The Titanium Vault hosted by RJ Bates III

James Jenkins: Building an Empire One Happy Client at a Time

James Jenkins Episode 101

James Jenkins is an insurance agent based out of McKinney, Texas who primarily focuses on property insurance for real estate investors. James sits down with RJ Bates III to discuss how he acquired Titanium Investments business through proper education and care for their business. He covers the difference between the coverage he provides and most other insurance agencies. They also go into the systems and processes James has implemented in his business to scale. To find out more about James Jenkins visit his website at

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spk_0:   0:01
It's not real estate investors, entrepreneurs and agents. You're in the right place. Unlocking the secrets to real estate investing in entrepreneurship. Welcome to the Times Young vaults hosted by R. J. Bates The third years. Hey, guys, Welcome to the titanium vault on your host, R. J. Bates. Today I am sitting down with the man that literally covers all of my assets. Every single one of them. Mr. James Jenkins. How you doing, buddy?

spk_1:   1:14
What's up? How's it going, everybody? Thanks for having me on the show. R. J. I have this has been on my wish list for like, a year. I know. I only mentioned it to you, and you're like, uh, you've never signed up for a slot. Well,

spk_0:   1:26
yeah. Okay. What? Do you know what? That's the thing is, sometimes I get so focused on real estate investors, I want to bring them on. I don't know sometimes think about the people that are kind of on my team that help us do what we do, and you're I mean, you're you're such a powerful influence and on our lives and now becoming in the D f W metre price and expanding into other markets. I think we helped you a little bit going to some of the markets. They down?

spk_1:   1:59
Well, there's no doubt about that. I was actually talking to my team earlier. Was like she was, ah, girl we hired about a month ago. She's like, wire win these random states like North Dakota. Like, why are we licensed to practice insurance in North Dakota? And I'm like, R J. Had a house there. Needed insurance. Okay. All right. That's my man. So 20 states now in 16 of those states because of

spk_0:   2:22
you. There you go. So obviously for you guys that haven't picked up yet, this is This is my demand that does all of our property insurance for us. So gotta briefly introduce yourself teller by what it is and where you do business.

spk_1:   2:35
Sure. Hey, guys. James Jenkins office is located in McKinney, Texas. It's a several the north side of Dallas. We do business all across Texas, of course, and then basically every state across the southern part of the US, except for California, because they just be crazy with their insurance system. We'll get there eventually, but basically the rest of the southern part and then we also are in. I got a bunch of other states. If you're watching this right now and you're wondering, as James license in my state, just shoot me a message. If it's if it's worth me getting licensed in your state, that I will I don't care from there or not. That's how this works. We expand as the clients need us to expand.

spk_0:   3:18
Yeah, so I'll briefly tell you, I'll tell everybody the story of how James and I came to doing business. I was doing all my insurance. Um was through it a nationwide company that if you're an investor, you've probably heard of them. And the reason why I was using them is because it was easy. I went onto a website I entered in my information, and then I was covered a couple of days later and I thought, Hey, this is really easy. And I'm just getting insurance that that's what I thought. You know, I'm gonna be covered for whatever number I put in. And if something catastrophic happens to my property, that's the check that they're gonna cut me. Um, so I have mentioned numerous times about the Propel Leo event here in D. F. W. I think it's probably the best real estate investing networking event in the country, and James was there and he had a great marketing ploy. He had these tissues like the small little tissues that you carry in your pocket. And, ah, he had his card take to it and he handed it to me. I wasn't even want to talk to the guy, To be honest with you, I like I saw his the 10 feet away. I could see his booth. It's about property insurance. I am like, awkwardly trying to avoid eye contact as I'm passing him. And he's like, here. Here's you know, and I'm like, Why are you handing me tissues? And he's like, because this is too dry your tears. Once you realize how much money you've been spending on insurance, that you have something, the sales pitch was much better delivered by you.

spk_1:   4:55
Oh, I said, hear your when you find out what you've been missing from not being one of my clients, you're gonna want to cry. So here have a tissue

spk_0:   5:05
and and it worked. I'm not gonna lie is

spk_1:   5:08
the cheesiest thing I've ever said. to, ah, potential client.

