Awakened Conscious Conversations

How To Overcome Limiting Beliefs

Season 8 Episode 2

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  Today's inspiring guest is INC Magazine Top Rated Podcaster, Speaker, Entrepreneur Justin Schenck! In Justin’s words: With a 1.7 GPA in High School, a Mom who had a 20 year battle with opioids, and a dad who was in jail. I would have been voted, Least Likely to Succeed. I've gone on to have one of the world’s top podcasts, speak all over the country, run multiple successful businesses, and impact millions of lives

Justin puts his success down to focusing on the 4 Pillars of Life (Business, Wellness, Relationships, & Spirituality) - and he has designed a method to overcome any Limiting Belief one might have.
Today we are going to talk How to Overcome Limiting Beliefs.  Such thinking can make us feel like failures and in a sense failing becomes the familiarity.  Unpleasant but comfortable, we get use to this limited way of thinking and in turn we then lose the ability to grow.

I am super excited to hear today what Justin has to say on the matter...

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Unknown Speaker  0:00  
Hello everybody, I'm your host gentle yoga warrior and please welcome today I am see magazine top rated podcaster speaker and entrepreneur Justin shank in Justin's words with a 1.7 GPA in high school school, a mom who had a 20 year battle with opioids, and the dad who was in jail, I would have been voted least likely to succeed. I've gone on to be one of the world's top podcasters. And I speak all over the country run multiple successful businesses and impact millions of lives. Justin puts his success down to focus on on the four pillars of life, business, wellness, relationships, and spirituality, and is designed a method to overcome any limiting beliefs one might have. I'm super excited to learn from Justin today, and probably for selfish reasons as well as to serve my listeners, because I'm also a fellow podcaster. So without further ado, joining us today from Berks County, Pennsylvania, please welcome to the show, Justin shank.

Unknown Speaker  1:14  
Gene, thank you so much. I'm so excited to have this conversation with you. I love your accent by the way. Oh, I feel like it's so welcoming. And I love it. So I'm excited about the conversation. Oh, brilliant.

Unknown Speaker  1:24  
I'm so excited to speak to you today as well. So today we're going to talk on how to overcome limiting beliefs. Such thinking can make us feel like failures. And a sense of failing becomes a familiarity, unpleasant but uncomfortable. I've been there myself, I'd know too well how that can be quite the norm, we get used to this limited way of thinking and in turn, we lose the ability to grow. In nature, as humans, we are limitless if only we could take in our full potential. I'm super excited to hear today what Justin has to say on the matter. So Justin, how can we overcome our limited beliefs and fried instead of survive?

