The Titanium Vault hosted by RJ Bates III

Prady Tewarie: $100 Million in Real Estate Holdings

Prady Tewarie Episode 116

Prady Tewarie has never been somebody to slow down. At 28, he has founded and sold more than two dozen businesses, is the current CEO of AZOTH and the Tewarie Group, with over $100 million in real estate holdings. He founded AZOTH because, while getting his JD and competing as a professional bodybuilder, he found it difficult to achieve the kind of productivity that he was looking for, and so turned to the science of nootropics, nutritional supplements that target specific areas of concern for the user. After learning firsthand about their efficacy, Prady partnered with a manufacturer in order to bring nootropics to people all over the world.To date, AZOTH has sold over 50,000+units worldwide and is set to be the fastest growing nootropic company on the market. Currently, Prady is on a mission to teach entrepreneurs about the opportunities that exist all around them, and that it’s ok to be a small businessperson. Specifically, that not every business needs to collect a billion in capital before they can get started, or that they need to change the world. Instead, entrepreneurs can start small and begin by turning their own neighborhoods around and, most importantly, that they can still be considered an inspiration and a success for doing so. If you enjoyed this interview please remember to leave us a 5 star review!

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spk_0:   0:01
It's not real estate investors, entrepreneurs and agents. You're in the right place. Unlocking the secrets to real estate investing in entrepreneurship. Welcome to the Times Young vaults hosted by R. J. Bates The third years.

spk_1:   0:25
Hey, guys, Welcome to the titanium vault on your host, R. J. Bates. Today I'm sitting down with pretty too wary. How you doing, man?

spk_0:   0:32
I'm doing fantastic. Did I'm a super excited beyond the showman. So thanks for having me on.

spk_1:   0:36
Yeah. Thanks for taking the time. I know you're super busy guy for the people that don't know who you are. Give Ah, brief rundown of what it is you do as an entrepreneur.

spk_0:   0:45
Absolutely. So I am currently involved in two different things. I wanna supplement company. Um, and then I'm also involved in real estate. And, um, we'll get into the show how to kind of tied together, cause everything, really, you're the dozen business. I'm gonna also own a real estate development firm. And basically, I started off as a buying hold investor like many people that get into real estate. And I switched over to doing Connor conversions and doing ground up development. So that's what I'm doing right now and, you know, we do anything from start off with, like, 23 units to now we go all the way up to double digit 2030 40 units. We're looking at a project to do 90 units. So that's a you know, a different ball game. But I really want to get into that. And hopefully one of things. Everyone listening in and watching is that they walk away from this episode. And like, man, I got one thing out of this episode and that we really had a big impact on my life that I couldn't You know, I'm all about applied knowledge. Um, you know, I like college in school, but I was like, Man, how can I apply this to my life? So hopefully people was in this podcast a man. I got something that I could apply right away, So I'll be in my mission. And if I accomplished out that, it's mission accomplished,

spk_1:   1:50
so, yeah, let's dive into the real estate side of things because you say you started off as a buy and hold investor. What did that look like? Were you doing rentals on finance? And how did you get your start there.

