
Best Practices for Welcoming EL Newcomers Into Your School Community


This edWeb podcast is sponsored by Mango LanguagesThe webinar recording can be accessed here.

Is your district overwhelmed by finding the best way to serve the rapidly growing number of EL newcomers who have arrived in your school community in recent years? If so, this edWeb podcast is for you. Clarion–Goldfield–Dows School District’s English learner population tripled with no resources to support these new students. Join an administrator and teachers from the district to learn how they successfully navigated this challenge and saw an increase in classroom engagement, more parents learning English at home, and students communicating confidently with native English speakers.

Listeners will:

  • Learn best practices for incorporating EL newcomers into your school or district
  • Find ways to engage families in learning English alongside their students, motivating the whole family
  • Identify ways to expedite your newcomers’ oral language acquisition so that they actively interact with their English-speaking classmates in no time

This recorded edWeb podcast is of interest to school and district leaders of grades 3-12 as well as EL, bilingual, and world language teachers.

Mango Languages
Mango Languages offers an award-winning language learning solution, Mango Classroom.

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