Unknown Speaker  2:08  
Yeah, you know, it's, it's true what you said, I think, you know, every single person has limiting beliefs. And because of the podcasts that I host, I've been able to chat with some of the most successful people in the world, right? We're talking about some of the world's top thought leaders, billionaires, people with millions of followers, we will have, you know, we've seen on television, and I've become friends with a lot of them. And they have limiting beliefs, too. So the first thing is we need to acknowledge that limiting beliefs are okay. And we also have to acknowledge where do they come from? Right. And I started to do some research on this idea of limiting beliefs, and why do we have them and by the way, I started doing the research because I've had, I have massive amounts of limiting beliefs, and I've had them in my life from from day one. And they continue to affect me and I continue to overcome them as best I can and, and live with them in certain times. Because there are certain moments, we can't totally get over them. But we have to be able to push forward. But as I was doing research on the idea of limiting beliefs, I realised they come from four different places. So the first one is childhood, right? And it could be literally as something as simple as, Jane, you're walking through the mall with your mom, when you were a little girl, and your mom runs into somebody she went to college with and she gets so excited and you were a little bit shy. So you hide behind your mom's leg and your mom goes, Oh, that's just Jane. She's just shy. And something as simple as that a statement as simple as that easily could put on a child's brain that I'm shy, this is who I am. I'm gonna own this and that's just my thought process. That's who I am. So that's it's something as simple as that. Right? So as a child, somebody could say something that can become us, right? kids make fun of you at school, when you're little and you go okay, I guess I'm gonna own that right I'm, I'm the fat kid. I'm the goofy kid. I'm the clumsy kid. I'm these things and we carry them with us. The second thing is our own self talk, right? Those moments we look in the mirror and we go, man, why are you so dumb? Why are you stupid? Why can't you do that? What see these limiting beliefs that we start to tell ourselves as we get older, and we we run up against obstacles, and we feel like we're not good enough. And we own that and we start to talk to ourselves in a negative way. The third thing is society. Society says hey, you're a woman, you can't do certain things. You're you're black, you're this you're gay, you're whatever you have these limiting beliefs of you can't become Right. Like, if you look at my trajectory of life, my mom battled opioids for 20 years, my dad was in jail, society says I should have either ended up in jail or as an addict, right? So we get these limiting beliefs that society may put on us because of who we are, how we were born, or how we were raised. And then the fourth thing is a subconscious. This is something that I discovered, not through studies, but through doing some Reiki sessions and some healings and all that stuff. I realised that we have subconscious limiting beliefs. These are moments in our lives that that may something may have happened to us, and we don't remember them. And so we decide that we're going to hide them from ourselves. And it creates a limiting belief of oh, I'm not good enough for oh, I'm okay. Some people can abandon me or oh, this could happen or this could happen. We carry those with us. And so once we realise where these limiting beliefs come from, then the work begins. Right? And it's funny that I say, then the work begins, because it's a lot of work figuring out where are these coming from? to really look at yourself in an honest way to say, Why do I think this of myself, where does this come from, and sometimes have to drink, dig up some trauma and some things in our lives that isn't comfortable. But we have to figure out where they come from first, before we start to really break down the things that we need to do to overcome them. And so like I like you had mentioned in what you were reading, and I'll let you talk in a second Sorry, what you were mentioning, what you were reading is I've developed this three step process to help you overcome any limiting beliefs that you have. And like I said, I like to say that it's simple, but it's not easy. And we'll get into that here in a second. I'm sure.

Unknown Speaker  5:44  
I'm really excited to understand and know more more about this, because I totally agree with everything he was saying. It's just a simple comment. I'll give you I'll give you an example of that. My dad bless him, I live in lots but he always says to me are things never work out for you. And I kind of could, if I listened to that, then I would kind of like believe that it's not actually true. And it probably isn't saying that way to kind of like harm me, but it's just a way his way of being protective. And so I'm really excited to hear how we can become more aware of our limited beliefs and how we can kind of pivot them so that they are become some become more limit limited LIS rather than limited.

