Awakened Conscious Conversations

How We Can Discover The Answers To What We Genuinely Need Opposed To What We Think We Need

Indra Rinzler Season 8 Episode 4

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I’m your host, The Gentle Yoga WarriorPlease welcome today astrologer and spiritual guide Indra Rinzler.  Indra has been a seeker and devotee on the spiritual path for more than 40 years.  He began studying astrology in the 1970s.  Also a numerologist, Indra, spent over 20 years living in a spiritual community in California. A disciple of the well-known Indian master, Yogananda.  Yogananda, as a reminder was the author of the world famous book titled Autobiography of a Yogi.

Today we are going to talk about how we can discover the answers to what we genuinely need opposed to what we think we need.

In Indra's Words  'I'm a life time spiritual seeker. I'm a healer, teacher, and I offer life readings for clients. Astrology and the Enneagram of Personality are the main modalities that I share. I've been studying astrology for fifty years. I first learned of the Enneagram of Personality in 1999. I use these two modalities individually and in combination. I can see someone's Enneagram point in their astrology chart. I was taught this wisdom by a master in 1999. It is rarely practiced this way throughout the world, but it will be one day. My focus is to help clients to awake up to who they really are. I work to help people to live beyond their conditioned stories and to live more in the moment.

Indra's contact details:
Tel: USA
530 277 0459

 Indra's YouTube Channel

In the Gentle Yoga Warrior's words.  'I had all these ideas of what questions I wanted to ask Indra before he came on the show.  It's good for a Podcaster to prepare and to know their guest.  However, when I sat opposite Indra via Zoom I realised my questions were redundant, that even words were not needed in the way I normally applied them.  His calming being, his wisdom and his connection to each and every one of us meant I just needed to be present and the right questions for that moment would present themselves.  What was meant to be said would naturally enfold.   

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A note for every episode: we do not necessary agree with all the views on our podcast and leave listeners to make their own mind up with what they do or don't agree with.

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Unknown Speaker  0:01 
So dear listeners do stay tuned to the end of this amazing podcast because this week's guest has offered an outstandingly brilliant, free gift to all of our listeners. So you just need to stay tuned to the end and you'll discover what that amazing gift is.

Unknown Speaker  0:24 
INTRO: Spoken by host: Welcome! I’m your host, The Gentle Yoga WarriorPlease welcome today astrologer and spiritual guide Indra Rinzler.

Indra has been a seeker and devotee on the spiritual path for more than 40 years.  He began studying astrology in the 1970s.  Also a numerologist, Indra, spent over 20 years living in a spiritual community in California. A disciple of the well-known Indian master, Yogananda.  Yogananda, as a reminder, dear listener, was the author of the world famous book titled Autobiography of a Yogi.

Indra has been studying and sharing Enneagram of Personality since 1999 . He uses these modalities in Life Readings designed to help clients wake up to who they really are.

Not stopping there, Indra is also an expert on the Hindu Yudras ( 24,000 year cycles that have energetic consequences to the planet and follows Swami Sri Yukteswar’s theory that we are indeed now coming into the Dwapara Yuga (Bronze age of higher consciousness) having come to the end of the most difficult age Kali Yuga, (the age of  dense ignorance)

To quote from Indra’s website, While our lives can be extremely challenging, within that lies tremendous opportunity.

I am deeply honoured to have Indra on the show today.

So, without further ado, joining us today from California…. please welcome Indra Rinzler

HELLO: ‘Indra, welcome to the show!’ 

 Hello, Indra. Jane, thank you so much for that introduction. Wow

Question: Today we are going to talk about how we can discover the answers to what we genuinely need opposed to what we think we need.

From a place of neutrality, I feel we are better equipped to be on our path, less of grasping and more the living, yet with the illusion of so many challenges these days, where does one even begin?

Thankfully, we have Indra on the show today. Indra, thank you for taking the time today to speak to us. I wonder if you share what it means to find the answer to what we need rather than what we think we need, and where should one start on such a quest?

Unknown Speaker  3:14  
You know, what we think we need we may need that may we may not ultimately need but you have to

Unknown Speaker  3:21  
go through your desires. If you can't let go of your desires, and you may as well indulge them in order to find out that you don't it isn't that that, that it was the accomplishment you wanted, not the experience.

Unknown Speaker  3:40  

Unknown Speaker  3:43  
I don't know that we need any of it. But the idea is that if you if you're

Unknown Speaker  3:50  
if you're okay, being in suffering, then just keep on keep on going.

