, where you start to separate yourself kind of from your background and conventionality and status quo, right? And then maybe like we did you want more maybe this spiritual group is going to help you which it really did in many ways, we still teach some of the profound principles from that spiritual group that that was very wise about body types and centres of gravity and such but giving your power away is something you want to overcome. And so eventually, we left the group the go on our own path and use what we had and even though there was a lot of awkwardness and, and I think some even humiliation, and just the way if you're in a group, you can be sort of belittled in a way rather than being humbled in in a in a positive way you can be actually diminishing yourself, you know, thinking that like, I have to just follow this leader, I can't really do anything I myself, you're disempowered instead of empowered. So it was a learning experience. I'm glad I did it. Many people have submitted their authority to wake up and some people never recover from those experiences, you know, when they have the guru and First, the guru has abused power and sex, it's, you know, money, etc, the norms. And wow, that person is not perfect, that person was kind of deceiving me, which may be true on one level. But that's part of the journey, right? That's part of how we learn and grow and realise in the self actualization coming from your soul that we can experience.

Unknown Speaker  15:23  
Absolutely. And I think it's, it's not to follow anything completely blindly. And I think we do learn from these experiences, I've had similar kind of experience to what it sounds like to yourself. And I think there is always gems and things to learn from, from different spiritual groups, etc. But it's it's taken, it gets to a point, I think, where you kind of need to take responsibility as well, in the sense that you can't just follow someone blindly, because that can become a convenience rather than that you're kind of the next step next step along, in my opinion, emotional intelligence fellow. So we hear this quite often have emotional intelligence, what is emotional intelligence? And what's the best way to apply it in their everyday life?

Unknown Speaker  16:15  
Right? Well, the reason why we write about emotional intelligence in the loving power of your soul book is it's one of the tools the intelligence that the soul has to use. Usually, our soul is rather unconscious in the background. But when we become more awakened to it, we have these abilities more or less, and one of them is emotional intelligence. So we have a wide range of emotions. And a lot of them start off in the body experiencing either going for or away from something, which is how muscle testing is done something that's more positive, or we'd like to say expansive, is something you're interested in something that's more repressive contracting, you kind of go away from and that's part of life. And then there's some sort of more neutral things, too. So if you've view the gamut, as part of your experience, you can use it as a feedback mechanism. And a way to understand yourself and other people and become sensitive to other people's emotions as well. And when we do things like holistic EFT in the EFT, tapping part of it is sometimes connecting with your emotions, Emotional Freedom Techniques. And many people are not in touch with their emotions. Either because they've been sort of taught that way. They're sort of mentally inclined, sort of genetically. But nonetheless, they're there. So when you become aware of them, you have more awareness, and then you can do something about it. And it's interesting when we start to know things, and the reason why a podcast like this is so interesting, is Wow, when I become aware of the territory, I can navigate, and I'm much more able to be successful. And if I know I'm, if I know this is, you know, what is this? What are you feeling? I'm feeling like people don't like me, well, that's not a feeling. You know, that may be a thought. I'm feeling like, everyone's out to get me Well, that's another kind of belief. What are you feeling? Well, I'm feeling actually hurt, okay, that's a feeling. I'm feeling rejected. feeling disappointed? Okay, that's inserting that's kind of step one to accept it like, okay, that's I'm becoming emotionally intelligent and becoming aware of, hey, and I don't like to feel hurt and rejected. And usually we kind of stuff those discomforts. And they come out in our life networking is that previous question what happens when your life's not working? Well, if you're continuing feeling afraid of being rejected, or pleasing people, whatever it's showing up in your life isn't working out there, you know, in an empowered way. So it's a feedback mechanism. It's a key to become more emotionally intelligent, and then you can use those feelings to help direct you and you can heal them in the sense of just shifting more into a positive place of hope and joy, and optimism, love and happiness.

Unknown Speaker  19:21  
I think it's I guess you can take steps towards that as well. I guess if you're in a feeling of feeling disappointed you and, and there's a feeling fulfilled, I guess, is it possible to kind of take steps to what what's above feeling disappointed in the kind of, or do you think she'd scores aim high straightaway?

Unknown Speaker  19:40  
Well, I think the healing will shift it usually altogether. I mean, if you if you don't have a healing, you might just try to feel a little less rejected. I mean, try to diminish that and, and take some steps to feel a little more neutral about situations you know, and have some positive thoughts and positive experiences but It might be best to, to shift the energy. So if you're feeling like you're afraid to start a business, you know, if you have that fear, if you can shift that fear, then you're in a more positive optimistic place, you can attract better things. And then you can take the steps, the action steps to succeed in a more from a more positive state of mind.

