Awakened Conscious Conversations

How To Find Your Deepest Purpose

The Gentle Yoga Warrior Season 12 Episode 1

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Let's discover our deepest purpose to get the New Year, day, or even this very moment off to the best possible start.  Back for the second time special guest Sivaroshan Sahathevan.  Director of  SourceAwakened Healing, Integrated Kundalini Training and Integrated Kundalini, Sivaroshan knows a thing or two about finding one's deepest purpose! Let's go on a journey through blocks, confusion and into the heart.

Sivaroshan's contact details:
Previous episode on Authenticity starting Sivaroshan

Did you know that only 9-12% of people keep their new years resolutions?  Well, we want to help change that! What do we want to change this year?   How can you do it with more vigour, ease, and momentum?   Find out here!  
Each show ends with a guided meditation inspired by the talk.


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Unknown Speaker  0:00  
Hello there, dear listeners. And thank you, we've made it to season 12 vs season 12, which is, I don't know what the exact percentage is. But there's quite a lot of podcasts don't actually make it this far. So I'm really honoured that I have. And I'm also really honoured that you are listening to this podcast. So it may be January as I record this, or maybe it's not as you're listening to it. But it is the season that is known for genuinely people feeling kind of bit blue, and feeling a bit for failure because of not managed to stick to their New Year's resolutions. But I think there's only about 9%, nine to 12% people that actually managed to stick to the New Year's resolution. So if you feel like you've failed, don't worry, I was think Start New Year's intentions at the end of January because like, January is so hard as it is right, you kind of come up with the holiday season. And in some parts of the world, it's cold. And even if it's not cold, it's kind of that back to that kind of working maybe in jobs that we don't all enjoy, or maybe just feel, what is the deeper meaning and life. So this season is all going to be about helping you kind of find your way and navigate your way and just kind of cement new habits achievements and kind of go for our dreams Well, whilst having kind of a deeper sense of self acceptance, and we really want to help change. People not kind of being able to make changes in their life. I would just like to add that it's really important to realise the humaneness of ourselves, and that sometimes we may not always get or achieve what we think we should. And I think the word should, you'll hear a bit more about them as podcasts near but I'm really not a fan of the word should. So I'm gonna make two special guests to kind of start off the first interview of the Yeah, and this normally goes up on Wednesday. But at the time of release, there's so much good and release it on a Sunday, just for this special episode. So today we are going to talk about how to find your deepest purpose in life. So I've asked back for the second time International Yoga Teacher, teacher trainer. So the kind of yoga is called Kundalini yoga. And it's an amazing powerful form of yoga. This person is also a really experienced energy healer and kind of delivers it in a way that takes up a wall, that kind of fluffiness that can sometimes be in that kind of work. deeply respected for his authenticity and his ability to kind of see the big picture. I'm really excited to have on the show today. Siva Rocha Sahabi oven. And as we get ready for him to come on, just kind of find a place to kind of sit calmly and try and listen with the whole of your being like, obviously, if you're doing something, and you can't do that, but maybe at some point during the week, there's times you can listen with your whole being as he's coming on the line now. And Cyril Shan has been on the show before, if you check back to season five, biggest season five, Episode Five, but if you look for absolute authenticity, you will have an amazing talk there by SuperOcean. But first of all, let's welcome our wonderful guests today who is joining us from Somerset Hello, SuperOcean. Welcome to the show.

Unknown Speaker  3:25  
Hi, Jane. And it's wonderful to be back and to share with this year, the start of the year in January, Sasha, right time to be working on this type of work. So I'm really glad to be back on the show, we

Unknown Speaker  3:38  
were so honoured to you that you had the time to kind of speak to us today. I know how how busy life can get, I can feel like people feel quite flat at the moment. Even if you listen to this dear listeners and it's not January at the moment, it's precise moment as you're recording it is January. And there's a bit of the January blues post Christmas holiday season time. And it's quite commonly a time similar to when people set new year's resolutions and then they kind of kind of feel guilty when they when they fail or maybe they're not setting the right resolution. So I think today I would really like to talk how to find your do one's deepest purpose in life. And I thought you were the best person to speak to us today about it. Can you explain a little bit what inspired you to speak about that today? And also a bit about your journey, please? Yeah,