Unknown Speaker  3:57  
But if you're kind of tired of the suffering and you want to find

Unknown Speaker  4:03  
a lasting peace, we can have experiences we can travel we can have intimacy, we can have delicious food, and they are

Unknown Speaker  4:15  
peak experiences, but they don't last So it occurred to me many decades ago what doesn't last and the only thing that doesn't last is true peace to true joy and true.

Unknown Speaker  4:32  

Unknown Speaker  4:33  
and how we experience them

Unknown Speaker  4:36  
is to let go of the thinking is to let go of the needs is to stop living in story is to

Unknown Speaker  4:48  
change our perspective on what it is that we really want. I one thing you didn't mention I like this phrase I like to use this phrase is that I'm not interested in giving you

Unknown Speaker  5:00  
a better story. I'm interested in getting you out of story. This is to clients, that the better story, the bigger TV, the better job, the more success. It's never satisfying. And they did a survey many, many years ago that I think is still talked about, and they said, How much money would you like to make and no matter what level of income people had, they all wanted 10% more. So the idea is to get rid of the need for 10% more is that I've had this experience a few times in my life. One time I was in New Zealand I was I travelled to North Island for a week and a car and I went about

Unknown Speaker  5:42  
I think you're in a kilometres country about 50 kilometres or 75 kilometres a day. And I remember getting to I took a walk one night, I was staying in, in cabins for $15 a night and may have been 15 New Zealand dollars a night it's it's about the same as pounds, whatever, maybe. But anyways, I was taking a walk and I and there was a bench that overlooks the ocean. And I sat on that bench and maybe it was getting near sunset. And I thought, You know what, if I never get off this bench, if this is the end, I'm okay with this. And I've had a couple of moments like that in my life that were, that would be Hollywood endings. And until you can reach that place, then then you won't know peace.

Unknown Speaker  6:30  
And always be grasping for more when pieces it within the now rather than looking externally.

Unknown Speaker  6:39  
Always we always want more salary or the or a better job, it might give a short time hit, but then that hits just going to dissolve and like our emotions that will just pass. Yes, that's that seems to be my experience. So having said that happiness or looking from the point of view that happiness isn't

Unknown Speaker  7:01  
external, it's more case of kind of going within or rather being joyful in the moment that we're in rather than thinking we want the grass is always kind of greener.

Unknown Speaker  7:13  
What tools would you say were the are the best concepts to have to know what it is we really want, right opposed to what we think we want? Sure. So I use this thing I call the four doorways to conscious living so So I give a I give a give readings, call them life readings, I use three different modalities and help to help place people in their in their life, place them in terms of what are your core triggers, that's the anagram of personality, your strengths and weaknesses. That's astrology, and then your, your blind spots are places of ignorance. That's the wheel of totality. And so this place is you in your life. And so then at the end, people say, Well, what do I do with all of this? This is great information, but what do I do with it? So that's the four doorways to conscious living. And so the first doorway is to learn to observe and that you you need to watch your own thinking. You need to watch your own reactions, you need to watch your emotions you need to get out of the movie of your life and into the audience and watch your movie. You need to see how you react to other people you need to react to how they're dressed or not dressed. You need to learn to react to your mother calls that your mother doesn't call and your boyfriend calls your boyfriend doesn't call and the co workers call or not call and how do you react to that and how do you feel about it and and then the second doorway is to let go and release what doesn't serve you and and this is a rinse and repeat over and over letting go letting go letting go letting go so so the third doorway is to love yourself. And the fourth is to live in the moment. So if you're living in the moment, you will love yourself. If you're not in the moment, if you're not loving yourself then you're not in the moment and so how do I love myself is to let go and release what doesn't serve me how do I know what to let go and release you just observe and and your intuition, your guidance, your guides, your

Unknown Speaker  9:15  
will lead you to what it is, you know your mirrors your relationships, your successes and failures will lead you to what it is that you need to let go what is not serving you.

Unknown Speaker  9:30  
And you could the sceptic could say well what is not serving mean?

