The Titanium Vault hosted by RJ Bates III

John Martinez: The #1 Sales Trainer in Real Estate Investing

John Martinez Episode 100

John Martinez is the owner and founder of Midwest Revenue Group and is commonly referred to as the #1 sales trainer in the real estate investing community. With an extensive background in sales training, John has found a niche within real estate investing where he shows investors how to handle seller appointments and find the deeper motivation of the seller. In this interview, John and RJ share their knowledge of appropriate techniques while buying an investment property and even role play a sales scenario. To find out more about John Martinez and his company visit 

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spk_0:   0:01
It's not real estate investors, entrepreneurs and agents. You're in the right place. Unlocking the secrets to real estate investing in entrepreneurship. Welcome to the Times Young vaults hosted by R. J. Bates The third years. Hey, guys, Welcome to the titanium vault on your host, R. J. Bates. Today I'm sitting down with my good friend and a legend in the industry. John Martinez. How you doing, man?

spk_1:   0:36
Hey, I'm get our day good. Too good to be here with you, man.

spk_0:   0:39
Yeah, this has been a long time coming for people that don't know John and Iron and Mastermind together. Actually. Weren't two masterminds together now? Yeah. We've been an investor field together for probably about two years now, And, uh, he's He's recently come on board with next level flipping is one of our service providers and members. And ah, you know what? Timing hasn't worked out, but I've I've looked forward to this interview. I'll be honestly, John, it takes a lot for me to get nervous before now. Today I actually woke up, man, and I was like, Man, I want this one to be so good. I want to make sure I asked the right question. So I'm super excited. So for people that don't know you, if you don't know, you gotta look at my butt for those that don't know briefly explain what it is that you do within the real estate

spk_1:   1:29
investing industry. Yeah, so really? Ah, Riel. Simple. All we do is help investors and anyone on their teams that are buying houses. Acquisition Manders or agents. We help him buy more houses by, You know, I guess it's sales training, but it's really just. And what process do you use? What step by step, kind of sleep sequential process can you use to guide the conversation to have with home sellers So you can lock down as many homes as possible. Turn as many leads as possible into deals,

spk_0:   2:00
right? So I I don't think I've ever heard this before. How did you come up with this niche within our industry? How did you fall into that role?

spk_1:   2:11
Yeah, I literally fell into it, man. It was I wish I could say, like I had this grand scheme and like all the all the dominoes fell and it just worked out. But I've been sales training for a long time, and I actually was. I got called into a call center close to where I live, and the call center produced leads for investors in real estate agents, and they were kind of not struggling. But they just I think they do. They did at the time, like 400,000 month in revenue. But it hadn't it hadn't grown in about a year, so they brought me in. I rewrote their scripts and trained their their staff on the phones. I knew nothing about real estate investment that the most I knew was like the sign to see on the road for, You know, we buy whatever and so anyways, I get it. They called one of the investors. The investor said, Hey, listen, you guys have been calling me for years. This is different. What's changed? He signed up, but he said, But I also you know, they said we got this sales friend He wrote me, wrote All our stuff goes, get me a whole, you know, put me in touch with them. So long story short. I talked to that investor. He said, Listen, I buy houses, you know, down in Houston, Texas will you come and train my teammates and I have no idea about that business. But I'm happy to come down to train your team. So he was in a different mastermind. His name was, well, Danker out of Houston. And, um, it worked out really well. He told some of his buddies in that mastermind, and within about 3 to 6 months, I shut off every other industry I was working in just cause just to focus on real estate investment. And that's really what it would have been for and five years maybe.

spk_0:   3:45
You know, I tell people all the time when they asked me about you. I tell them I'm I'm going away with how you carved out this niche for yourself and I mean, you own it. I mean, I have to say I mean every every successful investor out there. I mean, when they asked like, Hey, how do you train your acquisitions before or sells training? Or how do you talk to motivated sellers? I mean, people bring up John Martinez or I'll see post on Facebook groups and no tie you in it, and I mean, you give out so much free content out there. I mean, we use a cold calling script in our office that we just literally took off of a Facebook post that you just posted out there for free. I mean, it's amazing the niche that you've carved out for yourself, and I think that's something that has entrepreneurs we should all strive to do. I mean, it's something that we've struggled with and something that we're changing in our business because we wanted to wholesale. We want to flip. We want own rentals. We wanted to own a finance, and when we found out was we weren't really good at any of them. We have the ability to be, but because we tried to be good at everything, we really weren't great at anything. And so I I've always looked at people like you with this eye of admiration, where it's like, Man, you became so laser focused on Like you said, you carved it out where it's just real estate investors. So you do not consider yourself a real estate investor, correct?