spk_0:   5:12
Hey, but it worked. It worked, and James and I had a consultation. And so I want to talk about two different things in today's interview. First, I want to talk about the items that you went over with me on coverage. Then how important that is for real estate investors. And the things that most investors don't realize that they're not getting with their insurance in the second part is I'm highly inspired by your systems, and the processes that you've built out for your company that I could beat could translate to any entrepreneur out there. So let's talk about when we actually had that consultation. The things that we went over kind of first and foremost were the things that we don't realize in our coverage. Um, whether or not we have a CVI policy on our CD policy, can you kind of go ahead? What those What that those two terms mean

spk_1:   6:02
I definitely that And then the two things that follow right behind that that every investor needs to be really aware of. And you bring out the great point man. A CVI is short for actual cash value. Our CV is replacement cost value and ah, A CVI is definitely the lower quality option of the two. Actual cash value takes into account something called appreciation, which we all appreciate that I should probably say, appreciate depreciation. That's just kind of weird, But a depreciation is the devaluing of an asset over time. S O. The older of property is for the older roof is, for instance, the less you would get in the event of a claim. Pale and a lot of of builders risk policies. A lot of master policies where you schedule a bunch of property on one policy form that's typically written with Lloyd's of London or another company. That's not the traditional insurance, not your farmers or State Farm or Allstate or whatever. But a lot of these policies are written on a CV basis, and you don't realize what that means until you have a claim. Perfect claim. Example. Let's say you've got a fire. You actually had a fire to property in ST Louis and and I forget what the delta was. You said if this would have been filed a claim under my old policy, I have been completely host. Yeah, then because you had our CV replacement cost value. It was a lot better. Let me explain what that means. Hypothetical claims situation. You've got a property. Let's say it's covered at a CV and it's worth $100,000. And it's a built in 1980. Just to keep the thing easy, it burns to the ground. The claims adjuster comes out and says, Well, it was written for coverage of $100,000 but property is 39 years old, so we're gonna take the priest recoverable appreciation of 55%. And then on top of that, you're gonna have your deductible, Which, of course, you always have. So suddenly your $100,000 property is now getting a claim check for $40,000. Yep, all because the policy was rented a CV, actual cash value instead of our city. So I'm gonna don't feel just a little bit here. The other thing that is really, really common, especially on flip insurance builders rest stuff. A cZ well, as landlord and tenant occupied properties, for sure, but it's really prevalent with flip and builders rest. Insurance is the cause of lost form isn't when it should be. There's three different versions of cause of loss form, and they build on each other. The 1st 1 is basic. The second is broad, which is kind of uncommon. Now. You're not gonna see broad very often, and the third is special. Each one of them gets better on top of the one from before. A lot of builders rest. Policies are written on basic form. Cause of off what you're giving up with basic form is actually some pretty important stuff you're giving up. In most cases, theft and vandalism, you're giving a water damage of all kinds. Not just, you know, something special with just generic water damage is like my pipe burst. You're also giving up freezing of pipes and falling objects. So if a tree falls on one of your houses and has basic form, cause of loss, no coverage. So it's really amazing to me how many investors that we talked to you on a daily and weekly basis have basic form, cause of loss and a CV on their policy. And they want o act like, Oh, I'm fine. Uh, no, you're not. And here's why. Let me show you and I mean, the generally action is pretty much holy crap. I I had no idea. Wow. And the reality is most insurance people kind of like most wholesalers Or most, you know, entry level. You know, low quality people in any profession. They don't take the time to educate the client and help the client. In this case, real estate investor. I understand what they need. Not just, you know what's on sale. Too many cells. People go. What's the fastest, easiest way I can sell em. I'm gonna hack and slash coverage and slap a high deductible on there and give him a price that I know they'll like the investor goes, huh? That's cheap. I like that price. I want to buy that policy. Like hold on a second, wait and look at what you decide. So, anyway,

spk_0:   10:31
yeah, and and I'm gonna say this, You know, I talked about earlier the insurance that I used to get. I went on there because it was a website. It was easy to get a count, and then I was getting coverage. But there was a couple of days that they did ask me if it was a CV. If I wanted a CV our city right now. The only reason why I was choosing RCB is because at the time, you know, our previous business was doing insurance supplements, so we knew it. That myth. I know a lot of investors out there that choose a CV just cause it's cheaper And they're like, Hey, nothing happened in my house, You know, I'm only gonna own this for six months while flipping. It's all just doing him. The other part is there was never a mention of basic or special coverage now that there wasn't an option for me to get a higher price. Special version? Yeah. There was not anybody that ever spoke to me. It was always on a website, and then they just e mail me the proof of insurance. Yeah, so there was no customer service. I didn't know what I was getting, You know,

spk_1:   11:38
it's not an accident that I win against them 100% of the time. I've never lost against them. And when I see when I hear that someone has a portfolio, you know a schedule of properties that are on that company, I just start going All right, game on Let's go. Oh, do you want to sign up now or should I give you a quote first?