Unknown Speaker  4:30  
and thanks. For those who don't know some of you might be not be listening to this podcast in January, but we are in January and we always have this. You know this thing when it comes to January we're going to do something new. Yeah, we have to find and discover ourselves. So there's obviously a reason for that, you know, that, that we have this. Somehow this barometer that we hit January and there's some sort of a building of our purpose in our discovery that needs to happen. So the question, I guess how to find your purpose, I think the first thing is to frame is, let's stop doing it just in January. I think this is a big, this is a big thing to realise from what's coming through right now, in terms of what I would like to share, the first thing we need to really understand is, what is is the word purpose? Because if we don't look at what that word actually means, it can have major ramifications in terms of how we satiate the true calling for that question. And that's what a little what I want to share and talk a little bit about right now. Because the purpose itself, it comes from a really deep place. Yeah, that question? How do I find my purpose, it comes in a really, really deep place. And quite often, we answer it from a more shallow place. And that's really human and a natural, because the purpose, if I was to say if want to talk about it, I don't use the word shallow too much, because it is meaningful, but in terms of the depth is a little bit different. The purpose quite often is related to doing, yeah, that there's something that I need to do, that's going to make me happy. Yeah. And the, you could say, our focus, when it's focused on doing we start to work and think about activity, the things that I need to do. And then we open up this whole game plan, where we engage in terms of our world, our interactive world. And then purpose can get coloured in a really in a way that isn't useful, because it might start to get coloured with the lens of recognition. Like to be purposeful, I need to be recognised for something. And this may well be true, but does it really answer the deepest longing that's inside of ourselves? So one of the things that I think is really interesting with this question is first, ask yourself, Why am I asking this question? You know, the question is, how do I find my purpose? But why? And then I think something quite magical happens when you ask that question, because you suddenly start to become a little bit more vulnerable. Because, you know, we start to think, Oh, why? Why am I basically asking the question, Why am I not happy? Yeah. And you might start to think, why am I not fulfilled? And you start to maybe touch things, maybe, maybe you're bored. Yeah. And maybe you're frustrated, maybe you're angry. So all of these emotions start to be released. And it's, this is really beautiful, because it's really rich and fertile ground for you to go deeper. Because if we don't ask ourselves, if we don't connect to that vulnerability into the emotional disposition of that question, then we'll never really reached the depths of the question. And this is the first point I would stop,

Unknown Speaker  8:06  
kind of, from what I'm, if I understand this, correctly, is kind of allowing yourself the von bility to kind of really tap into what one's purpose is absent really well, obviously, we need our ego to kind of to be in this world, or we would just kind of be floating around. But it's kind of absent of the kind of drive of the kind of ego for kind of, you know, I guess fame recognition, or that kind of thing, and really tapping into one soul's essence and that kind of that that gem of, of why, why why one wants to find one's purpose, because I guess, in many ways, sometimes January can have like a spotlight on that it kind of can make them assess, assess our lives. And so that was that was quite interesting what you said, and I know that you've got a lot more to say, upon on this subject. I would just like to ask, how did you know you were on your right, put you found your purpose knew what on the right path?

