Awakened Conscious Conversations

Spring Magic Me With Better Communication with the help from Angels

The Gentle Yoga Warrior Season 13 Episode 6

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What is good communication between people? How can we communicate with angels more? Please welcome today's guest:Julie Hilsen who describes herself as: an intuitive with a master’s in communication sciences. Julie is also a Podcast host and the presenter of the Podcast, You need a pep talk Matter!

Author of Life of Love the Joyful Guide to Self and Sensuality. Julie shares her passion for living a life of magic and joy. Her debut book is a powerful tool for self-discovery and finding the joy in everyday life. 

#angels #life #people #podcast #good #energetics #connect #heart #book #feel #communication #learn #meditation #soul #quiet #honour #world #love

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Speaker 1  0:00  
gentle yoga warriors conscious conversations podcast to help you grow and discover who you are to develop a deeper, more complete side of yourself via conscious talks, self love meditation, and by interviewing some of the most inspiring guests on the planet. Our podcast is rich with deep talks just go to the gentle yoga For more information

Speaker 1  0:49  
so hello everybody, I'm your host gentle yoga warrior and we are in season 13 And, and today short is all about spring magic me with better communication with the help from angels. And I thought who better to speak to us today then author of life of love and joyful guide to self and sensuality Julie Hilson. Julie shares her passion for living a life of magic and joy. Her debut book is a powerful tool for self discovery and finding the joy in everyday life. When she's not talking to angels and creating you can find a hiking playing tennis and cooking. So no further ado, joining us today is Julie Hilson. So Julie, welcome to the show. And I'm guessing it's morning there.

Speaker 2  1:40  
Yes, Jane. Thanks for having me. It's my delight to be with you today and your audience. Yes. It's 10 o'clock in the morning i Man I'm in the south of the US in the state of Georgia,

Speaker 1  1:52  
in the state of Georgia. Fantastic. I love talking to you from all different parts of the world and and being very British, is it? What's the weather like this day, we'll always talk about the weather.

Speaker 2  2:03  
Oh, let's start it in the mid 50s. This morning. It's a like a crisp brisk feeling. But it's going to be in the 80s By four o'clock. So they the sun is heating up or getting the solar, the solar, you know upgrades here like crazy. And I can see the sun coming through your window too. So

Speaker 1  2:22  
Oh, nice. Definitely. Definitely. So Julie, I'm very excited to have you on the show. Because this isn't all about spring magic thing kind of like you know that vibrant energy of spring that kind of sets up a new world and sowing the seeds can let go of the weeds of what we don't want excetera and I thought today we could talk about spring logic and we better communication with help from the angels and I know that you have a special connection with angels, would you mind sharing a bit about your journey and and with that with the listeners today please Oh I

Speaker 2  2:56  
love that I am honoured to share. To me it's all about rebirth. And you know every day we have a chance to be reborn so spring is you know art we have heightened senses because everything's been dormant and all of a sudden we get these fresh glossy you know wonderful leaves popping up and we get these these smells that refresh shard our consciousness basically everything's it's you cannot ignore it in the spring the rebirth so I just I find it just a delicious time to be alive spring is one of my favourites even with the allergies. I don't know sometimes we say in the south here we have winter allergy and then summer. But I'm I'm I have learned to learn to embrace the pollen. But yes, so the angels really did catalyse a rebirth in me and I you know, I thank them every day because I can't go back to living my life without acknowledging their presence. And that's to me, that's the biggest part was being open to it. Because honestly, in the beginning, I wasn't raised to connect to to angels I was raised to pray and I was I was raised to you know, have honour for God and, and, you know, be spiritual in the framework of a, you know, traditional religion, but the whole idea of connecting to angels and, and that side, honestly, it was a little scary. And it took me about five years I was exposed to the angels I was invited in and I was like, I'm not sure how this works for me like I had a hard time so I have compassion for somebody who might be like, trying to dip their toe into it and say, Is this for me is am I inviting because when you open up you're like you're opening up to the unknown. So you don't you don't know what could come to you. And you might be asked to change your life and that's scary. Yeah.

Speaker 1  4:55  
So yeah, it's kind of I guess it's not something that you kind of taught in schools is it to kind To connect of Angel so it can feel a bit alien if you're not used to that. As you connect it to the angels and things like that, what is the first Would you mind sharing your first experience with that?

