Awakened Conscious Conversations

What Has Your Energy Got To Do With How Your Life Is?

Season 12 Episode 12

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What has your energy got to do with how your life is?  Find out how this week's  guest Miranda Mitchell cracked through her limiting beliefs and turned her life around.
Miranda is an Energetic Alignment Coach and Traditional and Quantum Human Design™ Specialist.  What is Human Design and how does it work? What is quantum mechanics and how does it work? How to find out what your human design is for free!  This show has a free bonus meditation after the interview!

Miranda’s contact details:

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Unknown Speaker  0:02  
Hello listeners, I really like to get to know who you are and what you like about the show what you would like to add to the show, etc. So if you go to my website, the gentle yoga, you can now leave a voicemail. And we will aim to get back to you as soon as we can. And if you have got a specific thing that you want to work through, if you leave a voicemail message there, you may be featured on our show is as I will play that message. And we can do a themed show around that. So back to today's show in about five minutes. Joining me on the line will be Miranda Mitchell. And I'm particularly excited to have Miranda on the show because she is a quantum Human Design Specialist. And I'm really intrigued to know more about it. She sounds fabulous, her website looks absolutely amazing. She is going to be able to explain a lot better than myself. And the theme of today's show is what's your energy got to do with how your life is. So I'll repeat that what has your energy got to do with what life is. So Miranda will be like I said on the line in a few moments. And she's an energetic alignment coach, traditional and quantum Human Design Specialist who helps leaders in the industry align so that they step into creating more impact with sub stainability. I was guilty saying that word and ease. So without further ado, please welcome Miranda to the show. Hello, Miranda.

Unknown Speaker  1:48  
Thank you. Thank you so much for having me. Always an absolute

Unknown Speaker  1:51  
joy. And you're joining us from Florida. So how nice. Is that nice and warm. So thank you for joining us this morning. So Miranda, I was really interested in having on the show, because I was looking at your website and what you do, and you're a human design specialist. And I was really interested as Oh, I really liked that title. And I kind of dug a little bit deeper. And I saw the Mason courses and things that you have on your website, which I'm sure you'll sure share in more detail with our listeners in a bit. But today, I thought why not speak about what's our energy got to do with how our life is. And I thought who better to speak to us today than you were under? So would you mind sharing a bit about your journey? And what inspired you to talk about it today?

Unknown Speaker  2:37  
Ah, yeah, and I love that too. Because you know, how, what does energy has to do with life? Right? So my journey actually does go into that because when I reflect on certain aspects of my life, I definitely noticed the time when my energy was not a high vibrational energy, there was energy that was lack, like, no self worth, lack of self love. There was that type of energy of myself as I was growing up. So because of those feelings about myself, I created a life that actually had lots of trauma, a lot of struggle that it was, I was creating it because of my energy that I was being I was proving to myself that I was unlovable, I was provable, proving to myself that I didn't deserve. Love that all these things. So now that I'm where I'm at now, I'm able to reflect on that. And notice that whereas now I can do the inner work of who I am loving myself limiting beliefs, facing my fears, doing all those things, so that I'm a higher vibration, so that I attract those types of experiences. Oh, go ahead.

Unknown Speaker  3:48  
I was gonna say I love that it's really interesting is that kind of how you you kind of cracked through those limiting beliefs and turned your your life around? And so could you share about how you managed to do that?

Unknown Speaker  4:02  
Yeah, the first honestly, the first step was yoga. For me. That was the first step. I went to yoga, not because I was looking for a spiritual connection, I went to yoga because my right hamstring was, was tight. But within that practice, what happened is I started feeling better. I started taking I wanted to do that more often than lifting I wanted to have that time because actually, after a class, I felt good about myself, I felt connected to myself. And I wanted to dive deeper into that. So within yoga, it gave me the space of self reflection, internal awareness, where I was able to then be aware of the things that I was actually what sort where in life, I was settling, and I was not making the choices that would make me happier. So within that yoga practice, I had a really I did a stronger yoga which is very physical Um, and within that six years of really dedication of yoga practice, I broke off a relationship that was 10 years. Because I knew I was struggling, I was secure. But I felt like I'm not happy. You know, I started to make decisions in a way that more more for myself, rather than for the external validation of other people, or getting love from other people. So I was able to connect to myself more so. And then from there, what happened then I went into coaching and found human design, which just gave me the Human Design gave me all the tangible evidence that I actually learned about myself through the stillness practices of yoga. So, for me, I had to have tangible evidence because I questioned, do I really know this? Am I making this up, you know, all those things. And then human design actually gave me that. So I was like, now I can be more bold. Now I can, I can bring that energy out into the world.

