Awakened Conscious Conversations

From Inquiry to Insight: A Deep Dive Into Our Path And Space Between Thoughts

November 08, 2023 The Gentle Yoga Warrior Season 14 Episode 13
From Inquiry to Insight: A Deep Dive Into Our Path And Space Between Thoughts
Awakened Conscious Conversations
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Awakened Conscious Conversations
From Inquiry to Insight: A Deep Dive Into Our Path And Space Between Thoughts
Nov 08, 2023 Season 14 Episode 13
The Gentle Yoga Warrior

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Ready to break free from the shackles of your own mind? This week's Awakened Conscious Conversations  Podcast is your ticket to self-discovery. We uncover the abundant power of inquiry, a means of escape from external influences and a path to becoming our authentic selves. Dive into the essence of being present in your own life and spirituality, the importance of kindness towards oneself and others, and the surprising compassion in saying 'no.’

Our journey doesn't end there. We invite you to slow down with us as we explore the liberating space between our thoughts. This exercise may just shift your perspective, offering unparalleled insights. Learn how to let your thoughts be, while you retreat into a peaceful haven of stillness and presence. Reflect on your own experiences and join us in the transformational experience that is Awakened Conscious Conversations. Prepare to see your life and the world around you in an entirely new light.

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Ready to break free from the shackles of your own mind? This week's Awakened Conscious Conversations  Podcast is your ticket to self-discovery. We uncover the abundant power of inquiry, a means of escape from external influences and a path to becoming our authentic selves. Dive into the essence of being present in your own life and spirituality, the importance of kindness towards oneself and others, and the surprising compassion in saying 'no.’

Our journey doesn't end there. We invite you to slow down with us as we explore the liberating space between our thoughts. This exercise may just shift your perspective, offering unparalleled insights. Learn how to let your thoughts be, while you retreat into a peaceful haven of stillness and presence. Reflect on your own experiences and join us in the transformational experience that is Awakened Conscious Conversations. Prepare to see your life and the world around you in an entirely new light.

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Please note that we do not necessary agree with all the views on this podcast and leave listeners to make their own mind up with what they do or don't agree with.

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Speaker 1:

Hello, dear listeners, and welcome to this week's edition of Awakened Conscious Conversations podcast, and we had some wonderful guests the last few weeks and we've got some wonderful guests coming up in the future. As you may know, I do like to sell posts some of my podcast shows and I feel like I'm the best when I'm not overly scripted. I like to talk about stuff that I know about and that I have it in knowledge about. Equally, being on the floor feels like a more natural, cohesive way for me to share my wisdom with you, dear listeners, and the inspiration of today's show is about the path of inquiry and how it can help you on your road to freedom. Freedom from the reason that our mind can sometimes put us in and we all have that where there's like fear and things that stop us from being who we truly are. Even the way we speak sometimes can be learned behavior from someone else. Have you ever had that when you've been talking to someone? And then are you the relative? There's this kind of in the room and they more or less said some phrases the same as their parents, because, of course, they're going to learn from how they speak and the way, that way, they present themselves. But we can do that this in all ways of life and we really kind of influenced if we don't have our lenses of our perception really cleansed and in a way it's kind of been really on the path in the moment, sing your life as a kitchen and you can choose what ingredients you want to put into the cake that you're making, and to choose wisely and not just go for what is always convenience and you know like sometimes it's convenient just to open a packet we all do it sometimes and heat something up, but really we get the most riches from carefully selecting all the ingredients of the right amount to put into food, the food being our kind of creation of life. Hopefully you're still all with me on this. So our creation of life equally, or rather on the other way, is to kind of worry too much about the ingredients or graphs when trying to take every kind of spiritual path and put it off of thinking off. I need to find a way with a sheer sense of desperation, and that in turn doesn't come about as problems.

Speaker 1:

The biggest lesson that I feel to share this week with you all is that we all are human and I know we've heard this before. That is that famous saying where human, where spiritual beings have a human experience. But we're also human beings in this world and we're being and we're trying to learn and do our best. And I feel like if we, if we were all perfect and we really wouldn't kind of be here. And I don't think it's necessarily our journey to be perfect, but instead to kind of be selective of how we make our way through life, how we kind of have this journey, but from the lens of presence and by the more we can put those snippets of presence in, the more we can become who we're meant to be.

Speaker 1:

The difficulty is there's so many influences from everywhere how we do we decide for what is our self and what is people tell us to be in the way we are and in the spiritual world quite often everyone's got a different theory and I've talked about this before, which I'm sure I have is that the spiritual ego way thinking was spiritual and someone else and that Everyone else is just dumb and you're really spiritual. That's kind of tilted full swing the other way, really, in a sense of having compassion and Kindness. That's all gone out the window. When you've seen life like that, people will always have difference of opinions and we'll all have always have different ways in which we want to see our life. And that is not without seeing it through its full fullness, its beauty, and Having some compassion to each and every other human being on this planet, as yourself, but also having compassion to say no.