spk_1:   5:15
No, no. I have bought a lot of houses, just kind of when I got deep into this niche and I knew this was gonna be a big thing for us. Just the market was pulling us into the niche or the aria investment space. So strongly. When I started the sales training, I would literally go from office to office and spend 2 to 3 days drive around in the car with the investor of their sales team. And for the first day, day and 1/2 I would just buy houses and then I'd flip it and I'd watch them and give them pointers. So, 1st 6 months to a year, I probably thought, uh, 102 100 houses. But I've never actually, uh, flipped one or wasn't

spk_0:   5:54
right. You were just kind of showing them how to do their job. Basically had to get

spk_1:   6:01
good at it. I had to know what I was talking about. You know, being in this, this space being an educator, um, I had a, you know, walk the walk, I guess.

spk_0:   6:11
Right. So what I want to do is I have had the blessing of being able to witness you kind of speak about this process. I kind of just wanna, you know, for the listeners out there, just kind of give some tips and some pointers. Some of the analogies that you've used that literally. I mean, they are analogies that I use on a daily basis. Now, um, and things that I tell myself when I'm going on appointments with sellers, you know, I Yeah, there's times where I'm walking in the cellars talking, and we're walking through the house and they're walking before me. And I'm thinking back like, What was that? That John said that one time at the Dallas Investor Fuel. So let's let's talk about the cellar appointment process, you know, kind of get a little bit granular here. Yeah, um what are some of the tips that you give when you first show up? Foran appointment in your meeting with a motivated seller. See, a cold color said the appointment. So you've never actually spoken to the cellar before? Wonder some tips that you could get there.

spk_1:   7:11
Yes, I think the most important thing is just to kind of relax the environment. Um, you know, any type of sale situation, really? Any situation where we don't know what to expect? People are are a little uncomfortable there, little anxious, And whenever we're anxious or uncomfortable, we tend to want to cut that experience short. Or, um, you know, there's not a lot of conversations. So the first most important thing is really just kind of relax the situation. And in a sale scenario, the easiest way to do that is just kind of, you know, set some some simple expectations. Hey, here's what we're gonna do. But then even more important than that, and just say, Hey, listen, you know, this may end, you know, maybe we'll buy the house. Maybe not. Doesn't matter. Let's just go to the process And what the cards fall where they where they may and and relieve that pressure. So, you know, if I was walking into a house, that the major points I'd hit is how long it's gonna take, what we're gonna do, And then at the end, you know, no pressure. So it might sound like, you know, thanks for inviting me over. I know we haven't met yet. Typically these things, you know, run 25 35 45 minutes, depending on how much you want to talk about any questions you have for me. I really just wanna take a tour of the house, chat with you about what you need. What your situation is at the end. I'll give you an offer. If you love it, we'll talk about what we can do next. Um, and if it doesn't work, for whatever reason, no sweat. We get this thing our best shot. So that's just a really easy way to ease into a sales call and just start to kind of settle the nerves down so we can have a good conversation.

spk_0:   8:39
So I've got a question for you because this was a heated debate with the next level flipping rising Stars program. Okay, Bryan Robson and I, we both did, um uh, Zoom call about seller negotiations. Okay. And what we found out is is that Ryan and I are both pretty good closers. Yes, about the same clothes rate, But we have polar opposite styles and the techniques that we use within the cellar appointment. Yeah, and one of those major differences was when I walk in the door, I I kind of allowed the cellar. I read the seller to see what they want to do. First, do they want to immediately show me the house and just talk about real estate Or do they want to sit down at the table and tell me the sob story about right? My husband just died or I just inherited my mother's house or whatever their story is and allow them to do that. Ryan is dead set on. He is going to go sit down on the couch. He is going to ask for a cup of water, and he wants to build a report right off the beginning. I actually prefer to walk the house and build report with the cellar while we're walking through the house. Yep. Now, when you, you know, train people, when you talk about this process, is there Ah, preferred method that you have Or do you kind of just leave that up to the actual acquisitions person?

