Awakened Conscious Conversations

End of Season Finale! Embracing Your Awakening: Mindfulness, Purpose, and Resilience

December 21, 2023 The Gentle Yoga Warrior Season 14 Episode 19
End of Season Finale! Embracing Your Awakening: Mindfulness, Purpose, and Resilience
Awakened Conscious Conversations
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Awakened Conscious Conversations
End of Season Finale! Embracing Your Awakening: Mindfulness, Purpose, and Resilience
Dec 21, 2023 Season 14 Episode 19
The Gentle Yoga Warrior

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Have you ever felt a stirring in your soul, a whisper of your true purpose just waiting to be discovered? Embrace that call to awakening with me, The Gentle Yoga Warrior, as we explore the transformative power of mindfulness with yoga and healing expect Sivaroshan Sahathevan. Your journey to uncovering the depths of your purpose is complemented by the insights of Martin Theis, who imparts wisdom on maintaining steadfast focus on your dreams. Together, we'll uncover the delicate dance between stepping out of your comfort zone and the essential self-care needed for a fulfilling life. And don't overlook the advice of Ash Burnside, who prompts us to consider how we can be better guests on Earth.

Sometimes, the most profound lessons come from within. I'll guide you through a meditative practice designed to align your physical and energetic being, creating a conduit to your higher self. This immersive chapter of self-integration isn't just about finding tranquility—it's about infusing your life with harmony and flow. Imagine the serene clarity of awakening, where your mind is quiet and your emotions are still; it's not just a dream but a reachable state that I am thrilled to help you pursue. The effects ripple outward, touching every aspect of your well-being, and I'm here to show you how.

Ending on a note of courage and inspiration, we hear from Lorie whose battle with skin cancer exemplifies the resilience of the human spirit. Lorie's journey is not just a tale of survival but a beacon of hope, teaching us the power of strength and optimism in the face of adversity. As we wrap up this soul-nourishing episode, I offer up a sincere thank-you to you, my cherished listeners. Your unwavering support has been the heartbeat of our shared journey. Stay tuned for the upcoming season, a new canvas of episodes, as we continue to celebrate the profound connection we share.

The show ends with a 3 minute meditation to help unwrap your true gifts!

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Have you ever felt a stirring in your soul, a whisper of your true purpose just waiting to be discovered? Embrace that call to awakening with me, The Gentle Yoga Warrior, as we explore the transformative power of mindfulness with yoga and healing expect Sivaroshan Sahathevan. Your journey to uncovering the depths of your purpose is complemented by the insights of Martin Theis, who imparts wisdom on maintaining steadfast focus on your dreams. Together, we'll uncover the delicate dance between stepping out of your comfort zone and the essential self-care needed for a fulfilling life. And don't overlook the advice of Ash Burnside, who prompts us to consider how we can be better guests on Earth.

Sometimes, the most profound lessons come from within. I'll guide you through a meditative practice designed to align your physical and energetic being, creating a conduit to your higher self. This immersive chapter of self-integration isn't just about finding tranquility—it's about infusing your life with harmony and flow. Imagine the serene clarity of awakening, where your mind is quiet and your emotions are still; it's not just a dream but a reachable state that I am thrilled to help you pursue. The effects ripple outward, touching every aspect of your well-being, and I'm here to show you how.

Ending on a note of courage and inspiration, we hear from Lorie whose battle with skin cancer exemplifies the resilience of the human spirit. Lorie's journey is not just a tale of survival but a beacon of hope, teaching us the power of strength and optimism in the face of adversity. As we wrap up this soul-nourishing episode, I offer up a sincere thank-you to you, my cherished listeners. Your unwavering support has been the heartbeat of our shared journey. Stay tuned for the upcoming season, a new canvas of episodes, as we continue to celebrate the profound connection we share.

The show ends with a 3 minute meditation to help unwrap your true gifts!

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Please note that we do not necessary agree with all the views on this podcast and leave listeners to make their own mind up with what they do or don't agree with.

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Speaker 1:

So hello everybody.

