
Building an Olympic-Sized Growth Mindset

September 01, 2020 Classroom Champions

This edWeb podcast is hosted by Classroom Champions and sponsored by ClassLink.
The webinar recording can be accessed here.

Educators across the globe are anticipating a return to schooling that leaves many questions to be answered. Seeking to balance personal wellness with student and staff wellbeing, educators are facing what seems to be an uphill battle.

In this edWeb podcast, hear from Apolo Ohno, 8x Olympic Medalist and Classroom Champions friend, to speak about how to build your Olympic-sized growth mindset. You’ll leave this edWeb podcast with strategies from our expert panelists to carry you, your staff, and your students through any obstacle that might come your way this fall. Foundational research is addressed by Dr. Rhiannon Mesler, Todd Nesloney brings his experience as an administrator and educator, and Apolo Ohno speaks to his ability to persevere and become a champion.

This edWeb podcast is of interest to K-8 teachers, librarians, and school and district leaders.

Classroom Champions
Classroom Champions partners athletes with schools with an SEL curriculum and mentorship experience.

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