spk_1:   10:11
Yeah, I have a preferred method, and I'll tell you what it is and why. But you're actually both right. It's because the first step is to you know, you want to build that report. So Ryan finds it easiest to build report just by, you know, sitting down and starting to check. Um, he is unique, though he you know, he it's obviously well seasoned. He's been doing this a long time. That's his comfort zone on it. That's your comfort zone. Go to it, Bill. That report first. I prefer walking the house just because it gives me an opportunity. Um t chitchat to have small talk and start to warm up. It's just natural. You're just you're just walking around showing the conversation isn't super deep now also exactly what you do. I do. If they start pulling me if they're ready, if they start opening up and they're pulling me in a certain direction, I'm not gonna stop it and say, No, it's not time for you to open up. I gotta walk the house. I'm gonna let it go there because essentially, we're trying to build rapport so we can have that right conversation. If they dive into that conversation early, then then, Yeah, let's go there.

spk_0:   11:14
What I've seen in most of my appointments is is the first room that you walk into maybe the dining room of the living room. It's a little bit awkward. They're trying to feel me out. I'm trying to fill them out and you find something to talk about within the house being a picture on the wall. Uh, something that you clearly see. They remodeled new flooring or a granite countertops or something like, Oh, those are really pretty granite countertops. And then suddenly they ease up and they start talking and about the second or third room that you go into, we stopped walking and we just start talking and they lead the conversation. That's how it works for me most time. So that's why you and I agree with you. Ryan is he's a brilliant person, but he's a little bit unique. And I think he actually thrives within the awkwardness of forcing that sit down on the couch. And then he can control the conversation from there. So,

spk_1:   12:14
yeah, he can do it in a very nurturing way s o the way he controls. You know, someone like me. I'm gonna be a little bit too awkward. If I try to control that conversation and push, people are gonna feel pressure and shut down. I've personally spoken to Ryan a number of times, and I just know he's got that skill set where he can push where at the same time, being very nurturing and and make you feel like he's not pushing making very comfortable. So if you could do that, you can you can go for it. But the bottom line is we need a little bit of a report so we can get into this thing.

spk_0:   12:44
Yeah, and I have to be very careful because I have a very dominating personality. So if I'm like, hey, we're gonna go sit down. This is what we're gonna do. It suddenly becomes worried like I am almost 200. Yeah, yeah, you know, and it's like So I almost have to kind of keep my mouth shut and be very well, I have to relax myself because I care so much about the situation, right? I mean, think about how much it costs to generate the lead and then how much it cost per acquisition is. And so you're looking at that. And there's times where you're on lead, where it's like, Man, I need to close this one. And so you care so much about you know, your company and your family and what you're trying to accomplish during that that for me, it's natural to be so just uber aggressive. And so I have to kind of relax myself almost tell myself to breathe and just remember, I'm there to solve problems, you know?

spk_1:   13:40
So it's not just that, it's it's. Sometimes you get into the situation where you will profit and you know any investor can instantly recognize this is a perfect fit like right. This is something I can help with. They're in a bad situation. I can put him in a good situation. There's so much I can take care of. And you recognize that. So you immediately want to start telling people, Here's how I can help you. The problem is, is that doesn't work. You have to get them to realize you can help me, and these are the ways you can help me. So sometimes it's really hard. When you cease a situation, you can help. It's really hard to go. Keep your mouth shut and let them discover this on their own. Let it almost be there idea. So So you know, because if we start convincing, they're gonna start pulling away so they have to discover it and you know all the stuff on their own. It's really hard to stand back when you know you can help.

spk_0:   14:31
So let's talk about I know one of the things that you've taught me in the past, and you talked about Waas go negative. So for the people that have not heard you talk about that, what do you mean by that? And what's the appropriate way to do that?