Unknown Speaker  20:26  
Oh, wow, yes. So it's kind of gives you a bit of a US, it gives you a big start really in the direction that you want to go. Because it's kind of it's good pulling out the things which we may not necessarily be aware of, or we may be aware of, and kind of recalibrating that energy into a vibration that's more compatible with where, where we meant to be or where we want to be rather than feeling kind of small, or whatever the block may be joy and happiness and all these kinds of positive, uplifting icon like higher, uplifting feelings. What would you say is a way to approach life to make it more of an amazing adventure? I think we can be so serious about fixing everything and cost. We're here to learn. But how can we make an amazing adventure on the process?

Unknown Speaker  21:21  
Right? So if you figure you're here, for some reason, you can figure that out. And that's experience things on this physical plane, right? So we're here You and me are here. Everyone listening is here, for a reason to experience things. And that experience thing seems to be to learn more about love, and learning itself, and contributing, helping other people growing, those kinds of things. So when you start to look at your life as a journey of experience, a journey of love, a journey of learning, you lighten up. And if you have your soulful presence, your soulful presence is man judgmental, and very caring, and will help you summon courage, where there's some areas that are challenging, where you need the courage to venture forth, because you become the hero of your own life, the author of your own story. And we tend to forget that we're here for a reason because of these veils. And that makes things very serious to if we if we're just sort of lost in the dark woods, as it said, without realising there's we're here to find our way out, find what we are to learn from that, then it's very meaningful. It's like it's like a movie or a novel or a book, you know, it's very interesting to see, hey, here's a challenge. The hero heroine goes on the challenge gentle yoga warrior goes on the challenge, and she's going to find some some obstacles. It could be internal, the fears and doubts, I'm going to succeed, I'm going to be rejected. And we'll meet with ups and downs, downs, and it's not usually a linear thing. There's a lot of ups and downs and reinventions, but in the end, she lives successfully. And you can look back at your life and say, you know, I'm happy I did what I could with what I had, I made the most of it.

Unknown Speaker  23:17  
Yeah, it's amazing way to look. And we have we are kind of thick, the main character of our own adventure and of all adventures, like you said, there's highs and lows. And, but ultimately, most books that I read, fiction, the characters are completely different person by the end of it, as are we and I always think it's important to kind of, to, to also enjoy the process of the adventure as well and kind of not always thinking I need to be here or I've come from there. Of course, reflect back sometimes reflecting back can remind us how far we've come or how much we've changed. How does imagery relate to the soul healing and spiritual growth,

Unknown Speaker  23:57  
it's a very powerful inner modality being able to see and the inside these internal senses is very powerful, and they may be colours. And sometimes people use that as getting messages from the soul. And this might be a time even to do the using imagery, what we call the mud to the mountain top or the apex process, which is a soul connected connection that we write about. It's easy to do. It's a simple visualisation and visualisations can help with spiritual awareness and spiritual healing. And it's a way of self actualizing to as as I'll explain, so, would you like to kind of go through this experience?

Unknown Speaker  24:39  
Yes, let's do this. I think it'd be good. People are driving

Unknown Speaker  24:43  
or something, you know, you don't want to get to lostness but otherwise I would encourage people to participate as directly as they can. So it would start with something that's maybe bothersome or a little irksome, or it could be bigger, small, but is there something that that you that should maybe that you care to mention that's a little troublesome for you.

Unknown Speaker  25:04  
Yes, erratic income.

Unknown Speaker  25:06  
Radek income okay. And I think that's true a lot of people are facing that same challenge. So what kind of feeling? Or what kind of image or incident and when you focus on erratic income, is there an image or kind of an image coming to mind?

Unknown Speaker  25:21  
Yeah, there's kind of like a smell a feeling if that's okay to share. It's kind of like a heaviness around the heart area sometimes a little bit a little bit, but grief, nothing too severe, but it's kind of it's kind of lingering there a bit.

Unknown Speaker  25:36  
Okay, well, this will be a very good process, because we're actually going to be doing a course on money and finances and energy healing coming up in April at this time in 2022. Is that's the plan. So, so this would fit in rather well with with that, too. So anyway. It might be good to Jane, do you have like, Just can you think of a time when you had that heaviness in the heart? Maybe just maybe? Oh, yes. Thinking about it? Yeah,

Unknown Speaker  26:04  
I do. Just when I kind of see when I saw too many outgoings going out when I look at my when I look online banking,

Unknown Speaker  26:12  
or Becky so like to see your banking. Yeah, going in? Yeah. Yeah, that's something we can all relate to. So you have that. And it has a feeling of heaviness around the heart. Any other that's a sensation, any kind of feeling, too.

