Awakened Conscious Conversations

Spring Magic Me With A Calmer More Meditative Mind

Season 13 Episode 3

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The mind wants to come in and be part of our lives, but if the chatter is going on constantly, there is no time to be present and hence harness our 5D potential. Mindfulness practices are a way to turn up your vibratory rate. Learn about how to make meditation more accessible as well as the scared art of the senses when The Gentle Yoga Warrior interviews Blair Abee! Blair is an author, poet, educator, consultant and ordinary mystic.  He has written 5 award-winning books available on Amazon Books and dozens of articles on meditation, manifestation, and related topics.  He describes himself this way, “I am an explorer who has discovered a variety of techniques, tools and ideas that I think you will find useful in your own personal development.  Here’s an example of what I mean. From one perspective, each of us has a unique story in which we are born, live and die as three-dimensional characters here on Planet Earth.  Simultaneously, we are also Five Dimensional Beings having an Eternity experience in a human body on a planet that is a challenge to master, and which gives us an opportunity to grow and develop into Universal Citizens.”

Blair’s meditation tips for listeners are amazing.

To get a free mindfulness book and also to connect with Blair, see his website:

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Unknown Speaker  0:00 
gentle yoga warriors conscious conversations podcast to help you grow and discover who you are to develop a deeper, more complete side of yourself via conscious talks, self love meditation. And by interviewing some of the most inspiring guests on the planet, our podcast is rich with deep talks, just go to the gentle yoga For more information

Unknown Speaker  0:49 
I'm the gentle yoga warrior, and we are in season 13. And I wanted to really tap into the spring energy that's about this time as I record this, and you can use that spring energy all throughout the year. Just think like what seeds do you want to plant? And bloom? What weeds Do you want to let go? What areas of your life? Do you want to breathe fresh new air into new life, that kind of freshness that you get in spring? How can you learn to be more present. And for today's show, we're going to do a special show called Spring much more of a common method of mind. Just to add right if you got an idea that you would like us to cover on a short if you go to the gentle yoga That's the gentle yoga And leave a voicemail message then we make do a show specifically geared to your requests. So don't be shy. Please reach out let. Yes, so today's show is spring magic move a Commonweal meditative mind and don't we all owe couldn't we all do more of that absolute expert on meditation on the show today, his name is Blair Abbey. And Blair is an offer poet, educator, consultant, and ordinary mystic.

Unknown Speaker  2:02 
He has written award winning five books, and I was looking at some of his books earlier. And they are really good. Like he's going to really help a lot of people with his meditation work and mindfulness. And like the way he presents it in a way that kind of makes it good for all people to kind of like understand. So it's kind of particularly I particularly like his HCM, meditation or shopping is really going to help people get their meditation muscle going.

Unknown Speaker  2:29 
Can't wait to hear what he has to say about all that. But bladder describes himself in this way. He said, I'm an explorer, who has discovered a variety of techniques, tools and ideas that I think you will find useful in your own personal development. Here's an example of what I mean, he says, but one perspective, each of us have a unique story in which we are born live and die as three dimensional characters on planet Earth. Cemetery in a sea were five dimensional being having an eternity experience in a human body on a planet that is the challenge to master. And which gives us an opportunity to grow and develop as universal citizens. And oh, I love that because I always think that we are guests on this planet for short space of time that we're here to learn. And I feel like the more we can learn and and all that the better. It's going to be for everyone else. So dear listeners. Without further ado, please welcome Blair Abbey. And he is joining us all the way from sunny San Francisco. So Blair, welcome to the show. Good morning. lovely to be here. Thank you so much for the invitation. And I've been looking forward to this interview. I've been looking forward to it too. And I'm really pleased to have such a meditation expert on on the show. And so I was looking at your your work before I came on online. And I can see that you've actually had five published books on meditation and mindfulness. And I did. I did read some of your meditation book as well. And I think you've got to reach a lot of people with this books. From what I've seen, I can see the way that I particularly liked your HCM meditation that you had in your meditation book. I think that's going to help so many people. And I'm sure our listeners be keen to hear about that. today. We're going to talk about spring magic me because that's the people of season 13 with a calmer, more meditative mind. So I've got you will probably the best person to speak to us today about that. Would you mind first sharing a bit about your journey on your own life's experience and your path to meditation, please. I started doing yoga. In 1973. When I first moved to San Francisco from the East Coast, there's a fellow by the name of Satchitananda, who you may have heard of he he did the introduction at Woodstock introductory of prayer. And he has

Unknown Speaker  4:55 
centres around the world. He's been gone for quite some time now but

Unknown Speaker  5:00 
In his intro to yoga is still quite alive in a number of places around the world, he had a, an ashram, in San Francisco in an old Victorian house, and you had to climb four sets of stairs to get to the addict where the yoga classes were held. And that's really was my first introduction to meditation. And yoga was with the integral Yoga Institute, and I've been really doing that pretty steadily, ever since then. So for you no more than 45 years.

