
Accessibility for All – Creating an Equitable Learning Ecosystem

ClassLink, CoSN, and AASA

This edWeb podcast is sponsored by ClassLink and co-hosted by CoSN and edWeb.net.
The webinar recording can be accessed here.

Accessibility is a critical requirement when it comes to delivering equal educational opportunities for all students, including those with disabilities and English language learners. However, accessibility impacts more than students. School leaders need to make certain that all information provided to the public, parents, guardians and staff is accessible for all stakeholders as well. In short, accessibility is a vital part of the education equation. Accessibility policies and practices must be front and center for everyone at all times. Additionally, it is equally important that school leaders make their commitment to accessibility highly vocal and visible. Continued attention and ongoing modifications are prerequisites when it comes to assuring accessibility for all.

In this edWeb podcast, three superintendents share how they are leading the complex issues involved in ensuring accessibility for all within their school districts. Five compelling steps for ensuring accessibility will be articulated and illustrated with real-world examples of successful strategies that have been used to address accessibility among all school district stakeholders.

This edWeb podcast is of particular value to school superintendents, K-12 school and district leaders, and aspiring leaders.

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