spk_0:   2:02
Yes. So I start off like many people will probably recommend. Ah, it's a good way to start finding areas where there's a big demand for for for rentals on. And so I went to school here. I moved here from Europe. Then I came here. I'm in Boston right enough and watching on you could see the backdrop and writing down time Boston. And, um, I remember going to college and I saw so many college students were paying so much money to live in a lot of these, you know, college areas which in Boston is full of colleges, right? And, you know, they were paying premium price for a lot of these. And I was like, Man, there's so much demand for for for these places were college students live and they don't really want to live anywhere else when we close their friends. And at that time, so real estate wasn't the first thing I did in business. I had another business which was successful. I had sold my stake in that business, and one thing I knew is like, you don't never want to just sit on Capitol right? So people know you know you can You make a lot of money through business, but you make a real well through real estate. I want to, you know, do something on. I wanted to have the money kind of work for me, and everyone is talking about this passive income kind of thing called real estate. And I'll get to that. But it's like, OK, well, I can go to class and go to school. Um, you know, get my degree and also be able to make some income through putting all the funds that I had a liquid that I had from selling my business to work for me is real estate. And that's where I started to invest in multi family properties, mostly just a college students. That was just the only thing I did and why I quickly learned it was nothing. Not passive at all. It's a lot of work. You get calls like one or two in the morning if you like. Hey, my plumbing is broken. I was like, Man, I've never I don't know what to do, but I was like, Man, I just gotta do it. So I was fixing stuff up, and now I'm talking to a tenant. So start up with just one condo, then I wishes to three. Um And then we really expanded people as well. How did you How'd you expand? Like what was it like? Because people know, like when I went to Boston Vs were like, um was an area right out of BU where I started with one multi family that we started buying more and more. When I say we, I opened up a firm and I'm with my, uh, my company and I started buying more around the area because it's like, Well, do you have a lot of capital? It's not really about that. It's about there's two things. Really. Um, when it comes to entrepreneurship that applies to real estate and like, one thing is just having bravado and having, like, got to take a risk. And the other is creative financing being very creative with how you can do your offers. Because most of us, when we start, we're probably not flooded with cash. We're not big institutional guys. I definitely wasn't right. So I started thinking, man. Okay. How can I cash out refi out of my place and obviously people that by increasing rents. But let's be honest, like how much King really increased rents like you can make the place nicer. Everyone knows, like doing your kitchens and countertops. It's expensive, right? I started realized a lot of my friends. They didn't care what their kitchen look like. College students, you just come home and then you're just like pass out. You have a good time and then that's it. But so I was like, You know what? It's actually a lot of the landlord's around me. Were you all these upgrades? But no, the costumes really cared. And as an entrepreneur, I know that you want to do things that customers actually care about the biggest waste that happens. And when you build things, no one wants a lot on Preneurs do that. We build products, and no one really wants them to do all the nice and fancy things, and no one cares. And so I started seeing man, I'm losing. A lot of the landlords are building and doing things no one really cares about, and I realized a lot of college students, but they didn't care about was technology. So ask men, you know this was early 2000 for the 2010 or so has nine. I just went to an Apple store. I bought a bunch of iPads and I insult iPads in the properties that I had. And what the ipads did is they could open your your your ah, basically the curtains. You could see what was in your fridge was like really basic technology cautions will come in and look at that would go wild, for they love it. They're like, Man, I got technology. This place It was like a WiFi bushes. True, super cheap, like 200 bucks. And it's funny. People would pay more rent like massively more, just to live in a place that was like I would call like a tech home and it was very basic at the time. Andre would pay more for it than someone who would just spend, like 15 20,000 like new kitchen countertops and all that stuff in Boston's a very expensive market. And yet very quickly I was able to raise the rents by 152 to $300 like all the time and, you know, go to the bank and they're like? Well, what have you done to increase the rent? So they were like, Well, is there any upgrades that? No, but I can I can show you the rent roll, and they would be surprised. Man, how are you doing this? And I said, Well, I install technology. And how's the technology cost? Like 150 bucks 100 bucks? Because I would go in there buying bulk go the apple stories by stuffing book, um, again. And that was really the The rial thrilled the real thing that I found out what, going there into these areas where there were a lot of costumes living by the properties, and instead of cleaning them totally and doing all the stuff that a lot of letters were doing, I was going there installing technology and and they were able to increase the rents like that. And I did that. I copied that all the time. And caution is love. That is all they really cared about. So lesson being is listening to your customers and like figuring out like what they really care about and doing just that. Like I think most of us we go overboard because we don't do everything perfect, and it's totally fine. You should be. Strive for perfection as much as you can. But when you're building things when you're a business owner, you're building things for other people and you have to ask what they care about. And so many of us. We confirmed our computer. We don't know what people care about. We build it for ourselves. But we're not the ones consuming, right? So that was a big takeaway. I got

spk_1:   7:21
Yeah, you know, And I've had the honor of interviewing a lot of flippers or rehab er's that, you know, that's their whole business is flipping houses. What I've seen is the transition of them saying my model is on flipping houses to the model of now, the phrase is whole telling houses, and it's basically the exact same idea that you had with adding technology was right, just listening to what the customer of the buyer wanted. They might not want granite countertops duck. I wanted some other minor updates that costs half the money crying. We're still making the same amount of profit we're doing, you know, half them out of work for you. You were looking at hey this is a lot more expensive. And this is not what a college kid wants to be. Quite frank, I remember being a college kid in the nicer places scared me because I'm like, Look, I'm gonna have people over here. We're gonna tear this place up. Yeah, I don't really wanna have the nicer place, because that's just a lot more money. When inevitably, 12 18 months from now, I'm gonna be moving out into my next apartment or my next condo or whatever. So that's really creative. And I think that kind of speaks to the level of entrepreneur. You're in comparison to the just like a real estate investor following the trends of what everybody else was doing. You were thinking outside the box. So you want to go back to the part where you said it really wasn't passive income? That's what people told you. Itwas, But there was a lot more work involved in that. What are some of the things that you did to kind of overcome that when you're first getting started? That kind of alleviates some of those issues that you didn't really know howto deal with.

