
A Life With Dyslexia - Why Education Is a Right Not a Privilege

Learning Ally

This edWeb podcast is sponsored by Learning Ally.
The webinar recording can be accessed here.

Dr. Tracy Johnson has lived a life with dyslexia. She understands how students with dyslexia are dealing with the pressures of education. Tracy had teachers that did not know her potential and others that did. The difference in her attitude about school and education completely changed when teachers saw her abilities rather than her disabilities.

This webinar podcast dives deep into a conversation with Tracy to uncover answers to questions like:

§  What was the difference that took place when you had a teacher believe in you?

§  Did you have struggles conveying your potential to teachers?

§  How is dyslexia viewed within the Black community?

This eye-opening and relevant edWebinar podcast helps any educator or administrator understand the perspective of students with dyslexia. This recorded edWebinar is of interest to preK through high school teachers and school and district leaders.

Learning Ally
Unlocking Student Potential Through Improved Literacy

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