Unknown Speaker  5:55  
That all sounds like the perfect combination. I don't know anything about human design. So I'm really interested to hear about it more. But it's interesting, because my journey started with yoga as well. And I just kind of, I don't know, I just found a book in a secondhand shop and just really kind of helped me really start to discover, discover myself and peel back all those kinds of layers that were kind of Holding, holding me back, I do think yoga is a very good kind of starting point to kind of then want to find themselves. Could you explain around what human design is? I'm really interested to hear more about it and how it can help others.

Unknown Speaker  6:34  
Yeah, human design, the reason I fell in love with it, and I truly feel like things show up to us at the right timing, and sometimes they show up to us a couple times until we're ready. The thing that I loved about it was it included the chakra system. So with yoga, I actually trained to be a yoga teacher, I also taught yoga for numerous years. And human design brings in traditional, which I love because I love traditional yoga, the traditional and the modern. So it's a combination and a collaboration, the chakra system, the the Kabbalah, the Chinese eaching astrology did I say that already. And quantum mechanics. So it brings all of those things in in one cohesive chart, where you actually can look at it, and see where you have consistent energy where you have variable energy, and that comes into the activations of the astrology. So different. planets have different archetypes have different meanings, and it shows up in this chart, so that you can dive into Oh, I have gate 48. That's the Chinese eaching, the 48 eaching, the hexagram and in the sun, so the sun is the energy I'm here to bring to be and the gate 48. And the last expression is inadequacy, which I really struggled with my entire life. But in the highest expression, its wisdom. So how are you able, with that tangible evidence, you're able to see, okay, I'm actually here to bring my wisdom out into the world. And I, we, I've gained this wisdom through my inadequacy throughout my entire life. But now it's time for me to actually step into the wisdom and stop looking and reading and learning and feeling inadequate. So it gives you those tangible things that you become aware of, and then when you see it, you're like, oh, yeah, like I know that about myself.

Unknown Speaker  8:32  
So it kind of brings it brings it into one's awareness and then then then you can work on, on the things that you're meant to and kind of like, release the stuff that you aren't meant to. And how how does it work with you know, this is the different types of human design say, from like a business owner to someone who's working a nine to five job is it always at the same system?

Unknown Speaker  9:00  
So human design is every single person is an energy type. There's five different types. Some argue there's four types, because there's the generator and manifesting generators combined in one I'm a managing manifesting generator, and I know that they're very different. So we say there's five types. So all of us in the world based on our time, our birth time, birth place and birth date, there comes this chart that is imprinted and there's a certain type that you are, there's the man a Gen manifesting generator, generator, projector, manifester, and reflector. So we all are in humanity were a type. Now, what makes this type is the energy that we have consistently within us. So within that chart, you'll see white areas you will see coloured in areas. The easy way to say is anywhere that is coloured in whether it be red, black, pink, tan, yellow, those are All where you have consistent energy, that's the energy that you bring out into the world you put out into the world. There, it represents what you're here to learn who you're here to be, what lessons you're here to learn, especially in Saturn. And then the white areas are actually where you receive energy. So you kind of like from other people, other people that you're around, they have different activations, and you receive that energy. So it's a constant ebb and flow of who you are, and what you're receiving from your environment. So what happens is, we are born with this at the time of our birth, so you're able to see, okay, where do I have consistent energy? And where do I have white areas that I've been conditioned, because from the time of our birth, we're born, we are conditioned, whether it's where we live, our parents who were around what school we go to, it's our beliefs that we create from our environment. But when you're able to look at this chart, you're able to see Wait a minute, I created this belief about myself in my let's say, G centred, where love direction identity is, I created this belief about myself and who I am, but I have it white, which means I actually am a chameleon. I am who I am around people. And it's okay. So a lot of for me example, I had this lack of love for myself, I have the G centre undefined, which means I questioned, and I did, who I was why I mattered, I keep changing with every relationship I'm in, I don't matter. No one loves me, I'm unlovable, I don't even know myself. Well, that was because I was taking in all the energy around me. I was around different people. So I was changing. And as soon as I saw that, I was able to say, all those beliefs I have about myself and liveability, those are gone. Because now I realised I was taking in energies from other people. So it's a tool that can really help you love forgive yourself, and know yourself, and then step into who you're truly here to be and how to impact the world. Oh, fantastic.