Unknown Speaker  6:29  
Yeah. And you said something so smart that right? A lot of times our loved one say certain things like things don't work out for you, or, or hey, you know, you're the shy one, or hey, you can't be the public speaker, you can't be whatever, because they're trying to protect us. They think that, Oh, if I encourage this individual to go do this, and they fail, then they're going to be hurt. But the reality is, the more hurt comes from the idea that you never tried, right? Like I realise that through life, we can have all these goals and all these aspirations. And it's really not about obtaining them. It's about trying to obtain them, right. It's about the journey. But our loved ones think that they're protecting us. And it's not meant to harm us, and it's okay, and we can forgive them. But then we can also take back our power and say, You know what, I appreciate you trying to protect me. But I don't think that's true. And I'm going to prove to you in myself that it's not true. And the three step process that I've created is really about proving to yourself, that you are enough that you are good enough to do whatever it is you want to do. And like I said, a very simple three step process. The first thing is you want to get uncomfortable, meaning you have to get out of your comfort zone in order to overcome these limiting beliefs. Because your limiting belief is your comfort, right? Like the idea that oh, I, I can't be successful. Well, that's your limiting belief and your comfort level of saying, I'm not going to try to build my empire, I'm not going to try and get that job that I've always desired to have. Right. So we have to get uncomfortable first. And I'm going to give a real world example of this when I'm done going through the three steps. So that's number one, get uncomfortable. Number two, surround yourself with the right people to support you in this journey, right? Maybe your dad's not the person to support you in this journey. But I'm sure you have somebody in your life that sees the power that you have and the things that you're doing. And it's really, really important to make sure you have those cheerleaders and those people who support you, and lift you up and even do these things with you in order to step through this process. And then number three is take action. Because nothing works unless you do right. So you have to be able to take action to be able to create that shift in your life. And so one thing, one story I like to share and how I kind of put this into practice, intentionally for the first time was actually the beginning of 2021. At the end of the year of the end of 2020, I realised I did everything that everybody in COVID does, I gained weight, I got lazy, I drank too much beer, I ate all the comfort foods, I did all these things. And I went wow, I'm fatter than I've been in a really long time, I have to do something to break through this limiting belief. And I go first I need to figure out where this limiting belief came from. Because I realised the pattern in my life, I would lose weight, gain weight, lose weight, gain weight, I just couldn't stay fit. I didn't stay active. And I needed to figure out why. And so I kind of went back to my life of Rolodex of moments in my life that had happened and I rewound to when I was 12 years old. And when I was 12, I broke my hip. And it stopped me from playing sports and I couldn't do all those things that normal 12 year olds did. And I started to get a little pudgy. And I remember the doctor my mom asked the doctor, you know, does he have any limitations does he can he can you do certain things can't do certain things and the doctor goes, like you go run around and stuff like that, but I'll never be an athlete. And that statement of who never be an athlete allowed me to begin to self sabotage every time I got more physically fit than I was ever before. And so I had to break down that limiting belief and so the process was get uncomfortable. I decided to commit to something called 75 hard, which is 75 days of craziness right to 45 minute workouts, one being outside, no cheat meals, no alcohol, a gallon of water, all these things for 75 days straight. So I said I'm going to do this. I then surrounded myself with the right people my girlfriend actually did it with me. And I'll tell you, I'll tell you what I the first day we went out for a walk in the morning, we do a three mile walk every morning, we went out for the walk. And I looked her I go, babe, I'm an athlete. And she looked at me, she goes, Yeah, AR. And that's how, you know, by the way that you're surrounded by the right people, she goes, er, because clearly, I'm not an athlete. And then the third thing was I took action, and I completed the 75, Mark. And I, and it's safe to say that in 2021, I worked out more in 2021 than I've ever worked on in my life, I'd stay physically active, I ate, right, I did all the things. And now actually, as we speak right now, 12 days and 2022, I'm doing 75 hard again. And so you know, it's just this crazy thing. In order to overcome these limiting beliefs, you have to do this three step process.

Unknown Speaker  10:39  
It sounds brilliant, and a real good way to get one out of their comfort zone. And like you said, your girlfriend was a pillar support. And we can have other people, other people around us that may not necessarily be on the same wavelength reserves. But then also, we'd like he said, surround ourselves with people that that will support and will uplift and will, will help us help us that and committing to something like that I feel can be a big turning point for people because it's typically so it's telling me as a child that our Gen can eat whatever she wants. And so I kind of that was actually a quite a positive thing that I do eat healthy. Like a healthy diet, but it really did help develop a really kind of healthy relationship with food, where I sometimes see people that I know and how they're kind of teaching their children, and especially their daughters to have unhealthy relationships with food telling, like, they also have to be like on yo yo diets, I call them. And I think that's quite disruptive. But it's probably just like learned behaviour. So where I'm kind of going with this is how can someone overcome these limited beliefs? And could you elaborate a bit more more on that, that I'd be very interested to hear?