Speaker 2  5:11  
Sure, it was through another Divine Feminine force. We had my holistic mom's group, we get together once a month, when my kids were little, and it was my get out of the house thing. And we talk about, you know, healthy eating and chemicals in our foods and cleaning products. And, and then one month, they invited this woman who said, she's going to read our angels and Dr. Carolyn, she's my dear friend to this day, that was over 12 years ago that she sat, we sat in a circle, and she just brought her crystals. And I was like, What is going on? Is she a witch, like what is happening? I was like, what is happening? And she had just such a, an open heart. And she was so knowing, I mean, she went around the room and gave each person a message that was meaningful. And she didn't know us. We didn't give a bio, we didn't have pre submitted questions. She just came in cold and, and she read our angels, and not everyone has that situation. But now that I know how angels work, everybody gets these hints. Everybody gets a song that repeats, everybody gets up a breeze that comes out of nowhere. I mean, the angels are constantly trying to show us that they're here supporting us. And an angel might not resonate with you, but your guide the beings that are around supporting us there, there's 1000s of them. And the cool thing is they're here and they'll intervene if if your life is a dangerous, not your time to go, or you've seen little babies totter on the edge of something and they don't fall, right. Like their angels are supporting them. I mean, there's a million ways I've could have, I could have left this plane but you know, when you are your purpose is to stay they intervene. But when you when you invite them in and you say Hey, can you help me with this, like, honestly saying, I don't really have to look for parking spots, because I know the angels will give me the best spot. And it's just like silly little everyday things. But, you know, I clap and I say thank you angels. So thank you. And, you know, whatever resonates with you, it's your guide, your Higher Self, your inner knowing. It's all the same, because we're all one. And I know that sounds cliche, but we are. So it's just connecting to that inner knowingness. And it's lovely that the other beings can can come and show you signs. And it's just what you're what you're open and willing to see. So if you just play with it, just come with an open heart. And there's nothing to be scared of. I wish I wish someone would have told me not to be scared because nothing is going to come to you. That isn't of your vibration. If you want to see crazy things, you will see crazy things if you want to see love light support, your highest good that's that's exactly what you're going to attract.

Speaker 1  8:05  
You don't you when I was when I feel bone and angels have been about in order to get those tiny little like star stickers, like really small like kind of things. And I see them in random places that they wouldn't kind of like be and I just think I'll sound like the angels have been because I've been walking down the road and let's just suddenly see one witness like, there's no one been about ready to kind of drop it. So I'll just say actually, yeah, that's a sign that I've seen angels in the beam kind of rally.

Speaker 2  8:35  
Right? And they will, they'll show up as as what resonates with you. Like, I'll get little pieces of paper that are folded into ANGEL size wings. And I'm like, how Where did that come from? And feathers, they'll show us with little random feathers tingles if you get a tingle down one side of your body. That's total recognition of spirit,

Speaker 1  8:57  
opposable I've got a two part question, what is good communication? And also, how can we communicate with angels more? But first of all, God, what is good communication between people?

