The Titanium Vault hosted by RJ Bates III

15 Real Estate Investing Questions Answered by RJ Bates III

December 08, 2017 RJ Bates III Episode 17
On this week's episode we decided to change it up a bit and instead of having a guest on the show, we are doing a Q&A session. RJ Bates III sits down and answers questions about real estate investing submitted by listeners of the podcast. Here are the questions submitted to us that RJ answers throughout the episode.1. What is your favorite investing strategy?2. How do you approach or attract private money lenders?3. Have you ever had a note called due when trying to do a wrap around for an owner finance? How do you get around this risk? 4. Does pineapple belong on pizza?5. Would you compare managing your own project vs. turning it over to a general contractor?6. Are there any new markets Titanium Investments wants to tackle for 2018?7. Do you need to set up a new LLC if you want to do an A to B to C from your personal name/family member/business partner to your LLC for a flip?8. What is the biggest challenge you faced at the beginning of starting your business and how did you tackle it?9. What was the first employee hire Titanium Investments made and how did you know when the right time was to hire someone?10. Where do you see Titanium Investments in five years?11. Have you ever asked a seller if they dislike their realtor? If so, what happened?12. Tell me about a failed investment and what you learned.13. How do you like the rental side of things? Do you like being a landlord?14. What is your favorite type of marketing (DM, PPC, FB Ads, etc.) and why?Does one tend to bring you more motivated sellers over another or have a higher response rate?15. What are some of the things you look for in a Realtor when virtually investing (wholesaling/flipping) in a different state?

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