spk_0:   9:05
Yeah, and I want to get to that because you know, it's so often we hear, like real estates passive. It depends on the class of real estate you're investing in eso, like recently, I've gotten into where I buy like, ground up construction, where it's like totally luxury. You know, we have a doorman and, like concierge like those places and you buy this and rent him out. There's no work like, literally you. There's no work to do there because it's a luxury building. But actually, it's for, like, the most most of us. When we started to realize there, we're gonna have to do the kind of dirty work, and that's what entrepreneurship is about. And I and I always preach this because I think there's this misconception right now and I talk about this on a couple of places I've been on is like I think we're confusing entrepreneurship with being like like a celebrity, like a Hollywood star or like, you know, you see these cool, slick guys with suits and you like a venture capitalist. You're going out to these nice places. We don't do that like entrepreneurship on a daily basis. You have a nice background because I worked my ass off. But like every single day, I'm fixing stuff like I'm in. I'm going to I'm like, building stuff in the factory floors. I'm running the lines. I'm cleaning literally, like plunge toilets. Like I've done all that stuff like, That's entrepreneurship. We build stuff like we're we're like scientists in a lab that built like we have to get our hands dirty, The other people, the investment bankers and stuff That's not us like That's not our profession and people confused. I like man, where the party's at where? This that I like the way I don't do that. And I'm like, I'm just here. I work late nights, Then I'm in the factory or I'm in my new ground of construction. I lary Sometimes I'm gonna go out there like, Oh, I'll help you guys paint And I'm in there, like in the cold, doing it with them like that's entrepreneurship, right? So I think that conception around, especially if you do the buying Holden like rental places that are you want to find opportunity and usually opportunity gonna be places that are not so pretty. They're gonna have stuff wrong with them. And so you're gonna get consistent calls from people on like stuff is not working. You're gonna be the only one that can fix it, so you have to be there. So be prepared for that. If you don't want to put through the dirty work, this might not be for you yet, Like you can get into a real estate. Maybe much later when you have, like, a turnkey property that you don't have to manage. But let's be honest. There's not much money that you can get out of that that's mostly already up. Fully realize asset s o the answer. Your question. How do I deal with it? I had to learn the hard way, which was I had to do everything myself. And then I had to start putting systems in place as we scaled. That would allow me to do this at a more efficient scale because I quickly realized that we had our first property. I was literally going there was talking to the guys. They're probably once a week going in there fixing stuff all the time. Um and so I realized, if I want to do is a scale like I'm even though I'm the most productive person that I could ever plan to be. If I like perfect sleep in perfect house and everything, I'm still one person. There's only 24 hours a day is like I can't I can't do everything by myself. So you have to learn to let go, and that's a very hard thing for entrepreneurs. And what I mean by that is you have to learn to delegate to other people, and it's OK to give up a little bit of profits to have other people help you. Whether that's hiring a really good contractor, you trust, whether it's hiring a virtual assistant that can help you get some load off. And it's very difficult for us. And this is something that I mentioned La Times entre that heals all time. I'm like, What's going on? He's like that. People like man, I started my business, but you know, I can't find anyone. Everyone socks. No one works as hard as me like it's so hard to find like, hardworking people. I'm like, Yeah, you're right and but, like I just can't find anyone. I was like, Dude, is it that you really can't find anyone or are you just, like, really bad at delegating? Because the truth is as an entre print, you'll have to learn to delegate and you have to let go. And no one's gonna probably be the best like hustler as you are. But that's okay. I have a rule. If someone can do the job 75% 80% as good as I can, I delegate it out, and that's okay. And if I lose a few 100 bucks, or like I, it's okay because it allows me to scale. So you at some point every ENTRE will have to make a decision between scaling and control. If you want a lot of control, you can't get big if you want 100%. I mean all the big guys with big companies that are building dollar companies that that CEOs don't own like all the state they have given out, left and right. So you that's a tug of war. And most people are very uncomfortable that like man, I want all the control that I kind of like helicopter parents. That concert, like you, only get a helicopter. Parent want to see everything your kids doing, but what's What's the What's the downfall? Your kid never gets to be responsible. So, like you don't want to do that. You don't hire people and then be helicoptering them all the time, so you're gonna have to let go. So what I did, I think after a few months, first I learned everything about it. I learned how to fix everything. I learned how the whole real estate process works out. I was the one talking to banks. I was the one getting talkinto owners. I still do that. A door knock and I talked to the owner receive We can make something happen. So I know everything. And at that point, when I feel comfortable delegating, which is when I really know what the task is all about and all the processes that are associated task, I delegated and I let people make mistakes sometimes, like because it's better for them, make a mistake and be patient with them for, like, a few days. Then maybe, like you know what you saw fire. I'm gonna do it myself. Every time I do myself means my business can grow. So it was about delegating, and I first started with a virtual assistant who would keep track of all the communication that was getting even making sure my email was because I was eating my school, my college, you know, and I was getting all these e mails like This is right is paying bills and nothing was organized. Just setting up a Google drive, getting organized, having REMO set up having a virtual system, do that, then later on finding a reliable contractor that I could call that would be on call. So I didn't have to leave all the time. It's not because I don't want to do it. I couldn't do it anymore, and I wasn't doing a good job. I'm not trained to fix toilets like I don't know how to do it. Well, I can I can patch it up and look on YouTube. It had to do was putting. It was like, Man, I gotta look on YouTube. What to do so is better. And I was okay because I was paying money to those guys and I was losing profits from it, but I could scale, and so that's what I did. I hired people that could help you.

spk_1:   14:39
Yeah, I always refer to that as slow down to go faster. Yeah, and that's kind of what this is talking about. I mean, yeah, you could look at a property and, you know, just using round numbers. Say cash flow $500 a month. You know, you don't want to look at the cost of what it costs a delegate and bring somebody on, because now that's eating in that $500 a month. But if that enables you to go get 345 more properties now you're increasing and you slow down on that one property. But now you're going a lot faster to get Maur. It enables you to scale a lot faster and easier because I have control, trick and control freak issues. I mean, I'm just gonna be honest with you. I'm a helicopter parent you're talking about, Um and I have to, like, remind myself like No, you know, let my son go fail, let him make a mistake saying in my company like, No, I I need to bring somebody up because you brought up a really good point. Someone could be 75 or 80% as good as you. That's still a hell of a lot better than you because you're not dedicating 100% cry at one activity. Yet in all reality, you're probably functioning at, like, 25 or 30%. So they're like, double as good as you because you focus on that one task. So that's Ah, that's a huge point to be made there. And hopefully that's at least what the one being that everybody could take away from thickets interview. But s so all right, let's talk about now. You've kind of moved on. You're doing ground up construction. You talked about the luxury buildings. How does someone transition from starting so small? And what's the time frame that it took you to get to the level where you are today?