spk_0:   11:58
Right. And you know what? One of the things that you did that stood out to me in the most probably was the moment that I was like, Okay, James is a different breed than almost every other insurance agent that I've worked with or tried to get coverage from Was the moment when I was covering our ST Louis portfolio and we went tiu, No, I filled it out and I kind of was just like, Hey, on each property. I just want to get $55,000 worth of coverage and you called me and you said, Are you sure you only want to get $55,000? Because could you rebuild those houses for $55,000? And I never really thought about it that way. And then you explain to me that there's a penalty if you don't have enough coverage. So if the if the house were to burn down like it actually happened, it actually did burn down if I didn't have enough coverage and they wrote up an estimate for, say, 70,000 but I only have 55,000. I would actually get penalized. We're not having enough coverage. So explain that solicitors a little bit more in detail. What that little that penalty was like.

spk_1:   13:22
It's called the co insurance Penalty Co insurance, meaning that you are co ensuring the asset with the insurance company and co insurance is a really bad thing. The reason they have the co insurance is they want to disincentivize. They want to penalize people for intentionally going cheap with their insurance and intentionally undervaluing their insurance policy. What this means that it's typically 80% is the rule. Some lower quality programs are 90 or even hunt 100%. What that mean. That percentage is the value that you should have ensured the property to. If you don't read to that value than the coinsurance penalty kicks in, 80% is pretty typical, so hypothetical. Let's say you should be ensuring a property for $100,000 for its fair market replacement value, but you only insured it for, say, $50,000 because you went super cheap. The difference between the amount that you chose to insure it for and you know that you should have insured it for is what they will do with that penalty. So let's say, for instance, you only insured it for 75% of what you should have insured it for. Then, in the event of a claim, the insurance company will apply a 25% penalty to the claims check that they write out and give to you. So not on Lee. Here's that. Here's the really nasty double whammy. Let's say you've got a CV coverage on that policy. Now you're getting hit three times. You're gonna hit for the deductible, which is unavoidable. Every policy manager, the duck, every property policy, please. On top of that, you're getting hit with the A C V, which is depreciation. So your claim check just got cut down by God knows how much it could be 2030 40% or more, depending on how old the property is, what kind of condition it's in. But then, thirdly, you're getting slapped with the co insurance penalty. So this is the difference in almost always several $1000 in payout. So you know what, are you gonna save on cutting the coverage amount? A few $100 Maybe 23 $400 on your builders rest policy or landlord or whatever it is. What do you Potentially risking tens of thousands of dollars and potential claim payout. So the cost versus reward of going cheap in your coverage just doesn't exist.

spk_0:   15:49
Yeah. I mean, this was all coming from us as a collective group. We were saying, Hey, we bought these properties at such a steep discount, and they're gonna be for cash flow you don't want to cover. For what it's worth, we just wanna barely cover what we have in it and maybe a little bit additional if something catastrophic were to happen, because our may go with these properties is cash flow. So we don't never have this expense of the additional 20 or $30,000 in coverage per property. When you multiply that by 65 70 properties. They didn't want to do that. But then once you explained it to me and it's like this actually does make sense. And then when something catastrophic does happen, I'm not gonna lie. That was one of those moments where I was like that made me feel pretty good about working with you and the fact that I knew we were protected. I wasn't worried about that situation and imagine. Had I not had you explain that to me? How frustrating that would have been had I got hit with the co insurance penalty? Yeah, not even know what it meant, you know? I mean, and that's what you get with some of these other companies. So those were some of the benefits of working with, you know, an insurance agent like you. I recommend you to everybody. You're one of our. So you're gonna be one of our new service providers within the next level. Flipping family. Um, so I'm super excited for that man. Yeah. And you know, I appreciate everything, man. Yeah, and I appreciate everything that you've done for us, man. You You've gone out. You've gotten license and states that we do. And and I don't know if you'll I don't know how long it will take you to get another client in Alaska or anything like that. But you you've gone out

spk_1:   17:37
and done that for so well. One of your best clients needs something covered. Then you go out and make it happen because Lord knows I don't want you having a work with Random and ABC Insurance Agency in Timbuktu,

spk_0:   17:49
and that's what we were doing, man. I made. I remember when you looked at our policies in Hawaii and you were like R J. What is the you're like, not covered. And we had another catastrophe on one of our houses out there where a tree fell on, basically not down one of the units. And had we had that coverage that we did have, I mean, we literally would have gotten nothing out of that man.

