Awakened Conscious Conversations

Embracing the Snow Moon: A Journey of Release and Rituals

February 21, 2024 The Gentle Yoga Warrior Season 15 Episode 7
Embracing the Snow Moon: A Journey of Release and Rituals
Awakened Conscious Conversations
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Awakened Conscious Conversations
Embracing the Snow Moon: A Journey of Release and Rituals
Feb 21, 2024 Season 15 Episode 7
The Gentle Yoga Warrior

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As the Gentle Yoga Warrior, I found the snow moon of February to be a beautiful symbol of release and rejuvenation. I invite you to join me in exploring its majesty and the profound impact of lunar rituals on our lives. This month's musings are deeply rooted in my own journey with the crow pose—a testament to patience and the often unnoticed undercurrents of progress. Together, we'll embrace the snow moon's energy to cast off what no longer serves us, as I guide you through full moon ideas that are as transformative as they are simple. Whether it's scribing unwanted habits onto paper or basking in the moon's glow, these practices invite alignment with the powerful lunar cycle.

Beneath the night sky, we submerge ourselves in a peaceful moon bath, letting the celestial light wash over us as we meditate on release and tranquility. This episode is an offering—a chance to unwind, let go, and find flow in the quiet surrender to the universe's embrace. As we conclude with a nourishing breath of gratitude, I encourage you to journal your reflections, a final act of self-care sealing our shared experience. Sleep well, dear listeners, and carry with you the serenity of our moonlit farewell.

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As the Gentle Yoga Warrior, I found the snow moon of February to be a beautiful symbol of release and rejuvenation. I invite you to join me in exploring its majesty and the profound impact of lunar rituals on our lives. This month's musings are deeply rooted in my own journey with the crow pose—a testament to patience and the often unnoticed undercurrents of progress. Together, we'll embrace the snow moon's energy to cast off what no longer serves us, as I guide you through full moon ideas that are as transformative as they are simple. Whether it's scribing unwanted habits onto paper or basking in the moon's glow, these practices invite alignment with the powerful lunar cycle.

Beneath the night sky, we submerge ourselves in a peaceful moon bath, letting the celestial light wash over us as we meditate on release and tranquility. This episode is an offering—a chance to unwind, let go, and find flow in the quiet surrender to the universe's embrace. As we conclude with a nourishing breath of gratitude, I encourage you to journal your reflections, a final act of self-care sealing our shared experience. Sleep well, dear listeners, and carry with you the serenity of our moonlit farewell.

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Speaker 1:

So, hello everybody. I'm the Gentle Yoga Warrior of Awakened Conscious Conversations podcast and we are in, or drawing towards, the last part of February. And February is a smashing month, I feel, because it for me often feels like the start of the year, january being the time to prepare for the year and February is when we kind of start to make those steps towards our dreams and aspirations. And sometimes life can make us feel like, oh, why bother, because I'm trying all these things and I'm not seeing the fruits of my plan coming towards us. In that situation, I have been in that situation and I still get into that situation and I feel it's a time where, when that's happening, just make a plan or get your notebook out and see the other things that you've achieved. And I'll give you an example like for many years I was trying to do crow pose in yoga, which is the one where you kind of like you've got your palms flat on your floor and you're kind of got your your thighs wrapped around your arms and you're balancing in the air. Don't try this at home. I just couldn't get into this pause. I've tried it for many years. I just couldn't get into it. And it's really strange because I didn't actually do anything different. Maybe I just resided to the fact that maybe I couldn't get into this pose and that was okay. Then, just one day, for some reason, the pause just worked and I've been able to do it ever since, so much so that I can lift up from that into a headstand and that that's kind of fun. But again, don't try this at home without a yoga instructor. The reason I'm sharing this is sometimes the path doesn't exactly become apparent of how it's going to unfold, and sometimes these years and years of stugness might be just what you need, even though it doesn't feel that way. Maybe there's something that you're trying to work through. So, if you listen to previous episodes, we're working through all these different things. Where it came up with the plans, how to kind of start making steps towards it. I suggest that you review the stuff that you have looked at the plans, the aspirations that you have made and see how you can tweak that. What can you change, what can you add and what can you take away. I'll go into a little bit more depth of this in next week's episode, which will be right at the end of the month, but for now, the theme for today's show is that, besides the fact that the guest that originally was going to have couldn't make it, that's absolutely okay.