Speaker 1:

I'm your host, the Gentle Yoga Warrior, and this is Awakened Conscious Conversations podcast, and I would like to share with you today my fabulous end of year, rich with wisdom gifts of such amazing, inspiring guests on the show. So maybe you've been a guest on the show recently or a while ago, but I would just like to extend my heartfelt gratitude, for our listeners are so pleased from what they learn from you, and I love us learn something new from you, and it's just an absolute honor to do this job. So in a minute I'm going to share some rich wisdom from the one and only Siva Roshan Sahab Ivan, who has years of experience in teaching yoga and energy healing. He is the director of source awakened healing, integrated Kundalini training, and knows how to share with you how to find your deepest purpose. I learned especially from this guest about one's purpose and about always going to the path of being authentic. You've got a great skill set and a lot to offer the community of planet Earth. Really, what can someone do today and help them find their purpose?

Speaker 3:

There's lots of things. The first thing is just start to watch your mind, witness your mind, and part of this you reek. A moment that we can have is that a lot of our sense of not being aligned to our purpose is that we're following the narrative of our mind and all of the things that it brings up. But if we can create a little bit of gap and a little sense that there is a mind which is doing its thing and there's a part of us that's witnessing or observing that thing, then we start to reorientate ourselves in an immediate moment to something that's more profound. This is a way just to say we can really let the mind go. Then the mind is going to do its thing, but there is this true self, this power that is behind, and the more and more that you do that you just be for a few minutes every day to begin with the more that becomes a bigger part of your life and at some point it becomes the greatest influence, what you do.

Speaker 1:

So, wow, wasn't that interesting to hear all that. And, oh, I could go back and listen to my own methods again and again, actually just to hear the wisdom that other people have to share. And then I had the joy to speak to Martin Beesis. Martin is a spiritual coach and teacher who focus on mental, emotional wellbeing through them out of shamanic journeys, and I am also trained in shamanic healing, so it was really interesting to hear how different people do it in different parts of the world and how interesting and enlightening this talk was. Whilst following our dreams, have you got any tips on how to keep focus, because that can sometimes be. We are trying to stay fluid in the flow, with life not being so fixed, but equally in.

Speaker 1:

So much ways our attention can litter off in different places.

Speaker 2:

I think the best way to stay focused yet at the same time being flexible enough to give room for that process, is to constantly learn and challenge ourselves when we can like go out of our comfort zone, when we can.

Speaker 2:

I love observing when I say I can't versus I don't want to. If I still have enough energy to say I don't want to, it's probably a good way to get out of that comfort situation or comfort space and to really work with that. But if I feel I can't, I'm really so exhausted to just give ourselves that self-care and rejuvenation recharge, to kind of like see after ourselves that we feel better and when we feel recharged and able to do things again, to go out into the world and pick up that focus again and to get out of our comfort zone and do the work and learn. I think it's a very compassionate way of knowing when we have the capacity and the energy to explore and be in the newness and the rawness of everything. That is adventure and kind of like the exploration process, but also being in touch with that side of us that needs tenderness and loving situations and maybe relationships and all of that. That is the dance I would say. With that dance, we're able to focus on our progress and the goals.

Speaker 1:

For somebody that almost didn't get to interview this next guest, ashburn Sides, who's a specialist and burnout coach for all who worked online entrepreneurs and helping people to find that work-life balance in a world where everything can feel a little bit kind of hectic. Ashburn, she was an absolute joy to have on the show and I'm really pleased that we did manage to by the time to speak to each other. Ash, how do you feel going probably something on the rewildering theme, but how, as humans, do you feel we can be better guests? I say we're guests on this planet just because we're kind of here for a short space of time, and how do you feel we can kind of give back to this wonderful planet that we all inhabit at the moment?

Speaker 4:

You were right in saying that I would 100% come back to this rewilding concept. There's a concept, actually, that I was talking about with my clients recently this idea that there's humans, we are humans, and then there's nature. I don't think that's correct. I think it's hubris to think that we are not also nature. We are earthlings. We are born of this planet from the same composition that we see in the cells of the earth and we are also nature.