spk_0:   16:19
Yeah. So I started in 2009 and we're gonna 2020. So about a decade, it's it's it sounds long, but it's not really that long because you learn across. But the point always being is that I think a lot of people get upset because, like, man, I'm not there. How much? Not there you like to be. Don't worry about it. Like play your game like don't worry about what the big guys were doing like what I can like. I can probably do more now than someone who's starting off. But I can do also what the person starting off can do. Like actually, Do you have an advantage to As a small guy, It's like I can do stuff really well in a small scale when I'm small, that wasn't a biscuit. I can't do that anymore. I don't have that much control. So play your game. I think that's really important. And I always had a big vision in mind that Mike, My focus always was like, I have to scale this operation and 1/2 eventually get bigger. And today I might be like making doing plumbing, like fixing people's pipes and doing really uncomfortable things that I just have never done before. But that's okay, because I'm doing it for your bigger picture and always having the bigger picture in mind. And so when I started off, I knew nothing about like real estate at all, and then at some point I was I was. I got really good at what I was doing, like the small, Like how it became like in Boston around college areas. If you have like a multi family like it was coming on my desk like I was the 1st 1 seemed like that just became my brand, and that's it. But it's It's so I have an expertise in that in that space, like I knew how to do it, so become really good at that thing. And the good thing about real estate is like one of the biggest issues in businesses. Like where do you get funding like, How does a capital Real estate is the one of the only businesses where a bank will give you 80%? Or like sometimes Maur, that gives you money to buy an asset? You only have to come up with the rest like their little give. Like what other business really is there that someone will give you that much more like It doesn't exist like I do all the time in the world. In tech companies I'm involved in, like no one gives me any money. I for do anything, right, so, like the money actually did a lot of money there and like what people want to see is, how competent are you doing the small things that's it. So I did my 1st 2 and three very small scale. I'm talking about condos that was getting Flike upstate New York like a boss. Like very little amount. It's nothing. We're talking about 60 70 $80,000 small ass like condos. But I was really good at them, and I could show a track record that I wasn't just, like, nailed it. And then when The next time, the 3rd 4 time, a bank says, I wanna work with you like, well, whatever terms you want. So now at this point, whenever we do a new property, I have 89 10 banks. They call, and we they pitched to us. Like what? Which you wanna work with us? And it's funny because when you start off, no one gives a shit about everyone cares about you. But when you get bigger, people wanna work with you. But the question is, how do you get there? Be super competent, like people wanna work with competent people like show extreme competence, even if it's like the most. My new thing you're doing because people notice that I would rather invest in a company where someone had like a a $10,000 operation like no, no washing cars. But they were just amazing that year to your growth. Then someone who had a $10 million company in the totally blew it like I don't care about care about Alan Dollar guy because he crushed it. So I think competence, like money, falls competence. People say it's your network. All stuff, sure, but is actually competence. When you are competent, people will come to you. So learn that, like forget all the social media things forget being like the Instagram influencers. Forget blogging. Forget all that stuff in the 1st 2 years when you're doing it. Just don't Don't worry about all the attention. Just be competent like I'm gonna be admitting to commit to it to like, If you say I want to hold still, just just do that and be the best wholesaler possible. Be competent at a one specific pass a class on dhe. Then the same thing I did when I split it switched over to development. What happened was ah, my broker. One day it was like I think, Freddy, I think we're done with buying holds. I think you should start developing stuff. It's like, Dude, I don't know anything about it. He's like, Don't worry about it. I think I know enough about it. And what he meant was that we knew enough people in the network that could help us get to that spot. So I connect with an architect. I connected with their general contractor with an attorney, those people from zoning, and we all got a meeting together and we just made it happen. But it was. It wasn't It was very difficult because his first time doing something mean fixing things up in wrenching versus being like Okay, there's AA AA garage outside. We want a chair down and wanna build a like a full skyscrapers like, Well, how do you do that? Some like that. It's overwhelming. But by showing confidence before you gain confidence through the bigger things and the same thing I did, I do not touch. For a long time I knew there was a gap in the market. In Boston, you have places up to a $1,000,000 a 1,000,005 that everyone's doing everyone's fixing flippers. Everyone's going after. There's places above three and 1/2 1,000,000 that only the institutional guys touch because that's way too big. So there was a gap in the market between 1.5 million and 2.5 million. It's too big for the small guys and too small for the big guys. I was like, I want to go there So that's the only property I was looking at the open house for very few people. They're like institutional guys, not interested way too small for them flippers. It's way too much for them. So I was going in there. And then Capital gets you, comes your way because you have shown competence before and you'll find like in real estate. It's probably easiest, easiest business. Besides, maybe, like in 10 years ago. In tech like where you can raise a ton of money, people will give you money because they can see it. You can raise money from your uncle ons like friends. People want to invest in real estate, so but you gotta show him track record like Do that can do this. If you've done small like fixing flips, people listening, or if you don't go buying hold, you've done it well. People will give you money, so be competent and whatever you do and be proud that your small, like take advantage of it, you can do way more things than the big guys can never do. You know, I'm saying so.

spk_1:   21:39
Absolutely. And I love what you said earlier about, you know, being laser focused on a niche like you were the guy when it came to condos for college students. Yes, like that is so laser focused you weren't like Hamlet a wholesale and do some buying holds and then flip. And in new new construction, I see a lot of people that fall into that, and it's like, you know enough to be dangerous and each one of those strategies you're not really good at any of them. You know, you're not great. You became great. And I'm the guy for college students in these condos and in town homes. These along those lines And then that transition. Now to where your laser focus on the new development for multi family, right? And and you found even you even laser focused on a price point to be laser focused on that nobody was paying attention to. And that's amazing because you're more of the very few guests I've ever had. It says, Hey, this is the price point in this city that I am going after. So is that still today the specific price point that you're going after a RAB You expanded on?