Unknown Speaker  9:35  
Answer is is so that's why it's not about bringing happiness it's not it's not an absolute it's it's what doesn't serve you when you're 19 may be completely different. What doesn't serve you at 30 age or force or 68. And so it is left vague because the question is does it serve you or not and and your bad habits can serve you

Unknown Speaker  9:59  
until they don't

Unknown Speaker  10:00  
Your quote unquote bad habits can serve you until they don't. And, and so and so you don't have to let go of the, quote unquote bad habits until you're ready to let go of them, and then they don't serve you anymore. And so it's left on a subjective

Unknown Speaker  10:16  
basis, because,

Unknown Speaker  10:18  
because that's, that's the way we wake up. That's the way, you know, that's the way we feel God Presence, that's the way that we, we, you know, that we love, you know, it's it's not subjective, its objective, it's just, it's subjective. It's just, it's just a feeling. And we may be able to put words on it, we may not be able to put words on it and putting words on it may make it disappear, you know, in spiritual circles.

Unknown Speaker  10:50  
I heard early on, it's best not to talk about our experiences. And why is that because we we dilute them, we make them commonplace, we make them every day we, we they lose their specialness. And so it's better to hold the hold experiences like that in our heart. And the point being is that, yeah, what serves us and what doesn't serve us?

Unknown Speaker  11:14  
That's the question because we need to learn discernment. Discernment is the ability to be able to choose the, I don't want to say good and bad or right and wrong. What I want to say is that that which serves us and much doesn't serve us.

Unknown Speaker  11:32  
I guess, feeling beyond the illusions of what sometimes we can get ourselves what we think serves us and we can do it for many years. Like when I was younger, I used to drink and they just free my practice, it just fell away. It wasn't like I'm going to stop drinking, it just kind of it just didn't. It wasn't in alignment with my being, but it was a process I went through so I can understand sometimes we may also not be ready to drop that which does not serve us because we're comfortable in being uncomfortable in the sense that we're comfortable with being something that doesn't serve us rather than kind of feeling into what does, can I say comment on that thing is, is that you drop the drinking, because

Unknown Speaker  12:15  
because you didn't make it an issue.

Unknown Speaker  12:18  
If you make it an issue, you know, if you're if you're if your mother or your boyfriend or girlfriend says you shouldn't, then it's really hard not to. But if you get to it on your own, then it's much easier. And so not making an issue is really beautiful, because then it was just something that you can drop and you didn't have to feel

Unknown Speaker  12:39  
exclusive about it. And that's exactly right, is that you do it until you don't and that's, that's, that's okay. I mean, everybody that's being human, everybody has that. It's the unfolding from the cocoon, you know that it's just step by step, I can have big moments. And we have big moments. And then we have, you know, we can have years of no moments or little moments. And that's part of it. That's the test. Understand, just in your words, and there's this, there's so much turnover at the same time. They're so simple as well, if that makes sense. I just want I'm just kind of feeling into what you're saying. And as you speak, I just feel this immediate sense of calmness and just kind of like, being and it's really beautiful. So thank you for that grace today. Thank you. Yeah, you know, I mean, that's, that's your ability to be able to see it, you know, I mean, other people could say he's kind of a jerk, or he doesn't know what he's talking about. And they would be they would also be right, you know, what can I say? 50 years on this spiritual path. I've had a few experiences and I've made a bunch of

Unknown Speaker  13:51  
had I want to say mistakes I've I've learned some lessons. And that's what I'm here to bring you on is to learn from your your wisdom. And I'd be very interested interest to find out about your spiritual path and how it all began, if you wouldn't mind sharing. So how I say it began is that when I when I moved to California, from the from the Midwest, and then from the east coast before that, in the US, fairly soon on, I discovered metaphysical bookstores. This is 1970 1971 I hadn't seen them before. And I started buying books, I had the opportunity to buy books and astrology books too, at the same time, and it kind of started from there. You know, my parents had passed on by then I was given a lot of freedom that my parents were called to other place and

Unknown Speaker  14:44  
separately, two years apart. And by 2324 years old, I was on my own and I had some inheritance and and and I took a I took a job that I couldn't do a part time job that I didn't do very

Unknown Speaker  15:00  
Well at and I thought what why am I don't really need to do that. What I need to do is

Unknown Speaker  15:08  
and I was thinking about this yesterday and I don't really remember the words I said, you know, 50 years ago but I need to find my right now you'd say I need to find myself I need to come into my own power.