Unknown Speaker  5:39 
And of course, meditation. I mean, it's a moving meditation, yoga, as well,

Unknown Speaker  5:46 
at the end would be a sit down meditation.

Unknown Speaker  5:50 
And so I've been doing that for all this time. So that was really the beginning of my meditation practice. Over the years, I've practice Zen, meditation,

Unknown Speaker  6:06 
and several different kinds of, you know, Buddhist meditation. I've done Tai Chi, a moving meditation, as well. And so it's been a, it's been a regular practice for me. But it really wasn't until about seven years ago now that I had a traumatic experience with work, in which I did a whistleblowing on a really terrible boss and the things that she was doing to employees and so forth, and an investigation was held, and she was fired. But they ended up firing me also, because they said that I was a troublemaker. And I guess I did make trouble for the people who should have been

Unknown Speaker  6:50 
monitoring what was going on the host institution. That was our umbrella. And, of course, that was devastating, as you can imagine, it was, I've been doing that kind of work for about 25 years business consulting, and my career trajectory just came to an end, I was really headed for being a statewide director in some state around the country.

Unknown Speaker  7:14 
So that was, you know, my, my income went away, I work went away, I was in a new place. Because I'd moved to San Diego, only a year before,

Unknown Speaker  7:25 
I didn't really know much of anybody. Fortunately, I had some resources, and I had some time to

Unknown Speaker  7:33 
take a deep dive into my meditation practice.

Unknown Speaker  7:38 
And started journaling for therapy, just writing about what was going on on a daily basis. And as I wrote, I began to have a sense that I'd never had before in my meditation practice of a

Unknown Speaker  7:57 
higher version of myself a higher consciousness, if you will, beginning to bloom.

Unknown Speaker  8:04 
Now I recognise that as having made sole contact with my higher self, but at first I didn't recognise it, I would just be riding along and all of a sudden, an understanding would come. And it wasn't something that I'd ever thought of before it was, it was a higher form of

Unknown Speaker  8:27 
realisation of one sort or another. And I began to have experiences of illumination

Unknown Speaker  8:34 
in a way that I'd never had before. And it was,

Unknown Speaker  8:38 
it was, it was quite odd, but it was quite lovely, as well.

Unknown Speaker  8:43 
And as a result, I began to just sort of,

Unknown Speaker  8:50 
or spirit that was just flowing through me at that point, through my fingers and onto the keyboard. And after about 150,000 words of doing that kind of work, I realised that I had some material where the book or two and that's when I began to write because I never intended to do any writing either. I've never intended to be an author, I never tended to be a poet. And all of a sudden all of this

Unknown Speaker  9:17 
blossoming forth of a part of me that I just really hadn't been in touch with began.

Unknown Speaker  9:24 
Its sounds sounds fantastic is if it had meant if you've got mine in the centre, I feel like it's your meditation kind of took on maybe a different level a different kind of form where you could could really kind of connect with your spirit and it sounds to me as I listen that it was it was kind of the Spirit kind of came through your your words into the books to kind of like help people I don't know. Yeah, that's how I Oh, absolutely, absolutely. Yes. Yeah. And it's interesting that we had to have that kind of problem that work to kind of, kind of kickstart this

Unknown Speaker  10:00 
Sometimes we kind of label things don't mean as this is good or bad. But sometimes when thing, these obstacles coming our way, even if also unpleasant at the time, but it's kind of helping us get into the bigger picture, from what I'm hearing sounds up, that kind of happened to you. There, it's really interesting to hear. Well, it did.

Unknown Speaker  10:21 
It was if it was as if my soul, my spirit, was ready for me to take a 90 degree turn from where I was going, and to

Unknown Speaker  10:32 
do something completely different. And, and to,

Unknown Speaker  10:38 
really, I think making soul contact or having contact with your higher self is, is what is a major accomplishment in any person's human lifetime. Because most of us are very familiar with that side of ourselves. We're not taught that

Unknown Speaker  10:57 
very much, certainly not, when we're young and impressionable, we're taught how to be three dimensional beings, and how to make it in the world.

Unknown Speaker  11:08 
And that this is a tough world, and that we have to scrap and fight and, and and

Unknown Speaker  11:16 
we're just, we're just not offered.

Unknown Speaker  11:23 
An alternative way of seeing who we are seeing that, in addition to being three dimensional beings, we're five dimensional beings, that we are eternal beings, in addition to being human beings, you know, that kind of information is just not available very much as we grow old, or perhaps it is available, if we are lucky, and run into some sort of teacher or teaching or something that really penetrates into that is not a religion is not dogma, but it's the truth of what our master teachers were trying to teach us throughout the centuries.