Speaker 4:

Coming back to the idea of letting ourselves rewild to our own natural environments and being just being present with that and collaborating and being in partnership with this planet instead of at war against it, that's the biggest thing, and so, yes, you know this can be. We can make this a huge conversation about. You know, corporatism and all these things capitalism, consumerism but on an individual level, really, what is your relationship to where you are right now? Do you know where some of your things come from? Starting to like, just try to be more local, about how you source the things that you put on your body and in your body? Do you know where your food comes from? Do you know the names of the trees that are around you? What are some of the local herbs that grow near you. Just some of that, just honoring the place on earth that you live in by just learning and acknowledging it. I think that's a great place for us to just start.

Speaker 1:

Oh, this next guess. Vibrant is a word I would use to describe Rachel O's art playgroundist and clothing ambassador. And wow, does Rachel dress well. Who loves listening to the beauty in people? Rachel's often relationship book a soulful, transformational and artistic invention of your connective life. And wow, wasn't she a great guest on the show. Is there anything that you still struggle with and, if so, what do you do to navigate through?

Speaker 5:

it. My primary struggle is always my energy, because I'm giving out a lot of energy through seeing my therapy clients, through speaking engagements and writing and illustrating books, and you know just different things. And so you know I'm always trying to navigate, like, how do I restore my energy, how do I do balance and really paying attention to my self care, with that setting boundaries, saying no and to others sometimes, which is saying yes to me. You know just there's numerous pieces there, but I will say to you, because of the pandemic in particular, I had not done public speaking in a while and just last week I had a public speaking engagement to a larger audience and it just felt like such a leap and I thought, well, I better warm up a little bit. So last minute I signed up for to do in town a poetry reading with just like 20 people, a very small group, and I did it. But I found myself at the microphone feeling nervous and I thought, oh no, it's like I'm starting over again with my nerves and public speaking. And I got to go talk to a lot more people next week, ironically, thankfully, I don't know how it happened. I really wasn't nervous at the bigger one. I don't know what happened, but I'm grateful for it.

Speaker 5:

But the self care that I'm implying there about public speaking is I took care of myself. I thought it's been a while since I've done it. I know that exposure helps, like to do, when I'm afraid of something, to do it over and over, and that would be incredible self care for me. So I took action and I signed up for something. So I think there's a piece of when we're afraid, when we feel vulnerable, when there's stuff stirring and we know it's there, to really not just sort of turn our back to it or say yeah, but to get intentional and think what would be luscious self care that I could do for those parts of me, for those vulnerable parts, what would both be intelligent responses to those and also what would just be emotional, comforting responses to those. You know how can I be more loving, how can I treat myself with extra you know, deluxe comfort knowing this is happening.

Speaker 1:

It's kind of tuning into oneself and knowing what one needs for the life and the situations, and it worked out well, and didn't it that you were more nervous at the smaller thing and then it was kind of preparation.

Speaker 5:

And no one else, jane, could give that experience to me, to set that up, to know that's what I would need to get ready for the other thing. I knew that and only I could give that to myself. So I think for anybody going through something because we're all going through something, you know it's a matter of tuning in to what can what. How can I be intentional to support myself through what this is? And if you feel blank about what that is, and maybe invite and support, invite and seeing a counselor, invite in a mentor, invite in a coach, invite in a friend.

Speaker 1:

Next guest I remember very dearly. I remember all my guests really, but I remember this guest very dearly and it's reminded me to write a review of Benjamin's wonderful book. I read that Benjamin Bernstein on the show who is the number one selling best offer of instant divine assistance your complete guide to fast and easy spirituality and I looked at he's also a podcast host, astrologer, many things, and has a massive following. I found how he explained divine assistance and how we can kind of get places quicker in that sense of divine assistance was really really insightful.

Speaker 6:

Everyone has free will. They can do or not do whatever they want. But for those who are open to it, the idea that you can call in your own awakening, receive it as a gift within seconds and do that reliably and consistently is a game changer To walk around in embodied awakening. The reason I wish that for everyone is because the benefits are just for starters. You have more harmony, flow, ease and grace in your daily life. Everything you're responsible for you do more responsibly and more consistently. Instead of having to figure things out so much mentally, you just know what to do through intuition. You're more in flow state. There's this full body euphoria you get too as a bonus. That's just the starters. So much of it is beyond language but priceless. But unfortunately, once you get into the spiritual levels, you're beyond the mental body and words don't work very well.