spk_1:   18:18
That's a great example of basic versus special on the cause of loss for us, all in objects aren't covered on basic four. Yeah, last time I checked, the tree is a falling object. You have basic form, cause of loss, that a tree falls on your house. No coverage rise. Verifying man

spk_0:   18:36
it is. So I want to transition the conversation from insurance. I know insurance is riveting to the audience, and I'm sure

spk_1:   18:44
so boring. I'm almost asleep right now when I do this for a living, but

spk_0:   18:49
I know that you I'm inspired by you as an entrepreneur and a business owner seeing the systems and processes that you have been working so diligently on in the past 6 to 12 months. Just creating your business to function without James Jenkins as the person that does everything. So gotta share that a little bit and you know, how did you fall into that? You know, it takes it, had to take some kind of inspiration to get there, right? What would cause you to go down that path?

spk_1:   19:21
Really? What it comes down to R. J. Is this vision that I had when I was I was a farmer's agent run of the mill, nothing special copy and paste boring insurance guy for almost four years. And then in 2016 I got introduced to the real estate investor world, and from there it just kind of took on a life of its own. And I ended up selling the Farmers Agency and going independent, fully independent. I'm able to do literally whatever I want in any way that I want. With any system, any vendor, any process, I can do anything. It's simultaneously exhilarating and absolutely terrifying because there are no four walls like there is no box you're not operating out of the box. You're operating on a completely blank canvas. And I think for a lot of people, especially, uh, roasted investors that maybe are still in corporate world or they're not used to thinking like an entrepreneur, it could be intimidating to realize Wait a second. I can do anything. What I want the client experience to be like, you know, for the wholesalers, they're watching us. What do you want that that cellar to experience? What is the journey of your client look like from start to finish? And really, most of what you see in practice now was just a vision in a year ago as well. What do I want the client journey to look like? How can I automate and put systems and processes in place so that something happens that fast? When my client or my perspective client needs or wants something you know? Instead of it being a phone call? We have Web forms set up all over our website. We set up a 24 7 client service center where when you need to make a change in a policy, you don't have to call my office and talk to anybody you fill out of four. And that four makes its way through our system. People watching this or is this just listen to in a podcast? Former,

spk_0:   21:24
Uh, it's both they can screen share real quick. Yeah, you could do

spk_1:   21:29
it. I'll talk it through. Some people that are listening to it aren't wanting to custom made because it's always frustrating Listening to something in iTunes. You just like I can't see you. Are you not telling me what you're doing right now? So anyways, let me go ahead and I'll do a little screen share real quick and I'll minimize our window. Hold on just a second here. Okay? So I'm gonna go to zap here and zap here is like the quarterback of our system. Let me go, toe. I'll just do this as an example real quick, real estate investor quote form and take it for those of you that are currently my clients, you've done business with us. Welcome to the back side of what happens when you clicked on, right? So this is a perfect example. Zap, Here is this integrator. It is this platform that you pay for its like 50 bucks a month for my upgraded special membership where you get it, just everything unlimited, whatever it is basically a system integrated that makes all of your systems talk to each other and sends data back and forth between them in real time. So this is a perfect example here. When this happens right here. This is a form on my website. When that happens, using zap here, it automatically does all of these other things. And then right here, someone fills out the form and they click, submit or get my quarter whatever and automatically sends a text message to our V i. P phone system and says, Hey, thanks for filling out a quote. And then, you know, whatever else ever get is acquitted, says the free entry in our CR M, our customer relationship manager, it sends an update message to the channel in Slack. We have a very specific channel for each line of business, and most of what we do almost all of what we do is serving real estate investors and business motors. We want to do everything agency anymore well, but slack. If you're not using slack and you have a team, man, you're really missing out slack is 100% free, and it is incredible. I I use it literally 100 times every single day. This is our management system where all of our customer data lives permanently. So it creates a new prospect file for whoever just submitted the form. If you're an existing client of ours, it just adds that quote request to your file in our system. And I don't know if you're if you've ever used trail O R J

spk_0:   23:57
Trillo Trillo was our lifeline, man. That's that's what we created titanium investments on for years. Nice, eh? So I loved Jell