Unknown Speaker  9:08  
Yeah, it's a great thing. And I will go to that question was was from pain, actually. Yeah. Because, you know, you start to you live your life in the way that you think it should be. I think this is a bit of my journey. You know, you're choreograph to some degree, put through the system of our of our western education system here. And you know, you tick boxes and you and you knew, you live a certain life that feels maybe the life that has been choreographed with you in terms of all of those in terms of your schooling, and your peer groups and your parenting, and then you start to go out into the big wide world and then you start to realise that those that structure is failing. And that, that what you thought you wanted to Be an do, isn't sustaining you, and isn't giving you joy. And as soon as you start to pay attention to that, and we can be for a long time just suppressed that, at some point, it will come to the surface. And the key thing when it came to the surface, I kinda, it's like a grey smoke, I guess, have a way you want to put it is that we either decide at some point to listen or not. And thankfully, I listened. And I started, you could say, to explore that pain. And there was in that exploration of that pain, I think that was the key thing for me, there was real vulnerability. And there was like, also, there was a fire as well, there was a drive, because there was something underneath that pain that had there was a fire in in me that wanted to discover wanting to stop that. And that why would call would be that deeper? essence of that question was coming to the surface, that power inside that wanted to direct my life in alignment, what if you could say your sole purpose or your truth was coming to the surface to meet that vulnerability. And it was like it was, it was kind of say, Hey, I'm here for you. Right? Let's try something new. Let's start to explore. And this is, this is why I called it this moment where we start to see in a different way, we start to receive information in a different way, we could say we start to open ourselves up to synchronicities, we start to open ourselves up to a wider universe of opportunity. And it's in this moment, this kind of innocent type place that we start to see the way through, when you start to see the opportunities that could start to get us out of the hole that we perhaps have dug for ourselves in our life. And then there's a little bit of courage that we need to take that step. Yeah, to explore whatever that piece of next, you know, you could say, Step is mean, whether it's to go to a course, whether it's to buy a book, whether it's to go and speak to somebody about what's going on in your life, whatever it is, yeah, it comes from that often kinetic feeling of pain or discomfort,

Unknown Speaker  12:22  
I can see how quite a few people may struggle with taking those initial steps, you know, it's kind of finding that compass to kind of, to kind of explore that, because I have a personal belief that society is kind of structured in a way that it doesn't always want us to kind of look at that. Because when we look at ourselves, it kind of shines a spotlight for other people to realise that there is more to life and kind of like TV dinners and and kind of, and again, that is the word shallow. When I use the word shallow as well, it just means someone's stupid, it's more like a kind of knowing that there is kind of like more to it. So my question would be why do you why? What makes one person want to kind of explore and another person not?

Unknown Speaker  13:13  
It's a really good question. And I think, you know, if we can take that from a spiritual lens, one could say it was that person's fate or destiny, to explore a lot, maybe, is to understand that not everyone is so unique. And everyone has a different life path. A different reason you could say to be on this planet? And I think we don't know. We don't we don't know why necessarily. That is, I think there's a certain amount of you know, space that when one must keep healthily in the in the grounds of the unknown. You know, why did the two people why this one person did, what is the other person doing? I think there's one thing one way to hold it. If not, we become quite judgmental, and we start to answer, we start to create so many different theories that perhaps don't serve the purpose. But one way, there's so many different ways to look at it, I would say, there is a moment and maybe the other person who doesn't look at it will find a moment later. There is a moment, you could say I call it like the exit on the roundabout. Yeah. And it's coming up, and you have a choice to take it. And I think everyone maybe can relate to this in their life, where they've had opportunities, and then they've known that that was an opportunity that they need to take, and for for some reason, or the other that I've of not taking it and they've really known that there was a missed opportunity, or they've taken it and then a real sense of relief washes over And, and you know that you're you've taken the path that you need to take in life. So I think, well, if we go back to that question really well frame difficult question of why does it doesn't is maybe to say is that that person might need to travel and around about a few times to figure out that actually, I missed it a few times, because we learn a lot through what we don't want, sometimes. And sometimes we need to go through that process to take the right choice. And it's just like, it wasn't that person's right time. I think it's as easy as that to say, if not, we get into quite complex about person's past and how supported they are in life. And there's a whole array of things, but I think it quite simply comes down to this is a really unique, I call it a soul configuration that we are all inhabiting, and we must live this kind of matrix or blueprint that has been laid out for us it is so is out of sight for us, that we kind of have a lot of trust and realise that we're following that blueprint.