Speaker 2  9:11  
This is one of those things like amateurs are so much better at answering these questions than people with a master's degree. And I have a master's in communication sciences. I could get really into like fighting my knowledge because my my life path is not to live between my ears. My life path is to live through my heart, which is interesting because I went and studied communication, but the best highest communication comes straight from your heart. And so if you if you have something to communicate to somebody else, the best way to do it is just to get quiet within yourself and, and get real as to what your message is. I don't mean to be opaque here. Let me give you an example. My son was home from college and he had terrible windshield wipers, like he needed new rubber on the windshield wipers. And he was pushing back on me. And I said, Why don't you just go and pick those up and you know, he has a credit card that I pay for, like, it's not that he was gonna cost him money, he just didn't want to go to the, the auto store and buy new wipers. And I got quiet in my heart. And I was like, Well, what, what is important about this message to me? And how can I express my inner state that is making me a little upset that he's pushing back like, in how can I come at the situation as an observer, not part of the theatre, but part of the audience. Because that's, that's a huge thing. Because everybody has their own perspective, everyone's coming to a conversation with their own stuff. And you have to understand, you can't impose your agenda on somebody else, they have their own state. And I don't know what's going through his head, like, I don't know, he could have a million things he's trying to do, and he's home on break. So I just got quiet. And I said, you know, Reese, as your mom, your safety is so important to me. So this makes me a little concerned to think that when it rains, you might not be able to see very well. And I know that you're going to make the highest choice, and you're smart, and you're capable. And so you can decide if you want to buy new and show wiper blades. But as as your mom, it would really mean a lot. If you could do that for me, just so that I feel better about you driving in the rain, is able to say Mom, you know, I feel like you don't trust that I'm going to make the right decision. I feel like you don't trust my judgement sometimes. So that means a lot that you told me that you believe in me that, you know, I'll make the right choice. And so it was a beautiful moment that we could bond. But in the past it might have been because I'm not perfect. Like I fall I'm not, I'm not angelic, I'm human, I'm a human. In the past, I would have been like, well, you don't even deserve to have a car, and you're not taking care of it. And you know, I could go down all these paradigms of, of lack and control, but I just surrendered. I told him where my heart was and I surrendered the situation and put it in him. In his court. It says it says call. And so that's a huge thing with communication is not to don't railroad somebody, like just state where you are and then try to figure out where they're coming from. because not everyone's good as at explaining their state are everything that's going on with them. So that's just huge to me and, and just give space communication. If you can have some time or not, where there's some quiet, then there's some space for growth,

Speaker 1  12:56  
like that. So quiet and there's some space for grow. I think it all boils down to a bit of time we were kind of just quiet and where we're at peace. So with God's two angels, I'm sure that's a whole different way to communicate. Would you mind explaining to me how that happens?

Speaker 2  13:18  
Sir, well, you know, sometimes you get little whispers in your ear or you get inclinations or you just get a sense. But other times, you know, you might just want more of concrete 3d. So I love the idea of angel cards. And there's tonnes of decks you can order Doreen Virtue, she was like the first. And so her decks are lovely. But there's this woman out of Australia. Oh, I'm blanking on her name. And I didn't bring her cards down. But she does amazing cards. I will email you her name if I'm blanking. Right? Like, you know, a card. You know, people are like oh cards, tarot cards, but it's different. It's like, when you when you clear the deck and you put your heart energy into that deck, you just say Okay, I'm ready for the My message for the highest good. And you shuffle those cards. It doesn't have to be like a ceremony or anything, you just shuffle them. And if one sticks if one flips out, if one just seems a little different from the other ones, and that's your card. Yeah. And sometimes you might pick two cards, maybe you pick five cards, but it's totally up to you. And it doesn't have to be this prescribed thing. You can just say, Okay, this whole deck is full of loving messages. I'm gonna see what the universe wants to give me today. And it's as simple as that. And I think some people are intimidated. But the energetics nothing happens randomly. It's all energy. It's all what you need at that time. And you just sometimes it's a surrender and trust that you're getting exactly what you need.

Speaker 1  14:54  
Yeah, it's kind of trust in kind of allowing and um, I've used angel cards as well. And yeah, I think it's kind of you, if you if you're from a place of calmness of mind, and it's from the heart, then it kind of what could really go wrong isn't there's nothing that can really go wrong. So it's kind of

Speaker 2  15:14  
hmm. And it's, yeah, and like, like we just said, you create that space for the angels to say hello to you. It's not that, you know, the in some people have time to just sit out and, you know, I'll listen to the birds in the morning, if I have an extra 15 minutes, I'll, that's a great way for me to connect to my my inner sanctuary. And you can get you can get more downloads in that situation, but without any expectation. But if you you know, you said, if you set aside five minutes to pull a couple cards, that's your sacred space for the angels to say, okay, she's ready to hear something right now she's ready for a message. And it's going to be different every day, but just, you know, giving yourself that time to say, Hey, I'm important, I need a message. I deserve

Speaker 1  15:59  
nothing, isn't it? I guess, isn't it believing that you deserve this help? And my understanding of angels, they want to help us don't and they're just waiting for us to ask them. Would you agree that God or not?