Unknown Speaker  12:02 
And I think this is what I tapped into, was that, that, that that part of myself, which we all have, I mean, Jesus talked about it as being the Kingdom of Heaven within all of our master teachers, in one way or another talked about that as being an experience or a part of who we are within. And they even gave tools.

Unknown Speaker  12:29 
To get in touch with that. Unfortunately, what we ended up doing is turning them into Gods putting them up on pedestals saying, you know, this is the only one,

Unknown Speaker  12:40 
the only son of God, the only, you know, the only

Unknown Speaker  12:46 
and it obscured, I think, the truth of what they were trying to say, which is,

Unknown Speaker  12:54 
I've had an experience of enlightenment,

Unknown Speaker  12:58 
I'm tapped into fifth dimensional reality.

Unknown Speaker  13:02 
Here's what I know about that. And here's, I'm going to point you in the direction of what I know, so that you can have the same experience.

Unknown Speaker  13:15 
So I think that's the the thing that's still not very available in many places, because of what the human mind ends up turning all of this into that turns it into, again, dogma and exclusivity. And mine is the only way and all of that control, isn't it? It's kind of example. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, absolutely. So I've been

Unknown Speaker  13:44 
listening to you now, and I've tried meditation.

Unknown Speaker  13:50 
Because I hear this often. Oh, I don't do meditation I hear is because I can't meditate. What would you offer? That person has some advice.

Unknown Speaker  14:01 
I would say several things about that. First of all, traditional meditation.

Unknown Speaker  14:08 

Unknown Speaker  14:10 
is a lot about mind training. It's about training the mind to be quiet. It's about training the mind to step aside a bit

Unknown Speaker  14:23 
and let some silence begin to happen. Well, the mind doesn't really want to do that because the mind wants to be in control. I mean, we all occupy these amazingly complex biomechanical vehicles that have an onboard computer that's constantly chattering, chatter, chatter, chatter, chatter, do this do that, the past about this and projecting into the future and commenting and judging and all of that as a way to

Unknown Speaker  14:56 
you know, for us three dimensional beings to be safe.

Unknown Speaker  15:00 
And, and somehow to make it in the world. The unfortunate thing about that is because of the ongoing chatter, we don't get to be quiet very often. And it's in the quiet that that still small voice that's available to us that spirit is available to us. That spirit wants to come in and be part of our lives. But if the chatter is going on constantly, there's no time no space for that. And that's ultimately why I ended up creating my higher consciousness meditation process,

Unknown Speaker  15:35 
which kind of bypasses mind training. And really, it takes you more directly to

Unknown Speaker  15:43 
an experience of illumination. And it takes you to a

Unknown Speaker  15:48 
experience of a limited illumination, by opening us up to that, to allow that to come into our consciousness, and to begin to grow into our consciousness. In the process, the mind naturally quietens down,

Unknown Speaker  16:05 
because with spirit, beginning to flow in,

Unknown Speaker  16:10 
there's not as much need for the mind to be constantly chattering now, you know, there's, there's still some of that, of course, that goes on with anybody who, who practices any type of meditation. But

Unknown Speaker  16:27 
there's also the opportunity, then, to make soul contact, to realise our eternal beingness. And to

Unknown Speaker  16:36 
be able to grow into our fifth dimensional being the fifth dimensional part of us, that is, who we are, before we come in to life, and who we are, when we leave life, when we have that last breath, we're going to breathe our next breath on the other side. And that's Fifth Dimensional Reality, and we're fifth dimensional beings. And if we had some soul contact, you know, it's like, a reunion, if you will,

Unknown Speaker  17:05 
that reunion, yes. Because I think also, meditations

Unknown Speaker  17:11 
is kind of you kind of, the more you kind of put in, the more you kind of get back in a way, like if you if you kind of like, if you just meditate once a month, it's better than nothing, but it's not going to have the same effects as if you do a bit each day. So I'm really kind of believer in kind of doing that. What I liked about your HCM meditation

Unknown Speaker  17:33 
practice, is it a couple of times, it was just it did it kind of, it almost kind of felt like it was like that relief of like trying to not steal the mind, but instead it kind of has gone through through through the process. And, and you also put it that, that one doesn't have to kind of follow it word for word, again, you're kind of saying the kind of you offering that structure, and then the practitioner?

Unknown Speaker  18:02 
I guess it must have been quite exciting. The first time you came across that meditation.

Unknown Speaker  18:08 
It's like what you said it was kind of a relief. You know, this is? Oh, yes, of course, you know.