Unknown Speaker  12:09  
So it kind of if you want to flourish in life, and this is something to get done, to find out how you how you can and how you can kind of know where to kind of go because I do see that quite often, myself included, that we can help like patterns and live where he kind of like great big blind spots maybe or maybe sometimes we're aware of the patterns that we have, but don't know how to kind of navigate out of this. I'm guessing that this system will allow our listeners to be able to do that while seeing where they kind of the entity they've taken on from someone else, etc. And how does human design help people that who are kind of like struggling? They're really kind of struggling and then don't know where to start? Or where to go next? What would you suggest that they do?

Unknown Speaker  13:00  
Well, each one of the five tykes has a strategy, it's called the strategy is how we can make the most aligned decisions for ourselves, where we're not burning ourselves out. And not overextending ourselves and actually taking putting ourselves with a priority of self care. So each one of the strategies gives you it's a trust thing, it's an experiment. How does this feel to me? Does this feel like things are starting to align with me if I follow this strategy, or what's showing up? So you do have to try it out? And trust? It does. It has that element. Now the strategies for generator types are wait to respond. So if you're thinking, you're an entrepreneur, you're trying to put yourself out there are you waiting to respond to things to show up for you know, you're putting yourself out there forcing things trying to be seen trying to be heard reaching out to everybody, the only one that is really designed to do that is the manifester. And that only makes up 9% of society. So they are the initiating the starting process. So they're here to get that brilliant idea and put it out into the world and see what happens. As a generator type, and Amanda and Jen, were here to have an idea, put it out, ask for support or something to show up to respond to, because generator types are here to create to be in the physical form, to live in the physical form, to connect community, all of that. So why then wouldn't it be that things show up to us in the physical form? So we wait to respond to things that show up to us, meaning we'll have an idea. Is it the right thing for me, let something show up. Whether it be an email person reaching out to you a word sticking out in a sign, which actually happens a lot for me like when I asked sometimes a word just sticks out And that if you follow that, and you don't start the process until you see that sign, and then you respond, then the energy is in alignment, and it feels easy. And things fall into place. So for the projector, the projector has a lot more open areas, and they're the ones that actually struggle the most. The not self theme for the projectors is bitterness, the not self theme for the generators are frustration and anger. So at any point in time, if you're not following your strategy, and you're feeling bitter at the projector, it's because somewhere you're out of alignment, and most likely projector, it's you're not self care, self care is huge. For projectors.

Unknown Speaker  15:49  
I think self care has a certain to estimate how much it can change our life and how we are we and I think so many people forget about self care. And just it it's interesting since as I was trying to cry, rather than kind of go for things and is about choices and and letting things come to us which I don't really I don't know why we all think that we have to kind of bite and grasp, it seems sort of being so much it's none of that is not having trust and kind of like faith and life. And it's an important tool to have and sell and self care. Sometimes you think self care is just about having nice boss, which I'm not saying it isn't. But there's other ways that you can have self care, isn't it like by saying no to something when it's not the right thing for us, or by kind of putting having uncomfortable, uncomfortable, uncomfortable, rather, conversation sometimes, which is another way that we can kind of show ourselves care when it's when we're just trying to speak our truth, which is, again, something that people aren't always comfortable with doing. And learned is, if you don't mind me often is anything that you still struggle with? And if so, how do you navigate through that? Um,