Unknown Speaker  11:54  
Yeah, you know, kind of like I was saying, with that three step process, it doesn't end with just doing those three things, right. Like if I said, you know, for instance, I had a stutter, when I was a kid, it still comes out of certain times. And it wasn't from a mental thing. I just, I didn't think people were interested in what I had to say, now I speak for a living, which is kind of mind blowing. But but in order to overcome that limiting belief, I began to speak publicly. And so at the age of 19, I started to talk in front of people terrified to death to do it. And I still have that fear now. And so the one thing we realised is that when we have these limiting beliefs, they're always going to be there's always going to be a small part in there with us, right? We're going to carry that with us for probably forever. And that's okay, I think we have to acknowledge that that's okay. And so when we, when we try and overcome these limiting beliefs, we have to understand that it's a daily battle, to daily battle within ourselves to make sure that we remind ourselves that we are enough that we are worthy that we are deserving of, I always like to tie my actions to a greater meeting meaning than just meat, right? Like, what kind of that whole idea of like figuring out your purpose and tying all your actions to that purpose, it makes it a lot easier to get in front of people, it makes it a lot easier to do these interviews makes it a lot easier to interview the people that I get to interview, when I know that I'm doing it for a greater purpose beyond myself. And so don't always just do it for if we're talking about, you know, health is coming up a lot in this conversation. But, you know, in order to do it for our health, don't just do it for the abs, do it. So you can stick around longer to make a bigger impact in the world, right, like tie it to something greater than just that one thing of like, Oh, I just want to ABS or I just want to be able to speak in front of people, or I want to make money or I want to do this. And so to acknowledge the fact that this is something that's going to be forever, but then to also say, and it's okay, right, I think a lot of times, we're told by society that we need to be a certain way, or to do a certain thing or have a certain thing. But the reality is, wherever you are, in this very moment, as you listen to this podcast, you're perfectly normal, and it's perfectly fine. You're exactly where you're supposed to be. And so I like to do an exercise when I speak on stages, or when I even with myself, when I'm when I'm alone, and I'm journaling, you know, I write down, I am blank. And a lot of times we have these im statements of like, I am great, I am the leader in this, like we we proclaim what we want, but I like my I am to be who I am now. And I write down, I am insecure, or I am not feeling great or I am tired, or I am i or i feel beaten down or whatever. And then I write and that's beautiful. And then I write down what I want. And I go and I will have this, right? So I write these things down and I go let me acknowledge where I am at this very moment because there's something powerful in there. And there's a reason that I feel this way. And I need to acknowledge that. But then I also have to acknowledge where do I want to be. Because if we sit in our own crap all the time and we constantly own the fact that we're constantly sad or constantly out of shape, or constantly whatever, we then think it's okay to be that all the time. So we have to acknowledge where we're going, but also accept who we are and love who we are in this moment. And when we love who we are In this moment, it's a lot easier to take action and become who we want to be. Or I like to say, who we're meant to be in this world, which is that person making an impact, whether it's in to millions of people to one person, or to just ourselves, we're meant to make an impact in this world. And so we have to have to acknowledge who you are, embrace who we are, but then move forward into who we are meant to be.

Unknown Speaker  15:19  
Absolutely, of such such wisdom, just and it becomes more uncomfortable, I think, to stay in a, in a comfort zone, and not kind of like, level a life of purpose. And I really like what you said, and kind of know why you did, why, why we're doing these things and what impact you want to make. I'm very intrigued to know, where did the four pillars come from? And why are they so important for like, a balanced life?

Unknown Speaker  15:46  
Yeah, you know, it's COVID was my, my greatest gift. And I say that actually, somebody I just recovered from COVID, by the way, I got in the beginning of the year with the rest of the world. But I mean, COVID as yet, right, everybody, it's unreal. And so I, when COVID Hate, it completely changed my business. And so as a speaker, as somebody who hosts my own live event, and everything should the world shut down, it allowed me to step back and take a deep breath, and allow allowed me to focus on what am I doing, like, what's the bigger picture here, other than running to the next thing, and getting on the next stage and doing the next whatever. And so it allowed me to tend to slow down, and I started to kind of look back at the 400 Plus conversations I've had on my podcast. And I go, what is what is growing in all aspects of your life, that was kind of the thing I would always say, the growth of movements about growing in all aspects of your life. And it was, it's pretty broad. Somehow people found it and listened, and it grew. But you know, it was pretty broad. And I went back and I started to listen to some old episodes, and I started to break down the conversations that I had. And then I broke it down from the standpoint of, in the beginning of my podcast, I had the conversations that I needed for my life, whether it was about self love, about improving relationships, about improving my health, about improving my spirituality about all these things. And as I broke it down to realise that, I started focusing on certain aspects of my life. And when I made the slight improvements in these aspects, everything grew in my life, everything got better, I was happier, I felt more fulfilled. I realised that the getting of the goal was not the important thing it was today and enjoying this moment and enjoying this conversation that I'm having with you, and then whatever. And so as I kind of dissected the podcast, I realised that I only really focused on four topics. I mean, obviously, we talked about everything on my show, but it was really about four topics, business, spirituality, wellness, and relationships. And I realised that the simple aspect of finding balance, and constantly pouring into those four pillars, everything else seemed easy. Everything else seemed really, really easy to perform. It seemed easy to build strong relationships, it seemed easy to find wealth, like all these things happened organically because I poured into these four pillars instead of focusing on that one massive goal or that one massive thing. And I realise that just because society says you need something, doesn't mean you actually need it, right? Like we're we're drawn, especially in the world of social media, and the time of craziness, everybody showing their yachts and their Lamborghinis on social media, we think that's what we need in order to be happy. And so really, the growth movement, for me has been a journey of finding fulfilment. And it turned has now turned in me helping other high performers find fulfilment in their life by breaking down what is it that you really want in life? And how can we focus on today, in order to make sure that the future happens, but almost organically, and so I realised pouring into these four pillars has created that for me, and now for so many other people, whether it's, you know, them learning through the retreats that we host or me coaching them one on one, we've really been able to kind of unlock this great fulfilment and everybody's life, just focusing on these four pillars.