Unknown Speaker  18:17 
Why didn't I see this before, but but you don't see what you see until you do. And then when you do, it's, it's like, awakening. And so that's what it felt like, it felt like waking up. So it felt like having an awakening experience,

Unknown Speaker  18:33 
which, which was lovely, and which I wanted to continue to undertake. So at this point, I, you know, it can take as little as five minutes to do.

Unknown Speaker  18:45 
And if you at the end of it, there's there's kind of a glow that comes with it. And if you want to continue to be in that space for another little bit, or for an extended period of time, you can do that. I like to do it twice a day, it's a good way to start days, good way to end the day. And then I use mindfulness practices of one sort or another throughout the day in order to remind myself

Unknown Speaker  19:11 
of who I am. And what I'm really about. And to in times of, or situations where there might be some stress to just say to myself, peace. Be still, for example, if I'm about to do a conversation like this morning, Peace be still and that will be a much more effective, a much more able to allow spirit to flow in from that. So if I do that 5678 Sometimes 10 times a day just as a reminder, because part of is just remembering to remember who you are. And if you use you can use triggers, which mindfulness practices are like PSP still, or like

Unknown Speaker  20:01 
If this moment, I'm in touch with spirit

Unknown Speaker  20:04 
as a way of

Unknown Speaker  20:07 
turning on or tapping into, let's say, Fifth Dimensional Reality.

Unknown Speaker  20:13 
I like that. Because I was saying, you said, You believe we're all eternal beings. And like I said, we're kind of in this 3d world, but it's actually a five d, existence. And meditation is kind of a pathway to kind of, like said only a reunion with with that part of our spirit, which and

Unknown Speaker  20:34 
I would say that, also that most people can if they put the practice in, and like you said, as little as five minutes a day kind of access that would you say, then that would lead to a more calmer mind. And hence, a better sense of joy, because I often hear as well that people feel quite stressed, overwhelmed, there's too much to do

Unknown Speaker  20:55 
love to do this job, but I'm got too much to do, I'm too overwhelmed. Well, yeah. So it's,

Unknown Speaker  21:02 
it's one of the best ways to de stress to just take a moment, to just even if it's just taking a breath.

Unknown Speaker  21:12 
And then just allowing a feeling of, of spirit, you know, to to, to come right in. So it can take, it doesn't have to take any time at all, or just a few seconds, or just a few moments to do this. But it's one way to

Unknown Speaker  21:34 
take the stress out of the day, to calm the heart rate to calm the breath rate down. And to just be in the moment, here and now.

Unknown Speaker  21:48 
Not thinking about the past, not worrying about the future. But just being here in the moment, perhaps noticing the sunlight, noticing

Unknown Speaker  22:01 
your breath, noticing, you know, something around you that and you can just just relax into the moment.

Unknown Speaker  22:11 
So that's, I think, really the one of the values of meditation is you can just relax into the moment and you can take that pause,

Unknown Speaker  22:23 
away from the stress, because it's always there, if you can always go back to it.

Unknown Speaker  22:29 
You begin to calm down. And the other thing that's interesting about meditation and beginning to have

Unknown Speaker  22:38 
spiritual experience and so forth, is that it causes your overall vibrational rate to increase. So you sort of rise up and yourself, and love and joy and peace and so forth began to be a more common experience. Now, part of the value of that is that it raises your vibratory rate, and is likely then to attract good things, people circumstances, and so forth, to yourself, because of the law of attraction, the law of attraction being, the higher your vibratory rate, the better circumstances are likely to appear in your life, the lower your vibratory rate, the more likely

Unknown Speaker  23:30 
let's say negative or dark or less.

Unknown Speaker  23:36 
wonderful experiences, you know, occur. So I think, personally, and this was kind of a hard

Unknown Speaker  23:44 
teaching to get. But I'm convinced that it's the case, I think we all create our own reality. And the reality that we create for ourselves is partially on the basis of our beliefs and our thoughts. But it's also partially on the basis of the vibratory rate that we

Unknown Speaker  24:06 
but you know, the the vibratory rate that we have, and that experiences will then mirror that vibratory rate. So if you're able to go within you stay within if you're getting more peaceful, you're likely to have a more peaceful life and a more peaceful experiences in your life.

Unknown Speaker  24:24 
So that's, I have another process I don't know if you looked at the manifestation book, but I have another process called the best possible outcome process, and it's intended to to work in that area. That's a really that's a really good because quite remind me to just interrupt in your moment. It's just quite often.

Unknown Speaker  24:47 
I don't like to kind of get that kind of the spiritual world.