Unknown Speaker  16:06  
Yeah, I could almost like it could that is that could be like a whole day kind of discussion, I can see that. I'm also kind of inclined to say that sometimes purpose doesn't actually have to have to be like a kind of achieving something kind of like, like, I don't know, like Korea thing or making something I sometimes feel like purpose can be a kind of change in attitude towards kind of how life is. And maybe that's the purpose, like, maybe one person's purpose is to kind of have this great big company. And that's their purpose, but someone else's purpose, could be something as kind of learning to like enjoy the moment or each day no matter what it brings, which sounds quite simplistic, but actually, that can kind of be a challenge. Could you think back to any points in your life where you've kind of had hints of your purpose for awhile, and maybe some time it kind of surrendered to the moment?

Unknown Speaker  17:18  
Yeah. I think there were there moments. One of the things I've shared before with people is that there was a moment where I said, I used to play lot sports. And I used to love sport, it was a big part of my life. And I played various sports and and one of the sports I played was badminton, I was I was quite good badminton player when I was younger, train those playing for different teams, or do this type of thing at university or this this type of stuff. And I remember training one day with my university with another member, the team, and we had a practice match. And I remember having almost out of I wouldn't say an out of body experience, I had a shift in my consciousness when I was playing. That allowed me to be what I would do one sports and we use the word the zone, where you were not thinking you were not. You weren't trying to be something I wasn't, if I had the purpose of being a better badminton player, I wasn't trying to be a badminton player. I wasn't trying that if my purpose was to beat this person in the match, I wasn't trying to beat this person in this track this match. And at the end of the day, I played probably the best match I've ever played. And it was just a training match. But it was so profound that even my opponent who's a friend, you came at the end this is and this you said to me what happened to you. And it was almost like he had received in playing with me that I was I was existing another level somehow, but I was young at the time is 20 or whatever. So I wouldn't have the language that I have now. But if I were to use the language I have now I was what I would say getting probably to the essence of your question is that I was in my purpose. And my purpose was to be truly myself. And beyond any definition of should, like I had to do this I had to do that I had to win the match. I had to hit the shot like that I had to do this all these questions that we think we have to do has a purpose in life, that choreographs our trajectory in life, all of that went out the window. My purpose was purely just to be me, and to express myself. And in context, I was expressing myself as a sports person rather than so. Yeah, so I'd say that was, in hindsight, a really good learning for me.

Unknown Speaker  19:55  
And very wise words. It's kind of the word should I I realise I use it quite often myself. And I do think it's a word that's not a very, it's quite a Boolean word. So you should should it's kind of I, it's more like, I will be, rather than I should, it's kind of something that I'm more favourable towards. So knowing and finding one's purpose, what's the one thing? If you were to have a time machine and be able to go back in time? And speak to your younger self? And what is the greatest hint, you would give that younger version of yourself about purpose? And also, what would you tell yourself to not do?

Unknown Speaker  20:46  
I would tell myself to trust myself more. I think certainly, when you're younger, you know, perhaps, it was certainly the way that I wasn't, I was younger. I was quite I was I was I was respectful of people and other people's opinions and other people's inputs and so forth. But perhaps I was too respectful of them. In the sense that I didn't allow my own inner voice to come through an influence what I wanted to do. And I think maybe I didn't give enough gravitas to that inner voice that was always there. And if I was to go back in a time machine, I'd probably help articulate to the younger me. Hey, do you hear that? That voice that you said no to that you just didn't You didn't quite go with? That was that was that universe? That was that power? That was the source that was your soul talking to you. And give that more AirPlay me. So I'd say I think a lot of my a lot of my choice in life will be different because of that. You know, thank you. Yeah, one could say, there's a lot of peer pressure in that in groups, and so forth. And there's maybe there's a sense of needing to be somebody that wasn't really who I really was. And something that we created through this interaction that we have with people in situations in our culture, and we have this quite, you know, palpable mix of things. I would come back and say, don't take for granted. Yeah, your your health and your well being. Don't take for granted your health and your well being. You know, I think many of us probably, probably it's a it's a catchphrase of being young you become a you feel a bit invincible, don't you kind of think you can do things that for forever. But I think there would have been a great mastery in starting out on a regime of well being healthy lifestyle a lot younger age, because I think it would, it creates the foundation it creates the environment is such an intimate level food, exercise, yoga design practice site plays such an amazing foundation for you to blossom, for you to welcome in all of the supporting things that might bring you towards living a more purposeful and joyful life. So if I had those two, I would stop doing some of the things that probably didn't serve that ideal.