Unknown Speaker  17:03  
yeah, I still others, of course, everything is still a struggle, all the things, it'll, it'll be an ever cross ever, like, forever process. Because as you know, as you do some of the work. If you're about to evolve again, those things show up again, to see Oh, do you think you're really ready to evolve and go deeper. But a lot of my struggle that I've been tuning into, I guess I can that's coming up for me to talk about is the struggle with my authenticity as of who I am. And the combination of who I am as a mother, and in a relationship. So although I feel like I'm authentic, there are some things that I've held back because, oh, I'm a mom, or oh, I'm this age, or I'm a wife, I'm you know, so I kind of have downplayed some of it. And within my chart, I'm moving into my Chiron return, which is all about censorship within my family, it's in the fifth house. So it's centrist censorship within my family unit. And also in Aries, which is about being bold, being authentic. So for me, I'm in a huge time right now where I'm aware of the fact that I have been censoring myself for the family unit. And now I realise that it's okay to be both. So I'm stepping more into my authenticity, I'm adding more of the stuff that adds fun into my life, I'm speaking to my husband about certain things where we can change our relationship and shift our relationship. So I would say it's a struggle, but it's also not a struggle, because I have been doing a lot of work. Going deeper into my human design chart, going deeper into jinkies astrology and learning about these different things, where it's giving me that thing to respond to that. It's like, okay, now's the time, like, tell your truth, so that you can stop feeling stifled so that you can start being more bold and you don't have to feel guilty. So that was the struggle before but I'm moving through it.

Unknown Speaker  19:15  
Brilliant, really. It's so true. Once you get one layer off, another layer pops up, doesn't it to kind of be be worked on but if there is a kind of a beauty in that as well, because if not we kind of get a bit stuck or complacent and that it's always important to have a bit of flow. I've personally feel it in life anyway. What's the one thing that you wish everybody knew? And it was quite an open question. But

Unknown Speaker  19:44  
the one thing that I wish if honestly, you know, I feel like I wish everyone knew who they truly were. us. We were that we'd be a lot happier, the Earth would be taken better care of the earth, we'd be connected more with the Earth, we wouldn't be settling and things we, we wouldn't be afraid to say our truth, we wouldn't be conditioned to do things, just because society says we should, that we would do things that would make us feel happy and excited and true. So that's the thing, if everyone I wish everyone could reconnect to who they truly are, so that they have that life and business that they they truly want.

Unknown Speaker  20:29  
I just kind of felt like, like this burst of joy, when you said that that's such a beautiful thing to want everybody to know. And really important. One is, well, I wouldn't, if you wouldn't mind around, if you could tell our listeners a bit more about what you have to offer service wise and on your website. So I was looking at some of your courses and I'm going to get some of them myself. It's the some really interesting.

Unknown Speaker  20:52  
Do you happen to know your human design type?

Unknown Speaker  20:54  
I don't know I don't.

Unknown Speaker  20:58  
I would definitely say go to my website, Miranda dash I can do your charge. If you click on there, you enter your birthday and info and I can I run your chart to make sure it's accurate, then I send you a little intro video on what that means. That's the first thing, it's free, all that good stuff that definitely go into that. Then, depending on where you're at, and what feels good to us, we're all about feeling if it feels right, not like we need to find out a scarcity. But oh, this is intriguing. And I want to know more. Right? I have, first of all, I have my one on one coaching that I do for people kind of tuning in to who they truly are authenticity, right, so that they can bring it out into the world. And then also, I have another business with my business partners called the Align living Academy. And at this, we have a lot of courses. So we have courses, pre recorded courses that are for tuning into the sacral response, if you're a generator, if you're a manifester, there's a course there, or if you're an entrepreneur, and you want to learn about human design, so you can bring it into your container to help your clients. We have a certification there, and all of that, too. So there's two avenues that you can look into depending where you're at and what you're ready for.

Unknown Speaker  22:17  
All this I'm really received some really good and listeners, if you if you do go into Miranda's website, do leave a voicemail on my website, just let me know how you get on. Maybe we could do like another, another short show about it. And that's, that's fantastic that you offer like to find out what your human design is free. That's that's listeners do check it out. And I will put notes in the show notes of how to kind of access that. But it sounds like it's kind of like a blueprint of kind of knowing, like who you are. And like, yeah, if we know ourselves, and there will be a lot more peace in the world for sure. And kind of we will not project so much on on to others, which I know is quite often done unconsciously as well. But it's kind of the beauty of knowing who we are. So when there's anything else you'd like to share with our listeners today, I was like to open up this part of the show. So you can kind of share whatever you wish.