spk_1:   14:45
Yes, I think go negative. I originally heard from Sandler sales training, so I want to give them credit. But it it goes back to really what's called psychological reactant sor what's more commonly known as reverse psychology? Um, and we see and feel this every day in our lives. If you've got kids and you've ever told him what to do, you know how they just snap back with a No, um, you know, and we feel in our lives. If a spouse or a boss or or society tells you what to do, there's a lot of us fight against that. Like, No, you don't tell me what to do or make up my own decisions. It's just natural for people to fight back against demands, suggestions, those types of things. So because, you know, once you realize that peoples are naturally resistant to anything you want them to to you know, the way you want him to think, or the way you want to answer questions or anything. You start actually doing the opposite. So you know a quick example. This is a real world example for my son Jackson. There's a point in time. I'm where the only thing he ate was a Panera macaroni and cheese. So we literally lunch and dinner. Had to go through the drive thru and get Panera macaroni and cheese. It's all he would eat me, you know? Eat this. Now, eat this. No. Eventually he stopped even eating that. So what we had to do was put on the table, Said you can't eat that. And then he'd say, You know, like all kids do. But I want Thio and we're finally give in and let the kids eat. So we use that same technique with Seller. So what it does is, you know, it uses that natural tendency to resist to fight back. It uses it in our favor. So, for example, instead of saying, um, hey, listen, like I could tell you in a bad situation, you probably want to sell and sell quickly instead of saying that you do the opposite, and And you kind of pushing towards the note like, Hey, listen, I get that this is not the easiest situation. Um, but the more I talk to you and then the more I feel things out, it's not feeling like it's urgent. Like this isn't something you you've got a You know, you're feeling an urgency to to take care of soon and then just step back and you let that that tendency to push back kick in and they say something like they start selling themselves, they start discovering all the reasons why it does make sense. I say something like, I know it is kind of urgent. Well, why is that? Well, I can't do this for much longer. And I didn't tell you about these bills that are popping up. And if we don't do this by this date, and that's how you help himself discover all the reasons why they would do business with you.

spk_0:   17:07
Yep. And I have to say, you know, just going back, I guess we're gonna showcase Ryan a little bit on this. I've seen Ryan Deuce. That is one of his most brilliant abilities as a salesperson Is too force the seller to become the salesman, you know? And it's weird because you don't. You you're a sales trainer. But in all reality, we're not selling anything, right. We're buying. I mean, this is one of the weirdest things as real estate investors is that we're coming in and we were trying to buy something. So in all reality, this makes complete sense to actually make the cellar become the cells person. Yet why do I want to buy your house like, Hey, not all houses are a good fit for me. I'm not sure I like the When you taught this to me, it was only by about 10% of the houses that I see. So I hope this is a good fit. I'm not sure if it will be. Let's take a look around the house and see, And the next thing you know, they're telling you all of the great things about the house, and this also makes them come up with numbers I've had sellers literally just talked themselves into Well, you know, I only owe about 75 on it. If I could walk away with you know, 15 or 20 in my pocket, I would be pretty good. Yeah, Next thing you know, I didn't even have to ask him numbers. They brought it up. They broached the subject, which is always One of the hardest things to do is talk numbers, and I love it. That's why for me, when I walk into a house, it is, I immediately set those expectations. I kind of briefly give, like a one or two sentence, like go negative, yeah, and allow them to walk the house and show it to me and then just let them do majority of talking. And like I said, maybe the first or second room, I'll give him a slight compliment about something in the house to make them ease. And then from there, you know, normally they stopped themselves and tell me their extreme motivation that they have,

spk_1:   19:09
and that's really it. It's just it's really just about removing any any pressure or fears or anxieties. And once those are once you relieve those by going negative and building rapport and things like that, and then they just feel free to talk Toa open up. It's it's a safe environment, that's I mean, if I was to boil sales down into that is just really creating a safe environment. So people can, you know, discover their reasons for doing business with you. Yeah, that's what they want. But