Unknown Speaker  23:22  
If only we had those time machines, but we can't change the past, all we can do is change the present, which will have an influence on our future. So I'm a listener, and I'm listening in and I'm thinking I really enjoyed this podcast, but I need a bit of help with finding my purpose. Can you explain how you can offer assistance?

Unknown Speaker  23:45  
Okay, so for someone who would come to that question, how do you find your purpose in life? I probably, you know, try and find that first point as to why they're asking that question. Why is because you've got your you've got to touch the emotion, you have to find that place of vulnerability to say, hey, yeah, that's it. Yeah, I'm not happy this is going on. Yeah. And then you want to kind of, I think part of it is, to me is to create a really empowering space for that person to realise that, that they are already complete. Because I think one of the things one of the things about that question, it points to a sense of not being complete, or being a failure of not being good enough and all of this type of thing. And this fundamentally misunderstands the dimension of humanities that we are complete. And I think for me, it's really important that people really understand that there is a completion in them and that the pain in their life is a you could say is a misunderstanding is an ignorance of that. And then when we can start from that position, I think it's a really powerful empowering position from which to release the veil of ignorance about who we really are. And then this journey becomes very unique depending on the person I'm working with. I am a numerologist I love the numerology, which is a date of birth, which, for me was really hugely transformative and understanding a little bit, my life path, understanding my gifts and understanding my challenges in a way that wasn't you could say, derogatory to myself, you know, you know, so harshly self critical to myself, because you know, we all have a date of birth, we all ever, the set of strings and numbers from this system and new ones you that you can start to look at life and you'll be in personally buy in, in a way that's really supportive and productive. And for me, that helps people and helped me certainly find a really good framework from which to make your first steps because I think part of the challenge in discovering what your purpose is, is where do I start, for me, is to create a little bit of a, of a, of a framework for someone to begin exploring the steps of discovery of their purpose. So that will be the first thing I would

Unknown Speaker  26:15  
just like to wrap up, if I may, neurology that, I know that you are one like the best numerologist out there because you have a very intuitive, knowledgeable, but also kind of using intuition and instincts. And I've known people who've had readings by you and said, How uncannily accurate. You have been on on matters. For those listeners who have no idea what numerology is, could you just give a very kind of super diluted brief?

Unknown Speaker  26:44  
Yeah, sure. Of course, yes. So the date of birth is like a code for me for numerology. So it's like a code to your incarnation to your sole purpose. And that's linked to, you could say I would call the sacred geometric fundamentals of the universe, which all can come down to numbers. Yeah. And so those of you go through the seed could see the pattern can see the system and from the date of birth, we utilise calculations to bring forth different quality in the system numerology that I work with their five different qualities that come from the date of birth and those qualities either strengths or challenges. One was the gift. The path, the destiny, the soul, the karma, yeah. And to, to understanding how these qualities shape up for a particular individual gives you really good insight as to what their crystallised nature is, yeah, what their set of you can say incarnated challenges where they are, in a way that isn't, as you said before, overly personal and from understanding the qualities that these numbers are all individual, they can start to make changes, they can start to do practices that that can support them and give them a bit more wisdom in how they live their luck.

Unknown Speaker  28:06  
Oh, thank you for explaining that so elegantly. And, dear listeners, if you're interested in a Numerology region, I will give several items, contact details at the end. But I have known several people have had readings from him. And he's upset, he said, outstanding. So do do check out the show notes for that. So I'm a listener. I've got my neurology reading, or oh, what whatever it is, is there any other ways that they can help themselves find their purpose? And how you can assist them with that super ocean?