Unknown Speaker  24:52 
I can sometimes see there's a lot of lack. It's kind of

Unknown Speaker  24:56 
people can feel like they're meditating. They're on a spiritual path and it's all

Unknown Speaker  25:00 
was kind of like a sense of like our to manifest what we need is, it's not right, or it's kind of asking too much. But if we are kind of attracting all the things that and we are raising our vibration, why shouldn't we be able to kind of manifest the things that we need for kind of our journey through life? I think that's why it kind of kind of gets a bit distorted, where people think, Oh, actually, oh, no, I You can't have you can't have things and be a spiritual person, what are your thoughts on them?

Unknown Speaker  25:39 
I think, to have

Unknown Speaker  25:43 
one way to have a good life. One way to have the things that you need in life is, is in fact to be spiritual, I think that's one of the rewards, if you will have a spiritual life is, is a,

Unknown Speaker  26:00 
a peaceful life, a joyful life, and one where you do have those things that you need, as you need them. So my best possible outcomes process is one that basically

Unknown Speaker  26:15 

Unknown Speaker  26:18 
my higher self or spirit, for the best possible outcome related to any particular experience that might be happening or about to happen. So before I, before I came on, I get the best possible outcomes process I was looking for, in my conversation with Jay into the best possible outcome.

Unknown Speaker  26:39 
But you know, I never know what that's going to be, I never know what words are going to come necessarily out of my mouth. And so what I what I do is, is to say, I asked for the best possible outcome in my conversation with Jay

Unknown Speaker  26:53 
Oz, take a breath, and then get a sense that spirit has engaged and that spirit is going to be providing or guiding me toward or clearing the path, the best possible outcome for my evolution, and for my spiritual growth. So if you turn it over to spirit, there's no guilt to be had about it. You allow you allow spirit to join you in this human adventure, and you allow spirit to help provide those things, which it knows better than, you know, that you need for a vibrant life like that, so

Unknown Speaker  27:39 
and then thanking spirit for its engagement or for its participation in my life. So that's the way the process goes. And the beauty of it is you can use it for anything, you can use it for getting a parking place, you know, where you're going, you can use it for

Unknown Speaker  27:58 
a good experience of going to the grocery store, you can, you know, if you're going into a meeting, you can the best possible outcome for this meeting.

Unknown Speaker  28:08 
So it's, it's a, it's a way to stay engaged with spirit and to and to have spirit involved intimately in your life. And the results have been phenomenal. Oh, wonderful. I really like that. It's, it's yeah, it's kind of taken it into more more or less to it and kind of certain service kind of feeling of, we've got no control, we do have kind of control of life by being present meditative gratitude, kind of kind of tapping in and having that pause those pauses, which are all

Unknown Speaker  28:48 
the all the other things really, that we should make the most time for, if we're going to look at the big picture, rather than seeing them as secondaries to kind of have that experience. So I know Blair, that you've got a new and improved meditation system. And that's kind of the basis of your books. I know you've done that mindfulness book and meditation, but

Unknown Speaker  29:09 
what and would you mind talking a bit about through that and also what it means to have the soul contracts as well and all that extra question? Yes. Well, let me just describe the higher consciousness meditation process. It begins with a PSP still, which is something I use a lot because it's really is a way not only to calm myself down, but to raise my consciousness. So Peace be still as a starting point, taking a deep breath, and then

Unknown Speaker  29:44 
making a couple of open ended statements that

Unknown Speaker  29:50 
that solicits a response. And the first open ended statement is

Unknown Speaker  29:59 

Unknown Speaker  30:00 
or the all now like to use the all because God has so many different connotations, but same thing

Unknown Speaker  30:08 

Unknown Speaker  30:10 
and then pausing and just letting

Unknown Speaker  30:15 
the all or God respond in some way, as a way of making contact with the universe. So the response might be the all our God is omnipresent.

Unknown Speaker  30:30 
What Omnipresence is an experience that we hope we all have access to, if we open up to it,

Unknown Speaker  30:38 
all you have to do is to

Unknown Speaker  30:42 
open up to it,

Unknown Speaker  30:44 
and allow that energy allow spirit to respond to that open ended statement. Now, it's not the easiest thing to do the first few times, but after 510 15, maybe 20 times of doing it,

Unknown Speaker  31:03 
there begins to be some kind of response, some sort of feeling, some sort of sense, some sort of

Unknown Speaker  31:11 

Unknown Speaker  31:13 
that respond.

Unknown Speaker  31:16 
And then after doing that, for a moment, saying to myself, and I am one with that

Unknown Speaker  31:26 
the next open ended statement is addressed to my higher consciousness, which I call high C, affectionately,

Unknown Speaker  31:34 
higher consciousness or high C is.