Speaker 2  16:12  
Yes, like, like I said, if it's something if it's not your time, they will step in. But you can ask for them anytime. And there's angels for everything. I know, some people make a whole study of the exact angel to ask for the exact situation you're in. But that's really not my jive. I basically just say, oh, you know, angels have, you know, if my back is hurting, I'll say angels of health and wellness, give me clarity on what I can do to help my back today, you know, and, and like, I'll get messages, so you need to put ice on it, you need to put heat on it. So you can just call it with just a general category, say I need help with, I need the angels of clarity and communication helped me with the situation. It can be as general as that. And legions of angels literally are there to

Speaker 1  17:00  
just bounce around. It's really nice and reassuring to kind of know that. So if you're going through a difficult time, I'm just trying to think of an example, if someone's going through a difficult time, if someone's got two dishes to make, and they're thinking to go down this path or go down this path, and they've really tried to sit down and decide which path is for them. I guess that's a good time for an angel for angels to ask them for help in that kind of sense.

Speaker 2  17:26  
Right? I think that'd be a great time to ask. And then and sometimes there is no answer. And that's okay. Don't put pressure on A or B.

Speaker 1  17:38  
That's true isn't it doesn't necessarily have to be LV like, life's not always that cut and dry. And we kind of sometimes try and categorise things. What lessons did you learn early in your career? Because I know that you you're a accomplished offer a podcast host yourself, which I'm really interested to hear all about those. But firstly, what lessons did you learn early in your career? That is that still impacts you today?

Speaker 2  18:09  
Huge, huge as to stop judging, I stopped labelling things good or bad. I started saying, Well, this is this is more pleasurable, or this is, this is something that's more desired. And the other things less desired, I would want to avoid it. But I stopped saying good or bad. I stopped making judgments on myself first. And I just started talking to myself, my inner dialogue I changed it to I'm talking to my best friend and I started treating myself like a divine being like a cherished friend. And that, that changed everything. It made me more accepting it made me more loving. It made me more kind. And yeah, everything springboarded from there, or when I realised that life wasn't a yes or no or dichotomy, that these these ideas that there's a right or wrong, I just started living toward the vibration that I I wanted instead of a judgement.

Speaker 1  19:13  
It's good to jump the judgments I feel because sometimes we can get so stuck in kind of judging things. And it's not the it's not the best thing really for our spiritual growth and, and, and kind of the way we can navigate through life. So I like that that's a really valuable life lesson.

Speaker 2  19:29  
Yeah. And then, you know, sometimes you're reflecting you're like, Well, I wouldn't have made that choice again. So I'm not like every day is a chance to make the choice that serves you better. So it's that compassion that yeah, that didn't go out that didn't go down the way I wanted to. Because there are plenty of times where back to my son, I was like, trying to control him and you know, like, it's taken time for me to release and to be at that place. But you know, it just said, Oh, well that didn't we ended up yelling at each other. I'm not going to do it that way anymore. And so you just learn and grow, you learn what, how you want things to be. And a huge tip is, you know, especially when things don't go the way you want, visualise them, replay it in your mind, the highest outcome, and then you get to change your timeline. That situation no longer exists in that negative or less desirable outcome. Now you've changed it to your highest outcome. And it's a real thing and it's a hard thing to get because we're so we're so based on outcomes and, and seeing that it was different, but you change the vibration of that situation. And you don't have to go back and resolve anything with that other party or whatever, whatever it was, you just, you change it, you move on and you set your timeline. You're in control of how you react.

Speaker 1  20:52  
Yeah, I guess we all are, aren't we? We could be in control of how we Afrikaners be controlled. Everything that's happening, maybe we are in a certain sense, but consciously, we can't always kind of control everything, but we can definitely change the way we react to it. You've got this beautiful

Speaker 2  21:12  
book out. Yes. Life of love. I usually have it next to me.

Speaker 1  21:18  
Yes. And it came out September last year. And it's, it's got some really good reviews, I was looking at reviews on Amazon, because a life of love is to me it's like an answer to everything. So would you mind sharing with our listeners about your book and how and how it came about?