Speaker 6:

The part two of that is I wish everyone knew the healing invocation, because if they knew that, if they've got some physical challenge or some emotional challenge that's disturbing them, if they will just say again that the words of that are just maximum healing, that serves highest good beliefs, followed by simple passive awareness of where it doesn't feel good.

Speaker 6:

And if you're saying the words like instantly calls your higher self to go into healing mode, then your attention to where you want it to work is showing it where to go, and then the typical experience is the higher self goes in there and starts stirring up the heavy energy that's the source of the problem and then usually it flushes out the hands and the feet or maybe it just transfigures to have them like right where it is.

Speaker 6:

The higher self knows what to do. You don't have to worry about the how. But to know that, I mean I've literally worked with people who've been holding a big old trauma for decades and I've seen them heal that fully in one session using the healing invocation, doing it themselves and me just watching. So I know I got to be clear. I can't guarantee this is going to work. Every time In the book I make a big deal about how some things like Stephen Hawking's, you know, paraplegia are soul chosen and nothing you can do about it. But you won't know what's destined and what can be fixed until you try. And you won't know if it can be healed until you try a truly effective tool, which for many people the healing invocation is.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, no, I'm ready to see if we can have an experience of that. Are you able to guide us through?

Speaker 6:

this or in a context like this, the healing invocation gets. There's too many possible routes that can take, but I can definitely guide embodied awakening, which I think is definitely the best first one to learn anyway.

Speaker 1:

Yes, yes. If you wouldn't mind that. If you're a fantastic Benjamin, do you want me to just close my eyes while you do it?

Speaker 6:

Yeah, and again, just to let people know, this won't take more than 10 minutes. Usually I can lead this in a context like this in five or 10 minutes. So if people can just, and if at all possible, while you're hearing this or watching this, please give undivided attention, because the more attentive you are to it, the better it's going to work. Obviously, okay, cool, okay. So, jane, if it's okay, I'll direct to you, but understand that everyone who's hearing and watching us can well, in this case, listening, because our eyes are closed, right, so I'll guide you, if that's okay, jane.

Speaker 1:

Thank you, that would be brilliant. Thank you, benjamin.

Speaker 6:

Okay, so just take a moment, eyes closed, and just become aware of how your body feels. Just get the baseline that's already there and then become if you have any awareness of your energetic body in and around you. Just feel that too and just notice where it's already at, and then, if you can feel both the physical and energy bodies at the same time, just kind of get the general baseline there. We're just noticing what's already there so we can compare at the end what's changed. Do you have a sense of how all that feels, Jane?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I can feel it all around me. I can feel a lot around the eyes and the feet as well.

Speaker 6:

Good, okay, just notice that and take a little snapshot. This is how I feel right now. Right, okay, now you're going to call your higher self and to set this up, you're going to think of your body like a car and your ego, instead of driving, is going to go to the passenger seat, so your higher self can drive. Now it's really important to note here that your ego is the boss here, and if your higher self starts driving, your ego doesn't like it. The ego can get right back behind the wheel. Like that, the higher self will step out right away with no fuss. So I need your ego to know it's safe, there's no danger, it's instantly reversible. You can try it and if you don't like it, you can go back to the way things were. Okay. So it's safe.

Speaker 6:

Okay, I've already mentioned the benefits you know Harmony, flow, ease, grace, more responsible, et cetera. So we know why we'd want to do it. Okay, and this assumes we have a higher self too, and I call that the being of energy that created your human self and gave it the spark of life and consciousness. I believe that when we die, that spark of consciousness then goes back to the higher self, merges back with it and you go on to whatever's next. Okay, so this part loves you unconditionally. It actually knows why you even showed up. So this higher self is you at a higher level and you can absolutely trust it. It only has your best interest at heart. So I need to establish that too. So, with all our caveats, we can actually do it. So in a minute we're going to do the eight words and then I'll guide from there. So, if possible, say the eight words out loud. If, for some reason, you can't, it'll still work if you think them. Are you ready to say the eight words, jane?