Unknown Speaker  31:41 
And pausing and letting

Unknown Speaker  31:46 
a response be calm, again, it may take a few times for the response to begin. But spirit,

Unknown Speaker  31:55 
higher consciousness, soul wants to be part of your life, it's part of its job, to watch after you and to, if you will allow it to

Unknown Speaker  32:08 
partner with you in life, but you have to open to it and then it will immediately respond, it's been waiting, perhaps even multiple lifetimes, waiting for you just to,

Unknown Speaker  32:22 
you know, open up to that, and it's constantly giving you little urges, you know, to do that. But if you don't respond to that, if you don't know that, if you don't understand that, if you don't try meditation, if you do, don't do something to allow that to happen, then it's not going to happen. It's almost as if it doesn't exist, because it doesn't exist in your consciousness.

Unknown Speaker  32:43 
So there'll be some kind of response there, it might be higher consciousness, or high C is,

Unknown Speaker  32:52 
is, is my soul. High C is my partner in life, hi, C,

Unknown Speaker  32:58 
is wanting to come in to this moment, and then saying, As a conclusion to that little bit

Unknown Speaker  33:07 
on one with that, then the third step is to say, I'm an eternal being, just making a statement, which on some level, we all know to be true, that we are more than just three dimensional beings, that we are five dimensional beings, that we are eternal beings, and just stating the truth about that. And then the last part of it is to just make a few

Unknown Speaker  33:34 
mindfulness statements

Unknown Speaker  33:37 

Unknown Speaker  33:40 

Unknown Speaker  33:43 

Unknown Speaker  33:45 

Unknown Speaker  33:48 
So you, allow yourself to go up and consciousness, you allow yourself to elevate and to illuminate. And then you radiate that out into your world.

Unknown Speaker  34:01 
And that I found is about the best that I can do for my world.

Unknown Speaker  34:09 

Unknown Speaker  34:11 
place of suffering, as Buddha would

Unknown Speaker  34:15 
state call it, this place of stuff, the best that I can offer is my

Unknown Speaker  34:22 
illumination and my radiation to it, to raise it up just that a little, a little a little bit. And to and to have my world began to respond to spirit and in addition to responding to my three dimensional mind.

Unknown Speaker  34:38 
So that's it. I mean, it's simple, it's short. And if after you've done that,

Unknown Speaker  34:45 
it feels pretty good. You can stay there for a few minutes and just bask in that sense of, of illumination. Or you can end it or you can stay in it for a long, however long you have time.

Unknown Speaker  35:00 
You know, to be there, and the patients, and then stop whenever, whenever it, it naturally seems to come to an end.

Unknown Speaker  35:10 
Oh, lovely, it gives people choices in a sense that,

Unknown Speaker  35:14 
I guess one day, it might be the weekend and you've got longer to kind of like bask in so you kind of stay a bit longer than or if one day, I guess the kids shouting for you, then the kind of you've got to have a kind of short one. But it's kind of developing the magic is in those in that kind of stillness. And that's what I'll say, again, I think what your work has to offer, it helps people get into that stillness about all kinds of the clunkiness of kind of not have all the obstacles that are perceived obstacles that they they may have. So your books, Blair, will cover a lot more on kind of the benefits of meditation, mindfulness, and know you've written at least five hours or so called homage to spirit, on poetry way, we said, you never set out to be a poet, either it kind of, I'm guessing this came about from, from your, your meditation, but I'm not gonna be able to give your books as much justice this year. So would you mind giving an overview of your books and how a listener could use them to help them on their on practice? Sure, absolutely.

Unknown Speaker  36:25 
So the five books began with a book called the amazing benefits of meditation. And

Unknown Speaker  36:32 
it was intended to be a book that I would be giving away for free, you know, into the foreseeable future.

Unknown Speaker  36:41 
And it was a it was a fairly deep dive into the literature, the scientific literature on the benefits of meditation. And it turns out, there are many benefits mentally, physically,

Unknown Speaker  36:54 
emotionally, and spiritually, to doing meditation to 3000. Now 3500 studies or so that have been done on meditation and its effect on, people have shown

Unknown Speaker  37:09 
that at almost all levels,

Unknown Speaker  37:14 
ailments conditions, problems,

Unknown Speaker  37:19 
are positively impacted by doing meditation.

Unknown Speaker  37:26 
And so that book is about that. And it's also about it, why meditation works the way it does. The second book, that my real kit, really the cornerstone book is the meditation book, and it's the one that does the higher goes into the higher consciousness meditation.

Unknown Speaker  37:41 
It includes stories, it offers tools, I really see myself in many ways as a tool maker. And so that's what my books I think are about is offering tools, processes,

Unknown Speaker  37:54 
ideas, that perhaps people hadn't been exposed to before, as a way of waking up as a way of having some tools to use when things get stressful, or when times get tough.

Unknown Speaker  38:12 
The third book, the mindfulness book, is is, is about the mindfulness practice, of pausing, and just being in the moment.