Speaker 2  21:36  
Oh, thank you for asking that. It's it's very dear to me. And my book was my books sort of a compilation of, of a lot of soul searching that I had done. And I saw that people were having a hard time loving and accepting each other. And I was like, Well, what can I do? I can't go out and, and change. Like the world. Like, I can't go. Honestly, I was really upset about I heard about a bunch of sex trafficking rings. And I was like, How in the world does this happen in our life? In our world? I mean, how, how is this even a thing? How are there people going to these places? How are we treating our vulnerable children and vulnerable souls, because these people are vulnerable, they're being preyed upon. And honestly, that was which me I'm like, but I've got to come at this with a different, a different view. So I took it as a really positive thing in my books about empowerment, it's about loving yourself and showing up for yourself and, and being conscious of everything that you're exposed to. So I didn't, I didn't jump out and say I'm against the industry, I just, I said, I want to, I want to show people there's a different way I want people to see that there's, there's this place of divinity and all of us. And so I really had a fun time I broke it up into three sections, and your life of love a joyful guide to self and sensuality. That's the name of the book. It starts with getting to know your light getting to know how you want to shine. And it's it's really a raising consciousness of saying, okay, these are the things that I adore, these are this even gets down to like the way, the way you like to spend your free time if you like silly jokes, if you like theatre, like I just have all of these, these charts and these worksheets, so you go through and you just get to spend time exploring, because I think we've been fed what we need, like, we we've been given these marketing schemes and these overlays about how how you're supposed to live to be happy, and I challenge people to really look into themselves to see how they want to be happy, not not what they're trying to buy to be happy, like, like the simple things. And so you go through finding your own light these activities and everything I suggest there's a devotion to ask the angels to help show you help give you clarity, to just you know, create a container and I challenge people to go on this quest to find out what they're really about. And so after you find your light and your joy and you understand how ego works against love and I have a whole list of how you find out if egos controlling your actions or if you're living more heart based and so it's just like it's a really it's a beginner's guide to consciousness and spirituality. And it's just really fun because I when I read it I'm like yeah, the angels were telling me these messages because I you know, I learned from them so I'd love to share it. And so the second part is how to take care of your vessel how you didn't get into how to decorate earth, fire, air, water in those signs, how you decorate and little things sway things and and how to, you know, be aware of programming and TV and how to cook trawl everything that's coming at you, you're taking in subconsciously, so you know how to protect yourself and just raise awareness of these things that we're exposed to. And then the last parts about dynamics of relationships and how to deal with conflict and, and how to show up with, you know, love and acceptance and just raising people's awareness of living in a more heart centred way. And it's, it's applicable to everybody, we get into some kind of some sexuality things, but it's more about knowing what your desires are, and being okay to ask and, and connecting to your body and getting quiet. Just note, you know, releasing any shame, like, because we have all that's another thing, we have the good girl or the bad girl mentality and, and exploring the idea that, you know, none of us are really that good. And none of us are really that bad. And maybe we shouldn't have stark white wedding dresses like that's, that's a really, it's a really hard way to start a relationship, right? Like we have these sexual needs. And if we're being all prim and proper, how are we going to be there for our husband or our spouses or partners, right? Like, we need to explore, we need to be free to to be, you know, sometimes you need to be a little naughty, and it's okay. So I get, I get permission. And it's been a great journey. It's been so much fun sharing the book and, and meeting people like you and your audience. It's just been amazing. So, yeah, I think there's something in it for everybody. And it's a very easy to read, I write like, I'm talking to you.

Speaker 1  26:35  
Yes, I would say you definitely write how you speak in it. And you have the wit, when you speak, God had this kind of ease with your words, but there's wisdom was as well as there's kind of like, this is fun, vibrancy with with with like lots of depth as well. And listen to what you've just been saying about how like TV can kind of like prolong this. And like society, in the sense is kind of making us think we want things in a certain way. And I think how many of us really kind of know what we want and who we are. And I think for you through your book with all its amazing components that's going to help help people to discover that and kind of like, have fun along the way. Because I think sometimes we can get very serious as well can't we aren't like on us kind of spiritual path. And life can be too serious. But I think it's all about balance. Like you said, We're neither good nor bad. And I think that is having that kind of that playful balance in life as well. Yeah, the

Speaker 2  27:35  
joy, we can't ignore the joy. And I did tell you, I was like, Oh my gosh, my husband gave my book to a rabbi. He's an 84 year old rabbi. And he's like, Rabbi Krantz. You have to read Julie's book, Julie wrote a book. And I was like, You gave my book to the rabbi. He brought me the nicest letter, he's like, I'm inspired. And he goes, I haven't been inspired by your spiritual book in a very long time. And so that meant the world to me because it's its way out of the box of, of Torah, but it's it I shouldn't say its way out of the box because it's based out of love and you know, and and so it's all about our greatest good and the best for humanity and you know, serving God and, and you know, God is we're all God. And it's understanding that God's in you. So when you're, you know, it says love others as you love yourself. That's, that's the first part it because if you say that statement, you're loving yourself first. And that's how you know how to love others. It's written in the Bible.