spk_1:   24:08
O. Yeah. So we've got a dedicated board just for and it's it's basically empty right now. It's, like, almost entirely empty right now. And I'm sorry for whoever that was that. I just showed your name on my screen that I didn't have your permission. Please forgive me for that. But the trail oh, card that helps us keep track. And we have, like, automated checklists and whatnot that that free fills. So my team never misses a beat because, I mean, you probably no, this in your operation to as many moving parts as you have. Sometimes the hard parts, remember, is what is left to be done like, where is the status of this deal? What not going into sand off needs to sign? What do I have an acknowledgment form? Have I received payment for such and such? All of that impacts, decline experience eso when you can automate something and have it run literally without me touching anything. All of this happens in real time. It just creates a better experience for the client, which makes them more likely to want to do business with May because I save them time, of course, um, saving them money when we have the opportunity to. But I'm much more concerned about the experience. You know Maya Angelou, the civil rights activists. Back in the sixties, she said, Most people will not remember what you tell them, but they will always remember how you made them feel and that one phrase that it's on my quote board, that that is one of my central phrases that how we do business is give that client in the current or perspective the warm fuzzies, the weather for you guys. They're listening right now, you know it is it's the cellar or it's, you know, if it's not a whole whole sale. If it's just you're buying prime, maybe it's the You know, someone else you're wanting to do business with from, ah, a private money lender or you're interviewing a prospective vendor partner or whatever to build out your team. People are always gonna remember how you made them feel. So when you're building out these automation systems, these platforms from scratch a lot of times, you know, maybe it's the system like propel your podium or there's 1000 different systems out there that have a do it for you approach. I kind of like to do it for myself cause I get to build how I want it to be. I don't have to ask for someone's permission or ask for their help, but you know, that's basically it right there. You see this, and the cool thing about zap here is you can create as many of these as possible as many of these you want. So existing clients, internal forms that we use service requests, slack tax trailer, whatever. All of these each one of these is a process, and it's fully automated So what that means is I can focus on being on the titanium vault podcast with R J instead of answering the phone when someone needs a quote for property. Now, I could let me go check your real quick and I'm in my, my all my other monitor here in our end box. And just today, just today we've received three inbound quote requests. Yesterday that was six inbound call requests. That's just from real estate investors. Every single one of those people went through that This little thing that you just saw right out of them talked to me. And of those of those six or seven people Well, I just one second. One second. How many did we closes yesterday?

spk_0:   27:39
I love this. James is currently asking that someone in his office how many they've closed so far this week. We closed three since yesterday that Ugo So love it, man. I

spk_1:   27:50
didn't want any of those people.

spk_0:   27:52
You know what you brought up? You know how you make the customer feel. They go back to the story that I just told about how you got me is a client, right? I didn't remember exactly what you said. But that moment of you made me laugh, and then you kind of got me hooked. And then when you talk to me and you explain the situation on what I had as for coverage and and explaining that to me, you actually made me feel like you cared about my company so much more so than any other insurance agent that I'd ever spoken to. And I remember I think I remember saying that to you. Going I, James like this is incredible. No other insurance agent has taken 10 minutes out of their day to explain the fact that I'm I'm essentially screwed if something happens. And what's crazy about that is is you came in right at the perfect time for our company because right after that, we did have this past 12 months to catastrophic events that we would have been screwed in. So all right, I can't I can't agree more with that sentiment that you said there about. You know how it makes the customer feel that we remember that because that's how I felt about doing business with you from the beginning. So that's awesome. I mean, when it comes to building out the systems. You were building out the system's yourself. Yeah. You know, I I'm the

spk_1:   29:23
weirdo. I'm kind of a nerd for this stuff. I really enjoy the process of building on dhe, making it really being able to tweak what you've set up as the needs change. Like man, six months ago, this process was a lot different. You improve over time. Now there are obviously there's, you know, 1000 and one different people out there. That's our, uh, doing these sorts of things for you. They'll charge you a consulting fee or whatever. You know, I learned from a couple of those people. I'm back at the very beginning of this process. I think I paid $2000 to some girl who was doing automation work flows and instead of pay paying her $2000 saying, Hey, build this for me. I said, I want to pay you $2000 you're gonna come to my office for an entire day and you're gonna teach me how to do this stuff for myself. And from there, I mean, I've just hack and slash figure it out the rest of the way, but I mean, I'd be lying if I said Oh, yeah, it's perfect. It's beautiful. I never make a mistake. No, not exactly. Well, let me

spk_0:   30:31
ask you this. What is What is your goal? Moving forward? Where do you want to take your agency and where do you want to go? Isn't on, man? I don't mind