spk_0:   19:36
I'm going to use an example of something that happened with me and Cassie recently that most people don't talk about when it comes to sell straight because we're talking about how do you actually acquire the property? Well, some of these tactics also helped save your time. Yeah, I went into the house and we brought up, you know, we went slightly negative, like, Yeah, we don't buy every house you Baba blah. He understood. Well, what that led him to do was is explained he had zero motivation to sell this house. He actually wasn't motivated. And what he then explained to us was is Hey, I appreciate you telling me that you don't buy every house and you're not going to come in here and lobotomy and force trying to force me to sell my house. The reason why I brought here you here today is not to buy this house. But I'm in charge of someone else's estate. And they have three houses that they need to sell, and I didn't want to deal with a bunch of hard core closers that we're going to come in here and pressure me. So now I'll let you go see those three houses because I wanted to use this house because I know this isn't an investment property. There's nothing wrong with it. I'm not motivated. There's no pretty foreclosure. There's nothing. So because we went in there and we kind of went negative and said, Well, I don't really think this is a good fit for us, There's no motivation And he he appreciated that. So that's something that you know, I think we don't ever really talk about it. It's kind of saving our time. I could have spent easily an hour trying to go down all of the red cells techniques. It would have just been a massive waste of time, and I would have got a lead on those three houses. That's

spk_1:   21:18
the beauty of going negative is your when you're pulling towards a no. Sometimes you actually get there and you know, you realize, Oh, this should be you know, these are the reasons why it isn't know he could do whatever you want to eat that information, but you're not just trying to, you know, you're building good relationships. It's it's crazy. You know, people of sales has such kind of funny real estate investors and sales people can. I don't have the best reputation dry right. But the funny thing is, is that the very best in both industries just want to help, And there are 100% honest and truthful. And the crazy thing is, is when you have honest, truthful conversation and literally try to help people on don't have an old alternate agenda, you actually doom or deals have better conversations, developed better relationships. It's it's for me. When I learned that it was eye opening and it was a huge relief was like, I don't have to be a jerk. I can I can be a great person, be very comfortable with what I do, happy with what I d'oh and by the way, blow my competition out of the water doing it. I think that's amazing. And more people need to hear that,

spk_0:   22:24
Yeah, in the other aspect of cells and running an appointment that I think most people don't want to touch base on is pay attention to your surroundings. Like, be aware of what you're looking at in this particular lied when we pulled up. This is the end of summer here in Fort Worth, Texas. Okay. And the beginning of fall. There is not one piece of green grass in the state unless it is a very well taken care of yard. When I pulled up to this man jarred, this was the greenest yard. I mean, it looked like a golf course. I mean, right off the bat, I'm going. What am I doing here? Like, where is this guy finding motivation? He lives here, so it's not like he inherited it or anything like that. So right off the bat, I was already hesitant of What am I doing here? This guy does it. He doesn't have a financial distress, sir. There's not like, ah, something underlying here that I'm not aware of it. And that's what kind of led us down that path. And it worked out, you know? I mean, we didn't get to three houses we made an offer on, and it didn't work out, but it still gave us that opportunity. So, you know, it's it's ah, It's very interesting way that we have to go about things because, yeah, we're trying to sell ourselves. But we are buying something. What are some of the other tips that you give, like further on down the appointment? Yeah, after the initial. You know, once you kind of get down to the meats and meat and bones of the appointment. What are some other tips that you have?

