Awakened Conscious Conversations

Discovering Everyday Miracles: The Power of Divine Wisdom and Nature

November 15, 2023 The Gentle Yoga Warrior Season 14 Episode 14
Discovering Everyday Miracles: The Power of Divine Wisdom and Nature
Awakened Conscious Conversations
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Awakened Conscious Conversations
Discovering Everyday Miracles: The Power of Divine Wisdom and Nature
Nov 15, 2023 Season 14 Episode 14
The Gentle Yoga Warrior

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 Together, let's embark on a journey to explore the magic of miracles that play out in our everyday lives and how they can shake up our monotonous routines. From witnessing the smallest of wonders to engaging in meaningful meditation, this episode is a gentle nudge to inspire you to discover your everyday miracles. 

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 Together, let's embark on a journey to explore the magic of miracles that play out in our everyday lives and how they can shake up our monotonous routines. From witnessing the smallest of wonders to engaging in meaningful meditation, this episode is a gentle nudge to inspire you to discover your everyday miracles. 

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Speaker 1:

for this special edition of Awakened Conscious Conversations podcast. I'm recording it at the end of a long day but I feel so inspired. As I sat down to record this I could hear a barn owl. So there's a barn owl that lives near my house. I find them quite mystical creatures in the way they move about and the sounds that they make.

Speaker 1:

As you know, when you're at school you see pictures of owls and things, or you might watch nature shows which also have owls in them. But it's actually kind of have that connection and I always feel like the owl is like the guardian of the house and it has its territory and it flies around kind of protecting and overseeing, with this sense of wisdom, and that was the inspiration that came to me for today's show our kind of wisdom, our wisdom, but not the wisdom that we have through everyday life, but that deep, ritty, powerful but also light. So obviously it goes deep, but there is also a lightness to divine wisdom, and divine wisdom comes from the moments when we're absolutely, undoubtedly 100% in the flow, the flow of being and the flow of light. Having put away and stepped away from all the obstacles that get in the way of that flow of light, the biggest one can be the mind. Wow, does our mind like to think? It thinks and thinks, and thinks. That's what it's designed to do think, but it can overthink. And if we kind of don't have the wisdom to kind of step away from that and just allow it to be, in a way that you're seeing, without judgment, which in itself can be a deep, difficult chore, but it becomes easier when we have more and more awareness, and that awareness comes from seeing the little miracles in life being and just by viewing things out a little bit out of the ordinary in life. I think that helps from the mundane of a day. So you know, like today I'm a little bit tired, it's been a long day and then I hear the owl and to me that is one of nature's miracles the fact that a barn owl, out of all the places, decided to live near my house and decided to be my neighbour. And, as kind of weird as this may seem or not, I always feel like it's a little cry as a message to remind me and anyone else who's listening to it that you know there is the bigger picture. We can spread our wings and fly if we just observe the miracles in life. So your task for the next week, should you choose to want to do it, is each day. I want you to observe a little miracle, just something that you think wow, that's absolutely extra special, it's something that I wasn't expecting. And through that, see if you can work out what that miracle is trying to tell you. So I'll go back to my example, because I'm sharing this with you. I believe the owl, when I hear it flying over and making that hooting sound, is a reminder to me and to anyone else that's listening to see the bigger picture.

Speaker 1:

One time I was going for a walk through Dartmoor, which is this beautiful, really wild part of the UK. Some say it's one of the last wild parts of England. In England is like Dartmoor and I saw this magnificent giant stag in the distance, the breath coming off that off his nose and he was like looking way away. And To me, that miracle of actually seeing this wild stag was to remind me that there is strength sometimes in not needing to be like seen, but when you do need to be seen, allow yourself to be seen. I feel like one of the reasons he crossed my path was as a reminder of the strength that there is so many wonderful beings like this stag who are magnificent, majestic and have cultivated this beauty and strength, but they don't always need to be seen. It's like they're not like showing off or like look at me. It just happened to be that our paths crossed, but I'm sure that he wasn't going out of his way to think, oh yeah, look at me, I'm a magnificent stag deer. Equally, he was a beautiful, magnificent stag deer and he was on this land, like this ancient land which has all these different tools, and if you can try and do a bit of research on all the different tools in Dotmall Park, there is some stuff, but there's so much history that has been lost. And again, the miracle it was was like there may be stuff that we don't know, but the stuff that we do know we can turn into miracles.