Unknown Speaker  18:54  
Oh, that's, that's excellent. That's really nice. Such a gift to the world. I don't know, it just makes me makes me want to like sign up to one of these. One of your workshops, it sounds fascinating. So you've interviewed some of the top people performers in the world? And it's this is quite a broad question, I'm sure. But what is the common theme that they have that kind of enables them to do the things the way they do it? And

Unknown Speaker  19:22  
yeah, you know, I asked myself this question a couple years ago, I was like, what, what is common between all these people that I've been able to interview right, and like you mentioned, I've, I've interviewed some of the coolest people ever, and I and I, and I only say that not to impress anybody, but to impress upon the fact that anybody like I'm sitting here and as you mentioned, the beginning of Berks County, Pennsylvania, interviewing these people, anybody can do it. And so it's not about a braggadocious type of thing. It's really about saying, hey, if I can do it, you can too. But I say that from a standpoint of like, what is the common theme as I talk to people from all different walks of life because I've had them all right, I've had celebrity chefs, I've had billionaires, I've had reality stars, I've had special speakers, whatever, New York Times bestsellers. So I asked this question to every single one of my guests is a two part question. The first part of the question is, what's your definition of success. And the second part is what are three things you do every single day to ensure that success for yourself, and I realised this was the common theme, it wasn't the definition of success, because that varied right, depending on who it was, and all those things. But then I realised that three things to do every single day was to fill their own cup, it was to take care of themselves. One thing I've realised about high performers is they want to give as much as they possibly can, right? It's a misconception that they're selfish. But they want to give as much as they can. But in order to do that, they need to make sure that their cup is full. And so I realised that their daily actions were pouring into their cup. So whatever overflowed from their cup was for everybody else, when we don't take care of ourselves, then we can't take care of others. And I realised this a long time ago, because I tried to pour from an empty cup constantly, because I thought I got my fill out of helping other people. But really, it was about I needed to help myself first. And then whatever, like I said, What It wasn't my cup was for me, and whatever float is for everybody else. And so the common theme was the daily practices to help fill their cup, right? Whether it be meditation or exercise, like moving their body, learning something new or doing these things. And so I started to instil into my life actually do four things every day, without negotiation, in order to fill my cup. And when I started to do that, everything else became really, really easy. It was like this weird idea of like I was, I was performing from a place of lack at first. And when I started to pour into my cup on a daily basis, everything else became easy. I felt super accomplished. The conversations I was having meant so much more, it was easy for me to say, How can I help you? And it was just like this crazy shift for me. And that was really about observing. It's a great question, because it really about observing, like, what is the common denominator behind all these people? Who who live a life that so many people desire to live?

Unknown Speaker  21:53  
Amazing, amazing, and very, very, very insightful? And nurses, you said that there's four things that you do every single day? And would you mind sharing that with the listeners as well? Like, I'm sure, like, once you doesn't fit all, but I always think you learn from other people, and especially grace to to get the chance to ask ourselves these questions, because then I feel like I get to learn a lot as well.

