
How to Conduct a Successful EdTech Audit Without Breaking the Bank or Losing Your Mind

August 22, 2020 CatchOn An ENA Affiliate

This edWeb podcast is sponsored by CatchOn.
The edLeader Panel recording can be accessed here.

It’s estimated that U.S. school districts now spend over 13 billion dollars a year on educational technology. With such a significant investment being made by schools across the nation, it’s imperative that education leaders possess a clear understanding of how their EdTech purchases are being used in their classrooms and can articulate in quantitative terms the impact their investments are having in relation to student performance. During this edLeader Panel podcast, Suzy Brooks, Instructional Technology Director at Mashpee Public Schools in Massachusetts, shares tips and recommendations for successfully conducting an internal EdTech audit. She discusses eye-opening trends she’s discovered in her own district through the auditing process and shares how she’s leveraging the findings to save money, create targeted professional development plans and produce positive outcomes in the classroom.

This edLeader Panel podcast is of interest to school and district leaders of kindergarten through high school. 

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