Unknown Speaker  26:25  
Yes. A kind of feeling of them sometimes feeling of shame. Yeah. And oh, yeah.

Unknown Speaker  26:32  
Yeah, feeling can be shaming that can be even a deeper kind of identity thing in the moment, just that part of you to just as it's good to frame we're doing, we're healing a part of us. With the soul. That's not the soul that's just kind of lost its way, shall we say? As and kind of get back. So we can then live our lives more fully. But we'll talk about that in a moment. So let's go back and imagine this this mud mountain tap this Apex processes, visualisation, going back to the imagery question, answering with an experience, you know, illustration in the moment here with Jane, thank you. So if you imagine that, that that in going out going banking thing, and the heaviness and the shame that you kind of it's like being in the mud, something of that like the bottom of a of a big hill or mountain and you're in the mud or something of that nature? Can you sense that or imagine that? Yes. What's that like for you?

Unknown Speaker  27:35  
Feeling is slow and kind of cumbersome kind of feeling? Frustration.

Unknown Speaker  27:44  
Right? And one out of 10 By the way, how frustrated just tennis total?

Unknown Speaker  27:52  
Oh, maybe that's the feeling on fuel into this about a seven, seven. Okay,

Unknown Speaker  27:56  
at that moment. Okay. So we're gonna just let that stay for a moment and shift Jane to rising up to a wonderful mountain top, some lofty perch, way up high panoramic view. Fresh air. Perfect temperature. Actually, you have that bird's eye view, there's a panoramic vision, things change in your awareness. And you can see everything in every one. And if you see all those connections in that big picture awareness, right. And are you getting a sense of that change?

Unknown Speaker  28:35  

Unknown Speaker  28:36  
What's that like for you?

Unknown Speaker  28:38  
Feels really uplifting and free. And, and kind of vast is the word vast?

Unknown Speaker  28:46  
Mm hmm. Okay. And from that vastness, that more soulful perspective, right? What does that vastness sort of show you or tell you about your your situation and in your finances and such?

Unknown Speaker  29:03  
To see the bigger picture, to see, to feel into? I'm bigger than bigger than that worry? I'm kind of my energy has has has gone out into the world instead of being focused on that negative point.

Unknown Speaker  29:21  
So sending your energy out into the world, is that what you're saying? Yes. And what's it like sending your energy out into the world? How does How do you perceive that? Or how would that be?

Unknown Speaker  29:32  
It feels almost like an eagle or like a bird kind of like flying. I'm currently on the tour, which is a big, big, big hill locally in my imagination and then kind of like, kind of like flying.

Unknown Speaker  29:47  
So that's a wonderful image. You have the flying like an eagle and the hill over the hill, and kind of on the hill but just floating over it some kind of hovering over the hill hovering that's the right word. Yes. Hovering. That's beautiful. Yes. And that wonderful eagle is speaking you and telling you what about your situation? And your feelings and your possibilities and your energy?

Unknown Speaker  30:12  
Yeah. This kind of feeling like, you know, like trust because I'm trusting the seagull.

Unknown Speaker  30:20  
Yes. Trust is part of it. Yes. Okay. So trusting. Alright, so when you kind of sense in go, just sort of glimpse back down or look back down at your original position, way down at the bottom of the mountain tap. What's that like,

Unknown Speaker  30:36  
now? It's small, it feels smaller. It feels like it's just a it's just like a small thing. Whereas I'm kind of on my path. It feels like it's kind of shrinking to the side. And then I'm kind of walking up that walking up the hill. But even though let's feel into it, and feeling that the birds are moving, and it's kind of enjoyable to walk along. And does that answer the question?