Unknown Speaker  28:41  
Yeah, of course. Yeah. So I think one of the ways to create this structure, this framework, this map for them to explore, and figure out the borders and the sets, and one of the ways that I, I've done it myself and ride share now is yoga teacher trainings. And these are, of course, you can become a teacher at the end of it. But for me in my particular journey, it was a framework where which I understood the notion of a yogi, yeah. If you look at the word yoga, yoga means union, and it's looking at, you could say, bringing together this sense of separation that we feel, which causes us our discomfort, which is the source of our longing, which is the source of our pain. So yoga is about union, it's about being in ourselves home to ourselves. There's so many other ways we can look at yoga. This is where it's coming from right now. And so, the training what it does, it creates that framework of discovering the self. Yeah. And we need to do this because quite often we've created momentum that is counter the momentum of this longing. So the training is an intensity it is that it's an equal and opposite force that we need to cultivate and curate and develop, and re orientate in our lives so that we can start to To be more purposeful to be in our joy to be in our power, and this is classically, we do it as a journey across the year, we start in February, and we finish in August, in terms of our timelines, every weekend, six weekends during the retreat, and this is like, you could say, a quest, a journey, or transformation. And we need it because quite often we don't sustain the momentum if we go alone. And being in a group and being in this commitment, and this and also knowing different techniques and tools. Along the way, we're building ourselves up into a new understanding of ourselves. And this is needed for a sustain purpose of living because quite often, we built unsupportive structures within our psyches and within our physical body. So this type of commitment, really is, I think, for me, one of the most powerful ways to, to live our life purpose, because we completely orientate reorientate, the mental body, the emotional body, the physical body, and the spiritual body, and they all move together, and then the power is what creates the sustainability of it. So at the other end, you become more solid and stable to live your life in alignment with your True need. So this is one of the strong offerings that I have.

Unknown Speaker  31:25  
Really, it's it kind of gives you that that strong foundation, so then you can kind of decipher things with her kind of more strong, grounded kind of lens, rather than kind of being enticed by her guess what's in our human nature sometimes is to turn and go for kind of the easiest way, which the easiest way isn't always the right way. But it doesn't necessarily have to be super hard, iva, there is another aspect of finding one's purpose. And I would describe energy healing, in my opinion, as doing kind of like hours of meditation or Ronger, it kind of helps clears the clouds a bit so that you can kind of see and navigate your way to kind of that sense of being. Can you explain a bit about what energy healing is? Because sometimes when I say the word energy healing, people have got like this preconception? It's kind of lots of kind of like hippies kind of, and it has kind of no real relevance. I disagree. Personally with that market, but I'd like to hear your opinion on it, and how, how you would describe it?

Unknown Speaker  32:34  
Great, fantastic. It's a really good way. Good question, actually, because it's been another any dealings has been another huge question of my track personal transformation in life along with yoga, and it's to dance together really, really well. So energy healing, you know, I'll just share a little bit my own experience. We, you know, we're we're experiencing energy all of the time, but we don't have a language for it, we do have a language for the physical and material because it's so directly so in our face in a very literal way. But there's so many gaps around how the physical dimension is interacting with this, but doesn't give us the full story. So energy, and the notion of energy is to understand that everything at a quantum level and at the atomic level, is, is coming from this field of energy. And this has been proved many times in quantum physics now in so many, many scientific journals, right now that we're proving that we are very much and energetic, there's more spacing in the universe than there is physical matter, you know, and so we're starting to really tap into the reality of that. And then there's an energy healer, someone who's trained in working with energy, we are accessing that kind of dimensional field of energy, and we're bringing it through into material, you could say function into conscious understanding. And when we train this energy healer, and you only work with this field, you start to realise that there's a relationship between our physical body consciousness and the energy that we're inhabiting. You know, we've all come into the rooms that are that, that that space is really bad energy, anything that feel whether it's good or bad vibe, yeah, this kind of common knowledge. And this is just energy talking, and it's talking to us. And we're using references that we're comfortable with. So someone who's not comfortable with energy healing, we've not really had that experience of use words that feel like that feels bad in here or just sit simple as someone who's maybe trained and then as you can feel, oh, yeah, I can sense that there's a certain vibration in here that isn't positive and are trained energy they can change that space. And that's the beauty of it. Yeah. That is that you can connect to the energy and you can start to influence the space. Hence the healing aspect. So anything that is, you can say a malady in the body or anything that is causing suffering, energy healing considerably, it helps support the physical body come back and reignite its own natural healing process. Be at a physical, mental, emotional level. And there's so many different ways we can do that through the system of energy. But that's its premise. Yeah, we all are coming from the source of energy, and we start to learn about that. And we start to bring, bring it into our world in practical ways, which is the job that