Speaker 1  28:43  
Yeah, I, it's, it's true, isn't it? It's like, know yourself, love yourself, and then you can kind of help others. If I think sometimes there's a well if we look too much for the responsibility. Again, I've got nothing against religions and things like that. But I'm talking about kind of a personal kind of development and a sense of spiritual development from within and really, each day is an opportunity to kind of explore develop and kind of find our way and what I'm gonna long winded way of saying is that we we shouldn't rely too much like on a system but kind of go within and discover ourselves cells within and that's what I also feel that your book has to like, offer.

Speaker 2  29:35  
Yeah, I shake it up a little right, like, yeah, that's it, shake

Speaker 1  29:39  
it up. That's the word Julie, shake it up a bit. Because you know, like, it's, yeah, kind of shake it up because life can have be full of surprises and things like that. But it's, I think it is like tapping into that magic. And like the magic that you have to like offer off the world and you don't just stop it. The book do you do? And you also have a podcast as well, which can you please share about that with our listeners as well. It's

Speaker 2  30:07  
called life of love with Julie Hilson. And it's been a dear gift. I mean, I just the people who have been drawn to be on my show who I've connected with have been such a blessing. I mean, I just it's one of the one of the side effects of producing the book or writing the book. I was like, Well, how am I going to stay connected to these Dear souls that buy my book, you know, because it's a journey, right? Like, why can't just write this book and leave them hanging? And I'm not going to coach each person, you know, if somebody has a question, I'm here for you. But there's no way so I was like, let, let me just connect with the audience through a podcast and, and I can promote my book through a podcast. And, you know, I always wanted to, you know, honour, honour magic and how it shows up in our life. So yeah, my, my podcast is all about living a life of love and seeing the magic hour around you every day. And so it's really crazy how it shows up in different guests. I mean, I've had everything from a financial advisor to a shaman. I mean, it's just great. And, and when you get to talk to people about how angels are around and working with them, they're surprised and, and I feel like there's a lot of healing that happens in my podcast. We do a lot of we do a lot of laughter and, and like, just wonderful healing messages. So yeah, it's been it's been great. It's really fun to see how many people I can I can just be in there a year, right? I'm just, I'm just seeing your little year. And that's, that's a privilege. That's a blessing. And I just adore it.

Speaker 1  31:41  
And what and you've got such a lovely advice as well. I don't know if people I'm sure people want to kind of listen to you hear all the time. It's just really, really nice to feel calm speaking to you. And I think having a podcast shot does isn't it is a privilege, isn't it to kind of like touch and reach people and podcasts is quite a popular thing these days. But I think it's it's kind of one the plus size when people like to work from home is that more people are working from home so they can put things on in the background. And it's kind of nicer to have something that you're going to kind of learn from or kind of and have fun along the way than just kind of like having daytime TV and things like that. Is there anything, Judy that you wish everyone knew about?

Speaker 2  32:31  
I wish everyone knew that they were absolutely perfect the way they are. And they're loved as they are.

Speaker 1  32:39  
Oh, yeah. Perfect and loved as your dear listeners. That's a that's a lot of wisdom there. Yeah, because we can kind of get lost in realising that we all speak with trying to fix ourselves. Like don't get me wrong, I love self help books. But I think sometimes it's like, oh, let's fix this and fix that. And I, I think it's more likely kind of a journey and like things come up when they're meant to come up and changed.

Speaker 2  33:06  
Yeah, because if you force it, you're, you have to be ready for that change, you can't force it. So it's better just to live your life and do your best ask for the highest good every day. And if you live in that intention, you're perfect. You don't have to prove anything, you might want to do something, you might want to listen to something that's going to raise your vibration. But that's your choice. But it's not because you're coming from lack. You just you just want to keep growing, because that's the kind of person you are, it's not because you have guilt or shame. It's just because you want to grow. It's a totally different thing.