Unknown Speaker  31:09  
I think so. So, right, so you're feeling more joy? Yeah. Lightness? How is the heart feeling now? Lysa? Lighter. Okay. Okay. So that would be and we're going to follow up pyramid of moment. But just to review, what what just happened there, which was kind of amazing was a beautiful example of imagery. I love that eagle, hovering over the hill, with sending you all the right energy in the trust, that's beautiful. So that's shifting your state of being so then that would take you into maybe some ways of acting or proceeding with your finances or looking at that of what you want to create and what you want to do. Is there anything that might be coming to mind on that? Front? Well,

Unknown Speaker  31:54  
what I'd like to create, and what I'd like to do is there's a few things, but one thing that comes to mind the most is I'd like to spend more time doing my work in my business. I have a wonderful, have a wonderful part time job, but it doesn't feel like it's my path anymore. So it's yes. And it's more it's more of that feeling that I want to do go into that vastness of them. My potential,

Unknown Speaker  32:28  
huh? Well said, Yeah, and it sounds rather vague. And at first it can be and that's how myself and my partner Jay mount were to start to we she was an architect, I was an educator, and eventually we became burnt out in different ways. And we just sort of that we kind of outgrew that it no longer served us it was sort of like Deadwood even though I still enjoyed being a teacher and was very valuable helping kids. Jane actually just doing architecture, it became really meaningless even though she was very good at it. And she became sick. So after a certain point, it sort of falls away kind of like a former self or a skin that you shed, if you let it and the new you can emerge or another metaphor imagery butterfly can can come out of the cocoon.

Unknown Speaker  33:19  
Wow. It's powerful stuff, isn't it? Philip is kind of I don't know feels that's exactly how it feels it senses as a form of self. And again, I'm good at my part time job, it doesn't feel like an alignment what I'm doing at the moment where the other stuff gives me so much joy. So Frankie finished fish to give me that experience.

Unknown Speaker  33:41  
Great, you did really well in there. And my sense is that the way this usually happens is there are other things other clues other next steps like that hero heroines journey that present themselves. Not to mention there may not be some other challenges as we were saying to but that's the journey that's the meaning that's the depth and doing what you love in a practical way. There's there's so called developmental passions where you're not just sort of throwing everything the wind, throwing everything out the window and say I'm just starting and following my passion, but doing it in a very pragmatic, grounded sensible way. But a very liberating and soulful way. Both can be combined effect they work well together synergistically

Unknown Speaker  34:27  
to go on about your book, if I may with our dear listeners. I was like to work cells for like myself that energy so the loving power of your soul, a guidebook for realising your true potential. So this book, like I said, 125 pages into it. One of the things that I was reading about this is take some deep breaths and focus on your dreams of creating a more so soulful, meaningful and fulfilling life. It's a life that includes accessing your own inner guidance and wisdom. Learning to value yourself as As a magnificent spiritual being, clearing all obstacles you encounter along the way with your greatest possible ease and enjoying life to the fullest. This book makes me feel endless in the sense that it just it just opens my eyes to how fast a being each and every one of us are. Could you speak a bit about the book and how it came about what you'd like to share to the listeners about this magnificent book,

Unknown Speaker  35:32  
having been in their holistic field for three decades with my wife and partner Jain mount rose, we've experienced a lot of things learned a lot of things. We after we were in that spiritual group I mentioned earlier, we started learning, healing, hypnotherapy, NLP, we went into other things, all kinds of psychology channelling, in intuition. And we integrated a lot of it because we realised that the healing part is essential for awakening. And different people have different routes. As you know, James, some people are more action oriented and doing things. But a lot of people are more healing in take that holistic route of healing the deep inner blocks, which sooner or later, if you want to go forward need to be resolved. I want to highlight that point F for a while you can let it the dust keep gathering but it's kind of like that car with the you know, wash me sign you know, where you see someone with the dirt, finger wash me, at a certain point, you can't ignore it. In other words, you have to step out of the herd you have to start healing and addressing the part of you that feels lonely, the part of you that feels unsuccessful, the part of you that feels ashamed. And it seems very challenging and overwhelming, except you're living that anyway. And isn't that what you're here to do? And that's what we've learned. And we developed a lot of our own processes in a holistic EFT, tapping approach, and I mentioned spiritual Kinesiology. And we started working with people individually. And we still do work with people individually, and doing a lot of trainings. And we have a holistic coaching and healing programme and some individual courses. So helping people do this. And when it came time to write the book, which maybe started maybe a couple years ago now, just when you start the idea, like how do we put it all together, and it kept expanding, like a lot of things. And then we wanted to get it like our other books, just crystal clear, very easy to read. Not at all filled with jargon and so forth, but profound and practical. And how to, and you can do it too. And so how to live by the light of your soul. How do you do that? What does that mean? It means as we said, developing your emotional intelligence, which we wrote about we discussed a little bit in developing your mental intelligence, developing your spiritual intelligence to develop your physical body intelligence, getting messages from your body about what these things mean to you that are happening to you using all that harnessing it with meditation and mindfulness. And with soulfulness getting the direct messages from the soul and how to do that and make it easy and then we reviewed how to do holistic EFT and spiritual kinesiology in the third part of the book too. So we wanted to just put it all together easy to read how to reference manual for people. We

Unknown Speaker  38:33  
have quite a quite an international audience everywhere, Amazon, etc.