Unknown Speaker  38:25 
It's got a number of

Unknown Speaker  38:29 
sayings, if you will, like Peace be still, that can be used under different circumstances, to

Unknown Speaker  38:39 
lighten up your day, to enliven your consciousness, even if for just a moment, and one of the

Unknown Speaker  38:49 
one of the groups of

Unknown Speaker  38:52 
mindfulness sayings.

Unknown Speaker  38:56 
It relates to our senses, and the fact that I think and my experience is now that we all have

Unknown Speaker  39:06 
our typical five senses, but that each one of them has a spiritual element to it. So, for example,

Unknown Speaker  39:16 
sacred seeing would be where you shift your consciousness in a way, as you're in interaction with another person where you began to perceive their soul, or their essence, or their higher consciousness. It's really what namaste is all about you say Namaste, what you're saying is, the higher consciousness in me acknowledges the higher consciousness and you will sacred seeing does the same thing. And the interesting thing about that is and

Unknown Speaker  39:51 
using that practice, in a interaction with somebody, sometimes the whole interaction shifts

Unknown Speaker  40:00 
In a perceptible way.

Unknown Speaker  40:06 
Where I'm not judging that person anymore. I'm not,

Unknown Speaker  40:11 
I'm not in competition with that person anymore. I, on the other hand, have, you know, I'm open to that person, and I'm open to seeing their higher self.

Unknown Speaker  40:25 
The same with, with touching,

Unknown Speaker  40:28 
there's a way of, of shifting into higher consciousness and just touching, observing, and allowing a rock to speak to you, you know.

Unknown Speaker  40:44 
So, the use of sacred sense senses which go beyond just the five senses includes sacred breathing, where you just

Unknown Speaker  40:54 
breathe into a moment, you breathe into a situation, you breathe into a,

Unknown Speaker  41:01 
an experience, and you have a spiritual

Unknown Speaker  41:08 
understanding of what's occurring, in addition to a three dimensional understanding of what's occurring. So that's what the mindfulness book is about. Stay sounds brilliant, well, and it's fun, you know, it's fun, it's, it's,

Unknown Speaker  41:25 
it's really a way to have more joy in life. Two way of having more gratitude in life, it's a way of being more compassionate in life.

Unknown Speaker  41:38 
Because it opens you up to those higher vibrational experiences of being human and, and spiritual at the same time.

Unknown Speaker  41:47 
poetry book just came out, you know, I would sometimes I would sit down. And the best way to the best way to

Unknown Speaker  41:55 
express what I was saying, because words are so hard. And you can only approximate what it is that you're experiencing. In any use of words, poetry sometimes can kind of get you into an interesting state of mind.

Unknown Speaker  42:13 
That just, regular prose cannot. So every once in a while I just had, you know, I just moved to write poetry. And that's what ended up being in the poetry book. And then there's the the the manifestation book, which we talked about earlier, where I've used the best possible outcomes process, or that's a, I think, one of the best tools to create your own reality.

Unknown Speaker  42:40 
Now, it doesn't use some of the usual

Unknown Speaker  42:46 
practices of,

Unknown Speaker  42:50 
of doing picture boards to create your own reality, it doesn't use

Unknown Speaker  42:58 
mantras or saying things over and over again, it's not intended to have a BMW up here, in your driveway tomorrow, or this morning. But instead, it's intended to, you know, turn that over to spirit. And then the very last book that I wrote, is actually a journal that goes along with the meditation book. And my next book is on health and wellness, and that'll come out this summer. Oh, you've got I do believe you when you say that you have the tools because that's a fantastic selection to help anyone on their spiritual path. And and like you said, I like I love the fact that your manifestation book doesn't just have like,

Unknown Speaker  43:41 
a mood board or a manifestation board in it. Because yeah,

Unknown Speaker  43:45 
it sounds like it's some expression, and really relevant. And I do know that we were talking earlier and you have a free gift, don't you for all our listeners, I do. I'd like to offer people

Unknown Speaker  43:58 
a free copy of my mindfulness book. And the mindfulness book is available at my website,

Unknown Speaker  44:10  
And we'll put the the link in the in the in the show notes, but if people can get a free copy of that, to begin to delve into that as a spiritual practice. Oh, brilliant. So

Unknown Speaker  44:23  
listen, dear listeners, there's your chance to kind of get kind of get started.

Unknown Speaker  44:29  
There's offering you a copy of history books, and I definitely will put details in the show notes.

Unknown Speaker  44:34  
So Blair is mindful of the time that I've just been it just feels like they could talk to you for ages. Really interesting person to speak to. Before we got Is there anything else that you wish to share with our listeners? It's important to begin to understand that you i, all of us, are eternal beings. And I think this is us.