spk_0:   22:53
No. Yeah, for a long time. I think up until this year, that was the only price will never, ever go after. And I think like that. And yeah, thanks for clarifying it. So Well, um, I think it's really important. Like when people ask, what are you known for? Like, what's your thing? So when you're networking to, you're gonna networking events like what's your thing? And if you do 15 things like no one remembers you. But if I'm like some guys like all he talks about is like, I'm a contractor for like, I know buildings that are this size like OK, Alec. Okay, that's the guy. So next time I have something I think I look Oh, I remember that guy who just did that thing like we would rather work with experts as a host of people who were like generalists. And I think for a long time was like, Well, it'd be a jackal. I don't agree with that. I think it's better to be like a master like one craft, because when you're needed, there is no one else like you in the world where everyone's a generalist, be a specialist, especially when it comes to entrepreneurship. Because we're now thinking men, I don't have all the streams of income and do a little of this that and I get it. I do that, too, but there's a couple things that I'm really damn good at, like just I'm good at that because I spent a lot of time on it, but also because no one else is spending as much time on their doing 15 other things. So if you're in real estate, there's so many things, so many ways to be successful in real estate, so find your niche and just stick to that. I don't even deviate from it, even though yes, we can make money here and there like you find an opportunity, I would sometimes make guys like I'm doing like a 50 unit like building. I was like, Okay, what have you done the past like, I don't know. I've just done a small fixing somebody do it you like? Are you sure? Like I don't think that's in your wheelhouse yet. And they take it really badly because they're saying, Well, the numbers are there was like, the numbers are there. But are you? There is a difference, like the numbers being there and you being there is very different. A great person who's grain real estate developer can make one deal working. Another developer can make another deal work. So it's okay to take your time. Like if I had some of those deals and spreads I'm seeing that I'm doing right now? There were still there Better like 10 years ago. I couldn't. I had no business doing that. So it's better for me to do the small stuff and it's okay. Like who cares if you're small like who cares? Like who cares if you only have one condom like Who cares? Like, does it really matter? It's not about where you are now, like, and so I think, to Monday of us. Like always, compare, compare, compare like this guy's doing something. It's like going this show is like, man, they get all right. I listen to you, but I feel the motor was like, Dude, you shoulda motivated. Like what about the comparison? We're like where I started. It's not about that. Like I'm totally OK. I just said it. I'm a very small guy in real estate development, right? So I have no problem saying that. Like if I have a lot of eager like Dude, I don't I'm gonna go to a show and say it in public that I'm only doing these small deals. Who cares like it's not about that. It's like I feel like I'm getting better and better at this game. And so when there's a property right now in Boston, in the areas where I developed that are in that price range, I don't have to look for them. The offer comes in our table, all the everything first dips we have. And I like that because now I have found my niche, and the goal is then to expand and get to the next level. But I guess that the real takeaway is like, don't feel demotivated cause you're all or you're starting and yet stuff we all start from somewhere. So just take it one step at a time and just become really good at that. Don't get I don't know. There's so much stuff happened on the instrument. This course with that, Like making you do that? I just information overload.

spk_1:   25:55
Shiny object syndrome. Yeah. I mean, everybody is, you know, promoting what they're doing and that you said there's a new course coming out all the time. And you know what? Next week's guest is Elijah Rubin and his girlfriend, Jennifer Coronado. And they have a laser focus niche of fire burn properties. That's all they do. Yeah, And they're like, Hey, this is how you get paid for different times when you do this. But that's all they do. They don't wholesale food houses. They're not gonna go try to do a $2.5 million you know, apartment building in Boston, Massachusetts. No, it's This is what we do. This is what were the expert at. And that's why they're able to be so successful because there is the expert. So guess what happens if I get a lead into fire burn property? Who am I calling? 100%? Hey, man, I got this lead run with it, you know, give me a finder's fee or whatever but I can't do anything with it because you're the expert. So I appreciate you sharing that for sure. So I know you've done a lot of other things outside of real estate, and I know some of our listeners are are interested in other forms of income that they could be. So let's talk about AIDS off a little bit. What is that? And how did you How does that correlate the real state? I think you said there's a kind of a connection there. So I had that coming.