Unknown Speaker  35:40  
I really liked that because it is because the, you know, like, we can't, I will say you can't see radio waves, you know, but you know, that they exist, and it's just so why why can't we energetically retune and adjust our beings? You know, it's, it's just, it just makes perfect kind of sense sense to me. So it's not about listeners that international. So they're thinking, Oh, actually, yes, I would like to do some energy healing or some on if they're not in the UK, some online yoga, what's the best way that they can reach out to you see the ocean? Great, thank

Unknown Speaker  36:17  
you, Jane. I think I mean, the best way is, is I have a website, it's, UK and SOS awaken healing, which is energy healing training component. And as integrated Kundalini wishes that teacher training for Kundalini. So it's all out there on our website. If you wanted to work with me directly, I'm really lucky to be teaching at some really lovely studios, that live stream all of my yoga classes, as well as teaching in studio so you can either visit me in the studios that I teaching, try yoga Camden, and then try yoga Shoreditch, and as also East of Eden in Waltham stone. Those classes are in studio live streamed, and there's some way shedule I also do my energy healing component, which I call masses and angels, it's if you want to find out more about that, and how that works for you energy, then there's loads of information I have on my site about that. But I do a monthly, online and also live stream session of that which you can really then connect to the frequencies of energy and healing the the office who connected to the celestial realm. And this is really great for beginners, masters and angels, it's a community orientated class, it's perfect for beginners, you just come in had that experiences an hour and a half long, we have a space at the start to talk about things. We have this energy healing in the middle, and we have another space at the end where we talk as well. So you really get a full experience of of that. For those of you who are more comfortable to move forward, I run trainings in Glastonbury for energy healing activations, whereby you can connect to the frequency of a master or Celestial Being and really allow that energy which is really inserted into activate, become alive. This is a precursor for the journey to become an energy healer, practitioner should you wish, but quite often, these weekends invest and we are just perfect for the life transformation because the energy when it reaches your body, it starts to evoke in you your greater and deeper purpose coming back full circle because the energy is where we came from. We come from we are celestial beings, we are divine beings. And this energy helps us remember that if you want to become a healer, then they can start to utilise that you can learn practical skills, how to use that energy for helping another person. And the final offerings. I have pre recorded online trainings, which are completely self serving in the sense that you can just connect to the energy by working online at your own level, whenever you're ready, and you just can utilise those courses, whether that's some sorts of weekend cleaning, and it's a great way to really connect with energy in a really profound way. And also to work at your own rate. And it also allows you to become an energy heating practitioner should do. So that's quite a lot of shared there. But why do

Unknown Speaker  39:16  
that you've got a great skill set and a lot to offer the community of planet Earth really? What can someone do today? One thing that they can do very simple way just to kind of help them find their purpose just lit just kind of little nugget of something that they could implement right now.

Unknown Speaker  39:37  
There's lots of things. The first thing is just start to watch your mind. Witness your mind. And the part of this eureka moment that we can have is that a lot of our sense of not being aligned to our purpose is that we're following the narrative of our mind and all of the things that it brings out But if we can create a little bit of gap, and a little sense that there is a mind which is doing its thing, and there's a part of us that's witnessing, observing that thing, then we start to reorientate ourselves in that immediate moment, to something that's more profound. And this is a way just to say I'm, you know, we can really let the mind go, then their mind is going to do his thing. But there is this true self, this power that is behind and the more and more that you do that, in this be for a few minutes in the day to begin with, the more that becomes a bigger part of your life. And at some point, it becomes the greatest influence what you do.

