
John Dunia - Independence Day

John Dunia and Mac Bogert Season 2 Episode 46

We find our common territory much more easily than most may think. John Dunia ( is the 46th visitor to record on back2different. I’ve added layers of understanding and connection to my life since this podcast journey started, its birth parallel to the generation of the virus. 

I’d like to suggest that we don’t need to experience this time as a separation but as an acknowledgment of the absolute nourishment of connection. I have dozens of close friends I have never met ftf because of this venture. We simply drop our shields, open up, and care about each other. I am so very grateful. This is not farewell, btw!

John and I charge through healing, self-forgiveness, shame and guilt, scars, arrogance and pride, all in an atmosphere of trust, what my friend and teacher Michael Goldfaden told me means ‘unconditional positive regard.’ 

Maybe that’s all we need to move together, to declare Independence Day and leave shame in the dirt.