Speaker 1:

I am indeed. Thank you, mentor.

Speaker 6:

And you do understand. You're saying them to your higher self right.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 6:

Okay, so here we go. Repeat after me, please. Maximum embodied awakening.

Speaker 1:

Maximum embodied awakening.

Speaker 6:

What serves highest. Good please.

Speaker 1:

That serves highest good please.

Speaker 6:

Now let the words go. And now I want you to become completely passive. So just if you feel energy moving, do you feel the energy already moving inside you? Jane? Yes, yeah, I'm empathically noticing that. Good, so just feel energy. If someone doesn't feel energy, just feel your breath come and go on its own. Either way, you're completely passive. You're not controlling anything. You're just feeling what's there energetically, if you can or if not, just feel the breath. So, as it's like you're a sponge and your higher self is water just going to soak right in only as much as you're ready for. So know that there's no danger of overwhelm. You can open fully. There's nothing you need to control or regulate. You can just be fully open and let it soak in as much as is appropriate, and it will know exactly how much that is. While this is happening, please, I strongly recommend you don't do any of the following no effort, no willpower, no trying to make anything happen, no stopping anything from happening, no deliberate visualization or imagination. You're just passive. You're letting your higher self come to you.

Speaker 1:

That's getting pretty juicy, isn't it Jane?

Speaker 6:

Yes, Good so let it keep coming. So, basically, one allows this process to continue until the sense of being filled up stops and you just sense, oh, the tank is full, as full as it can be right now, and I'm sensing you have a little ways to go. So give it just a moment longer, jane. Fully passive, unless I'm mistaken, you just hit full, is that correct?

Speaker 1:


Speaker 6:

All right. So here's the check on to see. Is it? Am I in fully an embodied awakening? And I'll just ask you and the listeners to say yes or no to the following question. Is all the following true right now? No mental chatter, no challenging emotion, peaceful and effortless, it's all just holding itself. Is that true for you right now, Jane?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I feel good.

Speaker 6:

Amazing. So I invite you and the listeners just to be for a moment and just feel. Whatever stage you're in, even if you didn't get all the way there, listener, even partway is great. Any movement toward awakening is fabulous. It's a dimmer switch, not a non-off switch, so with more practice, chances are you'll get all the way and it'll lock in better. So, jane, now that you're there, the next stage is to actually open your eyes and look around, and the question then becomes is the state holding with your eyes open?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I feel so calm.

Speaker 6:

Yes, yes.

Speaker 6:

So, here's the deal, and you may notice, jane, I can perceive the consciousness. Hearing me is not quite the same as when you started, right, yes, and you look different to me. Your face looks like a different person in some ways and, by the way, this is the best beauty treatment there is. You are actually I kid you not, you are more beautiful now than before you did this. I invite people to actually take self-lead before and after, just to see for themselves. Right, yeah, it actually looks better. So basically, right now, you are now a hybrid. You are a blend of human and higher self, more than you were when we started.

Speaker 6:

And again, the maintenance is, if you want to try this, whoever's hearing me, if you do that, like first thing in the morning, as soon as you can, to say those eight words maximum embodied awakening that serves highest good. Please be passive enough to let it saturate you as much as it can. You'll feel when it tops off and you'll feel better. Just go about your business. Like I said, people who do this a lot I've worked with people who've done this now for over 10 years and they still do it because it keeps working. Just take a few seconds, get it on, go about your business and refresh as needed.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 6:

And it's not something you do at a scheduled time where you just know, oh, is there a mental chatter again? Is there a challenging emotion again? Are I losing it? You just say the eight words to think of again. Take a moment for your higher self to refill you, and it's like you just refill as needed throughout the day and that's the part that takes a grand total of maybe five or 10 minutes throughout the day.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, Benjamin, that's amazing. Listeners, I don't know. I can't really speak because I'm still coming. It's amazing, Benjamin, and wow. Yes, I just feel kind of. It's hard to put into words.