spk_0:   27:16
Yeah, so is off is a is a supplement company and what we do is we produce products that how people become more productive, that's it. We help people buy time through our products. And when we do that was we find the best supplements, the best ingredients that we can create. The help people become more focused on more productive at CNN like the one sentence what we do. So we have ah, one product right now and then we're adding more price, but they're not. We're not again. We're not branching out into protein pre worker. We don't know any of that. All we do is find products for focus and energy. That's it. Like that's all we do. So I started this actually project when I was actually stealing my real estate. You know, operations, a lot of buying holds. And I went to law school on attorney as well, and at some point, I was really, really into fitness. I had us several other businesses and I was in real estate and I go to go to law school and I talked to my dean because I look at my first exam was like, Man, I don't think I did too well, So I was gonna go to my because I took a lot of pride in academics. And when I was in college, I go to law school and she said, Ready? I mean, honestly, like this is this is not college anymore. This is the Olympics like this is law school, a serious stuff. And she said you might have to think about scaling down one of your things that you're doing what you can do so many things and still question a law school. I remember, like walking away from that meeting, feeling Rick really like poor and not because I what she said. But because I realized that I I didn't want to quit anything. I didn't want to stop going to the gym. I didn't want to stop my real estate stuff. So my question was like, How can I do the things I'm doing? How kind of just optimized myself and become more productive. So I started looking at different types of, um, things that you would call by hacking, looking at, like, How can I optimize my sleep? How can I optimize my fitness? And I came on these classes supplements which the Russians used to use during space race, and they're called New Tropics. And this was a classic ingredients used to basically bring more blood flow to the brain and bringing oxygen to the brain. And I thought this was super interesting. So I want to try it out. And I remember trying out different like, uh, you know, ordering basically Roz myself trying out myself, encapsulating everything just round personally used. And I remember at some point I had found something and I was like, Man, I think this really found I think I found something that really works. I was actually going to the gym with my friend. It was like our 54th tribe, Like different concoctions going to gym, Big dude. 66 foot four or five, big dude. And were And then he just like little starts tearing up as I do. Are you okay? And as the car should, I gave him something from that. Something messed him up. And he said, You turn around. He said, Freddy, um, I don't know what you just gave me. But that stuff I've never felt so good in my life. I feel like I just had the best sleep of my life. I just haven't had before. And I remember thinking, man, I think I got something here, So I started. You know, some of my friends were starting to use it in, like, Man, this is some really good stuff. So I was like, Okay, you know what? I I should probably think about Steven. Manufacturer wants to create this. So long. Story short. I worked with a manufacturer in a facility, all compliant all that stuff, and we started creating a product which is now called as us. And, um yeah, we went from selling to only my everyone in law school to now we saw worldwide. But the concept really is about what can you do to give people more time in their day? I'm really, um I really believe in that. I totally believe that if people are more productive in their day and they have more time and they get more stuff done, I think their life actually gets better. I think most of us, we tend to procrastinate a lot or spend time on non essential thing. And if we just spent our time on the things that really matter like the 80 20 rule, I think our life can go to the next level. So we try to provide people with tools they can get so they can get their more quicker. But yeah, this was all fueled by my willingness to really scare my real estate. Um, and t get to the next point. But a lot of stuff that I learned from entrepreneurship have translated over to real estate. And just like I talked to you earlier about the technology, I got into real estate development and a lot of people like pretty, but you're doing these like one and 1/2 going to a $1,000,000 but they don't have parking that I have parking. No one's gonna buy your stuff. I was like parking. My friends use uber, so I called over. I was like Ham a developer. I have a lot of plots like, Would you be willing to give me a deal? Long story short and any condo that you live in Boston That's that I've developed. You can take uber for free. It's built into the price. So anywhere you want to go, you can take uber as long as it's from the condo to anywhere you want. Told us, just covered we cover it. It's part of the condo fee and is a monthly fee is totally free. And people are like Wait, seriously, yeah, I was like, Yep. So why do you need a car if everyone in the city uses over everyone? All my other, um, no colleagues. They're building parking garages and getting permits with the city fighting at neighborhood meetings. I don't look, I don't need parking any of my units. I don't want any of that stuff. We just do. We work with uber directly. That cost me probably like a few phone calls and just a little bit of work. And I'm good. So every unit now has uber but, like, how do I get that from doing entrepreneurship? We talk to customers all the time, you know,

spk_1:   31:59
Man, that is That is one of the coolest ideas I think I've ever heard somebody come up with. That is just that's awesome. Uh, and also, I just wantto all of our listeners right now. Um, Freddie is being awfully humble when he says he was into fitness, because before the interview, I was googling him and trying to find cool pictures of him to make our thumbnails for iTunes, Spotify, YouTube, stuff like that. There are some pictures of you, sir, that you were far more into fitness. Okay, You were right. A body builder,

spk_0:   32:36
right? Yes. Competed in bodybuilding. Ah, trim Professional has withdrawn my law school and college time. So that's what took a lot of my time. I want a computer nationals and really took it to another level that I want with my physique. So yeah, so that took a lot of discipline, dedication, But the good thing is people asking How do you do so many things. They're all tied together. The discipline you learn from fitness ties into, um, you know, entrepreneurship And what I learned from entrepreneurship makes me a better real estate investor. And I think they're all, you know, productivity. You can do a lot of things in your day as long as they're tied together and they're part of one circle and you find with a lot of successful people, everything to do is actually about their business. So they're like, you know, you spend a lot, Maybe they're spend time with her family or friends, whatever they're doing. But while they're doing that, they're applying like I'm about applied learning. So they're applying stuff that they're doing in their day. That actually makes their business better. So if you you know partying, going out with your friends stuff a lot of times is a waste of time. But it depends what you're doing there. If your springtime networking or if you haven't good conversations. I have a couple of friends that every time we speak, we have mastermind groups like it helps me think better. Even this podcast like you give the opportunity for me to be on there. You know it's good to have conversations with someone like you because that only expensive horizon more so like if you do things in your day that might not be work related. But they help you with your work. Then you're constantly working pretty much, but you don't feel like you're working. So people talk about work. Life balance. Yeah, you should definitely have it. I'm not nothing not against it. I think it's even better if you do things outside of work that just help you become better at your work. You'll see really successful people, the friends, the people around with all its missing, a whole circle. So help him become successful.