Speaker 1  33:45  
I can see how that is it is because you want to grow rather than kind of thinking that you're broken and kind of need to fix was the biggest. As the saying goes, we're human. We're humans being having like a human experience and in this world, and if we weren't kind of meant to be perfect, then we couldn't I don't think we would have kind of be here. You know, it's kind of

Speaker 2  34:07  
right. Like I can tell you one book that changed my whole perspective is that many lives many masters.

Unknown Speaker  34:14  
Oh, I've heard about I haven't read that one. Who is that?

Speaker 2  34:17  
I think yes. Brian Weiss. He's an MD he was he was working with his patients, putting them into deep hypnosis and he found a commonality. And he discovered he has discovered through these deep hypnosis that, you know, we're we're eternal beings like it's not. It's not a question. We there's many lifetimes and in our soul, well, the whole idea of a soul is I'm working with that too. I used to think that we have an individual soul. But now I'm trying to open up my idea of thinking and thinking is a tough thing to because it's your ego. From my heart. I'm feeling more are guided to, to believe that we're one soul. In we're all energetically here as representing that one unified soul. And we have this energetic blueprint which is placed on us from the moment of our birth, the galactic alignments, I, the more I learned about astrology and Gene keys and, and all of these breadcrumbs that we have even what's on the Egyptian walls are breadcrumbs for us. The more I'm bringing together all this information and my curiosity drives me, I'm believing that it's not just our individual soul, it's our soul representation, that, you know, we get our energetics as it's connected to the universal soul gets many opportunities to reincarnate or to not, but it's a gift to be here and play in this, this density of Earth these challenges these, you know, this is not an easy place to be, is really not. So just to give yourself that permission to say, well, this is tough, and I signed up, you know, I volunteered to come down here energetically, and I have a purpose and everyone has a purpose to be here. There are no accidents, you're not just here surviving, you're here to grow. And when you look at your life as it's infinite, I mean, your your, your life on Earth, obviously, is going to have an end. But your energetics that's infinite, you're gonna come and go and there's different the idea that there's different dimensions that we that we exist in I know it can blow your mind but to me it resonates that you know we're this isn't just we're not just here with this is our learning this is our school and and we're getting these chances so just let's just make the most of it let's just try to live in a high vibration as much as we can and respect that. Yeah, crap is going to come at us. We're going to have some days like in the only thing they count on is change. But we're here we're here to ascend, we're here to reach that next level and to see what you can do just be a superstar

Speaker 1  37:12  
like it be a superstar within that consciousness and what is your feeling about kind of collective consciousness or consciousness about other beings because he said that you feel that we could be like, different aspects of the same kind of soul kind of, in this world and consciousness is a word that's kind of use a lot in the in the spiritual world, but to you and for your particular journey, what does consciousness mean to you do in it's,

Speaker 2  37:45  
it's how I can perceive what is around me. And it's, I know, it's limited. Like we have. We have our consciousness works through our hearts and our minds. And a lot of times you can get an expanded consciousness if you can get right into your heart and sort of clear your mind and so it's, it's a consciousness to me is a playground. In its in, its everything that's around you, and you can't to me, it's hard to even put words to it. It's it's this field

Speaker 1  38:23  
it's hard. It's interesting, quite an interesting day because I did a few podcasts earliest day and it's like it all questions that I had like planned have kind of gone out with the the window I don't know something kind of like in the air, but it's almost as if like, like, human communication is kind of like I don't know, it's flown away today. It's kind of Yeah, just what comes up is kind of coming up my mouth. Yeah, the energetics

Speaker 2  38:49  
I'm agreeing with you it's just like I don't know it's applied I'm just I'm enjoying this elevated energy I don't know what's happening like I said the solar we're getting solar upgrades I do believe the sun is upgrading our DNA that I believe that deep in my heart we need to get outside we need to be free just like light what needs to come in come in and don't control it. We're on a ride here this is this is a great time to be alive.

Speaker 1  39:17  
That's a really good way to say it because as I look at the weather's kind of bulky okay here as well and you've been kind of inspired me to to go and do could be out in the garden for a little bit a little bit after this. And if I'm a listener and I'm wanting to kind of connect with you what's the best way that I can?