Speaker 1:

I took inspiration from this weekend, which is going to be a snow moon, a full moon in Virgo, and Virgo is one of my favorite signs. The reason being is that Virgo is really creative but also very grounded and can get lots of things done in a really grounded way. And the full moon can bring a lot of energy, a lot of energy, a lot of positive energy, but then also a lot of energy that shines the light on things that we need to relax about, release, let go and also bringing things. It's like if it was to be a fruit, it would be when the fruit was just about to be picked. That was what I would describe the full moon as.

Speaker 1:

So the full moon, I find it a great time to kind of be and let go, and I wanted to share you my vision of what to do in the full moon. So there is the classical things, which I think have great value. You make a list of all the things that you don't want to have in your life, you want to let go of. They can be physical things, they can be emotional things, they can be habits, and you offer it with grace to the moon by getting you write that list and then, under the light of the full moon, you offer it to the moon and then it's traditional to kind of destroy that list in some way. So I don't know, do you want to bury that list? Do you want to put it through the shredder? Do you want to safely burn it Whatever feels appropriate and for you, and under the full moon, if you're into crystals or that kind of stuff, or even if it's just something like a sacred object for you, perhaps put it under this full moon because it's said to release any negative energies which you kind of no longer really need, that you no longer need in your life, and what a wonderful and majestic thing to do than to release that into the full moon.

Speaker 1:

But many years ago I had well, I'll give you a couple of instances of a full moon, and many years ago I had the grace of staying in this beautiful stately home whilst we were running this retreat and because it wasn't that really in the countryside you could really see the stars and the moon at night, and it happened to have a beautiful, majestic full moon that cascaded across the sky and it kind of kissed this beautiful regal light onto all well that was around, onto all the plants and trees. It also had a slightly spooky theme because night has that, has that darkness, that darkness that we don't always want to go into or kind of be in, and it shines light where there is darkness. And I think that's something very special about the moon. I do know that if you work in harmony with the different times of the moon, that it can bring great healing. And under the full moon I have a just, majestically beautiful meditation to do. It's so fantastic in the sense that you can charge your crystals, you can charge yourself, you can let go of yourself underneath the light of this beautiful full moon, weather permitting of course. And if the weather isn't so good, I suggest you sit somewhere in the house that you can see the moon. And if you can't see the moon, you just imagine the moon is the worst case scenario. But hopefully there's somewhere that you can see the beautiful moon.

Speaker 1:

And the other experience I had was when I had some time outside at night in the woods and I managed to see the moon through its different cycles across the sky. So at one point it appeared in front of me and then throughout the course of the night it was above me and then towards. It got a bit lighter, or before it got light, because I didn't quite make it to when it got light, but usually before it got light the moon had moved behind me. And to humans, night time unless you work on night shifts or you have a job that works at night is a time where we have peace, quiet. But there's a whole world out there that comes to life at night with as little creatures, often trying to avoid humans or because of their natural cycle, will be without daylight and the moon becomes their special light as they kind of run across the ground. Many of them, I'm sure, could do out the the light if there's some sort of bird of prey, like an owl or something nearby.

Speaker 1:

So I invite you to discover the moon. Let me know how it feels for you. Perhaps write down the things that you want to release, or you can do that journal whilst under the moon. It is still February and here it can be a bit cold, so obviously do something. That's right for you and your and your body. But here is my marvellous moon meditation. As promised, here is your meditation, inspired by today's show. Top tips for the meditation is even sit nice and cross-legged on the floor for nice, straight back. Always nice to sit on a block or a cushion, or that's not available for you you sit in a chair with the back nice and straight. The important thing is you're not slouching, and if you're doing something that requires your concentration, all you need to do is just pause this and you can reconvene the meditation at a time that is good for you.