Unknown Speaker  15:19  
I might have said at the time I need to I want to be I want to learn to be happy. So it focused on it focused on an opportunity to to go internal rather than external. And And actually, the first thing that I did was I started a commune bought a house and I started a communion and I and I learned that

Unknown Speaker  15:41  
that thin walls was an okay way to tell people what you feel that they hear it through thin walls, that's okay, that that we were learning boy, girl, we were learning to be a family because you didn't learn any of that before that. Now there may be there's more sense of these things. It's again, this is over now 50 years ago, and the things that we're working on then and the things that we understood then are completely different people. Now your age and even younger, they have advantages and disadvantages I kind of liked.

Unknown Speaker  16:18  
I used to say I went back in time. A few years later, I was homesteading in the country. And I learned I went back to 1870 We didn't have any electricity, we had gravity flow water. And I kind of went back 1870 And I maybe only was there for an hour or two, but an opportunity to feel the without this, you know to be on the raw land. And then I kind of came back to it and took it back to modern society. At the time, we only had four digit phone numbers, I had an opportunity to go back in order to come forward in a more holistic way I was a history major in school and so the way that things have developed and an understanding of how to place us in society placed us in this life has been an interest of mine and that's maybe that's why that's part of my modality. So again, I how the you know, the spiritual path from the books then I you know, Autobiography of a Yogi was one of the first books that I read. And then I became a disciple and and lived in an ashram dedicated to Yogananda for 20 years. And then I then I left that in, I started being a world traveller. I've only had one winter in the US since 98. Except for COVID winters. Wow. So you see a lot of the world have I been 56 countries and I had the opportunity to spend many winters in India, and some in Thailand and many winters travelling I had an import business. I was buying handicrafts. So spiritual items, singing bowls, textiles, scarves, anything that I could find that was handmade that people would buy in the US. We had 200 stores. We were selling to at the height. That sounds very exciting. Yes, it was. It was a wonderful life. It was great to have a reason and an opportunity to travel and also a reason to travel and I liked at the time, and I may be not enough, I still would do this, but

Unknown Speaker  18:26  
I liked going to marketplaces, I liked learning about countries through their marketplaces. You can learn about museums, you can learn about history, you can learn you can sightsee, but but people do like, you know, shopping and going to marketplaces. Of course, I went to the

Unknown Speaker  18:43  
I was buying wholesale, so I was going to wholesale markets, but

Unknown Speaker  18:48  
it was something that I had an interest in and it was yes, it was it was a fabulous life at the time, kind of picturing it in my mind's eye here. So prove your spiritual journey, you know that you're a numerologist you do your astrology, and also Enneagram personality? And could you explain a bit about them and the yugas know, they're quite vast, big subjects, but just just to give an overview for our listeners, and what services you offer within those. Okay, so the what I call the life reading is three modalities. And the reason I use three modalities is I want to give you a perspective on yourself. And it's, it's like if one friend tells you something, you say thanks. But when the third friend tells you the same thing, then you then

Unknown Speaker  19:39  
there's an opportunity to listen deeper to what they're saying. And so so the Enneagram of personality is a modality that's about 60 years old, and the idea is that there are nine personality types. And it's an incredible psychological tool and helps us to know ourselves better and to have better relationships, but it is also a very unique space.

Unknown Speaker  20:00  
tool because it has no bias, and it doesn't care what your story is, it will tell you, it doesn't have a bias in favour of or against it. But there are nine personality types. And these are the archetypes, I do believe that these are the explanations of the two to 5000 year old Judeo Christian tradition, these are the these are the summation of the conditioning that has been handed down. For century after century that has come down to this sticky way of being this, this need to exceed and need to be seen. And, and, and need to not be seen. And that all these needs, where we've lost touch with nature, we've lost touch with our natural selves. And the Enneagram gives us without any bias without any judgement, it gives us the core triggers of who we are and how we work and, and the patterning, that is our personality we are, we are incredibly patterned. And once I look at your chart, and I mean I can maybe do I can maybe tell you a few things intuitively, but if I look at your chart, and I know your Enneagram number, I can tell you a lot more. And it will seem like how do you know all that and how I know it, or how I say it is because Because is it we're subject to patterning that a weak sun and a weak Venus and a weak Jupiter will react in in programmable ways. And then there may be some, you know, some little bit of differences

Unknown Speaker  21:44  
based on culture or based on your own personal growth, or the fact is that maybe one or two of these pattern characteristics you're, you know, you're able to overcome, maybe your parents were strong in that and helped you to see through it. But generally, the patterning is so strong that it's rather mind blowing. It's really fascinating. I know a little bit about neurology, but just from my yoga training, but not to the extent that you do and I do find it, having those kinds of

Unknown Speaker  22:13  
as colour like compasses all kind of that knowing can really help you see kind of

Unknown Speaker  22:20  
our strengths and also our blind spots. And not like I said, part of our patterning and who and who, who, and our challenges and also like our gifts in this life and how to kind of

Unknown Speaker  22:33  
understand that. So I want to say that the the the point of the patterning.