Speaker 6:

Well, that's because it's beyond love. You know, awakening teachers throughout the ages have always said you know there's no words for this, but you know we use metaphors and semiles. We do the best we can right Exactly exactly, exactly, exactly.

Speaker 1:

I've found four listeners then to continue this journey with you and with the head over to your website, and your book is available worldwide through Amazon and well, it's available in most places.

Speaker 6:

Most places I can't you know wherever you know? I'm, of course, in the US and I'm published from there, but Amazon does have many other countries where they sell the book. I had one person say they couldn't get it in some country. That was, you know, off the map. A little bit Right. But they certainly try Go to wherever their Amazon is and search for the book. Instant Divine Assistance.

Speaker 1:

Instant Divine Assistance, so you can get it there.

Speaker 6:

And it's an e-book. It's a physical book and we're recording this here in mid-April of 2023. And my sincere hope is in the next couple of weeks I'll have the audiobook done and then that will be available on Audible and Apple Books in two. So the audiobook version is coming soon.

Speaker 1:

Oh, that's brilliant because I feel like you have a really soothing voice and I just think it translated really well to an audiobook as well. And the next guest has got a special place in my heart. I've known Laurie for about a year and a half, I think, which is a meta online in a podcasting group, and this woman's courage with regards to skin cancer and I know that she's gone for her own journey with that still at the moment but how she's helped other people who are also gone through skin cancer with her mindfulness and her courage is utterly inspiring and a very special lady.

Speaker 7:

Basically, I've. You know, like anybody, you go through life. You have trials and tribulations and I think every experience forms you. You learn a little bit, you grow a little bit and you know, keeping in line with the spring, seeds are planted and as you grow through those experiences, you become a different person. You keep evolving and through all those experiences some of them were pretty terrific, you know, horrific and and that kind of led up to my most recent situation was in 2017, I was diagnosed with stage three cancer and that diagnosis was not going to get me down and I was tougher than that.

Speaker 7:

I was going to be fine, I was going to fight through it and I went through all the surgeries. I went through a year of treatment. I did everything I could and I kept working the whole time. I was not going to even let it affect me to that point. I was going to just keep doing what I did before and I worked in a high stress job. I worked in the funeral industry for 11 years before I left and so going to work and dealing with people who were dealing with grief and sorrow and all the emotions on top of everything I was dealing with in my own life with dealing with this cancer treatment and and what I was facing was a bit much, but I got through it and I was. I was good. I got through it and everything was all clear in 2018, november of 2018. So we got scheduled for surgery to get the port removed, and that was right before Christmas. So I was excited because I was like I did this victory.

Speaker 7:

Then, january 7th of 2019, so just weeks later, I was getting ready for work. When I leaned against the counter, I felt a sore spot and it was another lump. I thought no, this is impossible. I just went through all this. Everything was clear, everything was good, what's going on, and so I was just that total collapse happened where you just you're not sure what to even make of it, you can't even put it towards. The feeling of just it crushed me. So I called my doctor, they did the biopsy and days later, you get the news that it was back. It was something that, while I was getting the treatment, it worked, but when I stopped, my body didn't get programmed the way it should have, and so we had to start all over.

Speaker 7:

So the scramble happened of second opinions what to do, what direction do we take what treatments, and there was a lot going on with research at the time, and my cancer is melanoma, so it's skin cancer, it's a deadly form of skin cancer. So you do not want to mess with this, you don't want to delay anything, you want to get on it as soon as possible. So that's why everything was always like this whirlwind with this diagnosis, so we were in a rush to figure out what to do next, and so we made some decisions and I went through another surgery and another year of treatment, and the second time was it as good for me, because I already knew what I was facing, and so there was a lot of mental games that you had to play with yourself, a lot of shifting thoughts and understanding things in a different perspective, and so I had to take a lot of time to reevaluate my life and then get through this, this, what was facing me. And so, as I got to the end of treatment was February of 2020, we had this. It was going to be like a celebration trip we're going to go sailing in Greece and then March of 2020 happened in COVID, and everything just kind of went down the tubes. But for me, I was dealing again daily with people when I was at work that were going through something worse than I was going through. The reality was I was also seeing people my age with my diagnosis that didn't live, and so there was a lot of reality checks going on in my life and I kept thinking I'm stronger than this, I'm not going to be this person, even though in the back of your mind I'm like are you, are you, are you? You questioned a lot, so it was definitely an interesting journey to go on and it's something that I've had to figure out.

