
Character Education - Interview with Medal of Honor Recipient Ryan Pitts (Afghanistan)

July 13, 2020 Congressional Medal of Honor Society

This edWeb podcast is hosted by the Congressional Medal of Honor Society.
The webinar recording can be accessed here.

Listen to an edWebinar podcast interview with Medal of Honor Recipient Ryan Pitts. Sergeant Pitts was awarded the Medal of Honor for risking his life above and beyond the call of duty while serving in Afghanistan.

Interviews with Medal of Honor Recipients are part of the Medal of Honor Character Development Program, a free program that helps middle – high school students build character and promotes responsible citizenship. The Medal of Honor is awarded for “gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of one’s life, above and beyond the call of duty.” Those awarded it drew upon their deepest convictions and values in the most challenging of circumstances. Their examples of courage and sacrifice can inspire us as we face our own challenges.

Sergeant Pitts was awarded the Medal of Honor for risking his life above and beyond the call of duty while providing perimeter security at Observation Post Topside in Afghanistan in 2008. A force of over 200 had launched an assault using grenades, machine guns, and small arms fire, engulfing the Observation Post and inflicting heavy casualties. Although seriously wounded, Sergeant Pitts took control of the post and returned fire on the enemy. Unable to stand on his own and near death, he continued to lay suppressive fire until a reinforcement team arrived. Sergeant Pitts assisted the team by giving up his main weapon and gathering ammunition while continually lobbing fragmentary grenades. Sergeant Pitts’ actions prevented the enemy from overrunning the post, capturing fallen American soldiers, and ultimately gaining fortified positions on higher ground from which to attack.

Here are ways you can share this inspiring story and interview with your middle – high school students:

  • Share Sergeant Pitts’ story with your class.
  • Watch the recording above to share and discuss with your class.
  • Take advantage of the free lessons provided by the Medal of Honor Character Development Program. For shortened activities specifically for you to use while learning has shifted to an online format, follow the Character Development Program on Facebook.
  • Please note that students are not permitted to log into the recording to protect student privacy.

This recorded edWebinar will be of interest to all teachers, school and district leaders for their middle – high school students.

Congressional Medal of Honor Society
Medal of Honor Character Development Program, a free resource developed by educators for educators.

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