Unknown Speaker  22:40  
And you could say, well, don't put me in a box. And the fact is already in the box, I'm trying to get you out of the box, that that the point of the patterning is to is to enable us to get a reflection on how we're acting and what we're thinking, in order to be able to let it go. It's not about putting you in a box it's about, about showing you the outline of the box that you're already in. That's a really good and description. It basically gives you the knowledge to know the box that you're in and with that knowledge then you can

Unknown Speaker  23:16  
get out of the box and kind of be the fullest of your of yourself and being with the gifts that you've been given in this life.

Unknown Speaker  23:24  
What is the spiritual nature of things? What is your explanation of that?

Unknown Speaker  23:31  
The spiritual nature of things, what kind of things things things are things are made up of atoms, things are the same as us the spiritual nature of things is the same as the spiritual nature of us. You know, they read a quote recently and it made me think that the reason that we feel so good in nature

Unknown Speaker  23:52  
it's because we are nature and and nature. It's not that that nature, that we feel better being in nature is that nature helps us to realise who we really are, because nature is us too. And so the spiritual nature of things is that they are

Unknown Speaker  24:13  
not much different than us of a consciousness on whatever level they have. They're made of atoms, the same materials, and they come from the same place everything has God, you know, the things we don't like also are made of God and they're also gifts from God. You know, COVID is just as much a gift from God as it may be from the devil because they're one in the same at some, at some point. We are God in the sense that we came from the same place and that we are made in God's in God's reflection and when we stopped putting up barriers and we stopped seeing the difference between things. Clients in our home that doesn't work, or a sink that doesn't work or when the power leaves. We had a big storm in this area right after Christmas and

Unknown Speaker  25:00  
And we had lost power for six and a half days and some people had lost for 1314 15 days. And I don't think that we all didn't learn some lessons from that. And I don't mean the lesson of being better prepared, but I mean, the lessons of, you know, doing without and feeling gratitude, and I had one time I came back from India with hepatitis A, and I couldn't move and I got the message, I needed to surrender more. And I thought, well, I surrendered a lot. I can hardly move, I'm sick as a dog. No, you need to surrender more. And I thought, Wow, what a

Unknown Speaker  25:37  
later on, maybe not right, then maybe then I don't remember. But later on, for sure. I thought, what a what a true gift that a to that God loves us so much that we get the things that we want taken away from us. In order to be able to learn our lessons to learn the lesson of whatever the lesson is that we need to learn no illness, it can remind us to kind of slow down and kind of be in the moment and completely slammed because if you're sick, there's not, you don't wait, you can either fight it or you can kind of just allow the body to heal and be completely present in a loving way towards ourselves and to others. That's the way I would love you to live your life, Jane, everything just that way. Thank you, okay, whether the bus comes on time or doesn't come on time, or whether the grocery store has what you want or doesn't have what you want and the special order that you wanted for a special occasion comes or doesn't come have that same attitude. Thank you really resonates. Thank you so much. And yes, wise wise. So if I guess we'd like to have readings and connect with you. What's the best way for them to go about it? I will put links in the in the show notes as well. Sure. So I have a website into It's all one word. And that'll tell you a bit about me and the the modalities that I work with. I have a Gmail email is Jim Indra. You can write to me I like to give your I'd like to give your pod your listeners your podcast listeners. I have a free offer. I'll give you I'll send you your vedic astrology chart. Vedic is the astrology of India. It's sidereal time, it's not tropical time, it's not the same as Western the astrology is the same. But the chart is clad cast slightly different, differently. And so if you're interested in that, I'm happy to send you your chart, I need your birth time, date and place. And you can write And I also have, I send the Enneagram test, it's a it's a five or 10 minute test. For most people, they can figure out their number we have names there, there are nine points. Enneagram, by the way, is a Greek term. That means nine sided figure and there are the nine personality types. And this is a test to figure out which one is yours. And and not everybody will be able to figure it out. Because there are people that have, they don't really know themselves well enough. It's neither good nor bad. It just is. But most people can take this test and in five or 10 minutes, get their numbers. So if they're interested, if you're interested in getting that test, either either one of those are both. Just just write Oh, brilliant. Thank you. That's a great offer and a great value to many. I'm sure what books besides Autobiography of a Yogi are that? I'm sure this is such a vast question as well, because there's lots of books. But are there any books that sprang to mind in the moment that you feel would be of great value? Well, I've been really promoting this book called Letting Go by a man named David Hawkins, have you? I don't know if you've ever heard of them? Yes. Yeah. So he's, uh, he's, I guess he's getting around now. He's been he's passed on about 10 years ago. So this letting go book this is really good. And if if you let me so we talked about the second doorway letting go and releasing what doesn't serve you so so if you don't mind. So I'd like to read this this quote. So letting go letting go involves being aware of a feeling, letting it come up, staying with it and letting it run its course without wanting to make a difference or do anything about it? It means simply to let the feeling be there and to focus on letting out the energy behind it when letting go ignore all thoughts. Wow. So this letting go book the pathway of surrender. I really recommend this book. Letting go is easy to read. Yeah. Okay. I will add that to my online bookstore from your recommendation and into how do you think we can be better guests on this planet? You know, I don't know that we're guests. I'm not sure that we're guests on the planet because the planet is us also. So we