Speaker 1:

If you're doing the meditation, let's begin. Perhaps some moons are more brighter than others, and that's all right. Each one has their own distinct flavour to highlight a particular period of the year, to let go and be so as you breathe. Just imagine, as you look up to the moon, perhaps there is some wonderful water in your imagination and the moon, gently, the gravitational pull, brings a rhythm to that water as it moves in and out and with your eyes closed. Now you're just going to breathe in and out, imagining the pull of the water as it is illuminated by the full moon, in and out, allowing that breath to form its joy, its beauty.

Speaker 1:

And if now you are lucky enough to be seeing the moon, open your eyes in the moonlight, which offers a luminous shower of hope, a cleansing light like no other, a place to let go of that which no longer serves us. Perhaps you can whisper onto either journal, or do both whisper onto your hand and then blow that which you've lovish to let go of and just offer it to the moon and just say can you free me of this, can you release this from my being? Or you pick up your pen and you write and you let go, you write and you let go, for the moon illuminates one's inner needs, our hopes, our dreams, the lost visions, perhaps the goals that we forgot about, and it helps to remove the distractions that stop you from fully becoming there. It helps to release and let go with the flow, as it magically lets goes, it flows and it flows and it magically lets goes. By night the soul can be without the distraction of the active day life, come back into the breath a bit more. But can you see the moon, can you see the stars? Can you wonder what planet you once were far, far away? Can you allow it to tap into your inner place?

Speaker 1:

Today, people think the sun is only one that gives us warmth. But that's not true. Though the sun is glorious in its own way, the moon warms and cradles our emotions. It cradles that which we wish to let go. So can you tap into this beautiful night sky, majestic, majestic. This beautiful night sky, majestic sky, majestic flow. Take a moon bath with me, dear Wong. A moon bath is when you're loud, the light of the moon, you wonderful creature, as it shines upon you and it lets things go.

Speaker 1:

You can stay and be, or, if you feel that you want to tap into the untamable, which is also part of in the moon, that while instinct, why not pick up your feet and dance, dance underneath the sun, or just move your arms gently as you look up to that beautiful moon, allowing it to encircle your being with its warming, majestic moon energy. Feel, feel it softly, taking away all those pains and worries and transforming it into something for another day, something positive. Feel the crystals if you have them around you, don't worry if you don't, but just feel things, releasing and letting go, the words perhaps you've written on your paper. Just allow them to let go and flow. A moonlight meditation illuminates you to synchronize life with intuition. A walk in the moonlight is a cleanse for the aura. A pranic overcoat prana being energy, life force painting on, shine to your already beautiful energy.

Speaker 1:

How beautiful and majestic are you? So, as you move, sit or write, just as the moon energizes crystals, allow it to inspire you. Free form is this part of the meditation? So you can dance, sing, sit, still write. Just remember to take in this beautiful, majestic moon light.

Speaker 1:

Whatever feels a good moon bath at the moment, thank the majesticness of the moon. Allow things to unfold, release things without doom and gloom, but knowing that it's a natural part of life to let things go In that way. It makes more space for you to tap into your inner flow. So, dear one, dear one, continue as long as you need, but when you come to the end, it's time to sleep and be so. Say goodbye to the moon moonlight, say goodbye to the sky and its stars. Say goodbye to the ground. Say goodbye and take a nice calming, deep breaths. You inhale and as you exhale, as you come into the night, you can journal. You can let go of whatever you've already written and release it to the ground. However, you want to close this ceremony, this is your time in your space and land. So thank you for listening, dear ones. I hope that inspired you, and if you would like a majestically wonderful shamanic healing session, check out our website, shamanichealingsif.

Full Moon Meditation and Release
Moon Bath and Release Ceremony