The Titanium Vault hosted by RJ Bates III

RJ Bates III: Why You Should Attend REI Events

RJ Bates III Episode 115

In this episode, RJ Bates III explains the benefit of attending real estate investing events. Titanium Investments recently attended GroundZero in San Antonio, Texas as speakers and sponsors but received so much more value than just being a small part of the event. RJ breaks down the connections, opportunities and new businesses that came from the event. Check out the next event we will be attending at and use Promo Code BatesDRIP2020

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It's not real estate investors, entrepreneurs and agents. You're in the right place. Unlocking the secrets to real estate investing in entrepreneurship. Welcome to the Times Young vaults hosted by R. J. Bates The third years. Hey, guys, Welcome to the titanium vault. I'm your host, R. J. Bates. Today I am doing a shorter, quicker episode. Um, I'm gonna quickly talk about some of the benefits that titanium investments received from attending the ground zero event hosted by Quentin Flores down in San Antonio, Texas. We attended it last weekend. Thursday, Friday, Saturday, came back on Sunday. Um, and it was it was an amazing event for anybody. It listen to the episode that I did with you a couple weeks ago, where we were promoting the event. You saw the amazing lineup of speakers including Max Maxwell, all in Carlos Reyes, Sal and Alex. Also, vanilla ice was there, Tie. Lassiter interviewed him about his journey from being, you know, the rock star with ice ice, baby. And he had all of these houses mansions all across the country that he, you know, spent his fortune on. And, uh, eventually one day he rose, He could sell those and turn those into more assets. And now he has, ah, $400 million portfolio, real estate, amazing lineup of speakers. But what I want to talk about today is the benefits outside of just sitting inside that room and listening to the speakers and gaining that knowledge when you attend these types of events and why we're such a huge advocate for these types of events. Um, obviously, Cassie and I were honored and lucky enough to be able to get up on that stage with these same speakers and and pour into the crowd for about an hour. But outside that, it's what happens during lunch, dinner after hours and just walk around the hallway, the amazing relationships that you could make at these meetings and future businesses and all kinds of different things. So I just wantto I've got a list right here from 17 items that we, uh, we felt like these were the top items that we can hit over the next couple of weeks after coming back from ground zero. A lot of them are relationships expanding Bond knows and kind of capitalizing those opportunities. Um, I think when people look at these events, and they think about spinning, you know, 3 to $500 to attend the event, plus the cost of travel and then plus the cost of, you know, food, drinks, hotel rental cars, Uber's whatever it is that adds up to a pretty significant amount of money to attend these events. But in the end, this is your spending a couple of $1000 that you could be building life changing relationships, moving forward for the rest of your life. So a couple of things that I want to go over is you know, one of the biggest benefits that we saw after ground zero was the relationships that we made with some of the service providers. Um, que did a great job of having the 30 plus sponsors at the event. Um, he had where in the first hallway, when you first walk in, sponsors lined up on each side as well as an entire room of sponsors that you could go to their boots and ask them questions. But they also have people that can show their products. So we got to see very specific details in person, um, with things like deal machine prop, stream Ari. I sift things that otherwise we wouldn't know about, You know, I mean, I'm sure that they're creating content on their own YouTube channels going on, podcast things along those lines. But then today a lot of us already have systems that we're using in our business. So we don't necessarily have the time toe always be researching every new, um, service provider that doesn't update or adds something new or comes out with a new out. So it's really great to be able to sit down with some of the owners of these companies or even just whoever they send out, um, toe work there, boost and show you the new, you know, benefits of using their service. So that's one of our biggest takeaways, is is that we we got toe really connect with some of the top level service providers, see what they're working on. And then they asked us for our feedback as users. You know what? What can we do? Toe provide you guys with a better product? And so we get to give him that feedback, and then we also now we get the beta test. A couple of these new APS new features that they've come out with, and we're really looking forward to seeing how that increases our business. Another thing that we that came out of this is joint venture opportunities. So one of the speakers there had recently acquired a new apartment complex in Corpus Christi, Texas, and he doesn't really have a buyer's list in Corpus Christi, Texas. There was a lead that came to him, and it's a great deal, and he closed on it, and he asked if we could help with the dispositions. So not only were we able to go down there and attendance event make connections, but we immediately got a deal. Uh, that we can monetize. And just by utilizing the resource is that we already have on her plate. So that was one of these that also turned into a couple of other joint ventures on vacant lots here forthe Texas because people knew that we were from Fort Worth, Texas, and again a lead came. They locked it up, don't have a buyer's list, and we could help him with that so thes air. This is another benefit of putting yourself out there and letting everybody know what it is that you do in attending one of these events. I feel like every time we attend one of these events, we at least get one or two joint venture opportunities from attending them. Another thing that came about sense of really? Ah, really cool thing. And we actually brought these these two gentlemen up on stage was to talk about the power of building relationships at an event like this. So Tang Win and Eric Kane. They run a company wholesaling an investment firm here and forced exes. Our good friends, we've known for quite a while, but they were seeking us out. They wanted to talk about titanium trace and skip tracing through titanium traces. They have a very large list, and they need a skip trace, and they want to talk about that. What is our data light? What could the pricing look like for the amount of volume that they're bringing to us? And so we had that conversation. But that conversation evolved into just talking about business in general. And at one point, time. I can't remember who was the entertainer. Eric said we're actually gonna be starting a roofing company. So which is funny because Elijah Delagarza, our partner in Hawaii. Corsi runs roofing solutions off