Unknown Speaker  23:13  
I just want to kind of tune into what you said about projection on to like externally on things. And I will say that knowing your human design type and kind of diving into that really gives you the self the acceptance of love of who you are, so you no longer in competition, or compare yourselves to other people. That's one other thing that I'm very grateful for. Because I always looked externally for things. And now because of human design. I know not everyone is like me, I and I can love that. Like as a manager and I have lots of energy, a lot of activation, I can always be busy. And I used to say, why can't they do that? Because I can do that. I'm just like this little five to 110 pound person that can do all that. But this person can't. But then when I see their chart, like oh, well, it's because they're they're a projector, they actually need more time, they aren't able to do that. Or I have more logical search circuitry so I get the patterns they don't. So it gives you the opportunity to not only love yourself, but then you get to love people for who they are without projecting what you think they should be.

Unknown Speaker  24:24  
So compassion really for the differences celebrating the differences? What makes people look yeah, because quite often we can judge situations, I feel like by how we would react in that or actually, rather than react but maybe react as well. And we're not all built the same and we're all got different kind of coupon components to ourselves and like just because one person will react one way that other person won't necessarily do that. So I really love how this is all kind of coming together. And I think what a wonderful thing for our listeners to do So then find out who the human design is, I'm certainly going to check it out and find out who I what my human design is. Miranda, you have been an absolute legend. I'd love to speak to you again in the future. Listeners, as always, please stay tuned, we'll have a meditation inspired by today's show. But Miranda, thank you so much Miranda Mitchell, joining us from Florida today. Thank you, Miranda.

Unknown Speaker  25:25  
Thank you so much.

Unknown Speaker  25:26  
Thank you, and you take care. Thanks. As promised, here is your meditation, inspired by today's show, top tips for the meditation is either sit nice and cross legged on the floor of a nice strip back. Always nice to sit on a block or a cushion. Or that's not available for you, you sit in a chair with the back nice and straight. The important thing is you're not slouching. And if you're doing something that requires you concentration, all you need to do is just pause this and you can reconvene the meditation at a time that is good for you, if you're doing the meditation, that's begging. So I want you to find a space in your house where you feel like it's kind of really calming and peaceful. And you're not weren't going to be disturbed. I appreciate that some of you are moms, moms, and perhaps your loved ones don't always understand to give you that space. So if you're able to perhaps you can kind of sneak off to some corner where you want to be disturbed for for a few minutes. I've made this meditation short today because I want people to be able to kind of fit it in to their day. So we're going to work on that energy of joy. And I think that's one of the most positive emotions that we can have. And yes, there can be a certain amount of guilt around expressing or feeling that emotion, Fear not. That's get onto the meditation. Joy. Inhale, feel the energy of joy. Exhale, let go of that which no longer serves you. Inhale, think of an image that brings joy into your being. Exhale, let that image go. Again, inhale, bring joy into your being exhale, let it go. As you close your eyes, and you feel that you are walking on the horizon in a beautiful sunset, this soft sand slightly moist sand beneath your feet. And as you walk your feet make nice footsteps in the sand. And the heat is just the right heat for your particular preference. And all you can see is the golden sands and the big horizon of the sun. As if you're kind of walking into it, it's kind of that clear, a kind of sun set. And as you walk. You see daffodils, lovely yellow, daffodils, just kind of scattered on this beach. And you gently pick up a daffodil. And as you pick one up you think this is bringing joy into my heart. And then you pick up another one. This is bringing joy into my heart. And you just keep picking up these wonderful daffodils until you've got a nice bunch of these daffodils in your imagination. And then you smell the daffodils. You can almost taste them. Obviously you don't eat them, but you can almost taste them from the beautiful scent. And you remember the simplicity of their beauty as you gently blow the daffodils and they turn into beautiful yellow tropical birds. And the birds fly softly swooping around, making the song as you hear the sound of joy within your ears. Jai has these beautiful birds fly round and around and then they all come together and they make this magnificent, fantastic yellow cloth. And the yellow cloth moves in the wind and you touch the yellow cloth with your hands and you feel the softness of that texture. And that texture symbolises joy within your heart. And you allow that job only to unfold as if that jar becomes the sunshine of your being episode that jar becomes who you are. And we find a nice yellow cushion to sit upon and you just sit and you allow yourself to be in that positive emotion. Taking slow calm deep breaths slowly come back into the moment come back into the room as you take a nice look sure is deep inhalation and nice, luxurious, deep exhalation and just allow. So thank you so much for listening

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