spk_1:   23:55
Yeah. So Ah, hit, too. So one is, um, when you're finding out about their motivation, when they're talking about it trying to keep going until you can find out. You know, whatever's happening, whatever the motivation is, keep going and digging until you find out how that personally impact somebody, that's where the real motivation is. So you can you can literally asking. I've asked this before Sometimes, you know, being on an appointment, you know, in this industry or others. And I'll just say, Listen, I'm hearing a lot of stuff about why it might make sense to do business together. But what I'm not hearing is how does this impact you at? All right. And, you know, and so sometimes I literally just ask it straight out and you know, we're looking for Well, you know, it impacts how I spend my time when I'm stressed out about you know what I don't get to do because of this junk. And that's really the motivation you're looking to solve. The rest of the stuff is just fluff until you get down. How you know nobody takes action unless they're being personally impacted by something or a loved one is being personally impacted. I guess you could say, for loved ones being impacted than you are, right, Because you feel bad for Muir. You no one wants. You know, anything bad happened to their loved ones, So personal impact Israel motivations. Well, don't stop the conversation until you get there. If possible, the next one, I'd say the biggest typist for the very end of the appointment, and it ties right back into how we started this conversation going negative. And it's the ultimate right. If if if you end an appointment and it's not a yes, you gotta live by the rule that it's a note like That's just it. There's there's yeses and there's knows, like at salespeople. As investors, we try thio, you know convince ourselves that. You know, there's a lot at the end of the tunnel, but at the end of the day, you know, if I sat down and I talked to 100 investors and I said Okay, how the appointment end. Okay, well, we're gonna talk later. Okay? So was that a yes? No, we have the appointment end. Well, they just gotta, you know, check with this one person. Okay. Was that a yes? I guess not. How the appointment end? Well, they said it's absolutely awesome. They love us. They're signing the paperwork in 30 minutes. Do you have the paperwork? No. So you gotta understand that anything other than a yes, that is 100% of No. And you gotta call it like you see it. So if you get thio end of an appointment and there's anything you didn't do a deal, then you just got to say, Listen, I'm not sure where this will go, but, you know, I think we just got a call it what it is. Um you know, after everything we've talked about in disgust and look that if we're not comfortable either one of us with moving Ford you know, it's got to at this point, we've got to call it a no s. So we both know how we're moving forward. I've got other houses to look at. I need to know, you know, I'm running a business, so let's just call it what it is. And the reason why this is so important is because there's no bad outcome. There's there's there's only three things that happen. One, they do the deal right? Sometimes we don't do stuff until we're forced to. It's like, Wow, if I'm gonna keep thinking and thinking and thinking And when I finally met him, my back's up against the wall. I'll decide. Sometimes that's the moment and they go. You know what? I'm dealt with this crap long enough. Let's just do it. Not a bad outcome, Right? Right. Uh, next thing that can happen is it's a note, and they just they say, Yeah, I think you're right. It's just not gonna work out right now. And even though you don't want to know, it's like shoot. At least you know where you are. Like you know what's going on right? You're not following up with me if you're in this business marketing at all. For six months you've got probably 1000 leads or trying to follow forth. Impossible. So, he said, It helps you know where you're at with that, that cellar and you could go a couple of different ways. But another thing that happens sometimes if there is motivation and it's not a no, there's just something that they're still trying to figure out. It exposes that and that they won't let you leave. They'll say, You know, it's not that you know it's not. I am interested. I just can't figure this out. I gotta think about this. I gotta talk to this person. Then you've uncovered the one or two little things that are keeping this deal for moving forward. It might turn into a deal. It might not, but at least you know what, standing in the way and you can address it. So that's the rule. Anything other than a yes isn't No, Um, you can't lose. You absolutely can't.

spk_0:   28:02
I love that. That third outcome that you just brought up because I think that's something that as investors, I think we get all go back to this huge thing that the seller didn't tell us that exposed with that phone call two days after the appointment where they're like Okay, so here's the situation. There's another air involved or, um, I'm divorced and I can't actually So our or something along those lines that it's like Holy cow like now I understand. And so to expose that during the meeting during the appointment. Yeah, that's a That's a huge benefit to the whole process, because what are we doing? We're solving a problem, right? And so if we don't fully understand all of the problems up front and that exposes it now, you've actually won the game. Now you could sit there and try to solve the actual issue, the issue that maybe they didn't want to tell you until you forced it like, Hey, I want to sell R J my house, but I can't because of this one factor, and I haven't told him yet. That's that's huge, going back to the first tip that you gave that when you dig deep and you get to that that motivation and you understand how it's personally impacting them or loved one or something like that, what did you do with that information because I think that is something that we we kind of struggle with. We talk a lot about building, reported finding that motivation. But what do you do with that information? Once you have,

spk_1:   29:37
that is a good freaking question. Probably the best questions I've ever been asked with that information is unique. That the problem you're solving, you make that it the convert, you turn the conversation, you use that to change the conversation from real estate and buying houses to solving that problem. And I'm gonna give you an example just because I'm guessing it's a just a ton of investors. Both, you know, mature investors. You listen to this investor just starting out and everything in between. But let's just I'm going to use an example of investors just to make my point. So why do people invest in real estate? What? People choose this path? Um, you might love real estate, but no one does this because they love real estate. Right. Um So Okay, let's get the personal impact. So So why do you do this? Well, I know where investors make good money. Okay? So why is that important? Well, if I make good money, then you know, I don't have to worry about money anymore. Okay? Why is that important? Because I haven't been able to do these things. And I'm stressed out, and I don't have the relationship with my family that I want to. Are those things in Fort? Right? When you get down to personal impact, you can You can then sell anything because personal stuff is everyone wants to solve it. So, for example, if my sales training was 100,000 bucks, here's Here's how I'd sell it, man. Um, I tell it just like this. Okay? Okay. We role play with me, and you could be as honest as you wanted to. So, R. J, why are you a real estate industry?