Unknown Speaker  30:00  
The planet. And so I guess the attitude of having a guest, you know, in India, they say the guest is God. And so the idea of we're going to be guests. And when we when we visit someone, and we're a good guest, then we were very conscious, and we're, and we're beholding, and we're appreciative and those attitudes will help us to be a guest on Earth. But the fact is that the guest is ours, use it, use the planet is use it and enjoy it and use your and enjoy your experience and have all your experiences. But at the same time, never lose sight of your mother, Mother Earth, or perhaps your birth mother, or perhaps all women and say all all men as your father. So I think that's how we can be a good guest appreciation, connection, and love. Is there anything else that you would like to add? For our listeners? Any last words at all?

Unknown Speaker  31:00  
Yes, I think that I have to come back to you know, yesterday, I was on a podcast. And at the end, she asked me the question, what's the secret of life? And so I told her this, this sort of joke story that I say is that the God says to Mrs. God, where should I hide the secret of life and Mrs. God says, put it in their heart, they'll never find it there. So the secret of life is to open your heart is to love is to be to be vulnerable is to be appreciative is to feel gratitude is to be present. And because in that present this nothing, nothing touches us, except peace and joy and love. And that we we rise to that peace is always here. And love and joy and bliss is always here, except for the barriers that we put up that we can't see it. And go involves being aware of and feeling and letting it come up and letting it run its course that's that's the secret of life, then nothing really matters. Nothing else really matters whether we do or don't whether we get or don't get whether it is or it isn't. Is it really so important. Wow, very rich was very insightful having you on the podcast today. Thank you so much, Indra, it's been an absolute pleasure to have you on the podcast. Thank you so much, Sandra. Thank you so much, Jane, I really I want to say I really appreciate your I don't know authenticity or honest Ness, I can really feel that you are engaged in what you're doing. And that's inspiring to me. And I'm sure all your listeners. And that's it isn't even so much what we say. But it's the feeling behind it that people pick up on that we all pick up on it, it's we can try to make the perfect space, we can try to make the perfect, use the perfect mic, and we can have the best software but but if your heart isn't engaged in it, people will will see through that. And so I thank you for your honesty and your and your dedication to your own beliefs. Follow through with that. Thank you. That's such a heart. Thank you so much to never miss a show, please subscribe to this podcast. And let's commence the meditation. This is a meditation that I do to help bring myself back into the present moment in a way that can help me feel a bit more balance and at ease. I wanted to show you this meditation today because I feel it helps myself a lot. And hopefully it will help you to so that prove all forms of meditation, just make sure you're sitting up nice and tall. So that may be sitting cross legged on the floor. But obviously if your body can't do that, then sit in a hardback chair.

Unknown Speaker  33:53  
I do meditation in a time where I won't be disturbed somewhere peaceful. So obviously if you're doing something else, then just pause this podcast and then you can continue with the meditation later where you can sit somewhere nice and peaceful. So just close the eyes and just take some slow deep inhalations and some slow deep exhalations.

Unknown Speaker  34:20  
Try and be completely and utterly within your skin.