Unknown Speaker  22:18  
Yeah, you know, and like you said, one size doesn't fit. All right. But the four things that I do are, the first one is I take a walk every morning, right? And so it's a three mile walk every morning, I take it with my girlfriend. So that is one of two things right? I get to move my body. So I'm pouring into that wellness pillar, and I take it with her. So we get to pour into that relationship pillar like we get is our daily check in. The second thing I do is I learned something new every single day, whether it's in a conversation, I have podcasts, I listen to a YouTube video, reading a book, whatever, I learned something new every day because if I stop learning, then I'm going to not be able to teach anymore. I'm a big believer that. The third thing is I do some sort of visualisation practice. And so my visualisation practices are pretty deep. They can be short, but they're deep, I tie my visualisations to an emotion. And I find when I do that, the action becomes easy, right? When when you tie what, where you want to be to an emotion, the actions that you need to take in order to build that life for yourself, it becomes really super easy. And then the fourth thing is I reach out to somebody I care about every single day. And I just check in on them, it's a hope you're well, hey, you know, if I know they're going through something, Hey, just wanted to check in make sure that's doing that. You're okay, blah, blah. And I do that every single day. And so those are the four things I do without negotiation every single day, and I instil in my clients and anybody I talked to, to do something similar. Whatever the whatever the thing is, make sure you do it every single day. The thing I like about this is that it's not like some crazy routine, right? That people have like, these insane routines that take three hours in the morning, and you got to wake up at 3am, you can wake up at 4pm and still do the four things every single day or the three things every single day to ensure that success. So that's what I recommend, everybody has to find out the thing that fills their cup and just do that.

Unknown Speaker  23:59  
It sounds from from listening to you the thing that you are very nurturing but expansive as well. And kind of, and that's how you feel, fill your cup because you're taking care of yourself, you're connecting. And then but you're also making sure you're expanding your being because I think as humans, we're meant to expand and it is so easy to sit in that comfort zone, but we're not going to get our message across or we're not going to be able to live to support ourselves. And hence help others if we if we don't kind of step in that and don't get me wrong. I know it's so easy to kind of get into into that habit, especially like here, it's like winter, it's called and kind of Yeah, you know, it's kind of easier just to kind of sit in my flat and I'm working from home it's it but instead it's important to kind of to kind of get out there so why why do you believe that rock bottom moments define who we are, what are the riches that are in that?

Unknown Speaker  24:57  
Yeah, you know, I think It's a funny statement to say, right? Because a lot of times the rock bottom moment for people is the end all be all for them. So one thing I like to say is number one, we define our rock bottom moment we choose when our rock bottom moment is. And I say that only because I watched my mom over 20 years, hit rock bottom moment after rock bottom moment after rock bottom moment until her rock bottom moment became death. And that's just the reality of her life. Because she didn't she never defined this is my rock bottom moment. This is when I change everything in my life. Nobody's here to save you, nobody's gonna come rescue you. You have to be able to do it for yourself. And so I believe our rock bottom moments are defining our defining moments, because that's what we decided enough's enough. That's when we decide it's time for me to take back control of my life. And it's time for me to create the life that I desire for myself. And so my rock bottom moment was when my mom passed away. I went on a three month Bender was blackout drunk six nights a week, and I was numbing pain. And I remember at the time, I had a spiritual slash relationship coach, and I was working with her through things. And she called me one day and she goes, What are you doing tonight? And I said, I'm going out with friends. And she goes, No, you're not, you're gonna sit in, you're gonna feel this. And that evening was my rock bottom moment, because I felt every emotion that I needed to feel, and it was awful. But when I woke up, the next day, there was this weight lifted off my shoulder, because I decided that this is my defining moment, this is my moment that I'm going to use this as a catapult, to launch me into the stratosphere. And so that's when my podcast took on the conversations they take on now, which is about rock bottom moments, and, and creating the life that you desire and growth and all these things, and organically became that. And I really do believe that our rock bottom moment are nothing but a jumping off point for us to define who it is we're supposed to be. But we first have to say this is my rock bottom moment. Because if we don't do that, we're just going to fall more and more into this terrible phase of life where it gets worse and worse and worse. By the way, we've all been there I've been there, it gets worse and worse and worse until we decide that enough is enough. And so that's why I believe the rock bottom moment is the catalyst for everything in our life. Because it gives us the opportunity to say I am ready now to become the person that I'm here to be