spk_0:   31:05
I want freedom of time, and I want to actually create generational wealth for my family.

spk_1:   31:10
Okay. Sounds important to you to things that freedom of time. What's that mean to you? Probably different people. Different definitions?

spk_0:   31:17
Yeah. I mean, for May I think it would be traveling with traveling the world, spending time with my family. I actually wanna be there, You know, right now, I I miss out on you know Trinity's hockey practices. Sometimes certain these dance practices. And I don't want to miss out on those moments.

spk_1:   31:33
Yeah, I mean, I got five kids myself. When I miss that stuff. It sucks. I feel it. I and I feel regret you same or kind of different,

spk_0:   31:45
you know? Yeah, absolutely. Ah, you know, I think it's it's always frustrating when I miss it by, say, half hour. So I don't go. And then I have to sit at home for an hour by myself. And then I have to ask for the recap. And you know, it's it's always chaos after because it's, you know, dinner, shower, bedtime, homework and there's no time to actually catch up. So because I missed the moment, I really don't get to spend any time with him at all that night.

spk_1:   32:13
Yeah, and for me, it sometimes, you know, you think it's OK and you know how resilient kids are. But you get to that point. You know, I've hit this with a few my kids, and it's been a wake up moment for me. Example. My oldest daughter, 16 years old now, uh, doesn't pay me, you know, any attention, right? but you almost think like it doesn't care if I'm around. It all had an orchestra concert a couple months ago. I went, I watched her play and everybody else. There's a couple of hours long. Uh, really, It ends. I go to the car because I think she I'm gonna embarrass her. If I pick her up at the step right there in front of her friends, I go to the car. She is livid with me upset, hurt, crying Because I was not there waiting for her. And you start to see that type of impact and it breaks your heart. So I get, you know, I mean, have you had any of those moments with your kids where it just it hits home. It's really

spk_0:   33:05
Yeah, I had it last night. Actually, my son got glasses and I was on a call when I got home. And it was It was a very important phone call. Yeah, and I had to stay on it. And my sign knows that I've worn glasses since I was a kid and he had a ton of questions. Might. My son is over analytical, so he won't ask. Where do I put him when I go to Thio, take a shower. Where did I put him? To bed. Where did I put him? How do I clean home? What happens if a football hits me in the face? Like he had all these questions and I wasn't there. And so actually, when he went to sleep, he was upset. So I had to go wake him up, and I can tell him I'm so sorry. And so yeah, it was Ah, I had that moment last time,

spk_1:   33:48
actually. Okay. I mean, so that's important. I get that. I feel it. I live it every single day, so I get it. Um, let me ask you this. Um let's pretend my sales training was 100,000 bucks. Let's pretend for a second that you could go on half the appointments in half the markets and close just a cz many deals so you could gain that freedom of time. He never missed another moment. If you believe that, if you were confident that you could work less, get the same amount of deals and maybe you're gonna still miss some of those moments, but half of them that your are missing now, you wouldn't. Is that worth 100 grand to you? Yes. Okay. See no brainer. So what we mean by that is that's the problem we're solving. So if I was selling you sales training, I'm not selling you on. Um, the conversation's not about well, how important are increasing your clothes rates? It's what's personal impact. And then, to answer your question, that's what the sale becomes, is how important is that problem to solve? And then here's how I console Mitt. Now, if someone's looking at my sales training, they're gonna put some number on it. But if we get to what the real personal impact is, that's a much bigger problem that people are going to be much more willing to invest in solving. Didn't answer the question, man.