Unknown Speaker  34:24  
And what I mean by that is that try and be as present as you possibly can in your body. So a good way to do that is to place a hands on the heart to just place the hand gently in the heart area.

Unknown Speaker  34:40  
And as you breathe, you feel the body pushing against the hands ever so lightly.

Unknown Speaker  34:47  
And as you exhale you feel you can feel the chest concave and then inhaling

Unknown Speaker  34:55  
and exhaling.

Unknown Speaker  34:59  
I just like to add

Unknown Speaker  35:00  
Try to initiate the breath from the point below just below the navel. So you feel as if you can expand with the breath, and exhale, and you just let everything go.

Unknown Speaker  35:14  
So let's just do that for a few more moments

Unknown Speaker  35:18  
in and out

Unknown Speaker  35:21  
through the nostrils, trying to find a sense of ease a sense of presence, a

Unknown Speaker  35:29  
sense of presence, being in the present moment, via the tool of the breath, and the touch, feel the breath

Unknown Speaker  35:41  
going to the hand, and as you feel the exhalation occurring.

Unknown Speaker  35:51  

Unknown Speaker  35:53  
just be absolutely still

Unknown Speaker  35:58  
resist as much as you can, they need to shuffle a move.

Unknown Speaker  36:05  
Just try and keep exactly where you are, as best you can.

Unknown Speaker  36:09  
As you breathe.

Unknown Speaker  36:12  
So as you sit there,

Unknown Speaker  36:16  
just let what is be.

Unknown Speaker  36:22  
Yet at the same time, always remember that just because you fought a fault, doesn't mean it's real.

Unknown Speaker  36:36  
Just because you're thinking stuff in your mind, which can feel very powerful,

Unknown Speaker  36:43  
doesn't mean that it's necessarily true.

Unknown Speaker  36:49  
I can give you an example, perhaps someone said, something that hurt your feelings. And it evoked a feeling of helplessness, for example.

Unknown Speaker  37:02  
And to you, I'm sure that feeling feels very real, and very there.

Unknown Speaker  37:09  
And equally,

Unknown Speaker  37:11  
it's important not to deny our feelings.

Unknown Speaker  37:15  
But that feeling

Unknown Speaker  37:21  
could be very easily. So

Unknown Speaker  37:25  
I pattern, a pattern in the mind, a pattern in the mind of wishing to take you down a certain path because the mind likes to fill in the blanks.

Unknown Speaker  37:37  
And then we perceive that to be reality. But perhaps that person who evokes that, or rather that feeling that you got from a particular conversation, something you've heard, doesn't mean that because you fought it, it's real.

Unknown Speaker  38:01  
So to get back into the present moment, try and just use the breath as you inhale, and you exhale,

Unknown Speaker  38:10  
just be still.

Unknown Speaker  38:24  
If there's a lot of external noise,

Unknown Speaker  38:28  
or internal noise

Unknown Speaker  38:34  
just listen to the breath.

Unknown Speaker  38:37  
If it gets very busy in there,

Unknown Speaker  38:40  
you can say to yourself, I'm breathing.

Unknown Speaker  38:43  
I am breathing.

Unknown Speaker  38:46  
Sometimes when I feel completely overwhelmed,

Unknown Speaker  38:50  
I say to myself, Oh, I'm breathing, I'm thinking.

Unknown Speaker  38:59  
And then when I noticed patterns, I say, Oh, I'm feeling like this, because I was thinking this and that in the past has created such and such patterns. However, that is not my truth. My Truth is the stillness in this present moment.

Unknown Speaker  39:20  
The present moment is what's actually real, rather than this cascade of unhelpful thoughts

Unknown Speaker  39:36  
and sometimes when you pick up those faults, I completely empathise, you can feel like it's just a bit too much.

Unknown Speaker  39:43  
So I open it up to you. Sit down for a few moments and just breathe and just observe the breath

Unknown Speaker  39:56  
observe the inhalation, observe the exhalation.

Unknown Speaker  40:01  
and allow yourself to be. So start to take some slow calm deep breaths in and out through the nostrils as you inhale

Unknown Speaker  40:12  
as you exhale,

Unknown Speaker  40:15  
and then in your own time, slowly come back into the present moment,

Unknown Speaker  40:24  
back into your day

Unknown Speaker  40:26  
and see how you can incorporate that mindfulness in your everyday activities.

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