
Quality Control: Why EdTech Product Certifications Should Matter to District Leaders

Branching Minds and Digital Promise

This edWeb podcast is co-Sponsored by Branching Minds and Digital Promise.
The edLeader Panel recording can be accessed here.

EdTech has the potential to dramatically impact the level in which districts can support their students in reaching academic success. However, with thousands of EdTech products being marketed to districts every year, it can be difficult to consistently measure the trustworthiness of product claims and complete product comparisons. As educators, it is important that we are utilizing research-based products that support the needs of all students, and that we have access to third-party evaluations of these products. 

In this edWeb podcast, we discuss the importance of EdTech product certifications, and how these certifications were developed to meet the needs of decision makers at the district level. Specific certifications and product examples demonstrate how an EdTech product can meet the qualifications of these certifications, and how these qualifications directly impact learner outcomes. 

At the end of this session, you will be able to: 

  • Understand how EdTech products can impact student learning
  • Identify the requirements that EdTech products need to meet to be research based and support learner outcomes
  • Apply this knowledge when selecting appropriate EdTech products to meet the needs of your district and schools

This edWeb podcast is of interest to district leaders and school leaders in K-12 education.

Branching Minds
Leveraging the learning sciences and technology to help districts effectively personalize learning

Digital Promise
Digital Promise's mission is to accelerate innovation in education to improve opportunities to learn

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