spk_0:   35:02
Yeah, I think so. And on top of that, I mean your cells abilities while you're selling someone else, it's literally like an audition. Like, if you were selling me something, I'm gonna pay attention to how you sell me on your training. And when I come out of it, I'm gonna be like, Wow, I feel good about the fact that he just sold me. I now super excited to learn from him and get those techniques, you know? So, yeah, I mean, it does answer the question, and I think it's very important for us to understand that because I think from a high level, you know, it's very easy for us to say things like build a report and and find their motivation. But then when it comes down to it, I think the things that separate great closers from the average is what you do with that once you have it. Yeah, what do you do with the report? What do you do with the motivation and how do you solve the problem? Those things, air or key? I think oftentimes they're probably talked about in your training. But in the high level Facebook groups and the masterminds and things like that, sometimes that's not touched on enough and right actually means to solve a problem. So thank you for sharing that that analogy there. Um, for us, another thing I want to talk about before we wrap up is I don't think many people understand the introvert that you are. Yeah, and it's amazing to me that you've been able to overcome that to become a a leading at industry leading sales trainer and you get up in front of people and you speak in front of hundreds of people in yourselves training programs and you do YouTube videos all the time to promote your business. Yeah. How have you been able to overcome that?

spk_1:   37:01
Uh, I wouldn't say I have overcome it. It's still scary. I mean, every event I go to just I freak out on the inside, you know? It's I guess, I don't know. Um, I've found some creative ways to overcome. It s So instead of doing stuff live, I do videos because I can speak in, You know, I can send my car and talk to my phone on Ben. I never I've never watched a single one of my videos because, you know, then I freak out like all people are going to see this. I look dumb. I said something stupid. Is that wrote? My voice really sounds like right. So, um, I just find work around. So, you know, I looked at B. I just started a new Facebook campaign for a different business. I have and I looked in the last three days, the videos have touched 350,000 people, so that's the way I recorded it. You know, the stuff in the privacy of my home all by myself. And I got the message after 350,000 people without having toe, you know, stand on stage or do any of that. So a lot of stuff, you know, there's work around. And then whenever it is time just to speak to people, I I suck it up and I do it. But it's, um I don't do it often anymore just because I found workarounds.

spk_0:   38:12
So what, then? The reason why I want to bring this up is because there are so many brilliant people that I know in this industry I've spoken to, I'm blown away by the knowledge that they have, and because they have this natural introvert feelings, they don't put it out there. And they don't let people here the wisdom like you have and shared it with the world. And you have impacted so many people. I mean, I could think of maybe a handful of people that I personally know in this industry that have touched as many people as you have. I mean, it's it's just it's it blows me away. And so thank you for finding the work arounds and overcoming that, because it could have been very easy for you to not have done that. You know, you could have just kind of given into the your natural tendencies. And, um, part of the reason why did the podcast is because, um, I have a little bit of introvert nature of myself, which is funny now, because this is totally busted me out of that. Now, I have no problems beginning on stage or doing anything like that because I've I've now learned like, this is a passion of mine to talk to other people and and share the power real state of messing. So thank you for overcoming your fear. Finding those workarounds, man. Um, with that being said, do you have any final thoughts for listeners and the best way that they can connect with you, Learn more from you? Yeah. If anyone

spk_1:   39:42
wants any of our stuff, just goto um us Red Doc. Um, if you talk being re I sales academy, I'm also gets there. So we got free videos and information about everything we do. So, uh, easiest way to find out about us parting Thought, I guess, would just be, uh, you know, I guess I say this all the time cause I think this is the most important thing. Anyone who's building anything can hear is do something. Take some action. I think where we live in a time where people wait too long and learn too much before doing that. Education's important. I'm an educator, but there comes a time if you want to make progress, the only way to guarantee progresses by do, um So wherever you're at in your business right now, take that next step and see what happens.

spk_0:   40:31
Awesome. And they do so much for taking the time. I know you're busy, person. Well, I know you only have, like, another two and 1/2 hours this week. Toe work, work like three hours week. If you don't know that joke followed John on face. You'll quickly learn he loves his time with his family. I d'oh and, uh, keeping a lean company. So, John, thank you so much for taking the time today. Guys, that's our episode for this week. If you enjoyed it, and you listen on iTunes. Please give us a five star rating. If you're watching on YouTube, subscribe and give us a thumbs up. We'll see you next week. Thank you. Thanks so much for listening to the titanium vault with your host R J base that hurt more imposing. To stamp the date, visit www dot podcast on the titanium vault dot com and on facebook dot com slash the titanium vault. He enjoyed the episode. Please rate in review and we'll catch you next time.