spk_1:   34:10
You know, it's funny because people ask me all the time why I have a podcast. Why am I? Why have I dedicated so much time to doing it? And I'm like, Do you know how many guests just guess not listeners I've done deals with now I J veed with we've reached private capital together, all from starting off a relationship just like this, like Hey, man, nice to meet you. Let's go, you know, chat it up for 30 45 minutes and then the next. You know, it's like, Hey, man were aligned here we have some more, you know, thoughts and, you know, aspirations for where we want to go with our businesses. Next thing you know, we're doing a deal together, so yeah, there's a There's a lot of work. Life balance is a popular topic, and you know, nowadays where everybody wants to talk about is an entrepreneur. But there's other ways to kind of get at balance. And for me, this is not work. This is fun, you know? And I enjoy having conversations with people like yourself that you're doing something crazy stuff. Um, your podcast, the enlightened millennial. I'm gonna I'm gonna advocate that you change the name to the humble millennial. Um, you're developing, you know, apartment complexes, luxury apartment complexes in Boston. You're an attorney? Former bodybuilder. I mean, dude, you're and you don't even brag about it. You're just coming across like yeah, you know, I just wanted to be the nationals. I love it, man. You're You're super humble guy s. Oh, that's that's awesome. What are some of the other things that you've done is an entrepreneur. I've got my list here. Um Lucite. You've found it and sold more than two dozen businesses. So you're just like a serial entrepreneur.

spk_0:   35:53
Yeah, I just picked. Ah, I just really enjoy, like, going into, like, processes When I was doing real estate, actually, because it was so it was so much like disorganization. Like when I start into it like I get it like I was, you know, and I'm not joking about it like this was, you know, now things have changed. You have all these Softwares and cool things, but even, you know, uh, 89 10 years ago, like we didn't have half the technology we had today, like we're have everything was paperback. And they like to sew like, ma'am, a young college kid 18 19 years old, like buying my first place and like working with banks and all that stuff. And there was so much organization required, and I realized, like what it took actually to be really good into scale, a lot of it had to do with, like, processes which are very simple. Um, because I think we make business very complex thing. If you think about okay, how to scale my start up, you'll tear like guys like Peter Thiel. Like marks are all these guys, they're talking a $1,000,000,000. And I was like, man, But for most people, like when you start off like dude, I don't have no business Listens to this stuff. Remember, in Boston, I was excited. I'm gonna go to my first Forbes conference. I spent a lot of money going. They're like, Dude, adversity is very expensive and I go there and there's all these guys just talking about themselves and was like, I This is not I can't relate to this. Like, what do I do? So I just realized that becoming good at organization was a big, small thing. Um, and the reason why I say it was big and small because it's actually very simple thing, but it can take you a very long way. So when I sold my first business and then I got into real estate what started happening, and this goes full circle. What? We're just saying you build a relationship. So people started known me on campus as a guy who had sold the business. No one knows they wasn't a very big business, you know, we hadn't. We're not making millions of dollars. But I started a business. I employ people and I sold the business successfully. And just because I did something successfully, people were like Oh, you know, business. And I was like, Well, I don't really know what that well, but I did sell a business and I didn't go bankrupt, so that was good. And so what happened is other people with business ideas, like men. My mom has a business idea. My dad has a existing business. My my cousin has a barber shop or a tanning salon. Can you help out? And I was like, No, I don't really know much about it, but I can go in there so I would go into the business and I would realize, like something small, like we had some businesses where it was like a tanning salon. I went into one of my friends moms, and I just asked, was like, OK, do you have email addresses from your customers? And she said, Yes. I was like, How many? She said, I'm probably 8000. I was like, Did you ever email them? She was like, No, I was like, Why not? Just like I just never thought about it. Okay, But if I help you for, like a month and we could turn around, maybe we can work something out said Okay, it's all I did is I set up male chimp, which was really popular back in the day. We somebody mailing customers and cut and back in the one e mail rates open race really high. The entire our entire business changed just by e mailing customers and organizing everything. So I got a knack for, like, figuring out what small businesses were doing wrong. And, um, what I started doing then is I started buying myself into a lot of these businesses, helping them out, turn him around and selling. And I did it over and over and over again, and reason I was able to do it over because it is a system and I figured it out for small businesses. And so I've done this like, two dozen times already. And, you know, for anyone listening in, if you want to be successful in business and become, you know, people say you want to financial free whatever it is you do not have to create the next Facebook or uber you do not like. It's a great thing if you do, and you should always go for, but you can also have. If you rack up small winds. They're the same as one big win. And I think a lot of us aren't talking about some college campuses here. It's like if you join us, start a startup incubator. If you don't have a tech company, they look down on you think it's like your your stupid is like Well, what about like the neighborhood? Like, I know someone who's the landscaping company thinking pretty bad ass. You can scale them, too, and you can sell them to and you can make profits with them twos. And if you do a lot of them, you might be in the same position as a lot of your friends were starting to come join me for 15 years and failing. So that's how I got started with, like going. It's really small business mom and pop stores turning him around, helping them a tech sung the business and then just did it over and over and over again. And that's what brought me here to now do something a little bit more bigger than

spk_1:   39:51
before. Well, you know what? You brought up a really good point there. That it doesn't matter. You know, the small victories at up over the course of time and even if you're in goal is not to sell the company. You know, we we just made a decision that, you know, my partner in Hawaii, Elijah Delagarza. He owns a roofing company in Hawaii. We have connections here in Texas to the roofing industry. He's originally from here. That's how we're best friends. We went to high school together, and I can pretty much started roofing company here in Texas, utilizing all of the systems and processes that he has in his branch in Hawaii and almost have a term t hands off business here in Texas. And I get to be, you know, the majority owner of and pretty much just be hands off yet. And is that something that as a really it's funny because I actually said this statement to him before. I was like a real estate investor would never downgrade to the roofing industry, but now here I am. That was that was an ignorant statement on my part because now I'm looking at it with a level of maturity, saying this can bring a significant amount of income to my life. My family and my business is overall for really being pretty. Hands off because of the systems and processes that Elijah put in place. And that's pretty much what you did is you had the systems and processes in place as an entrepreneur and you were just duplicating it over other people's businesses, which is amazing. So a man I have well gone over our time here. Thank you so much for sharing everything. Any final thoughts for our listeners before we sign off? I know you're full of wisdom. So what? Your final?

