The NVR Podcast

NVR Podcast season 3, episode #4 - NVR and Women

In this podcast, Jill Lubienski and Peter Jakob consider the position of women and NVR. Many of our clients are women in situations of distress, who are left alone to cope in often dangerous family situations and then frequently blamed by agencies and others for not being 'good enough' parents. Peter and Jill explore NVR's lack of consideration as a whole of issues of gender and violence. They discuss how this lack of a feminist sensibility has left women exposed and their struggles underappreciated and invalidated when the lens of gender is not taken into account in the NVR work. Peter and Jill focus on amplifying those parts of the client which want to resist socially prescribed and unhelpful gender-based roles and beliefs and how the creative use of supporters may facilitate courageous acts of redefinition, one small step at a time.

PartnershipProjects is the UK's leading NVR (Non-Violent Resistance) Training provider for professionals and parent coaching.

Our professional Podcasts are hosted by highly qualified trainers and practitioners, including Shila Desai, Jill Lubienski, Dr Peter Jakob, Rachael Aylmer, and influential guests. Listen in as they discuss current events, and relevant topics within the NVR community and beyond.

This Podcast supports discussions about NVR and related subjects. The information and other content provided in this Podcast are not intended and should not be construed as professional advice, nor is the information a substitute for professional expertise or treatment. If you or any other person has a concern, you should consult with a professional NVR advisor. Never disregard professional advice or delay in seeking it because of something that you have heard on this Podcast or in any linked materials.

The opinions and views expressed on this Podcast are those of the Podcast Presenter and have no relation to those of any academic, health practice or other institution, including those of PartnershipProjects UK Ltd.

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