Unknown Speaker  40:41  
I like that a lot. And quit creating space, there's anything else you would like to share with our listeners,

Unknown Speaker  40:46  
this last thing to say is just follow your heart. You know, it come in a place of really sense of purpose in your life ways that gives, what is in my heart wants you to tell me, what gives me joy. What gives me a sense of completeness. And what hasn't no charge, in the sense that where there is no judgement, or there's no agenda, follow those qualities, and then you pretty much gonna be on.

Unknown Speaker  41:15  
There's lots to do with the heart. I really, really appreciate that. So CIFAR Oh, Shan, thank you so much for joining us today. It's been an absolute joy to have you on the show if you check out the episode, absolute authenticity. So Rochelle says a really amazing talk on that. Thank you so much for joining us. Today, we're going to as always, we'll end the show with a meditation inspired by today's show. But thank you super ocean and have a fantastic day.

Unknown Speaker  41:42  
Thank you, Jen. It's been wonderful to talk to you again today.

Unknown Speaker  41:44  
Well, thank you so much. Take care. Bye. As promised, here is your meditation, inspired by today's show. Top Tips for the meditation is either sit nice and cross legged on the floor of a nice straight back, always no sit on a block or a cushion. Or that's not available for you, you sit in a chair with a back nice and straight. The important thing is you're not slouching. And if you're doing something that requires you concentration, all you need to do is just pause this and you can reconvene the meditation at a time that is good for you if you're doing the meditation, that's begin. So from today's show, and from listening to the last part, that SuperOcean said about kind of doing praying from the heart, I think that's a great way to kind of navigate to a place of purpose in life. And this is a very simple meditation that we're going to do, we're going to place the hands on to the heart centre. And we're just going to take some slow, calm deep breaths in and out through the nostrils. And we're just going to inhale, you're going to inhale slowly. We're going to exhale slowly. Again, inhale. And again, exhale. Well, we're going to imagine that in front of our nose is a beautiful feather that has naturally bought well from a bird without any cruelty. It's just a natural feather, kind of floating there in front of your nose. And this feather is a nice, it changes into a nice vibrant green, green the colour of Anahata chakra which is our sense of self love, and giving and receiving love. And as you inhale, that feather, this match no further slowly comes towards your nose. And as you exhale that much and every feather slowly moves out. So as you inhale, a feather comes towards your nose. And as you exhale, that feather slowly moves up with a sense of calmness, loving beauty and deep connection. And is that Furthermore, herbs and flows. As you inhale as you exhale, it moves a little bit away. As it moves away. It symbolises the giving of love, and so as he moves towards you, on the inhalation, it symbolises the receiving of love. So as you inhale you receive and as you exhale, you get thing is sometimes we can further the inhalation and the exhalation. I invite you during this meditation to value yourself so much that you realise that giving and receiving should be in balance so it's not all about being a martyr. that and not receiving equal is not all about taking, it's about giving and receiving in perfect harmony. So as you inhale, you feel that feather move towards you. And as you exhale is slow, slowly feel that that move away. And that's all you need to picture if your eyes closed is that giving and receiving, and how much care can you do with that breath. So it's lengthened but not false, and the exhalation is lengthened, but not false. So you're in that place where you're kind of hitting the that golden only kind of vibrant MLD spot within your being where you are in perfect balance and harmony. So I'm just going to be quiet for a few minutes whilst we do this. And remember, it's quite easy to give something up, but the value that you're going to get by seeing this through to the end, and we're already done to when it says only three minutes or less.

Unknown Speaker  46:32  
So as we come towards the end of the meditation, make the inhalation, the exhalation, the same length. And then you just energetically feel that you imagined that further travelling from your nose, in your imagination to the heart centre, where it kind of becomes one with your heart, maybe a bit too off the wall for some but just go with me with this. And you feeling that giving and receiving of self love. And you're going to slowly open your eyes come back into the moment and just Can you picture a words just one word, that of Self Love towards yourself, the first thing that pops into your mind. So go forth, dear ones, and thank you for joining me today. And as always, if you want a personalised meditation, please reach out to me via the gentle yoga If you want to long distance energy healing session to help kind of do that reboot for your your meditation and healing process then do reach out to me. I'm gentle yoga warrior and I'm so pleased that you join me

Unknown Speaker  47:38  

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