Hawaii. Um has been begging us, and almost to the point of becoming forceful, that we need to start roofing solutions of Texas because the marketing the system's a lot of that coincides with real estate investing that we already have set up. And I've kind of been pushing Elijah off on this topic. Talking about that, you know, we need to stay focused on what we're doing right now with the investment come. But I did agree that he has a lot of those systems and processes in place for us to do a roofing company in the future. And what came about for this conversation is, is that Pain and Eric are really set up for the sales and marketing side for the roofing company, whereas that was the one area that we were really lacking when it came to starting in roofing company. Everything else is pretty much set up this far. A systems for a roofing company. It could be pretty streamlined. So from this conversation, we've now developed a new partnership with Italian air to start roofing solutions of Texas, and that's very exciting for us. This is obviously part of mine and castles. Background. Previously, before we got into real estate investing, we did roofing. We did contracting. Elijah's been doing roofing since he was 15 years old. He's owned his own company's since he was 18. Um, he's he's done storms and Florida, Denver, Phoenix and Texas, as well as running roofing solutions of wife for the past eight years. Um, on a wall, who? So this is a very exciting announcement for us. Ah, past that. We're headed down. That diversifies our opportunities, and we're very much looking forward to that. Without us intended is about that probably would have never happened. I'm not saying that every time you're gonna attend, why these events? You're gonna trade a new business with people that attended. But that's what happened for us. And it because we were there and we were there to make relationships with people and open up that opportunity for us. And by the way, just so you know, I did close him on getting the skip tracing down as well. Um, come border things. We're looking at several podcast. Guess that we're gonna have on the show later. Just through relationships, people I've known through social media. So that's a benefit to you guys. We have some great guests on here. Moving forward. Um, we have people that are interested in buying some of the houses that we own that we're looking at a cell, um, properties and Mississippi ST Louis, Ohio Just by talking about what we do it titanium investments, how we have some properties, either rental properties, um, properties that we've rehab, that could be great rental properties. We're looking at this going those to some of the relationships that we that we made at this event as well. Also, because of the connection that we made with paying and Eric about the roofing company. And we brought them up on stage, and we kind of talked to everybody about that. How that came about, um, one of the other speakers came up to us and talked about how they have a connection to a roofing supply company that could get us even Maur discounted materials for the roofing company. So how great is that? Not only do we create a roofing company and create a new partnership, but one of the other speakers is gonna bring value to us, and as well as we bring value to them, they're gonna make money off of us buying supplies from them. But they also bring discounted supplies to us. So an amazing turn of events there as well. Um, also, a couple of the speakers there have trading programs. Um, and they've asked us to kind of go through those training, give them feedback on it. I'm training that on on certain aspects of real estate investing that we've never ventured into, including fire damage properties, which is very exciting, because in the past, I've always kind of just passed up on those leads. Um, And then we turned around and we made a connection with some of the speakers there about utilizing the call Espinosa for short sells. And we're gonna help them out with training them on how to utilize short sells. Monetize those leads with zero or negative equity helping three put people on pre foreclosures when they're upside down. A lot of times people are either trying to they just walk away from it. There's nothing they could do or utilize a creative financing strategy, like subject to or cellar finance or something along those lines. Well, maybe that's not the best situation for the seller when a short so might be. So we have one speaker that's benefiting us by giving us their training, and then we're helping other people by utilizing I'm a resource and a good friend of ours. Call Espinosa with short sells, um, outside that it was an amazing and that the relationships that we made there are They will be something that will talk about for many, many years And I just want to take this time today, obviously, you know, we came back this week. This week's been a big day on A and I just wanted to at least produce some kind of content for you guys. But follow up. You know, we did the initial episode where we promoted how ground zero is gonna be a great event. But now I want to go back and give you specific examples of how this event impacted us. Not only in the room and the knowledge that we gain from the speakers, but the relationships and the future opportunities that we have moving forward. Okay, The next event that we're gonna be attending is gonna be drip. 2020 on April 3rd April 4th in Washington D. C. Toasted by Antoine Campbell. You don't know it who Anton Campbell is. Go back. About six months ago, I interviewed him. He's amazing. Um, he does things in multiple markets, and he's very heavily into utilizing virtual assistance very much. Looking forward to that, it's Ah, it's a stacked lineup again with Max Maxwell, Tony Robinson, senior Kristina spells the Coal Espinosa myself. Cassie Jamie woolly amongst many other speakers on Sure. Mitt Pace. More being Jamil Damn gear. Gonna be there as well. I know I miss a lot of stack speakers in there, but, um, check that out. I'll put a wink in the show notes so you can click on it. Go to the website. I I implore each of youto look into these kind of events because they could be life changing. Um, and for just a couple of $1000 think about how often we spent a couple of $1000 in our business, and it doesn't give us life changing results. Okay, guys. So I hope that this brought had shined a new light on these events and no, Sometimes people have negative connotations towards them. But everyone that we had 10 we come out off and we feel so much better and we immediately have results after. So I hope you enjoyed this. Um, please. If you can get on iTunes, leave us a five star review on YouTube. Give us the thumbs up, make sure you subscribe and had the notifications for us. Our guys will talk to you next week. Thanks so much for listening to the titanium vault with your host R J Base, the third more imposing. To stamp the date, visit www dot podcast on the titanium vault dot com and on facebook dot com slash the titanium vault. He enjoyed the episode. Please read and review, and we'll catch you next time.