Speaker 7:

What is it that keeps me going? What is it that keeps pushing me through? And it's the hope of a better tomorrow. Every day you start fresh. Every day you have a clean perspective. And I know things linger. I know you can't get rid of your job. You know there's responsibilities that are always there, but what is it you can do for yourself to relieve some of that? What do you bring on yourself that makes it harder? And so weeding through a lot of that really does help. And you know, in the spring, as things come up, you have to weed through your garden, you have to get rid of stuff you don't want. So it kind of runs in that same vein. You know you have to pay attention to what your life is and what you want it to be. That's amazing.

Speaker 1:

One thing I really admire about you, lori, is that the strength that you have and how you've turned this around to kind of help other people, and it's so optimistic and I've seen it sometimes when you've been able to kind of on the Instagram, where you've shown yourself to be vulnerable as well, but it's through that you kind of give strength to the world. As promised, here is your meditation inspired by today's show. Top tips for the meditation is either sit nice and cross-legged on the floor with a nice straight back always nice to sit on a block or a cushion Well, that's not available for you. You sit in a chair with a back nice and straight. The important thing is you're not slouching and if you're doing something that requires you concentration, all you need to do is just pause this and you can reconvene the meditation at a time that is good for you.

Speaker 1:

If you're doing the meditation, let's begin so joy in the heart, abundance in your being and peace within. So as you sit and you close your eyes, imagine in front of you is a beautiful wrapped present. This present is a large box and as you open and you peel the first layer of this present wrap off, you feel as if you release something that no longer serves you, something that may be a block to you seeing yourself. Just allow the first word to come into your head Take a deep breath, together as you exhale, let's energetically release that away. And then you get to the next layer. It feels a little, slightly bit heavier, this wrapping paper, but carefully you unwrap it and you drop that to the floor. And as you drop, something else that is stopping you this time, something that may be blocking your joy, release it. The first thing that comes into your head, take a deep inhalation, exhale and let it go. And then, as you unfold in this the next layer, you unwrap the paper, you take a nice deep inhalation, a nice deep exhalation, and as you exhale, you feel as if you can let go of something that is blocking your abundance. The first thing that pops into your head, let it go. And as you feel that these papers drop on the floor, this sunny disintegrate and blow back to Mother Earth, it processes them into something that is of positive nature. But finally you can undo the top of the box, the final layer, which is some cardboard.

Speaker 1:

So carefully, you open the box and out of it you pick a beautiful stone. It can be any color that your heart desires, and that is your gift to yourself, your message to yourself. This stone may not be any of the colors that I'm about to share with you, and if that is the case, do not worry. Just feel within your heart, take a few deep breaths and feel of your heart what it means to you. But to give you a guide, if the stone was a right red color you like a red color you have been given the gift of grounding and abundance.

Speaker 1:

If the color was orange, you have been given the gift of creativity. If that stone is yellow, you have been gifted the gift of personal power and will. If that stone was green, you have been gifted love. If that stone was blue, it is healing and communication. If that stone is like a purple color, you have been gifted the color of intuition. And if that stone is none of those colors, then you have been gifted the gift of connecting more with your higher self.

Speaker 1:

So thank the gift and imagine that you breathe it gently into your heart, inhaling, exhaling, knowing that you can go about your day, be it whatever time of year. You're listening to this. You can go about the rest of the year knowing that you have got this gift called upon whenever you need it. So, from the bottom of my heart, I thank you for another lovely year with you, dear listeners. There will be a brand new season starting in January, which I cannot wait to get underway. That will be season 15 and, as always, I haven't got sure if it isn't for you, dear listeners. So thank you, thank you, thank you you.

Awakening Consciousness and Self-Care Strategies
Awakening and Self Integration
Laurie's Inspiring Skin Cancer Journey
Gratitude for Another Year With Listeners