
Steve Pearlman - The Security of Uncertainty

January 08, 2021 Mac Bogert and Steve Pearlman Season 1 Episode 29

Editing the back2different podcast I recorded with Steve Pearlman  took longer than usual. I kept going back to listen to points he made, e.g. “Intelligence is less important than critical thinking.” He’s right. Critical thinking is a perspective, a way of living that embraces skepticism and continuous discovery, playing with ideas, knowledge as a basis for insight, not as an end in itself.

We batted ideas around our thinking-playground time together, building and questioning: dialogue (talk through together) rather than discussion (which comes from the same root as percussion and concussion).

 Steve is funny, childlike, successful and a new friend. Follow along and enjoy our adventure. Oh, and he just published America's Critical Thinking Crisis: The Failure and Promise of Education.  It’s quite cool.

Steve resides virtually at