Unknown Speaker  27:11  
Justin, thank you for sharing such a personal difficult thing that you went through. And I can totally relate to hitting that rock bottom moments, and also allowing ourselves to feel those things because they're not always it's not always comfortable. And that's why it's society's kind of set up in a way to help us avoid those feelings. And I've done that myself and allow myself to really feel something and unfortunately, a loss of pregnancy in it, because I wouldn't let myself feel it for a very long time. And but when I did finally sit down, and it wasn't comfortable at all, but I felt like I got bits of myself back, it's hard to explain how to extend it. That's how it kind of felt. So the reason I'm sharing this with the listeners, again, it's not fun to kind of feel sorry for me, but just because I really kind of relate to what you're saying. And when when we kind of allow ourselves to, to just sit and feel because we're always trying to kind of like numb it out. I'm really excited to share with listeners about your podcast and how they can reach out to you and what you have to offer that offer the world. If you wouldn't mind sharing, that would be fantastic, Justin.

Unknown Speaker  28:20  
Yeah. So obviously, wherever they're listening to the show, they can go find my podcast called the growth down movement, they can find it. I'm doing my first live event for the first time since before COVID. So the last one was 2019. So we're excited to finally come together in May of this year. And obviously you being overseas, it becomes difficult to now travel country to country, we just recently announced a virtual option as well for the event. So you can get tickets at growth now, we have about 50 left for in person, which is exciting. And then virtual. Of course, that's the neverending joy of tickets on the virtual side. Well, we're unlimited at this point. I want to crash the system. That's the goal. But that's growth now They can check that out. If they just want to reach out and say hello, they can find me on Instagram at Justin T shank. They can see how to spell my last name in the show notes because nobody ever spells it right? But they can find me on Instagram and reach out to me there. I'd love to connect and chat and hear about what they're going through and how I can support them. And yeah, so that's all the good stuff. I appreciate the opportunity to say that

Unknown Speaker  29:23  
I'll put details in the show notes as well so that people can reach out and connect with you. I really feel like your work is important to the world. And it's and the fact that you've been through so much and you've changed your life around it sets an example of how we have so much potential and we can we have so much to offer the world. I am a little bit of a book geek in the sense I can always like to ask if there's any it doesn't necessarily have to be a book but any piece of music or anything that you helped you guess and you'd like to share with our listeners.

Unknown Speaker  29:58  
There's there's so many that There's so many especially because you throughout music, fun fact about my visualisation practice. A lot of times I use music during my visualisation practice because I feel like there's so much emotion in music. So I'll share two things if you don't mind. One One is the book called Who Moved My Cheese? It's always the book I recommend. It's a super easy read. Have you read it?

Unknown Speaker  30:19  
Haven't but it sounds interesting. Yes, this one, it's great.

Unknown Speaker  30:23  
So I when I was 19 years old, my mentor at the time handed me the book Who Moved My Cheese. And it was my introduction in self development. And the books about the understanding that changes happens around us no matter what we do. And what matters is how we react to that change, which was a super pivotal book for me at the time of my life. And so I always recommend that for everybody super easy read literally one or two sets of sitting down and reading it you're through. Now music. I love music so much because I think it speaks to the soul at times. And so one of my favourite artists is a singer named Andy grammer. He's actually my number one on my wish list to have on my show. He's a singer, and a lot of his stuff is very motivational. He's got a song called Grow, which is essentially like the premise of my podcast. But he has a song called born for this. And it starts out by him saying, I was born for this I was born for this, I was born for this, say until the doubt disappears, right. And so the idea that we were all born for something so great, but it's those limiting beliefs that hold us back. And so if we can look ourselves in the mirror, and continue to say I was born for this, and we say it until that doubt disappears, that's when we can begin to really kind of step into our greatness. And so if you've never heard the song born for this, by Andy Grammer, highly, highly recommend. It's a beautiful song, and it speaks to the soul for sure. So those are the two things Who Moved My Cheese and pretty much anything by Andy grammer born for this to be the go to,

Unknown Speaker  31:48  
I've got to listen to stuff. And it sounds it sounds really uplifting and motivating. And that will also put a link to the book Who Moved My Cheese and I have an online bookstore on my website. So awesome, included, or is there anything else you would like to share? I'm mindful, I've kept you been on this podcast for a while. It's been a good talk for ages. But is there anything else Justin, you'd like to share with our listeners or anything you feel you'd like to cover?