spk_0:   41:39
Yeah, No, I think there's just one major thing. A lot of times when again enough mentions a few times, a continuous thread. And it started off like a fine opportunity around you. But, like used when you're starting off like I've said before, you might think that you can do with the big guys can do it. It's totally true. You can't, but they can do what you can do either. So, like revel in the fact that your small when you get a really big like man. Those were the days where I could do all the things myself, and they become really good at that. When I start my first supplement company, I would ride hand written notes to all my customers. Guess who can do that. Like PNG and all those guys like that. The CEO does not have time to write like 10 million HK letters. But I can and my customers like that because it's and I'm picking up the phone. I'm talking to customers, and that brings me the second thing. When you're building where you're a real estate investor or whatever, get out of your bubble like talk to your end user and we talked. It's not just with, like tech companies, but also your end user who's gonna live in your home like really understand your market. And one thing you just mentioned earlier was like, Yeah, I remember being a college student. I was I was like, Man, I was like I didn't like nice places like That's such a insightful comment, cause, like for most landlords, really kind of older, they're probably never hanging out with any college student like man. Those dirty people have kids. I don't wanna hang out with them. They probably the property manager, do everything for them. Of course, they're not gonna have breakthrough ideas about like how they can save money. So you're not going outside. Your bubble will cost you. So talk to your use, Like get out of your apartment or whatever. I have a little concept and some other entrepreneurs do it five days a week. I eat with someone else. One meal. I don't eat alone. Um, because I'm gonna eat anyways. So, like usually, you know, put on ESPN grab food, like, Why do that that go down the call? A friend. Some of you haven't talked. It could be anyone, Any network, anyone. She's like, Hey, you want to grab a meal quickly? I always do that because every conversation I get better and I get insight. So, basically, what is it costing you? A cup of coffee and I get inside from a real a real person versus I'm gonna get this. McKenzie reports it's not valuable. Like my best research I've gotten is not spending a $1,000,000 on a consulting firm. Is me grabbing a bite or a drink? or a Just grab a beer with your friends and just talk to them. So those were 22 big things. It's just not getting stuck in your bubble because talking to users man like That's the best thing. And you can only do that when you're small. The bigger you get, there's no way you can talk to all your users and then you're gonna like Man, I wish I had all this insight and you won't so just just just stay on the course. And I guess the the last thing is like it's okay to be a specialist like become really competent and, like everything else will follow, like attention will follow. And, like, capital will also follow people like people who are competent so you can look him up and be like, Oh, this person has not done this thing Well, I mean, my story with the reason why I'm here on this on this show is because when I was 18 years old, I started a company and I was successful at that company, and that's it is a small, really, really, really small company, and that story traveled all across college and then all the opportunity I got every single opportunity, including real estate happened because I did that small thing really, really well. Otherwise I would not be here. I wouldn't have a single real estate holding or anything like that. So there were three things I would hope that people take away from this.

spk_1:   44:45
All right? Two most important questions of the entire interview. And then we're done. Okay. Are you a New England Patriots fans?

spk_0:   44:55
Yes, I'm a fan, but I don't watch too much. Too much football. I'm from Europe's. I do watch a lot of soccer, but yes, I am. I'm a fan just by being here. And I fall in love with the team over

spk_1:   45:04
S O. I'm a huge during a Patriot and turbulent times as a Patriots fan. Like Correct. What's Tom doing here? Like Come on, Tom. Come back to us. Ah, and last question. Just because I want to throw around my knowledge of college mascots. The Boston Terriers. Did you did you attend any of their hockey games? Many, Many, many? Yes. There you go. You're a true Boston man. You no longer from Europe. You're from Boston. There you go. Yes, I mind. My family were big in the hockey, even though we're from Fort Worth. Um, you know, the Dallas Stars moved here when I was nine years old. And so hockey has been in my family forever. And so I love college hockey, NHL and all that. So I just had to ask those couple of questions. Um, I can officially consider you a friend because you're a Patriots fan, and you love hockey, and you've been to many, many games. So thanks for taking the time, man. I know you're busy, guy, and, uh, just I'm astonished by the amount of humbleness that you have in the wisdom that you have at such a young age. Thank you for sharing all that with our guest today. Guys, this is our episode for this week. Remember? You're listening on iTunes. We want five star ratings. If you want to give us last, give it somebody else and then come back. Give us a five star rating. If you're watching on YouTube, give us a thumbs up. Make sure you subscribe to the notifications. So you guys next week

spk_0:   46:30
Thanks so much for listening to the titanium vault with your host R J Base that hurt more imposing. To stamp the date, visit www dot podcast on the titanium vault dot com and on facebook dot com slash the titanium vault. He enjoyed the episode. Please rate in review. We'll catch you next time.