
Instructional Design for Distance Learning

July 01, 2020 edWeb

This edWeb podcats is hosted by edWeb.net.
The webinar recording can be accessed here.

It is safe to say that many of us feel unprepared for the current coronavirus pandemic. Even the most unflappable among us are impacted by social isolation, limited access to goods and services, joblessness, a faltering economy, and of course profound concerns about the physical and emotional health of our loved ones and ourselves. Most educators have had little or no training in designing instruction for distance learning which, as we are all learning, is very different from in-real-life instruction.

Listen to Michelle Luhtala in a conversation about the instructional design of online learning, with high school librarian and Rutgers University lecturer Dr. Brenda Boyer. The two discuss easy-to-use design models to guide online instruction development, some rules of thumb to keep in mind, and tools and strategies to capture and retain student engagement. This conversation highlights resources to support audience needs.

This edWeb podcast is of interest to grades 6-12 educators across subject areas.

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