Unknown Speaker  32:16  
Yeah, you know, I think we covered so many great things. So I always try and say something magical during these moments. And I don't know if I've, you know, you've been such a great host. And we've talked about so many great things. But I would say to for people paying attention to this, I would say shut off the outside world for a bit. Stop worrying about what people are doing on social media, we have to understand this, their highlight reels, stop worrying about the news. That's not going to do anything but scare you and bring you down and go internal, and figure out what's going on inside of you. And figure out what you can do right now to shift that. Right? What can you do right now to get uncomfortable to shift that internal dialogue that you're you're talking to yourself right now, and begin to create the life that you desire. But also do this from a place of self love and the understanding that you are perfectly fine just the way you are. And I think that's really, really important for people to hear. Because a lot of times people don't really hear it, but it's so true. And so that would be my my final words on that subject is shut out the outside noise and go internally, and do the work that you need to do there.

Unknown Speaker  33:27  
That's excellent advice. One that would really benefit us if we embodied that daily. So thank you so much, Justin for for your time today. So everyone Justin shank, a great guest on the show. And please stay tuned listeners. As always, there'll be a meditation inspired by today's show. But Justin, thank you so much for your time today. I look forward to listening to your podcast and attending one of your virtual workshops in the future.

Unknown Speaker  33:54  
Jane thank you so much. I can't wait to do the the meditation after this.

Unknown Speaker  34:00  
That's because on limitless inspired by the wonderful talk with Justin shank earlier today. This meditation I feel will help us reach out and expand our being but also nurture ourselves. So please do this meditation somewhere quiet. So maybe if you're driving you want to pause the meditation do it from the comfort of your own home somewhere quiet where you won't be disturbed and you can kind of completely be where you are. How you sit is up to you. If you are Yoga, you can sit on the floor. If you prefer to sit on a chair. Just make sure the spine is nice and tall. And just start to slow the breathing down to slow the inhalation. slow deep exhalation so there's no need to rush B instead just allow the breath. The breath is the greatest tool that you can have for connecting with the present moment. And so let's begin slow and calm fill the hole of the lung capacity in and out. And as you do so, can you picture in your head a positive feeling that you wish to evoke. One where you feel limitless, it might be the feeling of love, the feeling of joy, the feeling of accomplishment. And if you're in a place where that feels kind of a bit of a distant shore, you can start baby steps. So just start to feel like you know, maybe you love the feeling of a soft towel on your skin in the morning. You can start with kind of baby steps.

Unknown Speaker  36:09  
This is your visualisation.

Unknown Speaker  36:10  
So I'm going to step out of the way What does it smell like? What does it feel like? Does it have a taste? Does it have a feel? Touch? A sound? Can you allow yourself to just go there in the flow? Don't worry. If you think you're perfect or not, who cares? Just be allow, allow yourself to become free. Travel that idea won't travel there and be what positive feeling do you wish to evoke? allow, allow, allow. So what really is success after all. Success

Unknown Speaker  37:27  
is becoming the person that you wish to be. But knowing why and where you're going, that will set you free. Of course, we will sometimes want to snuggle up and be comfort in our comfort zone. But that's not going to allow ourselves to truly be who we're meant to be. Never underestimate the power of a small gesture. Sometimes you think we have to be big, what about being ourselves being bold allowing ourselves to feel and be and set ourselves free. So as you sail along in that place where you wish to be a place where you allow yourself to be truly free

Unknown Speaker  38:37  
Can you step away from a place of lack and stop giving yourself a hard time. Accept who you are, be who you are. But allow yourself to go far. Have your eye on something, of course but allow the journey to unfold. That is where the real riches are in the journey. It warms the depths of my heart to know what an amazing human being you are. So just allow yourself to go with the flow, expand nurture step out of your comfort zone. But also know that you're not alone, supported with DJI supported with love. Whatever you believe in, you can look to the heavens above. You can look to philosophy to books, whatever helps you know that labels that society and people put on us just aren't true. We can be whatever we wish to be it If we know why we want to be that and we step outside our comfort zone allow ourselves to be free. So I'm going to be quiet now so you can have some more quiet reflection and if your mind starts to go off in the wrong direction, just come back to that feeling that you set in the beginning of this meditation and connect with the breath. So come back into the moment, come back into the room. Take some deep breaths. Inhale, exhale.

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