Unknown Speaker  38:41  
Right? If Yeah, if we if they want to get a free excerpt and we have a little download it's a tiny URL and abbreviated URL Tiny Tiny And that's a an excerpt from the loving power of your soul book and some resources on EFT a video some other resources for training and learning so I think people might enjoy that free gift if they go there and exam are getting through that org website.

Unknown Speaker  39:17  
Perfect. That's that's a lovely a lovely thing to give away for free. So it's getting Isn't it

Unknown Speaker  39:23  
is a website thr u dot o RG so we've had the websites since 1997. Since we long time, we have a lot of videos and blogs and trainings, a lot of downloads there.

Unknown Speaker  39:35  
Ah, brilliant and, and you work with clients one on one, do you do that internationally as well? So yes, countries as long as it's within the time that we were just forgot a 10 Basil.

Unknown Speaker  39:47  

Unknown Speaker  39:48  
Is there anything else you'd like our listeners to know about today anything else you'd like to share?

Unknown Speaker  39:54  
I just in terms of if people are interested in individual contacting us potentially for an individual's session Shouldn't sessions, they could go to another tiny URL, we just made it easy to remember tiny URL, comm slash heal, dash awake, tiny This dash awake if that's something or how we can maybe help them in some way or another

Unknown Speaker  40:16  
Oh, brilliant. And it's worth having a one on one sometimes if it's stuff that we kind of caught, we have these blind sides that we don't always see. And it's exactly and someone else can kind of pull back the curtains of what we're what we're missing

Unknown Speaker  40:32  
a lot of time and energy, as you said, the blind spots and I luckily I have my wife and partner Jane mount was to help me but I've gone to other people too, because some things are just sort of deep and embedded. And you just need another person who's good, who you relate to who can really help you and it could save you a lot of time and energy. Oh,

Unknown Speaker  40:48  
do you know I've really enjoyed this conversation today. The listeners do check out Philip and Jane's work. I will leave links in the bio. Do stay tuned. The as always will be recorded meditation inspired by today's wonderful chat with Philip, thank you so much for taking the time out of your day. I really appreciate it. So it's goodbye from Glastonbury and you take care, Philip, thank you.

Unknown Speaker  41:12  
Thanks for inviting me, Jane, keep up the great work. So you're

Unknown Speaker  41:15  
going to sit up nice and tall shoulders back and down feel as if the spine is nice and long. The reason I always say beginning of every meditation to have the spine nice and straight, as it means that energy moves in a better way prana Qi whatever modality you follow, this will have a better sense of flow and being an offer my own personal experience when I'm slouching or when I'm not sitting upright, it does have a profound effect. Like of all forms of meditation, don't go into this when you're driving. Instead, you can just do it when you're doing it somewhere quiet. Place one hand on the heart centre. So the heart centre is in the yoga world, just the place in the centre of the chest and then place one hand upon the navel. And you're going to inhale through the nostrils and as you inhale, you feel as if the belly, the sides of the waist, the back, the mid drift, the mid back, the upper chest, upper back, expands. So you've heard him have that nice deep breath in and exhale, let it go. And again, inhale exhale and again, inhale exhale. Maybe in the course of this meditation, your lung capacity, maybe longer than the breath I'm doing or it may be shorter. Important thing is just to be so inhale. Exhale. Maybe the next breath can be a bit slower as you keep the hand on the heart centre. And you imagine this emerald green light emanating from that area and then the hand that's on the navel you fear. You feel this vibrant yellow sunshine light. And that sunshine works towards the heart centre as you breathe. And that emerald heart light reaches down towards the navel being one's moving up as in one's moving down in this perfect loop of being all the time you're inhaling so slowly, slowly you're exhaling slowly. Next, can you make breath with even more ease So as you connect your energetic Heart Centre to your energetic area of personal power, can you be that love? Can you love yourself enough to find moments in your day to pause and be in the moment

Unknown Speaker  45:31  
and start to take some slow deep breaths in and out through the nostrils in and out slowly desert as you come back into the room, back into the moments and you gently open your eyes. So that was the meditative minds. Now can you take the mindful intelligence into your day by being the observer of your thoughts? An Amen to act instead of react through the free gift of the vise. So thank you for listening to this meditation. So I always record a meditation at the end of my podcast. This is episode 81. There's another 80 episodes where you can tune into meditations

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