Speaker 2  39:37  
I put everything on my website. It's called you need a pep I started that a long time ago is WWW dot you need a pep Yeah, so that's my hub. And I put everything on there. I also have a YouTube channel. I'm not on there a tonne. Also Instagram, J Hilson,

Speaker 1  39:58  
J Hill something So Graham, I'll put a link in the show notes so that people can kind of reach, reach out to you if they want to, and see all the stuff that you the wonderful stuff you're doing and, and good luck with your fantastic book. Just before we got to anything else that you would like to share with the listeners today.

Speaker 2  40:18  
Just I want to thank them, I want to honour them. If they've stuck through this episode and all the twists and turns that you've taken, I hope that we give you a nugget that you can go explore. I mean, that's my favourite thing. I'll listen to somebody I was like, Oh, they said this, and I'll look up the word. And so I just love I'm honoured that I could maybe activate something in you and, and just, you know, I just hope I could bring some light to your day and and I know that this has been very enjoyable for me. And I appreciate you sharing me with your people. And you know, just sending love sending love you got this?

Speaker 1  40:56  
Sure, they would have enjoyed listening to you. And it's been it's been real joy and honour to have you on the on the show today, Julie. And yeah, we've kind of I like the way we kind of with the path we took today. But I also believe like this kind of that's the pocket was meant to be for this particular moment in time and that hopefully will reach and touch many people. So do stay tuned listeners. As always, I've been meditation inspired by today's show. But once again, Julie Hilson, thank you so much for joining us

Unknown Speaker  41:26  
now. Thanks for having me. All the best.

Speaker 1  41:30  
Thank you. Thank you so much. As promised, here is your meditation, inspired by today's show. Top Tips for the meditation is either sit nice and cross legged on the floor of a nice straight back. Always nice to sit on a block or a cushion, or that's not available for you, you sit in a chair with a back nice and straight. The important thing is you're not slouching and if you're doing something that requires you concentration are you to do is just pause this and you can reconvene the meditation at a time that is good for you. If you're doing the meditation that's begging I was when I kind of feel a little bit out of balance or kind of not fully supported. And I kind of find a quiet place to sit or as quiet as it can be sometimes, but the quietest place I can get. And I think there's different types of noises so there's some noises that are kind of like taking over the sense then kind of negative noises then if you're quiet some kind of special naturalizers as a speaker can hear the little Robin awesome little creature close by flutter in its way so to me that is the sound of kind of inner peace perhaps it's a reminder from nature of the military and the beauty about

Speaker 1  43:19  
it other ways we can send our energy out this kind of way to bring it back?

Speaker 1  44:26  
Just like that for the moment as well ourselves be completely still. And then the moment I call it like nature's chorus kind of comes in. Or that kind of little noises to remind us to kind of come back right now into the moment. Yes indeed.

Speaker 1  45:16  
Perhaps you get messages from Dubai in a different way in the form of feathers however that is for you

Speaker 1  45:35  
yet Alyssa Marie majestical and magic about spring anytime Have you ever heard

Speaker 1  45:52  
how we kind of get so wrapped up in what's going on the world reading just need to be here with it find solids peace and harmony play kind of being in that moment and being in the inner peace which is so often forget

Unknown Speaker  46:13  
so perhaps you can make the affirmation DENY YOURSELF Hi beings How can you let me know what I need to do next today and then just pause.

Speaker 1  47:01  
Whatever kind of comes your way, it's not like you say something instantly kind of comes your way. But perhaps you might have had a feeling or kind of something that feels more. Ah, yeah, maybe I need to be still today. Or maybe I need to kind of do this. A small kind of tapping into that ability to feel rather than intellectualise it

Speaker 1  47:40  
there is a short meditation today. But you can do this a couple times a day where you just find a stillness. Ask what is it? Myself I have beings that what showed me what do I need to do to do or what do I need to do tomorrow. But obviously, allow that to come through. And then you can plant the seeds so they can suggest the seeds but you need to kind of need to plant them but then also surrender. So it's suggesting plant surrender. Really, you're kind of tapping into your higher self. So you really have all the answers within you but there's nothing wrong again, a little bit of help as well along the way. So just slowly start to take some calm deep breaths in and out through the nostrils as you slowly come back into the moment. Come back into the room. So thank you so much, dear listeners for taking the time to listen and support our show today. And if you want any more information on what we have to offer, check out the gentle yoga

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