spk_1:   30:40
saying I'm building an empire. One happy client at a time. We have added two people to our team, one full time service person and one outside producer. We have written almost 600 investment properties of this year in really in the last eight months. I want to jump that up. I want to ride 1000 investment properties in 2020 just from, you know, our office. And then from there I don't know what it looks like. I'm gonna scale as Bigas. I could scale without giving up. You know, family time and having a life is I don't want to work once we've got it all set up. I don't want to work more than 40 hours a week, period. And my wife is very gracious and understanding. She gives me latitude to build this thing, but there's gonna come a time, probably by the end of 2020 certainly by, you know, halfway through 2021 where she's gonna put her foot down and expect me to be home. Or, uh and I I don't know that he didn't really answer your question, but

spk_0:   31:48
I don't want to say something. You know, I've seen if you follow James on Facebook, you'll see this, You know, you will go back up to the office, you'll go work on a Saturday or Sunday, and every time that you do that, you know, you give a shout out to your wife for allowing you to do that. And I think that's ah, you know, I have to give you credit for doing that, man. Because sometimes as the person that's doing that were like they were the one making the sacrifice right, we're the one going to the office to work on a Sunday. But in all reality, it sze the significant others. It's the kids that are sitting at home going Where's Dad going? And and it's sometimes harder for them to understand why we're doing that and that

spk_1:   32:37
I am probably the

spk_0:   32:38
core reason why we're doing it. My

spk_1:   32:40
son is two and 1/2 and he's old enough now. Now he's like, I don't want you to go to your office, and he says it with a stern look on his face. I'm just like I know, buddy. I'll be back as soon as I can. And when he does, what I want to tell him is I'm doing this for you, right? Someday I'm gonna hand this thing to you, you're gonna be running this 25 years from now if the Lord is welling right. But, I mean, I don't want to be the quotes guy, but you know, one of the things that you and you said it Basically, success is a team sport at these solo people who want to do it all themselves. One, you're gonna burn out. And two, if you don't find a way to replace yourself, how are you ever gonna sell this thing? Right? If you are the only value in your business, then what happens when you stop working 60 hours a week? Do you have a retirement plan? Do you have a succession plan? Do you have some continuation thing's gonna keep generating income after you're not the one who's, you know, grinding it out every day. And I don't think most people in my world or in your world have that.

spk_0:   33:43
Absolutely so for everyone that's listening. If they want to get in contact with you, find out how they could do business with you. What's the best way to get in touch with?

spk_1:   33:52
And I try to be really easy to find. That's I don't know. You pick your make pick your social media platform choice. Look me up. You can Google May James Jenkins and associates his name of our business, my phone number. If you want to call the office and talk to outta here Breck Lynn and you can't get to me directly because I've set it up in such a way that I have a gatekeeper now. But our number is 4696788001 Or you can just hit me up on on the social media pretty easy to find. Not quite as easy to find his r J.

spk_0:   34:27
Hey, So, uh, I love your name James Jenkins and Associates. Because when I was nine years old is when my dad was given the choice. Um, he was vice president of a office furniture company here in Dallas and he was brought in. There was three people that were brought in office. Two were much younger than my dad. And they essentially said one person is getting a promotion. One person is getting laid off on one person gets to stay in the same position. If anyone here would like to not take the risk and take this package, you can walk away. So my dad, looking around the room of 20 year olds, you know, 2 to 20 year olds and he's in his approaching, you know, being 40. I thought he was the one that was gonna be let go. So he took the package, and then it was like, $27,000. And that's what he started his his first company with. And I remember I was nine years old, and it was this very traumatic time for the family. Um, it was even more traumatic because after my dad took the package, they essentially told him you were the one that was going to receive the promotion. Oh, wow. And s o very difficult. So that's why I love the name James Jenkins Associates So much reminds me of when I was a kid and had the opportunity to name my parents company, our debates associates. So that's this week's episode, guys. Thank you, James. So much for being on the show. I'm if you're watching us on YouTube, make sure you hit the subscribe button and leave us a thumbs up. If you're listening on iTunes, make sure you leave us a five star review. It gets our show out to more people, and so we could continue making episodes for everybody in the entrepreneur world. All right, guys, thank you so much for two men and we'll see you next week. Thanks so much for listening to the titanium vault with your host R J base that hurt more imposing. To stamp the date, visit www dot podcast on the titanium vault dot com and on facebook dot com slash the titanium vault. If you enjoyed the episode, please read and review Well, can't you next time