Speaker 1:

And then the third time, which was a little bit of a sadder thing, but it was also shown you, the miracle of life and death, was like the week before my father passed, there was a freshly dead wood pigeon, like on my step. It must have either it was attacked or it got away and then it kind of passed, which was very, very sad, but I knew it was in a miracle, in the sense that it was my job to kind of bury this pigeon and to kind of deal with death, which was kind of coming my way in the sense of a loss of a relative, and so I think that's a bit of a morbid miracle, but it was. You know, nature has a way of kind of support in us and even though we don't always see the reasons why and this was obviously a sad thing it does have a back. And if you're stuck in the search for miracles, I I suggest going and seeing, or rather observing nature as much as you possibly can. And there is nature in the cities I see so many more foxes in London than I do out in the countryside. That is, those all different miracles and nature. And there's and don't forget, the plant world, is all the plant world, the rock world, water, you name it. So please, dear listeners, let me know what miracles you observed in the last week. Reach out by shamanichealingsearth. And it helps other people when we all kind of have this like sense of community. It really helps some people to see these fantastic, amazing miracles that are in life.

Speaker 1:

So for now we're going to move on to our miracle Meditation. As promised, here is your meditation, inspired by today's show. Top tips for the meditation is either sit nice and cross-legged on the floor with a nice, straight back always nice to sit on a block or a cushion, or that's not available for you you sit in a chair with the back nice and straight. The important thing is you're not slouching, and if you're doing something that requires you a concentration, all you need to do is just pause this and you can reconvene the meditation at a time that is good for you.

Speaker 1:

If you're doing the meditation, let's begin. So close your eyes and imagine you are surrounded by this warming light. You know, like those beautiful light bulbs that they do nowadays that look kind of period Maybe, that kind of light all around. You Feel as if that light is everywhere. So as you close your eyes, you can see the light, and as if you imagined you open the eyes, you would see the light too. This light is like a warm winter blanket, wrapping you around with well-being, faith, love and meaning, and as you take those breaths in and out through the nostrils, you feel as if you can make in your imagination.

Speaker 1:

You are transported either somewhere that's remote, I don't know whatever feels remote to you In Scotland, dartmoor Park, canada, anywhere that wherever you're joining in the world, you'll have a different concept of what remote is to you.

Speaker 1:

So go to that place and in that place you start to walk slowly, surrounded still by this blanket of light that keeps you warm and protected from your head to your toe.

Speaker 1:

And as you step softly into the terrain ahead of you, you let each foot softly reach the floor and you walk along, inhaling and exhaling through the nostrils, and in the distance you see the most magnificent, beautiful deer, a stag deer with antlers that almost shine like coral, and you feel the warmth of the breath from the stag deer and for our character. But the stag deer lets you walk close, but obviously you respect the beauty of this stag deer in your imagination and you look into the stag deer's eyes, and the eyes transport you straight away to a miracle. A miracle to look out for, a miracle. Just allow what needs to come to come, what needs to go to go. Just plot that miracle in your pocket in a sense that that is what you may look out for in the next week, be it in the world of living or in the world of your dreams, remembering that miracles come when the least expected, if we have an open heart and an open mind to the world, the beauty and the grandeur of nature in all its forms in this world and the dream world.

Speaker 1:

So softly now, come back into the moment, come back into the room, taking your time there is no need to rush and with any meditation, if you want to journal afterwards, then by all means do so, and if you would like to experience a online energy healing session, then do reach out by shamanichealingsearth. Or if you want to do any in-person ones and you have to be in the UK then you can reach out there too. If not, have a good evening and thank you so much for listening. Dear listeners, lots of love over and out.

Observing Miracles in Everyday Life
The Magic of Miracles and Meditation