Speaker 1:

There's been through instances lately where, having, like every one of us, gone through the situation of losing someone that and that's dear to us, it kind of grief can be in Waves where sometimes you feel great and you can't forget about at all and you do get back on the life of things for but there's sometimes you just really need a bit of space and and it's kind of having that gentleness and no one to take things on. So the reason I'm sharing this is that sometimes to be kind to ourselves and Others, this just to say no or just to set the boundary and just to be honest and just say that actually I just need a bit of time, I just need a little bit of space. And equally, someone says that to you oh, I just need a little bit of space. I Think love is giving people a space when they need to have it, but we don't always see that. So, taking away any judgment you may not always know when that is but solutions to that is just to do the best we can to be aware and To realize that not everything is about you and that's not in a kind of like judgment way. Oh, nothing, not everything's about you. Rather, in it from space of seeing it back. If someone's being woody, it's not necessary about you. If someone's not coming back to you, it's not necessary about you or something that you've done. They may just need that space and that is absolutely Cool and fine thing indeed.

Speaker 1:

And yet we see life so often through our own lens and perception and and it is difficult because we can't have all these pains and habits and learning behavior from like childhood adolescents into adulthood and we're constantly Evolving beings all that's the way we went to be. And then there's all these things on the planet that trying to kind of stop that like too much social media, too much kind of short attention span, things that are on like Short movies and like all those kind of reels and all these things that do kind of their place. But when we kind of just escape and everything by not being in the moment and not being there, then that's kind of taking us off our path. And my question to you is what, being on your path, what is it about your path that is truly unique to you and what is it that you feel you're meant to learn from your path? And if you get to the bottom of that, how can this process that you have gone through or gone through, how can that help others whilst maintaining a trueness to yourself? Really would like to hear from you, dear listeners Just drop me a line by the shmanichealingserf contacts anything that you'd like to share that I can kind of share on the show under that subject. That would be really great. I know I might just take a few moments for you to write the comments on there, but it will be really, really helpful. And just think, by the more that we can kind of share and be more translucent about these things, the more we can help other people. And, yeah, very keen to hear about that from you.

Speaker 1:

And the next part of this this week's show is how can we create the stillness to be authentic self so that we can see our part and understand it? And I think the greatest tool that you can do for this is just to review your day, each day, and again you probably thinking oh Jane, I'm so busy, how can I do that? I'm just talking about a few lines. Just think at the end of each day. Or you can even do the next morning to review the day before. Just think, what did I learn from that day? Was it useful, what would I have done differently and how can I take that into my next day. And that's a really good way of seeing, of like seeing what your compass is or where you're kind of like going and where you're kind of headed in this world. Thank you, and on your part, what holistic things feel like kind of cuddles from the universe, like what makes you feel good, like for me is for me is doing someone else's yoga class and feeling kind of calm afterwards or having the space to kind of be in the flow and write and be myself.

Speaker 1:

Another thing that I find really calming and loving is to just have a bit of time to be in like a nice book lined cafe or somewhere that's kind of a bit quirky and quiet, where you can just kind of be a bit anonymous. Sometimes it's very nice to have that connection with community and I think community is important. I think sometimes, if we're too much around people all the time, we don't get the time to develop ourselves. And sometimes that could be convenient because we think, oh, actually I don't have time to be behind the convenience of not having time on the course. Our time is really stretched, but it's about getting our priorities. So is it that you can call about 10 minutes a day, or even 10 minutes like once a week, three times a week, whatever you can fit in, but just see it as a value of, like this currency that's going to buy you, in a sense of your getting these tokens for yourself of self-awareness, stillness and learning to be in the moment. And I've got one more question before I take you into the meditation inspired by today's show what is the one tool that you have uncovered that's holistic and helps you on the par, and how would you recommend that to someone else? Again, I would really love to hear from you on this matter.

Speaker 1:

So, as promised, here is a short but sweet and delicious meditation inspired by today's show. Top tips for the meditation is either sit nice and cross-legged on the floor for nice, straight back, always nice to sit on a block or a cushion, or that's not available for you. You sit in a chair with the back nice and straight. The important thing is you're not slouching, and if you're doing something that requires you concentration, all you need to do is just pause this and you can reconvene the meditation at a time that is good for you. If you're doing the meditation, let's begin.

Speaker 1:

So, as you sit, dear listener, and you take the time to have space between the breath just think of some of the greatest public speakers have space between the words and the greatest creation of the space between the doing, the space between the concept and the creating. And as you breathe, observe the breath, the space just before the inhalation, as you exhale, the space just before the exhalation and the space before the inhalation again. So you're inhaling, you're not in the space. You're exhaling, you're not in the space, you're inhaling and you're not in the space. And as you kind of get into that rhythm, you can keep a continue in that mannerism.

Speaker 1:

Or perhaps you can just simply take slow, deep breaths and as those little folks try and cascade around into your breathing meditation, can you stop to observe the space between the folks?

Speaker 1:

It can just be tiny fractions of a moment, so small you may not see them or they might grow into kind of bigger poses, knowing that the folks are just as important part of the process and that it is to not be attached to them. Allow them to be, but instead step into the golden place of space in those folks, space in those beings and space in those moments as you learn to pause and simply be and as the noises of the world really come into your space. They can have their space too, but you can have the space to simply be and you can come slowly back into the moment, back into the room. You have a choice you can simply go about your day or if you want to write a few lines of what your experience was, then that's a nice thing to do. Just get like a book and write it in. And, as always, thank you for listening. I really appreciate you, dear listener, and it's been a fantastic journey so far. Blessings.

The Path of Inquiry and Authenticity
Practicing Mindfulness and Observing Space