Unknown Speaker  45:00  
especially important in this time

Unknown Speaker  45:04  
of human history, because unless we began to develop

Unknown Speaker  45:11  
in a sizable way, that higher or larger part of ourselves, that spiritual part of ourselves, it looks like there's a freight train headed our way, that's going to make the future quite difficult. If we don't begin to understand that

Unknown Speaker  45:31  
we are all one, we all have

Unknown Speaker  45:36  
eternal, we are all eternal beings, we all have higher consciousness, we all have a sub soul element to us. And if we don't begin to see that that's the case, and that if all of us don't succeed, none of us are going to succeed,

Unknown Speaker  45:52  
then, humanity is is.

Unknown Speaker  45:57  
There's trouble ahead, let's just say it that way.

Unknown Speaker  46:00  
So that's, I think, one of the important reasons not only for personal reasons, but also for planetary reasons for us to begin to realise who we really are, and to get to work on expressing that in such a way, as all of us in the future can benefit.

Unknown Speaker  46:23  
My experience is that meditation is the most direct path to that.

Unknown Speaker  46:30  
I agree. I agree. It's, it's certainly changed my life for the better. So I think I don't I feel like I don't know how, really, that we can evolve. If we don't find these moments of calmness with work, like, you look at creatures like I sometimes look like little bits of white animals, and they're kind of run around doing the things but they do take moments to kind of just rest and kind of like be and I think that's what we're meant to do as well. So Blair, it's been an absolute pleasure to have you on the show. And thank you for joining us on sunny San Francisco. Dear listeners, as always, please stay tuned. They'll be meditation inspired by today's show. But Blair, thank you so much, Blair, I believe everyone, thank you very much.

Unknown Speaker  47:13  
Pleasure to be here. And Namaste. Namaste back. As promised, here is your meditation. Inspired by today's show. Top Tips for the meditation is either sit nice and cross legged on the floor of a nice straight back, always nice to sit on a block or a cushion. Or that's not available for you, you sit in a chair with a back nice and straight. The important thing is you're not slouching. And if you're doing something that requires you concentration are you to do is just pause this and you can reconvene the meditation at a time that is good for you. If you're doing the meditation, that's begin

Unknown Speaker  47:57  
simple meditation

Unknown Speaker  48:01  
to help bring a little bit more mindfulness in to your day. So as we go about our day

Unknown Speaker  48:15  
you can bring this meditation into it

Unknown Speaker  48:18  
as simple healing meditation for a deeper sense of mindfulness.

Unknown Speaker  48:28  
So as you sit and you take your long calm deep breaths in and out through the nostrils

Unknown Speaker  48:35  
Can you allow yourself to just be there?

Unknown Speaker  48:39  
Feel how you're sitting, be that on a chair on the floor, but allow yourself to fully experience the wholeness of that. How does the cushion feel beneath you? How does the chair feel beneath you?

Unknown Speaker  48:53  
How are you feeling in this precise moment?

Unknown Speaker  48:57  
And you observe as the breath comes in and out through your lungs so the expansion

Unknown Speaker  49:05  
and the retraction as you kind of allow this present moment to unfold in the beauty last it's

Unknown Speaker  49:18  
Can you feel the oxygen as it comes in and out through the nostrils?

Unknown Speaker  49:25  
Does one side grieve more than the other? And if so, can you observe that but also simply allow that just to be

Unknown Speaker  49:39  
can you allow your eyelids to be closed and you just feel that gentle weights

Unknown Speaker  49:45  
and that's darkness that possibility just be in The Now

Unknown Speaker  49:54  
I am calm. I am here. I am at ACE I

Unknown Speaker  50:00  
I am calm. I am here I am ease. And those nuggets of mindfulness can seep into the rest of your day, your night.

Unknown Speaker  50:12  
Just as a little tool to remind you to come back into the moment into this precise moment in life,

Unknown Speaker  50:22  
finding the beauty wherever you are.

Unknown Speaker  50:26  
Feeling that calmness, and that appreciation will help you go far.

Unknown Speaker  50:33  
So, think of a more simpler, but present way of being.

Unknown Speaker  50:40  
Trust in your gifts. Trust in who you are, and allow that present moment to unfold. And as you do, you will go.

Unknown Speaker  50:53  
So come back into the moment come back into the room, take a slow calm, deep inhalation, slow calm, deep exhalation, and here you are back in the presence. So thank you, dear listeners for listening today. As always, if you would like a personalised recorded meditation, please go to the gentle yoga And you'll be able to find more information there. And if you're inspired by our wonderful guests, Blair Abbey, I will put details in the show notes and I really feel that it's a worthwhile investment to read his books. So thank you very much over and out. So thank you so much, dear listeners for taking the time to listen and support our show today. And if you want any more information on what we have to offer, check out the gentle yoga

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