Awakened Conscious Conversations

Five Minutes of Mindfulness and Meditation To Combat Christmas Busyness

Season 11 Episode 0

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It's the season to be jolly, and yet it can bring up a lot of stress and sometimes pain.  Yet, fear not!  I may be on vacation but I will be bringing you ten minutes or less of Holiday Season survival ideas through out the break in the shape of mindfulness, meditations and ideas on how to deal with the stressful side of the holiday season.  Also, how to keep up with a mini practice so that you keep yourself nice and balanced and calm. 

For the first one we are going to work on: Five Minutes of Mindfulness and Meditation To combat Christmas Busyness

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Unknown Speaker  0:00  
Okay, so I just press record on the one the laptop. I've also just pressed the stopwatch because this is a bonus holiday season inspired many podcasts and I use the word mini because during the holiday season, whatever you're celebrating at this precise moment, is a busy time. And we spend a lot of time with loved ones trying to please people or kind of trying to get by on gifts or whatever it is you're doing during this holiday season. And it can be a bit kind of much, or you've worked really hard up until this time that you have off, and then you feel kind of like really kind of drained or tired. And then you're having to kind of do things have been situations which even if you love your loved ones, it might not necessarily be what you want to do, etc. And the general business can kind of get us a bit kind of down, or maybe just overwhelmed, or all kinds of you know, maybe you're really enjoying it and really having a great time. But you still want to fit your mind from this end. So I would say do the mindfulness and meditation, even the times when you feel not when you feel great, even the times you feel great, it's important to kind of get those into your into your way of living is equally as important. It's kind of keeping that kind of, except brushing your teeth as that kind of meditation momentum going. And so the busyness and Christmas thing is right, we all run around like crazy, or whatever holiday is you're celebrating, and all these things, getting the food ready, all these these things that we think we have to do. So whatever holiday season that is only a day, maybe a couple of days max. So the whole world isn't going to end if everything's not perfect for that day. And once we kind of see that and we take those expectations off of it, it kind of makes life a lot easier. So make a list and other sounds, make a list and the things that really kind of essential. So I don't know, maybe you want to make sure that you have food for everyone. But maybe we don't need to do 20 dishes. Remember those the supermarkets would be open that in a few days, it's not like the world is going to end or there's the kind of like pressure that's put on us for like Christmas presents and holiday presents or whatever it is that you've kind of feel pressurised in this time, pressurised to cook profoundly. And then sometimes your family can ask questions that you really don't want them to ask or you feel like people think about boundaries. But you know what, just because people are family, you can be polite to them, but it's okay to set boundaries, you know, they, it's okay to say what you are prepared to take and you What are you prepared to accept from someone else that is very important that you kind of know what those boundaries are. And that kind of self love and way of being. So maybe you've got a jam packed schedule, maybe you're sharing the spare room with like two other relatives, and you just don't have the space to sit and meditate. But I've thought if I give you like this little bite sized thing, you can just sneak off into the bathroom. No, it'd be the wise and you get that bit of space and mindfulness, which is like kind of a nice thing to do. And just remember, everyone really is getting on your nerves and just go for a walk, you know, like you just say I'm going to exercise I'm going for a walk, there is kind of ways around it. Hence that you can have some relaxing music. So there's, there's a lot of ideas out there. But the general busyness, the key component is to stay present, take deep breaths, everything doesn't have to be perfect, right? And remember, Christmas or whatever holiday it is that you're celebrating is a great thing. But remember, the commercial size is there on purpose to kind of make us feel inadequate, that we have to kind of push ourselves financially, beyond what which we all feel comfortable doing. This is immense pressure, I say to you, you don't always have to go along with that you can go against the grain why? Why get yourself into debt for one day. And then most of the time we don't always get people don't get it right do we I'm sure we don't get it right for people and vice versa. So it's just like, just get to talk and present and people are put out. So be it literally do what is right for you. So that is a good tip. So let's get on to meditation because I'm mindful that we've only got like, five minutes left. And we're going to do a quick couple of minutes meditation. So we'll keep it under under 10 minutes. 10 minutes maximum be but the meditation is only for a few minutes. So let's just close our eyes and take some slow harm deep breaths in and out through the nostrils. And this is one of the most simplest meditations to do and yet, we can kind of feel that we were failing if we don't get to that point straight away. But what I invite you to do is just as you inhale, be illicit that breath moves out like the ocean. And as you exhale Have you elicit that breath comes back in. So I say this quite often in meditation, because I think it's such a beautiful way to see it. So the meditation inhalation, the breath goes out, the meditation, exhalation, the breath comes in. It's that kind of stillness, that sense of being, that sense of knowing and that sense of presence. Whatever thoughts you've pink in, are maybe in mind starting to entice you to things that you need to do. Those things will still be there, you can just tell your mind that you're going to concentrate solely on the breadth of what you have to do after this meditation doesn't matter. And what you haven't had had to do befalls meditation doesn't matter. All that matters with this is the here and now. And the best thing to do that is fire the breath. So you keep that breath going, I'm just checking the time to make sure they stick to what I promised you all. So keep that breath moving slowly, calmly, in and out through the nostrils as much as you can with your straight spine. So try and keep it back as straight as you can, whether or not you're sitting on a chair, the floor. And if you're in the bathroom, maybe you send another loop. That's up to you. I don't need to know about. So let's take some slow, calm deep breaths in and up near the nostrils. And just keep coming back to that intricately beautiful connection with the breath, that beauty that was in your soul, that sense of calmness. That sense of knowing that sense of being in and out through the nostrils. Again, the thoughts kind of try to entice you elsewhere. All you need to do is just simply come back in to the moment. And then the soul gently start to open the eyes. Take a nice deep inhalation, a nice deep exhalation and just let it go. How does that feel? So the good news is you can come and do this as many times as you need to whatever it is. So you can kind of find these moments of calm. So when your family stopped driving your mother, maybe in a dorm, or maybe you're just feeling my family a great, everything's calm, but I just feel like I need to kind of get a bit for myself. This is what you come back to you and just try again. And let me know how you get on. And please please please share with me your ways of surviving the holiday season. So there's so much pressure on this, how to how do you find your way around to survive and join me on my next instalment next week, which will be holiday inspired and also here to help keep you feeling nice and calm during the most beautiful maybe but the most stressful time of the year. So there's that opened up for me and as always, if you want a personalised recording meditation, please reach out to me via the gesture over where I have services where I can do personalised recording meditations that are just for use specifically for something you're working on. So that's over and out from me and enjoy your holidays. Thank you Namaste

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